' " . _�ltO�r�v, "7:'"( - - - -- - -- ___ _
<br /> aapn�
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<br /> ,;�. � ' ,Ap,jUSTABI.E RATE R1DCR --- _
<br /> - � ��, �A�oa2
<br /> �,:r:a�k .. (l YNr T�wury�nda•R�tc Gp�) r
<br /> �y�,�. Aaril ��9 91 - -._-��.._
<br /> ° • "'�''.'•f•� TH1sADJUSTABLBMTBRIDBA4n��hl,r3 --d+r�t DMd OI Tn111�0►SKV111y Dted(Iht "SK�1d�N
<br /> ' :'� ��'��;',� �nd�Incapaaud Into�nd�IWI b d�anb to�ad �od wpp{anan tlw Mortpp.
<br /> �_
<br /> � . ��^ t.,:-t.,.:. nd --
<br /> ,.;."''":,:;; ;.� toitrua�eat")of the wea dat��fwa by�Ae uaA�nitne�l����ower")ta�ocure Borrowa��AdJYtI��N/lf NOl4(!AO"Nou"1 to --
<br /> �.:" •' , �+��as��NOd�LOA.�A�Q..^�I�TION OR ORAN01lId4ND._NBORAdKAI�h�"1.�ada'•)ot tbo wo�d�wd wvaiuu�th° -
<br /> :,, :�_
<br /> ' ° �Ei��Y'r•.,, ppp�y de�CdbeA ie the Seclulty IUtlrument Iwd lotatd a!: -
<br /> � ��� 931 South Claussen. Grand I�land, Nebraska 69807 ��'=�Y�-=�_����-=
<br /> _ �
<br /> . . .�,.,�.}; �: .�R.1YI�E$ri�i�a,-Dg;
<br /> tw'�-'.--
<br /> , (p�opaty Addtat)
<br />�' •,�:..'" � �. wn eo�a�.pro.�or.�uowt�t ta e�. i. ■r ���i na..a ay� �wu�r ---.
<br /> � .;:,�;��' � ._ �wwn.�rw.�ou.�w u�a�w.wo.�i�y i■�..�nu cu ca.p.��y or�d�uw =
<br /> ��;=.4�Z1'f.�513.' -
<br /> �. �110 IM Ir1�IM1Y tl1 tM Y�1�11111 Nq l lllwl pq. '
<br /> , .� - .
<br /> .. A,DDiT10NAL.COY6NAM5,la�dditioa to tM cowwuk�od�cea�eQa auds fa the Secu+i�Y Iwauma►b 8orrowm and 4endmr �°P.
<br /> �' (Wttlier ow�orat�od yree at idb+r�: �.e�:.,,.,
<br /> . .' �..t" >h . - . `..__.
<br /> _ A. INi'B�E�1'�Il'I'E AND NOM'NI.Y rAY�T CHA�iGtB fo the iatmrat nue�ud tM ��"•'::� u: •, '
<br /> :( �� The Noq povWa tor�a ini►W iaimat ate W y•5--1�Y.S�cttoa 1 of tM Nvte Rro����� �u iM.,��,,a�� 7'�`��
<br /> •:i•'�• ''at:,�'.' t.,' ',i,.�, ,.
<br /> j` ,�'-t.:>r,� a tolim»: is1��tl=:i'•�``}`,�p�+ ,-�,,5,`::
<br /> 'r��'. `;(�� c•- 1 ,:i.. .i,% � IAOW6�Y�p� R ^:. -� ,i i i- ;�:5�.�i.�
<br /> :_�:�' ,: •c,�.{;!!?,:,.;.:,;�.�;. �.a ...'•.. :�;:,.�. ��,;t�b1��1.,.�::'::.-
<br /> . , ,� i ..
<br /> � E'i'yr�yi�t,,�R i?�, t. OIYi1�P6S9'RAT6�INDMOMIf�LYPAYAY��'CpIANTiItS �� u • :• ti�� 3�+"..
<br /> } �f[�j'���II -.�� 3� f��f'i-
<br /> // 1/�l�+�{lfdi� Q� �wwA��N -
<br /> � i �,� y ��j t}���'t. The inaeta¢m¢e 9 wl!!D�Y�Y Clunye on the 9ltat dity o4 ._-LlBY � - - �19�-�and un th�t d�Y e�'en' �� ,•., �-���',,� �``i {J�s '-
<br /> � , , �. .
<br /> ,�t�, � ,� ,�a
<br /> .'! t� �i��t���r�2��1�� ��.io 1��a montlu�4ur.E�Cad�u oa whlch my interat rata cauW chu�e ie cslled R"Chanoe D�te." n,, �,�:,�t i 1� ti+i�� '(%".
