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--_ -;i.:i.:�_��i:lf�lii W�'4^�� . . 1 . _ =.:�.,.-�rtr,._r...,--���=FW. r....--;-... --,--,_ <br /> . .. . :�:��ir,�'a���{. • • .� ���j;-}.�<<'ta+^r,�., R'at./�'a .d• - �3(,.��M2ilM:._� <br /> . : . ' � . ° � � ' ��a ��' - ry ' M-•_. <br /> ad�IRMIM�OqAI'�IOrtNt�q��►�10�.1�NpIqlMf,y�.���'���_���Nill��ly-MI(�•M�: —_-- <br /> . �• <br /> ��p�1 b�llt�.,: , . ^� ,. • , �. . . .�:,,;�. <br /> TA il�wept d�'�Qa1�t�kMi �pnpeAy.tlM ' ,� Irt'i�f1Y1� Id i 'MtWd b�Iid� �I� °., _ - <br /> „ . Ip�.wl�alioir or�wl�i�►�f►,�ny exaaw to . Ur IM awrt o��� M�tia�tif disAror�41 , ._,' <br /> wAicb iha fldr iaMica aiwe of iY�4oq�r�y.ima�edl�tqlY be����+q�i a ar t4e�aoorac d tfie -i�. . <br /> �eauroa b�'lhi�Seo�uit�r�aar�a�oe�i�nledl baf'ae tbd a�t1�.rr��is�aro�ar I��c�athenvLe�pae in w�itht� -, . <br /> _.�_--�_ -- �tp �.bYtl��.����'� � . ��a . ..�k�d iw�� ' '1t,' <br /> tr�(�)da�oW+n�uM of tba owrai�ecunod imioei�leiY b�ae�•. . bY(6)die ti�ir v�lue ----.r- -- A <br /> di y . .o�N�e "�- <br /> _�..,�...�^._-------na__ p�y�p�r betaro.da adiin�, My b�Wnoe�i��id�o Bo�nvww: In b ovent nf'u�ttal t�at�tr► ' - <br /> �b�tbe fdr m�rket vdus o�tde lho�►wty i��lr�fa�a die trkl�y r len d�a die�rnaipt d Ibe�vat ,_ <br /> i�adiMely bet�ae tfa p�lcin�. uplau �md o�herVrUe �nee i�wrltia�ar u�applicabl�hw ,, <br /> utlie�n prpvida.the p�ooeed��hall 6e�p�plied to the wnn Mau�d by thh Saawity t�amait�rl�r ar not die wart�n _: <br /> :, <br /> 1F d�e Pto�ty i��6�ndonod by iP.�Rer aodoe by 1 ender eo Ba�owor tbK t�e uo�daww�o(�en 10�i�e " <br /> �n awaN or�ettle�cWm far dwnya�Baro�er fiW to rapond w I.a�wMhiN 30 d�s rtler 1�dre�►e�oeieo b�a�, . <br /> Laider u�utd�a�inal to collect�d�ppty d�e pmoeed�.�t ib op�ion,aitLa a nostontioo ar repir af the Hrapaty a io Oie <br /> woQ��cmod by tdis Sectidry Imhwnont,arl�ed�er oP aot IMa dre. �- <br /> UNers Laber�ad Aan�ower olhonri�e�eo ie writiu�.wr ic�rion of procat�ds`o pirrcipd dWi mt mtled ar • <br /> uj <br /> 'r,; poppono We due dMe of t!a mo�y P�paoenu�eiarted to ia 1�od 2 olrehaq�e tba u�o�w•of'�ch paYm�nt�. - <br /> •� IL Ro�r�er N�t R�e1e�i �ra�oe ��.1.sda� a Wiirts: �cla�sioa of tha 1u'i� fot pynteat or.' , .,::;.. <br /> �., . .� modific�1ioo of�maAi�tiaa of 1be wns sx7rod by tEas Sec�rity Lou�numeot p�rNed by l.e�dar po�., ia h�G� r- <br /> .. , ai Ban�a�shaU nat apare b mla�c tho Ilability of tbe aigipd 8ano+u�r ar Ho�ow+��p aiocpq��hitaa�.Let�der ` <br /> ��,:,,.� . <br /> �,�,:_.,.� c�ii n�Toe oo c�amo�nr�a w����rc---..:�ia�:;'�rn c�a��c�."i�t�fnr y;r,��- -� "'` <br /> _�_.._......,-.._ -» ad�awise modi y�mna�tiz�dan of�he ams�avtad by this Secu�ity Iamwrbal by rr�st�+.