,. ,. .
<br /> , ., , , , .�. ;�'i:"-,�dr�alula,... . ,; . LsaY'�f ''" - :.:'�'Hat�..�,
<br /> �� , . :. -. _ - —�
<br /> . . . . r,..- ,
<br /> . ,•_ •
<br /> , ,y,u:.i��.; ��. �. �.r.��. . . y ..W�t.... _ _ ' - __- �-.-__. .�'_" ' "'"�'.._ __ '. _.
<br /> ..r -�;•.hr►a��n tis.. .._ �� � '".�� '-
<br /> �,:':a,:�fs' . . __. , .._. . � . " _:,
<br /> „ , , , _-
<br /> , `� . � ___ _ =- -=
<br /> ,r, ,.-
<br /> _ _ _ ��.,-
<br /> . ,_ ..._..._.. -- - --
<br /> , _____.r.._..._.��_.w. ._ .. _
<br /> �r-.^=- -
<br /> - �� �.,_�'
<br /> ._ . •�,.. :
<br /> � ._io2o32 ��_-
<br /> � IP Lender �equired mort���e incunnce as�candition of m�kiaQ the lo�n secu�ed�by thi�3ecurity ln�trummt.
<br /> ���-
<br /> Borrowe�sh�ll pay the premiums rcqu�red to maint�in the insunnce in e�'cet until auch�ima a�the�equiremen�for the
<br /> ' iewrance terminata in�ccord�nce with Borcowet's�nd I.ender's wntten a$a�ecment ar applicable I�w. ___
<br /> 8. I�upeation. L.ender or it�a�ent msy aw►ke reaso�E�e entnes upon r�ct u�spections of the Propeny.Lender �
<br /> -� � shall�ive Horcower notice at the time o8 or psio�AQ aee enspectec�+spec�fyeeg rcasonab�e cause far the impxtion. . _
<br /> ' 9. Cadeauudo�. The proceeds o�+wy#ward m cl�um Par dann�ges.duect or consequeotial,ia connecnon with �-_�-'�-•�=='�-_' �-—
<br /> �nY condemnslion or other t�king oi'any p�ut of'the Property.or i'or conveyaace m lieu of condemnwtan. �rc he�eby _ _
<br />'r ,- y�s�ned�nd sdall be p�id to Lender. �."�°""'_
<br /> . ; In the cwe�t of a total taking of the Propehy.the procads stiall be applied�o the swns securod by tha Security �������._
<br /> Instn+ment.whethe�ot not tl�en due,wi�h any eacess paid to Borrower.l�the event a�a p#ttal takiag d'the Propetty. �_
<br /> :•�;,'.if'��. ' unless Borrower aad Lender otherwe�e agree in w�ting,thc sums recured by this Security lostrumrnt shall be reduoed by �7•:--�--,.,��.;:-
<br /> .{;.�. ,r�:,;/`,�;, . L....�!�,.+.:1�::L:•.'•""',
<br /> the arnow��of the praceeds multip0ied by the foQowing fiaction:l�l the total amount of the sums�cured immediately
<br /> •��;+•:. „��,..: befon the taking.dividai by(b)the fdr muket value af'the Property immediately beforc the takin�.Aoy balance shall be _ _�G_
<br /> �:,t.:''� �� p�id to Borrower.
<br /> ,;; ��;!,,,`:,. E, . . . �t-�;�ne��:=
<br /> '�•, . 1;;•;����•�„ , If the Property is abAndoned by Borrower,or ii',sfter notice by Leoder to Horrower that the condemnor offera to .����_=
<br /> � ...v.
<br /> , � ,,:�-�
<br /> �..•,,-,
<br /> m�ice�n award or settla A cleim tor damages.Bonower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aRer the date the notica�s _ .r;,-•--
<br />' ' ^ ' �iven,L,ender is authorizal to collect and apply t�he proceeds,at ils option,ei�her to restaration or repair of the Property or
<br /> -�'"=`.- ------
<br /> � ' to the sums secured by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due. �`�.�
<br /> a"`n � ��� Unlas Lender And Borrower ot�e�w3sc agre�in writing,any applicAVi�n�+f�rc►ceeds to principal sh�ll not extend or ... .. �
<br /> � �� '`�.;,. , F postpone the due date of the mo�th�y�ayments refened to in paragraphs 1 s►nd 2 or change the amount o�f'such payments. �. _ '�
<br />� - . ,`� `„'� 14�. Borro+rer Not Relencxll: 'FarbeHance By Lender Not w VVaiver. Exten9+on ai the time far payment ur f�; `,�
<br /> . . , �;,�_�
<br /> ' �''�"'� madi�icotion of amortizatiian oSth�e sums secured by this Security Instrumem granted by Lender to any successaor in � ;:': ..;.::;�:.
