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-� . ,r.�,.d�d-�.� w,y.;�,t`)+'7`•����ili''tr��1Y,'/* ,. e'`;';`,I � •-'r r-v��� � . -i .�' r� . - <br /> ',�, .f 4 "��� t^S . ( ��- .._ M'L�.- `�r:`r.r-. '•iiy ��"�� ":.r <br /> T' .l.f�•�'1(Z1�,f . . �C:.�I�•W�ij. .�� •T+`�lt�l�W:'.� ,F's'+S� Y:, - <br /> . �il �.4�f.,ySt.��� :� .. _ � ,f. .. � u <br /> ']��'�'�,�'�'��'-:r:,7. ; . , v1 . <br /> ,, .�.i�.,: °,.�.. �Il,.th�fmp�e+oyame�o�no�v.qr tian�iaar wrwd na�prap�qr.�fid aM���•MM _ <br /> '�` af t8s Alt ro�a� �nd MWiliaM rMM iM� tir�w►t�ll�d4,1l�r,,,IMM� <br /> ��.�'';��r�:! ,`��;.m!ui proPNty. nd _ . �- .,•�� � ��'t , <br /> �;'� �'c�`.' �i�is te6�t+sd eu in tW 9�oarkyT�rNa�t i�f�+1'�A�t'�r �..� p�.`�--��.�_'�,1 � <br /> 4.:,:��'.,�+��j�:�t tiMt totro�ee i�linrhYy Mi�M ll�IAIf 1I�M1�MMOtij oaMl�ri�d W Mll�.11r Ii�Ip�1o141r1 `';- <br /> o�ai�i�,��.Y�'�fh�..'�:;?�",�i 1bs P�opeety�ooeuaa�►bel��e�wept�or�qaiimDtw�d li�d. �oe�a w��illl��,,,.��;;.•;Y` <br /> uo�Ma ��,;.,,�+:s, �fi�''1.�,. P�g�Y�al!cl�in+��nd d�.w�ot�P�D►a�eb�wol�o�ao�N. ��'�' <br /> ri.��. 1'�`�V�t'RUM�NT oGla�biaer udfn�aovanr�t�toe oNio�nd ute�rd so�wiaa�aw��l�l�arl�IMMIi"' .,�. _ <br /> - - v�Rlii►ic�'�'jqrb� i�w�ooi��anf�onm�ul'ky G�eoMt aawti��wi propwq. � —- --.� :,-.;,.. � <br /> _ �__.__..___�_____�. `' 7'�UNt�;?�R�%r` ��V�NA&�'1'S. Bor��nd Lad�aovea�nt aiW�nt�t fdia�ra: '` ,,,.. <br /> „ ''�;.'pbt;�sc;�s�?int F�fiic�pl ad U�a'�ti �'�al'wiwt a� I�t Cl�. Borro�wt �q P�'anpyY p� �rM�1 ir,11w <br /> P�'j�6'��g�aa+���'�¢�'f►?�;�0 dd�t avWatoed bY the Note�nd arq prsp�yaoeat ard lue�1w'�et doe�d�Ir tMe NoM. : <br /> ���:;�,x!y�mttc,�V17r�:7t�x�s��ul:�era�oe.subJ«x to�ppltrabte t�v cr�u�wria�a�lv�x�y t.eneer. eo�(n�tl�u pa�r�!o <br /> L�a1�x��r��;.t�;dail�ii!'�Yrtr�ue due under d�e IVote.witil d�e 1Vote i�p�W ia lbl1.a a�m I'�')tor.(�y YMtly i�r . <br />�c��eau.��,t�qiy�i: priorlty over thi�Seaarlty Luuum�oat u a Ikn aa We P�opary:(b)Y�9��P�O��� .. <br /> or gi�lil�^nis�ars�ho�,if�ny;(c)Ye�rly b�d o�propatY ina�raooe prem�ns:(By ye�rly f Ic�od t�N�o�p� <br /> if atqi;(eJ.y�izi�r r4i�i �.�utanoa praminma.iP iwy:�ad(�aoY waa p�yabb by 9orrowet W I�entler�In�000�drnut wi1� <br /> the p'��uvls+c�u�aY.P�BYi�ph.�,�ip,lka of�e psyment of oiort�e ituunnoe premiumo.7'Iw�ei fieaW 1ae w�lsed'B�Ctow ile�s.' , <br /> lader may,ai m,q�'i�r1e, ct�!Ivcx x�it ho�d Fundn in�n aawunt aot w exceed tbe m�itaum�noou�t�1!'Ik�'far�fakiYly. <br /> [�CI�EOIi'•11�OP1gR!'$bA11�Qi�Y tEf�litilE`t'br 8orrawr.�'s escrow�ooaunt undcr the fede�l Rod�e Seplaaat Prbqedwea Ad�ot <br /> 1974�c:�nilsci itaoa�ti�ne to ti»i�.