�i�i�r de�au�dttide by die niri�nl . . . <br /> . • Bonow�a�ar Ba�ah arcas�o�s ia intcra�. My fabearance by I,ea��a'foq p�p�anY r�ht R��h�ootidy sh�U twt 6a• <br /> _�. waiv,a�of ar p�ct�aAe the exe��se of any dght or nanedy. � <br />....�m:`� � <br /> . 12, 5uooarsors rod A�ipu Bardi.Idnt a�d Seveta11.1�bWtJ;Co-�as. The covenanq�I��F.t6is <br /> Sectutt�y Instnnnent sU�ll had�ad baiefit the suxes�ors md assigns of I.ender and Boriower.wbject to d�ep mmr�'vcc'�i a� <br /> ____- p raph 17.Haroweris oovenwus u�d�g�eema�ts shall be jdnt�nd sevenl. My Barower wbo Catigm thli.���'M'hY -- <br /> - '"`'-"'�� G�t but does na execu�e the Nae: (a)is co-si t6is Securi InetNment oal w m y dwt , ;.,, ,r� <br /> B�8 �Y Y o�a{e.�iat�ad oonve <br /> __-� • Barowcr�intercst in�he Property under che terma of lhia Socurity Instnm�ent; N)is not PeriamllY o6�:#'ra�!w qy d�e wn� .,a: - <br /> --- - cecured by this 5ecur�ty inadumen�and(c)ag�es dut l�rnder and any other Bomuwer tn�y+y�ee tu�xe�*ad.awdih►.fa�bear ',t. .��- <br /> _ � or nulce any aooanmoda�fons wNh re�ard w the ttlms of this Security Inouument ar the Nate w�wt t6at Ba�ro�rerlt <br /> - - eonca�� , . <br /> - : 13. l.o�a C6a�ec. If the loan secured by this Socurity Insaument is subjxt to a law whiNlt sds ntaximum loan <br /> -- _ - <br /> . �.s�!!lsst lasY i:fma!!y fntaps�eled sa slsat slse i�siesrsi ar oslKr loscs elsxees coll�d!x so!x�kcied fn� <br />:�"=c vyith the loan excad the pem�itted limits.the�: (a)any such loan charge shal)bo�educed by the�rnbu�:�oass�y to reduoe <br /> ,'��� : , , the charge to the permittad limil;and lb)any sums alrcady colkcted from Somower whfch ox� rmot�ed Ilmits will be <br />'� '' , c��uoded to Bort�nwer. L.ender may choose to mal�e this rcfund by�ducing the ptinelp�l owed widei�eti'c��e oY by ir�aking a <br /> „�. , �. <br />-- _ ;-s„ � �• di��xat(o�yment to Borrower. If a refwid reduces princip�l.the t�eduction will be dcated us a paniat ime►paYMeht�vediou!any <br />- t�� � �, � . •:PrePaYunent charge under the Note. � <br /> • 14. Natices. ^ny notice�0 6arower providod for in this 5ecurity Instruimnt shall be given by delivering it or by <br />- } maiUng it by first class mail unless applicable Inw rcqui�es use of another method.'Ihe nWice ahall be dimacted ro the Property <br /> .� Addmss or any aher address Bomower designutes by notice to I.ender. Any notice to Lender shall�.given by tirst cless <br /> - •,�, muil to l.ender's uddress s�ated herein or smy dher addrcss Lender designates by notice to Botrawer. My notice provided for <br /> in this Security Instnment shall be deemed to have been given to Bormwu or Len�6er when given �s provided in thia <br /> P�BmPh• <br /> ,. !3. Coti•erntng Las:;Scttr�D!lks: Thi: 5c¢udtp lastsuracnt �ha!! b:,gavcrncd by tcilcsc! !a•:• � tltc l�s� at'tltc <br />_;,,;�, jucisdictlon in which Ihe Property is lace�e,l. In�he event thnt any�►mviQi.