<br /> ' ' ; j.l_ .,'�.I �.� . ' � •� ,
<br /> ,; . .�. . �.�'f•�l. •� ��•1.._.
<br /> ;i ; ..'_ �,s�;�f•tiy�riJ}Q;�•.(.� ' i�t�a�p��0n'°wer shall not o 1A4�(0 fCIGSG tI10 GQb1Uly OFIFIC OilBlilB�BOfTOWti OP H�ROWli'a successors in interest. �•.,°,,.;.,•��.,�..�.«.r
<br /> 'r �,
<br /> 3 �l` � � Lendsr shaA �ot be required to commence proceedings against any succ�ssor m interes� or tefuse to eatend time for �' 1 �,,s��� �;;�_:.
<br /> ' ,�..�.;a�:' �;��}"�'�i`'���`:' payment or ot�herwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this S�ecurity]nstrument by reason o?any demand made � ',,� y-� ;�,�
<br /> .., �:. .1�� �r�.�,., , :r,. �...:_ ��: �:.•r� � .
<br /> • ' `���•`'�'��t{`;�'":if�l��'� by t'he original B+orruwEr ar Honower's successors in interest.Any iarbearance by Lender in exercising any nghl or remedy �r .. ,: „,,_�•:�•
<br /> • �:��f_'.y::�;i'''�-� �• :S"� �' . ,r{;•n:i`..°�At�
<br /> ' '• � ,t' •'�,�;;':'�•� shall not bc a waiver of'or prxlude the exercise a f any right or remedy. •�
<br />;,r'.. �: ;'��;.;�: ;,..:::�!��. �
<br /> ��1�•-� ��, + 3]. Succe�s+wd As�lQas Bouad; Joiat�ad Se�enul Liobillty;Co-signers. '�'he covennnts and agramen�s of i��
<br /> :,`;� ,�. ::.�.;:�� .� ��,iY ��;:
<br /> , ' " , y; ;,};S7�1;;,i;�;�;(::�;�..�;!��y this Security lnstrument s6�aU bind and bme�lt t�e successors and assigns af Lender and Borrowu,aubject to the provieions y�r,. ��.,r-�,;
<br /> • . .� ,�Y,�` V,�; of paragraph 1T.Bonower's cc+ven�►nts and ag�eeri�ents shall be joint and several.Any Banawer who casigns this Security ••
<br /> ��--,.•.;;.•.,,.�.-: Instrum�st but doa not ettcuse the N�+te�al�s casigning thi�Security Instrument only to mongage,grant and convey � F;:�•�;
<br /> �� "�:"• ' that Borrower's interest in the Propeny under thc terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay , � _-'",_,..
<br /> ' the sums secured by this Security ins[rumenr and(c)agrces that Lender and any other Borrower mey agree to estend, �
<br /> • modify,farbear or make any accommodotions with regard to the terma of this Secunry Instrument or the Note without J, ,t. , .,_,
<br /> • �hst Borrower's consent. ' ���-'"
<br /> 12, Loan CharQe�. If the losn secured by th�s Secunty instrument is subject ro s law whrch sets maaimum loan �^ r
<br /> �"'
<br /> '' charges, and thsU law is 8nally interprcted so that the mteres� or other loan charges cnllected or 10 bc collected m �
<br /> • eonnect�on with the loan exceed the �xrmtlted limil�, �hen: la! �+ny tiuch loan charge�hnll be reduced by the amaunt � . �.
<br /> ' necessary to reduce the charge to the perm�tted limu;and Ib)eny sums ulrendy collected from Borrower whicb esceeded �
<br /> - " permitted limits will be rcfunded to Bormwer. Lender may chocise to make this refund by reducing the pri�cipal owed
<br /> , . under the Note or by m�k�ng a direct payment to Barrower.If a refund reducts pnne�pal,the reduction will be treattd as a � � �= ;�-•:_.
<br /> p�rtid prep�yment without any prcpayment chargc under the Note. � � M'
<br /> 13. LeQi�Non ARecting I.ender's Rt�6te. If enactmem or eapirauon of applicable laws hes the eff'ect of �
<br /> rcndering eny provisian of the Note ar this Security Instrumem unenforce�ble accarding to its tertns,Lender,at its option, �
<br /> �. may require immediate peyment in full of all �um�tiecured by thiz Securny� Instrument and may invoke any remcdies
<br /> . permitted by paragraph 19,If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall t�kr the steps specined m the second peragraph of ,
<br /> , . • � Paragraph 17.
<br /> • 14. Notiees. Any notice co Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivenng it or by .
<br /> " • mailing it by first class mail unless applicable lew requ�res use of another methad. The not�ce shall be direcud to tfie .
