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�k� g+�'.`kiv::�1 . .. . . ,e _ �� .a.►},�� ;.,y, �,. `�r,�,�,x...,._••d�,r..,�;.,� . , � "T� <br /> Y�Y ��, . r, . . .• . ` �� � , <br /> r , . .. , 1 / ;�, �'M <br /> -- .�_.� � , ���_^f�'A' �_`" " ���'�^�--i�������M�■ _. <br /> � " .��VIdCh r1uD aol bC�11►blp V1►itMIN�1d� li�1xro+�er fii�b t111bM#�II����+l+�llllt u1Q1�M' <br /> opti�o,obt�in� 1a prMoal�ronde+�ti�i�hht i�tlie��p�� <br /> • . AU i�wnnoe Pdkku�ianowib�11 be a �ad I indudo�a�ndad cl+we. I�Ailer . <br /> �b.0 We�i�t.a��oo��w.�tn�oi w�Bar�o�'shan��p�p a��1�•��� <br /> Le�iider. I�ias!'�a�a P��oi lat if oot made p�oa�piy b�►Sono+�er• , _ <br />_ ..,�...,,�,r�_-,�-,-, <br /> ualec.L+eoda ne e�rovver aharwLe+�+ee in w�i�N�,�w�oe�S��ae,g�plba 1a�mw�wioa«repdr or ., <br /> if d�e reatandon o�npwir ia aoonamically taw and I.axferk iecwity i�aoi l�scu�cA. U _.. <br /> ��a�not acaa�oaiic�lly fe�nible or I.eadetti�ecwiry wouW be la�ued.the iawranoe pooeed��II bo . <br /> �pllod w tbe wnn�owrod by this Sxudty Int�rument.wbdher ar not then due,with any e�u p�id 1a 8onow� IP <br /> Aam+ver ab�ndo�n d�e Propaty.or doe�aot a�uwar whhin 30 d�ya a notico fyom Latder tiw ihe inc�mnoo autiex h�t <br /> otfeied a sdtk a cWm��ba�1��m�y coNact tNe inwrmoe poceod�. i.ender m�y uio the ptocaed�to �or ratam <br /> the�ty or to pay wau tecurod by thi4 Secu�iry l�truman.wheti�er or not 11�due. TI10 30�Y 1�� ��� <br /> the is given. <br /> Unke�I.ender ind Bo�nower aAerwiso�ne in writina.any aoon oi pcoceod�W ptincip�l chdl uot exte�d or <br /> po�oaQ tde duo d�te ot�he mowliig pa�ymnrs afemed w in p�n�l�rd 2 a cit�nge tiie anwunl of the p�yrt�enu. !f <br /> ��a�u��y�.aw�a ey i,e�a�.Bonower�right w+ny insiur�nce policiec�nd p�oceed�t�esWting <br /> from dNa�ge w 1he Pnopatg prior w tAe�cquisitlon�!1 p�c w Lender to tbe exta�t of Il�o cumr�ecured by dti�Soa�iry <br /> las�anant inrcnodiately pior a tLeacquisittan. <br /> i. Oocap�wc� Praa�atbiM lNdntennnce �d Protecl(fa� d' tl� Properl�r: Barrowerls I.o� AppNeatioei <br /> �I.a�YoYs. Barmwer sh�ll oocupy.est�blish.�nd use the P1ope�ty�s Boeower�pincipal residanx vrithin sixty d�ya�fter <br /> ' ' ahe ezocution of this Sa.�eaity lasuuaneM end ehall caNinue�o occurY M@�P�Y ac Norrnwer7�p�ioclpr�l r�a,�i►�oe tor u . <br /> -- last aoe year aHer the date d occu{�ancy. unless [.ender ot4e��ise agroes in writing. vrhiFh ooasao�s+A+JI not be <br /> --�--. �ur�un�My wiU�hcld.a w�kss eateauasi�g ci�umstance�exis!whic�ate beyond Borrower�a�. Batnn�er Rb�il not <br /> �.'�;�� ; d�hoy.damage or impair the Property,i�t�i ow lhe Property to deiero�o:�u� oommit waste on�he iPnop�iy. .i�omower slwll <br /> ' be in default If any fafeitutc action of pracxeding,whether civil or.crimin�l,fs begu�that ln Leniter�good��tib,�udg�nent <br /> ' could rcsult in forfeitu�e of the Properq� or othnwisz materialiy impair 1he Eiean�:rt�tad by this Seaurit}� 1ps•�ttndu a - <br />__ �_ Lender�s security inurest. Bomower may curc such a detault ond pt�:u�.