:�'.� _
<br /> _�T - -- _ �'r7'� .� - --
<br /> � . i.P.. � � -�--- . . . . --- -
<br /> . t•,.H it., y � ._ ..-.---
<br /> �.. --
<br /> .- . � . � ---- �
<br /> -�4 �
<br /> - - ---- -- NON•UNIFURM COVBNA[J 7'9.liorrowei and L,er�de�tL��r covrnant and aQfee�s Pollows:�i-� 10 2 0 3 2
<br /> �-,:�:'�•-J� 19. AonM�tiaai Ra��lia. Iw� �11 ahe �aele�to Bortawer PMo+to �coelendw folbwlq ��i�d 17
<br /> - -_='� Mw�.b at�n coraa.e or�roa�e■t i�eMl.S�enriey 1�•at(�t.oe�eior co aecekrsNa u.der rr��
<br /> —__ ��qNkali�bw�yM otMrwiMl.?M�otlee�q�i':1�1 tre dNwltt(bl tY��etio�nqalnd w cure tYt
<br /> ;����v:y M(wlts lc/��q.�ot Ma tM�3U�i�fko�tM�te t�e�It��e�to 8onower.by wMie�tYt dctwlt�n�t b�cun�i
<br /> M�
<br /> - ,..�, ss�I�)tipu Pdlrn to crn eYr d�lwlt o�or before tlw daq spadAed b eut eatice aaY rowlt U accelerncion ot tre ww
<br /> -�,;,.--- �,�� �A� Mqrad by ttb S�a�rih'I�t ua w!e ot IYe Proi�+tY.TI»eoUce sMall turt6er iJon�BoROwer o!the�I�Mc W ��
<br /> �Irpq��eplKatlo�u�t�e�i4Yt to brly s ca�rt acdo�to�sart the aw�exista�oe of a dd�alt or uy otYu
<br /> �`'�-�-- _',�,v� �e(�w of Borrow�r w�kndo�ud wk.lf t4e defMUlt is oot cnred on or EePore the d�te Wec�fle�i�tre aatice.Leader 6 �,���,_—
<br /> „�--- — at its W t l a i ar �i r�i�a r d i�k��t i�t a l l o t�1 1 s a a a�e c n r e d b y t b i s S e c�u i t Y Ia�trumeat wit6out Porther
<br /> de�vld aM�Y iMtolce tYe poNer ot We ud Iu�Y otber re�edks Pernitted by�pOlkabk law.Leader�YNI b�eadtkd to _
<br /> --- -- cal�et d�euoaae. i.c�ea �. p�rwloQ tUe re.edles vro�ided i■thi. w a w'� 1 9� i.�l.d i�y. e u c .o t u�i u a w.
<br /> - ..:�+; �+aw..e�.�ttor.an'tea�.a�oca ur ntle e.taeace. _..�_
<br /> �r:a: If tYe power at s*le b i��olud.Tn►stee fhall►�cord a�otkx oi det�u lt ia eac Y couA t Y i�w h k h a a y Y�o t t h e .�.�.,--
<br /> ` Propeety i�loated�ad sldl m�il copia of sucb aoda U the maaaer prac�ibed by�PVTrwta s6�11 ai�e�Pablk�a°t �
<br /> �' '� ':`. :. ..,.;.�" other Persoas Vrac�ibed by appliable law.ARer tl�darc reQuired by sppUcaOk law. sMNI aell tt.a --T_ L
<br /> .a»�,��;�;�,r'.�•�,.� �ale to the pesoas�nd in tbe auane�prc�rlbed bY�PPliable I�w.Trwtee�witbiout dtioand oa Borrower.
<br /> :�:�,.;L:;;.,.:;;� .• �t b Uc s u c t i o a t o t 4 e 6 t b t d d e r a t t b e tia�snd p lue a�d under the tenas dai�nted in t6e notice atsak ia _
<br />� ,;,.�.`c ,,,, o�o e�m re p�arcels aad ia aay order T�stce detenaines.Trustte aosy patpoae sale ot all or�ay patcel ot the Pn►pertY br , . �u_
<br /> �`
<br /> y�,:r �.:: ;;:•.� , pu►Uc�'tmeat�t tbe Nse u�d pl�ce of aay pre�iou�lY��sale.Lender nr its desiQnee maY Parchase tre ---
<br /> ' ''`�,c:��:`. ,,,. , � �b�at�,l�sak• - --�..�,�.� `
<br /> - �: ,.}..�<<,�:?.� Up�c[ce.i/�aR MYment ot the price bid�1'rastee slull deU�er ta ehe purchaser T�tee's deed coeveyiaa the .-•a..
<br />�_.. S_ apn�n,e,x.71ie r�ciRais ir We Truotea':deed shall be PNma t�cie eridence of the trutb o�tbe st�temeab made thereia. �,�f,;�,�.�; .
