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;�,�--;;. . --= <br /> ---'� ' ,.i�- :r * , o -. . <br /> , <br /> :.� ' <br /> , . . • • <br /> -�3 _. _-�..�.� �:� . -�� 10�'il13 T-- <br /> 17.'11�s�ta�af tMe Anopa�or.Ne�dlcia!Ida�eM tw�o.t�er.u all or paa�pf Iha Pmpaty ar�ay iae�w in M <br /> i�sald a tramtiermd(ar if• �icW ioteQOp in 8am�is wid ar�nnfe�ted+vd�rv�i�na1 a mwral paaaa)wMhouf <br /> I,e�'�prior vvdqpi coment. I,,rnder mnr. �q iu aplian. iamiedLtc p�yauant in full at�!1 �urta ioauod by tbi� <br /> Sopuity Ia�pua�oat.Howarer.�his aptioo�11 aa1 bo o�erci`o��t�eader if aencise i�prohiW�ed by fedent law a�of We d�1e <br /> af tL4 Seauity 6aarumdq. <br /> If l.ender etercice��hi�opian.L�a�der shaall ve Bo�now�a twlioc of'�ooderatjan.71ie�w�lioe rhwllprovido a period ot aA <br /> less Uwa 30 dsys from the date tha aatioe i�dd�ve�l or mailod within w6ieb Ho�mw�er mua pay �11 wm��avrod by Ws <br /> - _ _ —_� <br /> Seauity Inwuman.If Aorrower f�ils to pry chae wrn p�iar to Ihe cupiratian at Ihii perind.I�cnder onq�imrdce any�omeilkc <br /> by thip Secu In�nunaM wlt6out IhAAher aotioe ar ddmanQ an Born►wer. <br /> ..�.....� �1& �ono�rv�� ta Rd�t�oe. Ii Borrower mea� ceA�in u�dition�. sotm.�w s,t�ll havo tl�e a�ht w havo � <br /> entoroa�xnt of thia Secu�ity la�tnanan disaNNinued�t�ury dmo priar to the e�uiiar of: (�I S dq�s Nx�dhe►Pa'iod ac <br /> qrpNcahle uw naY specig' fm �ana�t) befam sada af'thap�p�ty pu�u�nt to �y po�er ai�ale cad�ined in t4is <br /> 8ocurky Incuumewt:or(b)aiuy of�judgrtknt cnfo�ing thiw Secudly(�uuman.Thaso amditi�w aue�h�t Barmwu:lalpays <br />= I.eader all smnc whic6 Wen w�ouild be due under lhi�Secudty Inct�uman and 1he Nda�s ii no aooele�ation hwd�ocu�d: lb) <br /> cuas�wqr de�e�ot�r c�Sfcs aarcn�nt�or�gnoananc: (c)prys �11 eapences ineamed in anfariqg�hi�Socurity in�tn�a�aM. <br /> i bw aot liaa�►itod�s+oawb�e attamryc'fas:aad(d)c�l�es wdi aaion w Lender mny�9o+»bly roqui�e ta asaro <br /> Ih�t�ot'1�is S4curiAy�Ins�aq�A,l.ender's dghlc in the Ptnpeny�nd Ibnnv►e�'s abli�a1ian to pay 1he wms sow�od by <br /> - - �his Sowrity i�1n�t sh�ll � unch�nged. Upon rrinsutanan by Barrowu. this Soarity Imuumenl and �he - <br /> oblig�tionc seauu�ed hercby si�all m�fi�ei�ective�c ii no�oor.ler�aion h�d aoa�mod.Now�evcr. this�i�ht a rdacuqe sl�Il <br /> = not�y ia lhe case of aiooc�r�lian n�der parag�aph 17. <br /> !.Sde al'Note;�e��t�w� Senrioer. The Note or a pani�l iWtarat io tha Note It�►getlkr with this Sat�riry <br />°- �1�'be soki ao�or mone tianes.ritlraw prior notice w Bort�nwer. A sale mAy�esull io a change 1n the e�nin•(knawn <br /> - as ttr'I�oaa Serviocr")that od{eas�rt�aMhl�r p���paents due under tha Nolc and this Socunty Instrument.7t�ene alsa mwy be aie <br /> :';� or mone cha�t�es of the La�a Savkc�ua�l�od ta�r sale ot the Noto.If�hem is u changa af tha I.oan Saviar.Botmw�er will bo <br />--- :�n=-F,•;^. gi�ui�s��ati�af tlse�ir..:c�R�tls��sls!4 sdsasc�ssd�gpficsbtc 1�.'mc ttiaitrt a91=st�tt tt�n:fue�t3 �. <br /> __ ��`:'..