�n�xclsaae of ttsis;�ity f,�.uument or the Note <br />"'� l conflicts with npplicable luw,sw:h confliCt shall not affecl other provision::c�f this Security Instrument�t Ihe Nou which can <br /> be given effect wi�hout the conflictin�provision. 'Ib this end the pravisdans of�his Security Instrument and tlte Nae are <br />- ��t._: � decl�sl to be severable. <br /> : � � <br /> � '��� te�, Borrower•s Copy. Borrower shall be given one romlormed cnpy ot Ihe Nae and of thls Secut�ty Insuumen[. <br /> �,'r:i`i�:�:i�( - <br /> �� �+"�;� 17. 7lransfer of Ihe Property or a BeneflclAl Interest i�Borrowea 7f all or uny part of the Pmpeny or any inter�t in <br /> • ' .;�d�•i�*';•5 � it is sold or transferred(or if�beneflcial interest in Borrower iti�old or ndansferned nnd Borrower Is�o�a natural person) <br /> ' � t'�" wilhout l.ender�prior wriuen conaem,Lender rr►uy,a�its option,reyuire immediale payment in full o�all sums securcd by <br /> =; :.1i; �`�' � this Security Instnimenl. How�e��er,this optian shall not be exercised by l.ender if exercise is prohibi�al by federa!law os of <br />`,-,�S ,;��t.F . the date of this Securlty Instrum��ent. <br /> ''��`••;:�� � � If Lender exet+ci�es this option,Lender shAll give Bornawer nutice of arcelerution. The natice shall provide u periai of <br /> ' � ..C.� not less than 30 duya from�ht clnte tlx notic�is delivered or muiled wi�hin which Borrower must pny all sums secured by this <br /> �,,; ';�,`� Security Inslrumeni. If Banower f�ils to pay �he� sumx prlor�o the expi�ation of�his period, Lercd:r may invoke any <br />= • _,;�„!;;;." r�emedies permilteJ�b��this Sccurity Instrument without further notice or dcrn:md on Borrower. <br /> " •.'i ��-� t ' 18. Borrowpr's RigM Qa�Reiastate. If Burrower mc�ax certuin�onditions, Borcower shaDC have tSte right eo Inave <br /> , r �,,,�� � . <br /> r�t;, enforcement uf thiK Sesurit} a�+In�aairul di.rontinueJ•rt u:i}t:mr priur w(he ra�lie�ui. .+�S days for such othcr�ri��l as <br /> , �� . :�. .,.,. � <br /> .. r�,ti�; _ <br /> �u':••,;:,��';"a", ; , 9ingla Family••Faarie MaeiFrMdk Mne UNIFQRM INA?RONBVT-•I;niform Cove�n�+ 9190 Ip�R��nlaPvR�+I <br /> ;�r' y� ht �,�a Y��.,fi,r,�� .;t <br /> ,.r • ' � yr,:-,:;•i:�;. <br /> � � '�i�i�''�'`�S'�:'��1. <br /> l� 5 d � I�.y�� =t <br /> � <br /> r' � 1°�� s�y��l,�' ` ��J _ _ _–__ <br /> � r ' •# ` �y' �` <br /> 0 <br /> rq �`'� t �'�"� 7 <br /> } ��' � - A t i� .. . ':{�y::_�. �t�.. . . ' �� - , � ��� � ••'r �4' ." .r � d�_. <br /> }�� I �� .1 1 tf���{ � ,^ . z � �k^'. f� �' � + R�-i 1 - <br /> .''j�' Z��.r.} .'� e'+' 'fi�ll�.�t , 4�Yt1 � , .� . -f. ' r��J .li.i1��!�.��} �./n ':. S��1 lj. t . 'i� '" l- e�-_!3—' <br /> °y "a. 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