<br />� � � Property Address or any other address Borrower designates b}�notice tn Lender. Any notire to Lender shall be grven by �• �,,: -
<br /> � . ' flrst eless meil to Lender's address stuted herein or any other address Lender des�gnates b�•notice to Borrower.Any nonce . , ,;,�
<br /> . . , •,� .. ' , provided for in this Security Instrumem shall t►e deemed tn have been R�ven to�rrower or Lender when given as provided � • � �.•,�:�,'r,�
<br /> •• ' , . in this paragcaph. . '
<br /> .: • 1S. Gq�terning I.s�w;Seversibility. This Secunty Insirurnent �hall he governed bv federal law and�he law of the
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event tfiat anc pronswn��r clause c�f�h�s Secunty Instrument or the ' � .
<br /> '; � Note conflicts with applicable law,cuch confl�ct+hall not aflect�ther pro��.um,uf lhis Securi�y Instrumrnt or the Note
<br /> which can be given eflect withaut the conflicong provision.To th�s end the�rovi�ion�of this Secunty lnstrument and the
<br /> �� . Note are declared to be severable. ,
<br /> ;:;�� � . ;'; � '�� � 16. 8orrower'�Copy. Borrower shall be given onc conformed a�py of the Nate and of this Secunry Instrument.
<br /> { � D'7. Transfer of the Property or v Beneflcial Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneBcinl interect in Borrower n�ald��r trancferred and Borrower it not a natural
<br /> person)wnhout Lender's pnar w•nl�en i��ri+ent.I.ender mcn.at �tti urrnm. rrywre immcdiate pa�•ment �n full of all sum�
<br /> secured by this�ecurny Instrumeni Nuwr�er, ih����puun �h•rll n��t hr r�eni+rd M Lendrr d exerei+e is prohiMteJ My
<br /> kdernl law as uf the date of this Secunty In titrument.
<br /> � If l.enderexerc�ses th�<<�puim. Leuder tihull gi��e Hurrc+xrr n��uce��i a�celerauun i'he nouce shell prov�de a penod
<br />. � of not less than!0 days from the dare t he nc�nce�+JebvereJ ur muileJ wi�hin w�h�ch Norrnw•er mutit pay all wmti�ecured by
<br /> � this Secunty Instrument.If Borrower fudr w pay thesr sums pnor io the rzp�rutum of thn penod,Lcnder may mvoke uny
<br /> ' remedies perm�tled by this 5ecurity Ins�rurnent withow further n�uce��r drmand�m Hc�rmaer.
<br /> _�. o_ .�...0�.. .w_ ..�.. �.� _
<br /> ..•-- --.....-'
<br /> . 18.Borroa�ePs Ri{�ht to Kefns[ate. ii Fx,rruNrr m�i.cc��a„i ia,uu�in,u.,uv��...... .,..o.� nd��. ....:�,.�.:^.��..:•t
<br /> �: l enforcement of this Securny Instrument d�uonunued at any nme pn�r���the earher cif:��l S days lor such oeher penod a�
<br /> D applicable law ma} specify�for reinstatemem 1 hefore tiale o(the Proprn} purwant���any{+nwer a(sale contamed m this
<br /> Securtne, ln9arument,or(bl rn�t} of a�udgment enforc�n�thi�Serunt}•Imtrument Thotie condnion�are that&►rrower:
<br /> • ' ',',; ;,; � � (a)�ogs Len�der nU sums ahich then would be due under th�s Secunt�• lntitrumenr. and the Note had no accderauon
<br /> "'�'�','�:' � occurred;!3�4 :ures an} drfavlt of any Mher covenants or agreements. �r� rar•s all expense�incurred m enforci�g th�s
<br /> ' '' • Security Instrument. includ�ng.bw nat hm�ted to. reasonable attomeys' ieeti,and(d�takes such �cnon as Lender may
<br /> ,;,,•�,',:l.'I:t�,,. reasoro�b)y req�ire t�assute that the hen of t�hic Sccunt} lnsuument. Lender'� ng'hts m at�e Prn$xrty and Elorrower's •
<br /> • ���I ,• ' •�'c•t':;�` . ;• ' obbgas��r. tr, �ay the sums serured by th�s Secunty lestrument �hall connnur unchnnged. l'pon reinslatemeni by
<br /> ' •` .,�r�''�: � ` Borr,��t�,:has Secunc instrument and theobl�gauons xcured hereby tihall rrmain fliUy efTecuve as d no aceelenhon had
<br /> �.� ;r'•t��.%ti� , '•'' occu�ved.Howe••et.chis nght to remstate shall not apply m the case ot accderauon under paragraphs 13 or 17.
<br /> :Z�,►,1,�;,,',i�.
<br />