�'�'� '"' addrcas of tbe new I.oAn Servioer�ud 1Ae�dd��s a whica prymetus chould be made. The aotioe will alw ooaWn any dl� <br /> -- fr ,r,•' <br /> =:;�`i�:.,_,, � �� inf'ornration rc q u inod b y a p p lirable I�w. <br /> ° { Z0.Harat+dw�9qmaaces.Bormwe�shadl oot cause or permit the presenoe. use.dispasal. storage. or rclase af any <br /> - �` � Y� ' Ha�►da�s Subst�neea on or in Iha Property. Bomower slwll not do. nor allow anyone elbe to da. an�ng effaling d�e <br /> ` ` �''�s� P�opaty thu i�in�•ids�tioa of arty Fiwironmental Lew. The proceding two srntenoes chall not ly to pasenoe. use. or <br /> }:�,:,..:rF�;x,,; ,, <br /> • �� , ••sf��� storagc on the Property af sma61 q�nandties of Haz�nda�s Substanca that are gener•rily rerngni to be appmpri�te to ranml <br /> '• ��� �eslde�Nial uses and to m�i�tawtu�e af the{�qierty. <br /> ���i� Borrower s1�aA0 pnampUy give Lender wntten notice of sury investigatian,claim, dem4nd.lawauit or dher actinn by s�ny � <br /> rr� governmrntal or re�guz:nory agenry or private party involving ithe Pruperty end eny Hazardaus Substanoe or 6nvironmenu)I�a � <br />`��y ��� of which Honoxer lws acd�al luawledge. If Bnrnnwcr Icams. or is notified by any$overnmenwl or rcgulatary autharity thn <br /> _:�it�d;�t'ig���J� any remaval or dher remediation of any Hazandaus Subs�anoe al�x�ing the Pmperty�a t►eac�s+sary.Bornnwer slWl pmmpQy wke <br />-_;, •�;�� WI nooesr�y�emo�val?ctions in a000tdance with Envi�nm�catad law. <br /> :__.._-._ __ _ _ . _ A.c used ia tlsis; 20. 'Ha�r+daas Srbs4v�c.�s" aee tlwse subsWncrs defimxl as toaic or harardous substanors _ <br /> r�;n r� i I ' Environmental uod�llowing suM�z:r�: gasoline, ker�nsere. other flammable ar tnxic pclrolcum �roducts. toxic ' <br />:"',�•' 'f,�t,;� , pestkides and hed+ic�Jes.volatfle solvents.mutcriais rnnwining asbestos or fornisddehyde,and rndicwetive matenals.As used in <br />°;.,.r tti } !` f� this paragtaph Z0.'^�nvironmental Law" means iede�l laws and laws of the juricdiclion wher�e the Property is located thN • <br /> . � ���,,1- , : ,t. rclale to ar environmental protection. _ <br />��� ' NON-UMFQRM COVENANTS.Bomnwer and I.endcr further rnvcnunt and ugree pc fallows: __ <br />_ �,�•' 21.Aoceleratioai Remedles.I.ender s6a11 gire noUce to Bomow�er prlor to accekration tollowi�Bon+uw•er's breach <br /> �-v ° or aoy oovmant or agreemeat In tdis Securily Instrument (but �w1 pn'�r Ro ac�eleratiou under pau�agrapb 17 uWess ' <br /> �ppllcabk law pmvides ot6erwise). T6e notke slwll specify: (s�)the Qe!'�; (b)t0�e artion requlred to cune d�e defwulti <br /> '=��, (c)o date,not lesv tlwn 30 d�ys tk+om tbe date tde noticc Is given to Bormwer.b� wBkh the detaWt must be curedi and . -- <br />- - (d)tl�t failure to cure the detaWt oa or before t6e date specitted in the nat(ce a�g result in aoeelerAtion of tha sums -�� <br /> seca�ed by this Secu�ity Instruruent and sale ot the Property. T6e notkr shall furrl�x intornt fjon+ower oi the rl�ht to =_ <br />_��: e+eimtate alter acoeleratlon and lbe right to bring a cou�t xtion to�.cse�t the aoa�existentr aF n default or�ny other — <br /> deience of Borrower to a��ccieration �ad a�aie. ii[ice defyuit i�c nul�ror�w� ur LrPurr iiir �ic t�iG�i i�� ii�r uuii�, ' _- <br /> L, , et <br /> I, its optbn� may requlr+e immedlaite p�yment In full of�►11 sums secu�+ed bv this Secmier�tw lr�strumenl wilbout ����' <br /> Ibrlher demaod pad moy invoke the power oi sale and any other remedies pern�itted bv ap�1icylbJe Is�w.I.ende�sl�all be ` <br />•���_'r,t�r �.