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.r�r� r` . !i� -�.'.e . ' . �� s. <br /> � � , .. <br /> _ .. . L�_ - - --- - - <br /> _. `�.._._,� � .. , .7�7���.�•� � n,, <br /> p�ymena m�pr no bn�er be the aption ot I.aidor.if moA�aye inwtsnoo oovaa�o(in tho anaoat�nd for tbe pixi�d <br /> �� �N�)P�ided Isy�n imuror�pprovad by L�ndex�io boc+oa�as av�fl�bla aid i�abuined.Bo�mowu'pb�ll pry <br /> �P��N�ned a nudnl�in nwxtp�e in�unu�ce i�e11'ea.a a prm►ide a lo�n�+e�sve,uwll rha roqultaaau for mo�a <br /> i�unpoe ad�iq�000�dpioe wHh�y wdttan�eemeM betwieai Barowa�and I.ender ar applicabb hw. <br /> � s.tMp�ceiw.conaor ar iu yoK mq� m�uon.bk e�io.apon.m fapeaian of the Propaty.l.�nder�I�{Ira • <br /> Ba�ner aotioe M the dtee oP ar pior to�n inapectirn spocit�'inj�eMOnbk wu�e 6or ide impoction. <br /> !0.Coad�tlon. 71io prooeods af�ny�an��d or cl�lm for daaa�a.dlrna ar oon�e�uani�l. in oonnoction whh�ny <br /> --� �ioa or ad�a�Wci oP <br /> � +�f�P�u���� far oa�ovayy�ace io tlw al'Co�fdann�tiao.+ae liaaby <br /> �IWI bn pdd to La�der. <br /> _� In�he avait of a lo�al t�icin�af the Pnapaty.lhe p�ooeed�rlWl be appiied ta tho wm�coc��od by thir Socu�iry in�uu�aeat, <br /> wlkther or nol then due. wltb Any e�u pid w Nonnwer. In�he avent oF�p�uti�l Ukio�of�he Pmpaty in wldch the G�i� <br />- nuakat v8ue of Uie Property immodi�tely before tbc uikiog i�oqu�l to or��tc�Uwn�he amou�u ot the wn�saaMed by thi� <br /> Seatity incuumau immodiMdy betore Uie tdoing.unles�8ortowa and Lrnder Mikruvice�lgroe in writln�. tbo ama saurod by <br /> thh Soa�iry tnspumau ch�U bo roduood by thc amount of the pr000ed� maltiplied by the following fn�tion: (a) Ibc toW <br /> annunt of the wne �ep�rod immediiqely before tbe tpkMg.divided by(b) the fai�nw�ket v�lue of tha Pmperty imraodWely <br /> bd'ae the uki�.My bal�noe ch�ll be paid to 8onower. In the evaN of a pArtW Wci�of the Ponpaty ia whieh the fdr <br /> n�rket value of the Pmpaty fmmediately befor�e U�e t�kinp is leu tluu tbe�mount of�be sum�sa��ad inunodGqely befw�e�he <br /> , wring.w�ss aam�re�ma Lcnaa�aMwiie agroe iu wriNng or un�s appUwbk Is�o�hen�riie pndriaes.tne pr�noem.shau <br /> 60�ppliod b�he suuas secured by Uns Soauity I�trumeot whether oe ad the wms�re tlKa due. <br /> If d�e Propatg is abondonod by Bomovucr,or if.aRer notia by L,ender w Bamw�v dnt tAe oor�demnor offas w mRte aa <br /> -- - awa�d or seqle a daim for da�u�s. Bomawer fail�w te�pond to lender wlt6in 30 d�q1s aNa�the dite drc aia6ce i�pven. <br />•:�'l--- -J�:-`�:rc;�+�� l�c+der i��to mUect e�l apply the piaceed>.at�ts aptioo.a�lmr��slonlion or Rpai�of the P�opaty ar ta We w�os <br /> ,�ia=it r oecwed by t6is Secul'ity la�umaa�whdher or aat then due. <br /> �:��k�� Unleu Lendcr md Bormw+ar othaw�isc,c�ree in writiqg. tury�lic�tian of pr0004dc to princip�l shall not e�ta�d ot <br />'�.�at;r�• pnstpcx+e the dae dvte of the monthly paYmrnz�ne�'errcd ta iro ptu�g�aphs 1 and 2 or cfwnge the amount of wch payma�ts. <br /> ��":"��� U.Bom��rer Not Rekaced;Forbeanroe By Len�r Nat a WatvQ.ERta�sion«f the time fa�pryman or modl8ation <br />- c►f.umo�tion of the wms sxurod by this Sxudty Incuun�rnt ganted by I�ender to any su�astor ia iiuemt of Borrower shall <br /> -_ not opente to rckau the lisbility oi the original Borrowa or Borrowtr's cuooesson in intenst. Lend�cr sl�ll not be rc�uirad to <br />=_= oommaioe ptaoeedinga�ainst anyr wceasor in intenct or rcibse w atad time for paymdit or otlienvise modify a�t�ortjalbn <br /> --= of the wrps fecarod by thia Socurity Inctnunrnt by riwwa of any demand n�de by the origitnl Borrowa or Botrower's <br /> _ suoceswra in intdrst. My fo�baranoe by I.ender in exa�cisi�any right or iemody�s6a11 not be a wdver of or proclude Ihe <br /> etdrise of aay right or trmedy. <br />,_._---__ __ _---- 12. Suooe�s aid A�igoo Bouad;Joiat aad Sevenl W6flityi Co�sigoe�s• The oovd�atns aod agroanaus of U�s <br /> W. Savrity Inshunxt�t slull bind and benefit tL:: succ�essors atd acsigns of L,et�der atd$orrowu, subject �o the ptovWans af <br /> , pamg�aph 17. Bonnwer's aovenants and �gnk,ments shall 6e joint an�i several. Any Bomowe� wfio co-signs this Security , <br />-- Insuumrnt but das not execute �he Note: (al +�co-si�ni�sg tliis Securiry Instniment only ta mongage.S�ant a�d oonvry Ihat <br />�_•�"'y�°��,� li�urower's interest i��he Property under the termc of IEui;�wmrity Insttument:(b)is not ,gerson�tly abligatod to pay the sums <br /> .