<br /> 1 ���' ' 7f,r�rse�ae�t p,oiy 1!e Nwceed�ot the sote fa the followiog arden l�l lo di expea9es ot tde sAle.iatledia�.but aot limited r _
<br /> , �.` r,1 ,�� °'�
<br /> ` };r; ..i�:;; � ,.°,-��.`,.' tah Trattee's fees�per�itted by a�llc�ble I�w nnd rexaonpble attomey�'feesi Ibl to oll suea�secwed by thla Seauriq' •�; ,'�r „ 1 �!;:
<br /> `,,";,";r ;�f�•,.';` 1, �....'>;:r'�ilr Iafdnmen�emd lc1�ay e:cess tu the penon o�pertotw legally entitled to it. .�►�i;���;�i"r'�,'yi� :.:
<br /> ��'�� r�"'��'`''.��r'.'�'`�" 20.I.ender ia Po�seasioo.Upon accelcration under paragraph 19 or abandonment oi the Property. Lendcr (in �.�,,�,..;,t„���,�•,';, �^,"".:�
<br />�,:�:�ct� ,,at;;�r �•�•�.1�, inted receiver)shall be entided to enter upon, take possession of and manage the �;;>i'i:k�j.��'f A�����`•
<br /> t, . i� �1 � person,by agen[or by judicially appo -_.s;gy,.-.,.,.,_, „
<br /> � ''����r' �� �roperty and to collect the rents of the Property ineluding thase past due. Any rents callected by Lender or the receiver ,�,,:,,.,,.�.,,.; ,.��n�,
<br /> � , �. :1
<br /> . �; .�,f, k,��, ;,,�
<br /> , .�„� 'ft���:+.���.s.�, shsll be applied 8rst to payment af the costs of managemmt oP the Property and collection of rents,includ�ng,but not ;..i ,13.,�,,t'►#'�i .;
<br /> r:� ;t rr
<br /> - � S. ��,.. , � ,y;xr,�n:um.
<br />;,:�;:.;: -; � f� ��.. limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver s bonds and rexsanable attarneys'fees,and then to the sums secured by �,t* �_,
<br /> ,.. ",�;;�,��'�' ��:_
<br /> �; ,;��� ��:��;ti� ,��3�X�,•.�;';� ,'� thi�Secu�iry Instrument. •'�$' �''t,�F,
<br /> � ��"^' '�;'''iS�':';�:`�.. ment oPall sums secured by�h i a S e c u ri ty I nstrume�t,I.ender sh�ll request Tn�sta to ���.+���:.•:
<br /> '':•,:.r�., •:�'....:. .. , 21.RcconvaY�ncB.UP�P�Y �,v.>.,.,
<br /> •'`"•`"'� ' recomey the Property and shall sunender this Secunty Ins�rument and all notes ev�dencmg debt secured by this Security ��,�,�'.
<br /> �' ••,•,;•�: . . -. :
<br />�;-=--- Iactrumr.�t to Tnsstet.Trustee�hp����onvey the PropeRy without w�rranly pnd withaut ahar�e to the parson or persons .���,�ir�:
<br /> ��'`.� , ' le�ally entitled to it.Such person or personr sh�ll pay any rcca�dation costs. `�"°"�"�"`�:_
<br /> ,;. �: 22,SaMtltute Tru�tee.Lender.ac its opt�on,may from time[o iime remove Trustee and appomt a succasor trustee { , - p„��`_
<br /> � • ." , to�ny Truitee appainted hereunde�by an m�tniment recorded in the coun�y in which this Secunty Instrument i�recorded. �_�.
<br /> � , Without conveyance oP the Propeny,the successor trustee�hall aucceod to all lhe htle,power and duua conterred upon `•,xf.-
<br /> , Trwcaa herein�nd by applic�ble I�w. , -•' �.
<br /> ,,�;_,;�, � 23.Rpueit tor Nodea. iM►rrower requests thal cop�a of the naz�ces af defAUlt rnd rale be sant to Borrower's _
<br /> � �'•� • address wh�ch is the Propehy Address.
<br /> ':•,�.�:�':�
<br />� � � 24.Rlden to thls Security Inttrument,lf�mr ur murc nde�nre exccuted by&�rrower nnd recorded rogether wuh ,. .
<br /> � , sui� lement he co enants�and agreemenaauf hmenSecun�yCtn trumemras�f h�ndenslAw re a��►an of�thumSecurity �
<br /> PP
<br /> : It�trument.[Check applicableboxles)) 2-4 Famil Rida�
<br /> '. ' _ �] Adjusable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Ridar � y — `r�.�,i±�,;�„`�=
<br /> , 1'-T:�w-
<br /> ��r��__
<br /> ., ' []E'iraduated Payment Rider _ Planned U�n �,welopment Rider i,,iiiz,�_n:�::�Tu
<br /> •�• _- --
<br />,`' „ ~ • ;,i'� I�Other(s) s ii Acknawledgement -�,�%�f,��,.