<br /> � �=. j ,� e� , � �,�i�� ••;��ir a�••�'.� "`��.�,
<br /> i � ;.�,.,r i ',�j.' �4 � ;.;:r'r, (�► �.�� � '� �!�
<br /> � ,,!.1.;'..s , ,;��i� ����n�t�n�e Dat:,m�iataat t�te wIU be ba�ed on�n Indax.The"Index"ii the w�ekly aver�e yleld on Unite�Suta
<br /> " 1 ��,:;t,'r,'�.`j:?r,'.�1'��� '_
<br /> �� � : . �;f,,� 7teuurY Mairltla ad,iwotd to�towunt maaurltY of 1 yeu�u m�de Rvdl�ble bY the Fedml Reserve Boud.The mo�t racent ladmc fi�um �
<br /> :-�':'•"� avdlabN a�of tM date I!cioy�btPore acd ChaNe Due i�caUed the"Current Inde�c," -
<br /> tf the Iaduc b�o lon��v�ll�bk.d►e Nota Holder wUl cl�ooN a iu�w ladeu wkloh b Mu�d upon aomWrable Intorm�doa.The Note ,.,��
<br /> ��� Holder wIU�Iw m�notlae ot thb eholae� � • �
<br /> '�` iL1 ���'� _ - _.-_- ' -
<br /> e�ton Mcb�W Ow�th�Nou Holda wlll alculau my n�w Interat nte by�ddln{ '��-„^ °•,�' ^^°_,-./'',01 f v��►�a 'r�� -`;�._.
<br /> �nq r 3.�_�IY)to th�Cumat Indat�nd roundln{to the n�uNt 1/!th oI 1�N,�ubJat to the Ilmla�ated in Sectlon 1(D)b�low• ,
<br /> Thb rp�ndrd�mount wIU M my naw latuat rau unUl th�n�xl ChW�Due. �.. i F
<br /> � TIM Nou Haldw wW thea dnamtn�th�unount ot the monthly paymem eUat would b��ufpclent to rep�y fn full clu princlpRl 1�un , ,.;.j�
<br /> ap�cttl to owt an tlut Chtop D�u U wb�tantltQy equal WYmeau bY the m�turlty d�te�t my new interat rate.The rault ot tbb a�kvlaUon � � ,',�';,{�
<br /> •� " wlll b th�new amount of my monthlY W►Yment. '`� ;
<br /> , lo) u.ln a�I.unr�wu CIu�eM a . �.
<br /> 11 .5 � or las th�n •'Y•
<br /> .� Tbe interat nu t un nqulrod to p�Y �t �+e flne Ch�n�e D�te will not be aratc� chu� ---- two percent � "�. :`�:
<br /> ' . ' 7.5�.�rptter.my interat nu wiU never be IaMaised or decraued on�ny ftn�le Ch�nQe D�te by more tiun � ; .
<br /> (�-�1 frorn th�rate of latetnt I luva bem p�ylna for tha praxdln4 tw dve mon t l u.T he m f n lmum I n t e r a t r a t e o n t h b l a n w l p n e v a b e 1
<br /> bp� 7_S ��nd the m�clntum iatarat rau wiU nava be I{rater tlun 14.5 �Jb.
<br /> . . �. . c� en.�a..aa orci..�. on the tlnt � �:. .. , .
<br /> My new intaat r�te wlll become eftective on each Chanae D�te.I wlll p�Y the�mount o(my new montNy p�yment be{InNn� �i. •:;� �•;,
<br /> . :;�;;�� moaWy p�yment date�tter the Chu�a Wte uatll the�unouat ef my maathtY WY�t ehuya�1n. ;, � . '�P''•*••�,
<br /> ,; ti :,�.. � . , ,'"
<br /> . . . , . (P) Notla ot��ep l � � . .-•.°`.�..:
<br /> TIN Note Holder wIQ tndl or dellver to nK�notla betore e�ch Ch�npe Date.The noUa wlU 4dvla me ot: 1 ��" ,. •���r���•��4�
<br /> , . � the new lntarat r�ta oe my!an w of the Ch�e I)ate; )'• . . .`��� '
<br /> " �' � ' j� ,�.��.::;:�'�
<br /> ' ,� •:�`'j�"��, ' .� ('' ent followlnQ the Chanae Datep � �' ,�'� 1�:{`t�"�.