�':d in p�ragraph c�va,�r:u�a!�Actlon �,'. <br /> _� or prooeedin8 to be dismissed with a�uling L.ender�good Faith determina►ian.procludes forfeitwe of tAe+�mwer� . <br /> - inteRSt in.the Propaty or other material impaimieql af thc lien cteated by lhis Security lnsaument or Lenderg sav�itar <br /> -_ ----- inte►eu. Barrower shall also be In default if Bormwer, during the loan applicatlon process. Save mattti�lly fWse oa <br /> .:�; inyK;curatt i�ni�ennstion or suuements to Lender(or faukQ to ptovlde L.ender with w�y matuial ieformatlon)in conn�etion wlth <br /> ---''!'"�'o� the loan ev�denced by the Note. including,but not timited to, rcpresentations conceming Borrower�s occupancy of tho <br />-`�� _= Prope�ty as aprincip��sidence. If this Security Insdument is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with n101Er provi�ions <br /> ,. - - ' of the iesse. $sonowe.�artwircn t��ir'it to the�lopctty.thc lcacchold and tha fu tislc s�sa!!not m�=taslas�der a�r�esd � ; <br /> y 'Yll'c � [O 1jIC IfICf$t�III W�l�flg. , . <br />- ', �;i��,; 7. ProtecNon of I.ender•s �ighYs in tfro Properly. If Borrower Fnils to perform Ihe �ovenants and agroemtaos <br />�- y,l'� contolrKd in this Security Xautrumem.or lhere is u leg�l proceeding that may signifkantly a5�ect•l.en�ler'�rights in the <br /> :' Pmnperty(sueh os n proceeflun�In bankn�ptcy,pmbate,i'or ccMdemnation or ForFeuaare ar to enPorce luws o�Qe;kukiaionx),the�� -• <br /> i _ .;� �� ' I.ender may do ond pay fc�r whatever is necessury to protec�the valuc of the Ruperty and l.ender's righus�im s'he Property. _ <br /> �?���.;' I.ender�actions mn include � in on sums secured b a lien which ha5 riorit over this Securi lnst�urnent,a n <br /> ,, „�1: Y a Y � Y Y P Y �Y PPG°� � - <br /> in court,pavia�g reusonable uttameys'fees nnd entering on �he Propeny to make rep�irs.Although Lender rstay take action <br /> � under this�ragraph 7.Lendcr dces nW have Io do so. - <br /> .. � Any amoums di�sbursed by Lender wxkr this paragruph 7 shall became additional debt of Borrower aecuted by this =- <br /> -�; � ;� ' Security Insuument. Unless Borrower and Lrnder ugrer to o�l►er tenn+of paymcnt,�hesc umounts shull bear imk�est from the = <br /> �_`' date of disbursement a�the Note rute aiul ahall 6e payuble.wi�h intcrest.upon notice from Lender 10 B.Mra�xe�requc�ting - <br /> -- � ,�i�., payment. = <br /> �< ;, "�:c'-« � �� & Mortgage losurance. If Lender reyuired monguge insurance a+u condition of makine i'he l�n�ecured by this _ <br /> � ' "°�. '��+���' Security Instrumen�.Borrower�holl puy the premiumx reyuired to main�ain �hc monguge in,r���an.c in efiec�. If. for any =° <br />'; �.4�. , ' °j: �i�j%;;-� reason, 1he mo�gage inaurance coverage reyuircd hy Lenckr lupks or ccase+ to be in efPect, 8ortc+w�er shall pay the �^. <br /> . k >I c-�V1'Y�'�: <br /> ,,o�� �`r. � t>; � premiums required to E�h�ain caversige +ubxtantiolly ec�uivalent tu the mort�a�c in+urunce previouyly im cVe��ct.Al A COSI �'`.