�— --� � se�:urod by this Sau�rity Inst�umem;and(c)a8r�ees�hat Leaici�r ond any other Bomower may agroe tm�wr or <br /> ��•���+ � n�alte any aoramn�dations with regaM to the terms af Ihis 5avrity Instrument or the Note without lhan 9orrower's oonsait. <br /> -- —� • � 13.I.oau�arges. [f�he loon serured by this Security Instrum�m�is subjoct to a Iaw whict�s�:� ma�cimum loan ciwiges. <br /> and that lew is finally interp�rted ro that the interest or oUx�r Ic►an charges oollected or to be co9Voc�ted in oonnection with the <br /> _ loAn ex000d the permitted limit�. thrn: (a)any such loan charge shall be roduced by the�linour�t�esressary to reduce the charge <br /> i � w Ihe Fermined ifmit;ud(b)ua�;. sums alrrady rnllxted from Barrower which ezceExlc+d �em�it�1 ILn11s will be reti�ndad to <br />__ - � 8omower. Lemier may ci�a�se w mui�e a6ed� reiun� by rafucing ihe principai oweii mc+3sc i�iu �iw�r.ur by nwicing r Jitrci <br /> -- -- payment to Bonower. If a rcfund rodu� prineipal. the raduction will be tr+ea�ed ac a pArtiaG �epayment without an�r <br /> .-� �,,., pn�ayment charge under the Note. <br />_ — , U.NWlas,Any notice�o Bomoa•er provided for in this Secvrity Instrument shn::he Rivev�M;v de8icering ce or�p.m3ilBtt� <br /> ° •'� `�:' it by i3rst class rnail unles.�appl�cable law requires use of�no�her method. The notice st�aU be dir�ter�t to the 6'ma�eug+Address <br />_ ar my other add�rc�.s Borrower desigantes by notice ta l.ender. Any notice to l.ender shall t+e giv�en by first clas�mail t� <br /> — _—_ . L.eider'�a�Wress stalad hercin or any other a�:d,reac l.erder designates by notice to Bortower. An!:�:��ice providod for in thls <br />- —:_______ . Security Insttumrnt shall be deemed to have been given to Bomnwer or[.ender when given uc provided in this paragraph. <br />_�� �'�.�� 15.Goverdng I,�w; SeyeraWW�ity. 71ds Security Ins�rument shWl he guvernad by federal law and the law of the <br /> - .�_��� ' jur�sdictlnn in whfch the Propetty is Icx�ated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> �!"�''�`�� conflicts with applipble law,such oonflict shall ixx atTect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br />-�— ��;���ilil <br /> — s�,�u givm effect without �he oonflicting provisian. To this end the pm�•isions uf this Securiry Ins�rument smd�he Note or�e declnred <br /> ��°'' ' to be severable. <br />= 16.Bonvvra•s Copy.Bormwe�a�hall be given one�cv�nfarn�ed rnpy of the Nde and of lhis Security Instn�mem. <br /> -— - ` :.a�� fa�902Y 9f90 <br />���+� .t.`•'n��`f!} � • . PaN�016 <br /> `���=� �r'C .( <br />,-r�`,' t 1ry; ;.':,!; .7 ,_ . <br /> �� <br /> ., ��f�i � , _ <br /> ���it,�.sy r `i�J -_- -- - --- nr-- — -y- - <br /> ' t�84 ��n�? .�. . _ _ . <br /> 4 .. ,.l Y(i: . �. 'R..:; .�.. ' • . �' ,`�,`... � . � 'r _.�' - <br /> , - ;r• zi�I,�}„�� , ., . 'n�, . . . .'�.. �•,....�cv;�;.i,}�'J"'' �. _ <br /> ... .. <br /> , .•, • � - <br /> , , h �. . r✓-s . <br />--. - r(ll'�'.}� " • . .. �: . . . . . � - ls i' ,trr�' , `�S�'' ',. <br /> •• . .. . i �' � <br /> _'u. �,� •u • . ��.. � �� •:�.t. • t — <br /> . , �� <br /> __. -. . .ne..'.�..�LL�.�_� . _ � - , ..._�__ � •1_ ri1.1?'�4 �''t'SL•�=.n7�4"' - -- .. <br /> . . <br /> -- - -'--'-- ' - ------ - �-- - - -- --�'- <br /> .. -..�,_ �,�„ . ..---- . . . . . .- ------ -------- ----- -- ---------_-� - - ------ ,-• - - - --- - <br /> ,. _ <br /> ��� �� , _ <br /> , . ... . <br /> � . , . . . <br /> .. . <br /> . , : .:,.,: . . . ' . .- �. v�r.��; :,,,.�h» . �;R�Ih,�+l�p�` • <br /> ,` � ��,� � ,, — , , ., ' . 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