<br /> � .;t,it�`,.�`,�r, (U) the�mountotmymonthlYP�Ym ���' , � ;��� ,
<br /> ' � �.�:, .i�
<br /> . � . , .. •�IY� I �-',Ili�! '-.�lI'. ,����'�5 rJ�:
<br /> , ' ',;�r�,;t;; .,.. (W) �ny addldona!mstters which tAe Note HoWot is rcquired to dfsclose:ond i� � ,•,•,.��•�,:n�.,',���
<br /> : •<;:` .," pv) the�ddrasoftheauociadonyoucouldcontRareQardlnQ�nyquadonsabouttheadjuatmeatnotice. � . :.;��,:,� .��r��?4'
<br /> -' � '' '',1',�1,�' � . �. ,
<br /> ' .1� & CNARGFB=WENS i. I ' ,'' ,
<br /> Unitorat Covenant 4 ot the Security Inttrument is amended lo rcad as follows: •• �'
<br /> ` +. �i/�,gonowet�hall pay d�uuca,asussmenu,and other chorQa,tina,and fmpoiltians attrfbutable to the Property which moy '
<br /> attaln�pNority ovu thlt SceuNly Insuumcnt.md lasehold payments of Qround ante,if�ny,in the manner provided under pu�yraDh 2 hereot '
<br /> or.if not pNd in:uch marmer�by Bortower rn�king p�yment,when due,dlrecUy to che payee lhercof.8ottower slull protnptly furnifh I.et►du •
<br />� �I!notioa of�mounu due under this p�n;raph,and in Uie event Bonower shdl m�ke payment directly,Borcower shall pmmptly furnish lo
<br /> l.ender reeeipti evfdencin4 such p�ymen�ti. Borrower �hall promplly discharge any lien wl�ich hu priorily over thfs Secutlty Imtrument;
<br /> i � however, Bortower sh�ll nol be requlred to dlscharge ony+uch Ilen so IonQ as 9orrower: la)ehall agra in wtiting Io the payment of the
<br /> oblfptlon securcd by sueh Ilen In the manner ac�ep�able io I.ender;lb1 shul fn good fal�h contest such Ilen by,or defend�Qainst enforcement ot
<br /> � such Ilen in,le�l proccedin4s whlch in the opfnfon of I.ender operaic�n prevenl the enforcement of the lien or forieiture of the Property or any
<br /> � pan thereof;or Ic)ahall secure from the holder of such Ilen an agramenl in u form +a�lsfactory 10 I.ender�ubordin�ting tiuch Ilen�o Ihis
<br /> � Socurfty Initrument.
<br /> If Lrnder determines lhat all or uny par�of�he Pruperty is wb�ect�o u lien which may aUafn a pnority uver Ihis 5ecurity(nslru�nent.
<br /> Lender shdl give Borrower a notice idenllfyfn�such Uen.Borrower shull suusty�uen uen or�eiee onc or murc vi ii�c n�.:.:���s¢:::.;:•`•o:=
<br /> withln ten daya of the 4ivin4 of the naice.
<br /> i ", . !-:•• C. N077�.'E
<br /> i � '. � • Unitorm Coven�nt 11 of tAe Securica Imuummc is�mended ro rad as follows:
<br /> • ��.r . • , . •
<br /> :'� �'� .,,•�i �":�•� �-. i 11. NWa.ExcepK ta at�y r.ouct required under applicabk law to tre grven in another manr.er,la i any nohct to Borrowtr Dro�ided for in'r.�s
<br /> � :"'I�','f`,��!�� ' Securily Imtrumeta".shali be g:ren by delivenr,g;c or by ma�Ung�c by(irst clus ma�1 to 9orrower at the Propetty Addras or at such other address
<br />' '•� '''`�"�: ''>,��� �� '� u 8ortowe�ma���d:sienate by notice to Ler.dtr�s pro�rided herein,and Ib�anv r.stice to Lender shall te gr•en by Cus:claaS mail�o Lender': .
<br /> • � 1"�4'� ' ��� � �'��ti"����� addras sated her4in or ta�ach other addre.n u�.onder may daipn�u by not�ce�„L{orrcwer aa provide�her<e�..�a:�r.cuce r��••�ded fo•�a�•r.c,
<br /> . � J�,;'..: ���:G:'�:�.'
<br /> �;:':.'' �:!�� Secunq�Inauumet�e ehaG6 6e damtd to�+ave been given to Borrower cr Lendtr wher��ivcn in thc rr.ann:a�tes�gnacad 7:ere�n.
<br /> i..�!.1'E'� r�' � i
<br /> �.i�i;•;.
<br /> � l
<br /> � �
<br /> � � . _.. _. .. _ . . '. .. _ . _ .._
<br />