�� <br /> �;,,:,• ���;;��;��i� :.�: <br /> t� , � substantially cost�o Burrower of t?:e monguge inKurunce preLi.,a�.ly in effect. Gom:u�a�t��m:ut�mongAge r��� <br /> T�� ti��o�'f�,�`a�l;:`? insurer approved by Lender. If sub,wnti•rlly eyuivulent murtgaga•�n���ran�r cnverage i,not uvailuble,Borro�cer�hnll pay to _ <br /> _ �• ,_ .._t�.+� Lender each monlh a sum eyusd to one-tw•elfth of�hr yr.uly n:aKga,� in4urunce prcmium 6eing paid by Borrower when the _ <br />-'�� °"�� ' �'� � insuw�ce�.rv�tage lupsed or ceased�o Ix in effecy. Len.aet��•ilE r...ep;.u.,e and retain these payments us a laws reserve in lieu = <br /> ��� „:���_`�°»• ,, of mortgage insua+nce. Loss rescrve payments ma� n�a Iongen c�rryuired, m thc nption of Lender.if morigage insurance � <br />_,�.�iYt',�� coverage(in the sunoun�ond for Ihe penai Ih•rt Lendcr reyuirc.l prav�ded by un in+urcr upprored by Lender again becomes =. <br /> —���L�� K y �J availnble and i�obtained.Bomower nhull pay Ihe�nmiurn.rryuirrd�o maintvio monguge intiurnnce in effect,or to provide� _ <br /> � r7��; lo�s rcserve,until Ihe requiremenl for mongugc inwruncr ucrordance with any wriuen x_rtement between Bornawer o <br /> ` " .�+���';��',.'r;� ond Lender or npplicuble Ivw. - <br /> .�`,, .,, , •y r:.; �. <br /> 1��, ,� •� 9. Inspection. Lender or its•rgrrit ma� make rca�unuhlr enlrie+upun Un.! ia.�ciion�+�fi':he Pn�ny. Lender.hull �. <br />__ ��`.�1u�! give Rnrmwer nntice at Ihr time of or prior�o un ins�xca�imn s�xril'yinc rca+onah�;•Lai�se ior�he in.pection. =_;, <br /> �j.�}�`�',. "'•f' l0. Coodema�tion. The pnxeed.ol'any a��a�.!,�r.:Inim ti►r Jumuge�.dirrr5��r contieyucnhal.m connertian a•��h any �.�.; <br />� �,�:r�.,.�ti, � � `f1 t!,: <br /> , yi.,�.���,,;.: r,..•�,�1�1 Sin�kt�mily..FuuokltodlYe�lrblaeC\IF"OR�tINtiTRUMF:NT••Uadi�nnCuvnum. 9/90 qucr+.�jnpuR�s� �- <br /> `�1. ' ::.� ..�I f:;..'` �iNt We�Brelwr Fa�r.loc� � <br /> ,.�C;�• - .;(:((i�1Ji�lt 1b40wC�t:1f00�63��1YC�OFA1f6161Y1.1131 E.�. <br /> � rll�! �S1r{ \t:l;�.{ <br /> 1t' � / <br /> ,�.� �i.'ti�l��l��}� � , `��, <br /> ,..��s..d!����. -; ' �.. <br /> f.'; •��ryt�J�,'��Y � ,.. ,� �.� <br /> ° �1���u��rtfk���!� � , , , �F .r�`'. :� " <br /> II�' l li,� - ;���tl�� � •+ •:,�{5:,.-, . . � . , 1�: �iYT�'-} �;q' �y 1 u J.-,���:h. ,� �.� ..., . <br /> . <br /> } <br /> �;� ,�`•j �dt".� r,,,.� ' ', .� '' .�?r�J���. _ i �i', �� `; (�� <br /> � � . <br /> rr 1 �•�tY�� • '•.,. . . ,•� � .A '' �� ., �•r - <br /> ���� l/Sr11�:�...1 .. . , ._ . '`�.lti ��,i . M, �_ .f .! 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