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<br /> ' ' , ,�,�,�.,��. r�w�+....�..Q....,_..-•� �-- � -
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<br /> •;�:.�• � - � �
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<br /> ° ` UNIPORM COVBNAMS Borrower md l.ender covenmt�nd�R�ea rs follow�: 9�- 10 2 0 3 2 �-
<br /> 1. P�y�ent of PriaelpN�ud Intt►e�Prep�Y�at�Vta ChuQes. &�r�ower shdl promptly pay whee due
<br /> �u
<br /> , , the principsl otand in�erat on the debt evidenced by the Nae and any prepaymen�pnd late charges due uoder the Nou. ___
<br /> � 3. Fuad�for T�uca wd lasuninc+. Sublat lo�pplicA�le I�w o�to a wntten w��ve�by I.eode�,Borrower shall p�y -----
<br /> te Lender an the d�y monthly p�yments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,A sum l"Funds")eqwl to �__ ,- 4�.. -
<br /> , ,�•. ' onatMelflh of: (a}ye�Ny wces and acsessmenta which m�y altAin pnonty over th�s 5ecun�y Insl�ument;(b)yearly -- -•-==m�-�
<br /> � kasehdd p�yn�ents or ground �ents an tl�e Propeny, if�ny; (c) yearly hazard iasurance premiums; a�d(dl yearly -�, _ _
<br /> en "�" ,:.:-�=�==
<br /> •.r mort�e insurance premiums,if Any.These items are colled"esc�ow nems."Lende�may estun�te the Fuadx due on�he _
<br /> , ,.�;.�";. ' "cr S f.=:�;;;, b�sls Of cuRe�1R data�t1d re�sOn�bk esllmatls of�iUtu�e esc�ow itelns. _.._
<br /> ' ��• The Fuads sh�ll be held in aa i�stitution tlrc deposits or xcwunts oi'which arc i�sured or g►wraotc�ed by a Pederal or ��,__�����
<br /> ' ��',.:�5�' , ?f,�'r'r,',� st+�t�ugeaey(iacludi�g Lender ii l.ender is such an iast�tution).i.ende�shall apply the Funds to pay the escraw items. ,�, - -_-
<br /> •� �rF��`:•y��"' �� l.�mdrr may aat charge for holdin�and applying the Fur�ds,anelyziog the pccaunt or verifying the esc�ow items,unless -� ,.- �Y
<br /> „ ,. l.ender pays B�orrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits l.ender to make such a charge. Botroa�er a�d
<br /> • i.e�der may agree in writiog thal imerest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is mea�le c�r applicable law ��:•:�z":
<br /> �';;������, ," roquires iotetest to be paid 1.ender shall not be required to pay BoROw•cr any interest ar esrnings an�t'he Funds.l.ender - •:_,_.,:,, d..;•.;;•:
<br /> ��..�.,.
<br /> ,�. •'�;��;"'"'' th�ll�ive to Horroaer,without c'harge,an annual accounting af the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the ;- ;::•��. • �c'•�r:•
<br /> ,:„ . �r'�--
<br /> . ;y;;,:.�j,�_.. purpoee for ahich each debit ta the Funds was made.The�Funds Are pkdged as additional secunty fot the sums secu�ed by • ,,.,,,�_
<br /> '�.. :� . , ,. ehi�Securitylnstrument. ,`��. .�".+ ' ,��};,;'h',:
<br /> . F:� - y g ments ai'Funds able rior to ;'�Y'•`• ';,1,`;""
<br /> If'the amaant of the Funds held b I.cnder,to ether with the 4'uture monthly pay P�Y P „��,.�tK�r',� .
<br /> � the due dates af the ezcrow items,shall eaceed the amaunt required to pay tbe escrow items when due,the excess shall be, � .uy:;. � _ M
<br /> ' � � ��;�i �. at Borrower's option,either promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds.lf Ihe ::�:•. ._�
<br /> ,.�����h..:�� !�;��r�''�i�';,�.
<br /> �` amaunt of the Funds held by i.ender is not:uflicient to Fay the escrow items when due,Barrower shall p�y to 4er�der any
<br /> ..��,t�,,:::,;'�. .,.,;_._=- --
<br /> "•�h�t'?;:�.;�'.:,. aQnaunt necessary to make u�tht drflciency in one ar more payments c�required hy l.endsr. �•:�; , _ ,�,.:�___.-
<br /> • . �;�t,;�;�: , � Upon payment in fuU of all sams secured by this Security lnstrument,l.ender sha11 promptly refund to Barrower ,, '�,,�i�; :::':�j�.�;T�
<br /> '.,;��;;,";,,"• any Funds held by Lender.l�under paraga�ph 191he Pro rty is aold or ac uircd by Lender,LerecJcr shall a ply,no later '� ��`��'''� ��' •�
<br /> p • , ,,1� ,.i.t.. ;.�.s,_
<br /> ;• �'•; "��•�',?i' th�n immaliatdy pnor to t'he sale af the�Propeny or its ca quisition by Lender,any Funds held by i.ender a�tf�e time of �. 3�•`.•'•�.t�;,.;�'.'�';;':'''..