�l2 U.�.C.Section 2601 et s�q. ('R83PA"1.untow a�o�Uer I�r WM�pplie�I�u 1�e P1odt <br /> __ T_� �w s t�r�i:i:t:�,nx.`If�ui, l.epddr tn�Y. �t�ny 1fine, oolloct�nd hoW Fuads ia an�nount aot w e:ceod We le�a MtowM. <br /> ----__���.. __�_� Lender��ay 2sr•;•r;at�th.�atr�iat of Fm�dc due on tt�a bacic of aunaa datq aad f�oacooablo��t atp�iuq�a afi iaa�e <br /> Fjcrow rternc or oiQ�wrrose ira sucordancc wlth applicaWe I�w. <br /> Tho 1Funds al�ll 'bt A��+3 �q An institution wlwsa deposits m inw�od by a fadetal a�aky. in�itume�W�lity. or eolitY <br />—� (iacludiag l,entl•,�,lf l;aulcr is such tuil�nss�iWtion)or in any Fede�l Home Losn Bwud�.I.cnder sludl�pply Iho Fund�to pay the <br /> Escrow Items,�t.r�ndef I�rwy not ct+arge Bor�wer for holdipg and applyin�the Fwds,w�udly�roly�Jn�the e�cnow�oawM,ot <br /> - verifying the•�cruw 7tems.vud�ss l:er+d�r pays Borrow�er iaterost on tMe Funds and applic�ble luw pem�iu l.ender M nMke wdi <br /> �chuge.HoWever,9xndar u�y rrqnite�otmwer to puy a one-time charge for an independa�t rral a�ate latt�eportlna oerviee <br /> uced by L.endqr i� coror�c:cii��� w1ih,�t0ils 1oan. unless applicable law provida� wl�wke. UNe�an �roemant iR m�do or <br /> applicablo law rcquires interest tp be paid,Lerxiot slutll nat 6e requirod w pay Barrower aay lntentt or a�mit�t on tile Fwdt. <br /> Borrower wd�lxndep:rwy agrce in w�iti�g, howevar.that interest sl�ll bo paid on thc Funds.l.eider ehrJl�ive w Bo�►�er. <br /> without charg�; un unna3nl aoaou�ting of �ls�Funds. showing crodits and dd►its to th¢Fundx and the purpaFe for which a�h <br /> -- - deblt ta!he Fssnds u�as tr,ude.'?'t.�Fs�nds a�e�lsd,�d��tdit�ona!sss�s�ty fot e!!s�e:ns�cured!�y ible�t�!�urily I�+!�ti. <br /> (f the Funds held by Le�rrier axcced�ttrc amauaats pLrmitted to 6e heW try applicable I�w.L�der chall�codw to Bonnwcr <br /> _ for the ezceas Fumis in accurdunce wlth the requirtments of applicable IAw. If the amount of the Fnnds heW by I�ender rt nny <br /> — Iime is not sufficient to pnv thE E4crc>w It�ems whm due.Lender mey so notify Bomowcr in writin� cuch case�rowcr <br />_ Rlwll pay to Lender the amount nece.vsa�y cu��wke up the deficiency. Borrawer shall rtwke up the defickney in ro more Ihan <br /> twelve mcmthly payments,ut txnder's sole d'e�crctioa. <br /> Upon payment in fup c�i all sums secared by �his Secu�ity Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Bcxmwer�ty =; <br /> � FundR held by l.ender.ff,un�tr paragrnph?I,l.ender shall�equire or sell the Pn►perty, Lencler,prior to the aequisitian or cale <br /> of the Propeny. shall apply any Funads he1c� by I.ender at the lime af acquisition or sale ar a cralit a�aiost the wms cecvrod by <br /> �. Ihir 5ecu�ity lagtrument. <br /> - -- _. As!