�_��_` W entltled W oollat WI e�cpenses incun+ed in pursuing the remedies provided in this par�r.apb��l.indudl�.6ut not Umited �r�, <br /> �:_. <br /> �,.�` . ,<, to.�bk attorneys'kes�I easta ot'tille evidence. R`.r:, <br />;ti;�. IP t6epo wer of sWe is i�v�8crd,Trustee slwl!record �►notice ot def�ult in es�#�rounty in w•hkh any put of tUe • -- <br /> �•� � Pr+uperty is located And shall awll rnples ot such notice In the m�nner ps�cribe�ba Appl(cable law to Borrower And to ��"". <br />=:�,' the other personQ preycrlbed bv�pplkable law.ARer the time required l�h�ap�9ics�b9i law.Trustee stwll give publlc notice . s-`-'_ <br /> ,�; - of sAle to tbe persons aad in l�e nwnner prGSCribed by appl(cable law.Ttuttee. adilQ��ui detnend on Bor�nNer,shall seN ' �;;: <br />-°-- -- — the RrqpMy at puWk auctton ta�ihe I�tghest btdder at the time and place and under�ti�aerms designpted la the notice ot �R��; <br /> °°,�. ------ s�le is�aae or mo�+e parcels pad ia s�ny order Trustee�k�se�ain4w.Truslee muY poawqxw��•.rale of'ull or any pa�r�nc#ot the j�;_: <br />�; . . t'��up�vyt�•by blic amauncement at tbe tlme and place�3 ony pn.wbusly scheduoal sale. I.ender or its deai�ee may �- <br /> ,,•• �., �p�rba�u�c�ropercy a�oy�e. �'� <br /> �` ,.i•�, a�% <br /> , �': <br /> �t, .� t+ �:;_ <br /> _�•I!_ �A�Re\ -.__ <br />� " ���1�•1�t�j� �t`R <br /> ;t. '� .�� i0ftn 30Z8 �f00 <br /> ; ` �.�','' vp.s a e <br /> �l Y n�•t,' ' �t• � ���r` <br /> . c , <br />;` ,��t; � ;.iv;1:,°t � ,r... <br /> ',.Li.' '1"•:a��' • - <br />--�f�.i`r � - ' `'� . - <br /> - '.".?r."�`_ . �i1'.: <br /> '. r ,i � . , � . .. . • . , >,; . . . 'Cr��A� , . . . '-��!' <br /> ,. . , . <br /> �.. . .... .. . . .::. _ � ` . "�� . ' , _ . <br /> , . •," :,, , ; <br /> �y.��.� ` . ''�� . <br /> ,J " ' fJ�' ]'.r�:��. ' �..u.' _. - � ',�1 . ,.y (. ' �� <br />�--- ....:�:..r'i�i�dka.�:�;,{.:�3)kL1l�u'_��.�' � ''._-` _ __ . ..-=-P- ---._,_. �:�--- -- ' . .�.��_ -�� _"�. �d-:h�_..'!;��!i�c-_��,�rssl�'.Lna.-^ . <br /> ---� ---- -- --- - - -- - <br />. -� - - ----- - �--------- , ---_-_�_ ...----- - — -----'-- � --- ------ ---- --- �- -- --�-�- --- <br /> '�a <br /> � p � •'� . . . . . <br /> .. .- • J:_L . .. 1 . . r . _ . . t , ,.� . <br /> _ . • .. -i" sl� <br /> ..`� • n .' 0,� • y"� . ". ..' � .. ' .. . .. , ' . , .. � .. ��. <br /> } ��' ., �d'�a .. •°� r ..' .: V ' a ` • .. . .�.. . .. - . • . .. �J - ' �. � ` , <br /> - .. '.i�V �.. ° � „ ' •.���'` . - ' � ., -_ .,.` � : �,f _ . • .. I ..t .� .. • .. .. '. . . .... � .: � . . r ` . . _ <br /> , .w ...�.''. �3 y .. . . . � . . . . . . ' l . _ _ � . �� - . <br /> y � 1 <br /> 'j .�^�,��i11�'. , I � ' " ., • •� •� ` �Y'r1f"�r•n'a^ <br /> �, t� , , s-� • . . . , . 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