<br /> +-'�}�l:r�...
<br /> ` 1�..%�Si ,,. ,'�` ';�. �i � �1<;:•,.��::-
<br /> • ' ' �:�,. �NK.•,.:,1> application as a eredit againat the sums secured by this Security Instrumem. � � :'":"•'``� �
<br /> � ,.�..;?},r�,. � �, r.�:� " �'��
<br /> '� � � 3. A�Ud�t�on of Apymeats. �lalas applicable]aa provida othenvise,all payments rtccived by 3.cr�cler under (.` 1 ���'�' ��j
<br /> ,,,� �.: •,••t�A�;.. ;��. •..
<br /> ��. ., ��.. ..,1
<br /> , � •� � •.?.�::"- ;,+.•,,� r. ra hs 1 and 2 shaJO be a Led:6rst,so late char !s aUt Ufldtf t�l!NOIt;second,to prepaymem charges due unde�the ,,1;;�;�,,;���,,;:. i.
<br /> 3. Pa 8nP PP� 8 i. ;;,;.,.,; �.: ,,�' ,t;:�.��C�
<br /> •''?: ��'`�'''•���::�:'�(t����ti`'"� Nat�third,to amounts payable under paragraph 2;faurth,to interess rclue;nnd last,to principal dua � � , },.,,„�j, ., s;
<br /> , , • .�.:•� y;.� ;.r; r•;•��-�r'�, ��,�..�r;r,:,:. ;.
<br /> -;:r;:�i:;:•:�: .?;`a^r�r:,::, �. Cliar�s:IJem. Borrower shall pay ap taxes,essessments,charges,fines and impositions attributa'ble to t�e .. r'�,,.., ,,.:.
<br />-`,;::�:'' '- � .,,;.,.,:,_..,.,:„';... ,. �� � ' : : `��_:,.�..�,�•;1;�
<br />. � ~�t+�� '•• �,�i Property which may ottain priarity,over this Secunty lnstrument, and ieasehoid paynenu or groand rmss, it arsy. � , ,-,,_,�,:;•;;a.
<br /> ��;.::,�:.�;;`�": Horrower ahall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not pb�d in Ihat manner,Bonowcr shall , �,�
<br /> � pay them on time directly to the person owed pAyment.Borcower shall promptly furnish to Lender ell noticcs aff a�ounts � �
<br /> � to be p�id under this par�gnph.If Boerower mpkes thae payments diroctly,Borrower shall promptly furnich co Lende� `
<br /> rooeiptt evidencing the ptyments. ' �
<br /> � Borrower shdl promptly diecharge any lien which hos priority over thic Security tnstrumenl unless Horrower:(a) � . _ �•
<br /> a�rea in writinQ to the p�yment oPthe oblig�tion secured by the lien in a mumer acceptable to I.ender;(b)cantests in good � y
<br /> � fdth the(ien by,or defends ag�insl enforcement of�he lien in,legal proceedings which m the Lender's opinion aperate to 1•
<br /> ' prcvent the enforcement of'the lien or forf'eiture of any part of the Propeny:or(c)�ecura from the halder of the lien an i ,_ ;y.
<br /> ��ramrnt utlsfactory lo Le�der subordm�ting the lien to th�s Secunty Instrument.lf l.ender determines thet any pan oP `
<br /> - the Property is subKct to a lien which may att�in priority over this Security Instrument, I.ender mry gwe Borrower a ..,�,r
<br /> . notice identii'ying the lien.Borrower shall tnu�fy the licn or tAke one or more oP the acnons set forth above within 10 dsys . •
<br /> .: .' of the�iving of notia. . ,
<br /> � . � S. Hwrd ltuurance. Borrower shall kap�he improvements now existing or herealter erceted on tbe Propeny •
<br /> imurod�ganst loss by flre,hazards includod withm the term"extended coverage"and any ot her hpu►rds for which Lender
<br /> roquira insurance,This inQUrance shell be maimeined in the amounts and for the peric►ds that l.ender requires. The .
<br /> imunnce camer ptoviding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subjcet to Lender's approv�l which shall not be
<br /> unreawnrbly withheld.