<br /> I � Yl ..�.:�.,n�:�:..
<br />. ;.;., u.��r�,,�t�.�;;
<br /> �. ,��.-�
<br /> : BY SIONING B�l.ow. Borrower accepts and agrees to tht urmY and cu•enwats cuata�aed m this Security �,��.;,p�,. J,,,y,.,_._.
<br /> . �;'.::j LS,�Zt.i►fi�cist:`,r.,.
<br /> �• lnstrumeot and in any nder(s)executed by Borrower and recurded wnie n �����+�=-;.-:�,-
<br /> ..-1 : .��' 4i� i�{1�t� � ,n.. y. ' _
<br />'�rl.. .� !l�1��j., ... �(,;1 �-_
<br /> `,�,I.r1 ;{i; ���% ......��.. .`. ................................. .(��� � , . .—..
<br /> . .. . ...�, .
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<br /> f� �,.� . ... .. .
<br /> �. `.• , , •,..•'� ............................................................ ................... 1 N. annen —8°"°'"n _
<br /> �'s,; ...:,,,,i, . � ,
<br /> .. ,
<br /> .
<br /> Nei N " ',. �'r
<br /> . . . .
<br /> , ,, ..., ,..
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<br /> ::..,a :, •.;�; � ' ,n
<br /> �
<br /> . „ • �,; .LI.:IA'-�i.... ' ......Q.:Y.L t.�.fr.:b:.�....................(Seal) '`
<br /> .. ..... .. i
<br /> ................................................................. ..................... —8arow�r
<br /> ,. . .
<br /> Carol U. Nannen ,
<br /> . .,
<br /> STATE OF I�+EBRASKA. Hall �"��n�� ��'
<br /> �
<br /> ' . " , . On this 3rd �„ ,,t April . 19 g1 . hrtarr mr. �he undercigned, a N�+�•rry Pubh. I .
<br /> � duly commissioned and yualifieJ t'or.aid c��uni>•,rcr+.mally rumc Neil N. Nannen and Carol U. ;
<br /> • Nannen, Husband and Wf f e ,to me known to be the
<br /> , .� • identicul personl•l Who�e namel+l arr �uM.�nbrd to ihr tureka�nµ in��ramrnt and ucknowledged �he execuuon
<br /> ' thereof�o be their ���lunt:�r� a�t anJ Jecd.
<br /> Witness my hand and notariul,e•rl •r� Grand Island, Nebraska in�aid�uunip,�he
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br />-- - - �,';t..��
<br /> , , , +'•�,:'� 1�ty C��mt�issian expirc�:7�r•� `3v� !�y''� �
<br /> ,4'�,'� : •;;V'-3t.' .... . `- . ... . . �. .. ........ - ,
<br /> „ , ; , c�u a�ar.s�a wma
<br /> � '.S�'.t. ' . ... ."'�� uhN. �.
<br /> i,'ti' `'!i,kt�;;� •'; ' �'�•4j':I� � �ARRYQBAMQDST�iOM ItEQI:EST �nR RE('(�V�'F5'4��.� . _ ' , ,�' ..
<br /> ; • i � . ..;�i;S�;c,��. ���. , •�,
<br /> �• �,.��;r,'' , ,�'1j i�• MfCaar.�tp.lnRt3Q]590
<br />;.;,:�. . :i '; .��,1., � ;;4a;r;f
<br /> .. . .� •. 3 • , .
<br /> ��' � ''''�' " ' The undetsigned is the hot.:pi ol the note or n���s ,e�wcJ h�. �n�• t3ced ut („�,�. SaiJ notc nr notes, tngethet •��
<br /> 1 ����i�� '� with all other indebtedness secured h���t�,Dcec:c�f 7nr.t.na�•c hc;n pa�d�n�ull. l u���.e ��r•e^y il:tre�ed to can;rl tia��.' . '
<br /> , ;
<br /> a . ' " note or notes and ihis veed uF1'rust. K"I11CF1:Ifi �C:.�crcd hcrrh>. .Inal ���t«Pt1�C�, ��Ilht�Ut µdtra^'�•. ali �hr r,�aic
<br /> ' now held by you under thi� DeeJ ut' Trust a, �t�:Tcr,un��r prr+unti I�Krlh rn�nlcJ Uicreto. •
<br /> . . bate: . . . . �
<br /> 4
<br />_ '
<br /> __Y . . _ - � - �-- ---- --._ .__...
<br />