¢�CBtM1!o�41iy�n�pta,(�nlec�nt'P)irahl.�I�w•rrr►vidra mh�nvic.�,nll�yrtw�n�a►w'eiv�i hy 1 r�wk�mwlrr Swrngrarha <br /> " �'�v�'7�° 1 anc!2 rhult be applied:tirst,tu any prepayment chnrge.due under the Note; second,to amounts payaWe under�raQraptt 2; <br /> • �. ._. <br /> intercst due:fouah, t�princiQal c�iie;and last,a�any late chArges due under ihe Note. _, <br /> `�+�jA�"' 4.Charges;Ltens. Bonower shall �;a�,•All toxes, assestiments, rharge�. Pnes and imposition�u�tr�butable ta thc Propeny <br /> �G�"'°y%�y`�� �° whkh muy uuain pricxity over t�is Securi� (ns�rurnent, nnd leusehc�ld pnymentv or gniund remx. if any. Bomnwer shall pay — <br /> e�'.iQ,'.'la.'.;-':... ::T'�,'� <br /> : 4,;. � theae ot+NgutMns in the manner provided i n puragrap� if nnt paid in thal nwnner.&�rn�wer�hall pay them on time directly � <br /> ''��'•�'� "J +,; t��thc ncm nweJ a ment. 8onower shuli ro 1 Furnish to Lcndcr ull ni�dces of amounts�u be �d wwler thi� — <br /> ±�r.,. , p�•� P Y P �}' P�� 1���• <br /> _ � •,•i. ;� (f&�rr�►wcr mukcc these paymemc di�ectly,Bnrmwer.ha11 pr��mpUy furni.h�a lxnder rcti�eipt�evidencing 1he�yment+.. _. <br /> � &irn►wer shc�ll prc�mpUy discha�ge an;r lien which ha+priority ovcr thi+S�tiu�ity In+trument unle.�Bormwer: Ia1 ugnx�in — <br /> ��•�� ;� writiny to the puynknt of�hc oMliguainn s�cured by 1he lien in u mannrr ucceptable to L.rnJer:Ibl���me, g�xxl fui�h the licn = <br />"_ .x ' by, ��r dcfcnJx uguin�� enforcement of ��;: licn in, legal prixecdingz which in �he I.c�uler'� �►pinion ��ratc to prevcnt �hc _ <br /> �:.d '' , enPorrern�nt nl'the licn; nr 1c1 sccures tram the h�ddcr cif fie lien an ugrc�mcnt �,ai,fuclury t��I.c�xler+ulxmlin;ilin��he lien t�� _ <br /> • Y - "rv i� Ihi�S�tiurity In+lrum�nt. II'LcnJ�r dete�mine+ Ihat .�n�� �:irt ol'the Pr��perty i, suhj�ct tu a licn whirh nwy uuain priurity uvcr : <br /> t ,� . . <br /> �hl+ti�tiuri�y In,trument, LrnJ�r n�ry Five SarTOwcr a n�uirc identifying thc lirn. Borniwcr ,hull wti.fy �hc lien ur lalc unr or <br /> �r:,�.a . � � m�xe uf�hN u�lionh rwt li�nh oMwe wilhin 10 thc giving oo eniire. — <br /> � . ' � Form 3029 Y/00 <br /> - ' . .. . P���o1e _. <br /> ,'rC... � <br /> r�Y ' C <br /> � � � �,:.:. <br /> -��, . • . .� . . ::d�� �1�!� `'�y�t-�{{ '}�,r 11'�5t. �� - --- ' <br /> ,' „ M.. �t,,:: .�.,� � Ttf '( 1�f;'����i{'t", :f� a�' ��' <br /> . <br /> . �, <br /> , . . 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