<br /> � All insurance policies and�enew�ls shall be accepteble to Lender and shall include a standard mongage clause. i
<br /> :��,.`•.;' •�. Lender shdl hwe the right to hold the policia and renewds.lf Lender requ�res,Borrower sholl promptly give to I.cnder
<br /> "�:,�'"`` � � all receipts of paid premfums anJ renewal notices.ln the evmt of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notia�o the insurance I , , ,
<br /> , �,,,,,;;,,;, ,, ,•.: � .
<br /> ' � •�"�•��•';��.:• carricr and Lender.Lender mpy m�ke praof nf loss if not m�de promptly by Barrower. . .
<br /> �:�''i;�:,::,;;, . �
<br /> ,,��,.•,, ., , Unless Lender and Hc�rrower otherwise agree in wrinng,insurance proceeds shall be npplied to restoration or repair
<br /> ' �'�.'�;•. . of the Property dam�god,if the restorAtion or repair is economically feasible and Lender's secunty ia not lessened.If the
<br /> roator�tion or rcpair is not oconomically feasible or l.ender's secunty would be lessened,the insurance proceed:s6all be ..
<br /> • ; • ., � �. Rpplied to the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument,whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. If , .
<br /> 'i Horrower abandons the Property,or daes not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has ��
<br /> �l • �• olfered to settle p cl�im,then Lender may collect the msurnnce proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or ratore , ,
<br /> � ' the Property or to pay sums secured by thit 5ecunty Insttument,whethcr or not then due. The 30�day periad will be6in ���.
<br /> l � � ' when the notice is given.
<br /> � ; . Unlas Lender and Borrower otherwise agra m w riung,any apphr:�uun��f prucredc tc,pnncipul�hell not extend or
<br /> ' postpone the due date of the monthly paymen��referred to m paragraph� 1 anJ 2 ur rhange the amount nf the puyments.If �
<br /> � unde�paregraph IQ the Propeny is ncqu�red by Leoder. Horrower'�ngh�ta an>•msurance�+c�lic�es and praceeds resulting
<br /> � from d�mage to the Property pnor to the ocqu�siuon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by Ih�s Secunty
<br /> lnstrumenl immediately pnor ro the acqu��ition
<br /> 6. Pnserv�Non aad Mdntenance ot ProperW;I.e�seholds. Borrower shall nn�destroy.damage nr substant�ally
<br /> � change the Property, ullow the Property�o detenorote or commu waste. If this 5ecunty Instrument is on a leasehold.
<br /> . . . _ . .. _.._._ .....�.�____.........�,.r.�.�_... o.,,��r a.,��.,wpr acau�re�fee�itle to the Propeny,the leasehold and
<br /> � ' . � florrvwcranaucu�up�yww�.���Y�v.w.....�...................._.. —... , .
<br /> fa title shall not merge unless L.ender agrees�u the merger m wnnng.
<br /> ' ' 7. Protection ot I.eoder's RiRhtt ia� ahe Propeny; �tonaaRe Insurance. If Borrower fails to perform the
<br /> � ,� • . '��,.� covenants and agrammtscontamed m tMs Secunty Instrument.or there is a lepal pcoceedimg t'hat may sigmBcnnUy affect
<br /> • � �•� . . Lender's nghts in�he Property (such as a prciceedmg in bankruptcy. F�cb�a� inr c,andeaair.�aec�n or �n emf.�rce laws or
<br /> � ' �:� ��•! • regulations),then l.ender may do and pa�for a hare�ec os rtecessary-a.;��r:;�r.:":��alct nl:''hr���nyerey ar�C.rek,er s nghts
<br /> . .J;; � `1 �'�'.
<br /> �,��,.;•'�� •��'• � in the Propert)+. I.ender's nenons eruy ca:lu�t pay�ng�n}surtos se�;�ced �hy a i�rn w��ict� �ha��na�ary over th�s Secanty
<br /> • . ' �`�`'"����'' Instrument.�ppeanng m caurt,p�+yrng r,�:a�nabk aa�arneys'fees anv en�troroF rr.�he P�c{+rr�}!e m�ke repaus Althaugh
<br /> ,�;,. ,.�..: : . ,�
<br /> ' � ' ,����+�:', �' Ler�der may��ke acuon undar rh�s para�C�a�6 7.Le�der dcrcs nat 9ea�e e�,do yo
<br /> Any art►ounts disbursed by Leeuter uc►der rtecs paraptr�ph'sha6f be¢ome a.t�st:.^a(debt of Ec�rrower secured b�thcs
<br /> ute
<br /> �'�� '� 5ocunty Inscrument L'niess i3orroaer arre Lertder agrer co usher r.erms of pacmeR�.tnese amouecs shall bear meerest hom
<br /> che date of disbursertsenc ac the vore r�re �rui sha(I 1+e pay�bEe. wirA interest. upan not�ce fQOm Lender to B�rrawer
<br /> requestin�payment.
<br />