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' �,�., . ,,.��. <br /> = `s; _ <br /> i .� a ' . • <br /> w��-- --- � - � - - ---__--_— .,.__ , <br /> �� - -= `.-'�.���.�' 93-' 10�.0� <br /> S. Riu�aM or IMopaf� 1arw�atioe. Bom�wcr�II keep We impmvane�w aow esWiq� ar t�aaftar e�ected on �be , <br /> pn�peMy inw�ed�Inq loa by Rre.Iwardo included wtihin tho tom�"oxta�ded aover�e' �nd�ny otUer Iward��incN�dtn� <br /> �or floodie,g,for which Ls�xiet ioquira i�unmoe.Thia inwwnoe cb�ll be anint�ioed in Ihe unounu�nd for Il�e periad4 <br /> dW Lader roqui�a. The inwnmoe catria�pnm►iding�ho i�surmoe:ltwll be cl�by Borrowa wbjea w Lrender'o�provd <br /> whid�ctMll �ot 6e uruaica�a�►ly withheld. If Bomnw�er fdla ta m�inudn oavu�ge dcicribod above� I.eader na�y. �t I.a�de+r's <br /> apion.u6Wn aovex��ge to pmted I.onder's rigUtc in the P�uperty in accordanoe wiW p�nph 7. <br /> All inw�anoe policiea�uid nennwal�ctull be aooqN�blo to L�ender and stwll incfude�u�atd mon�o clwc�. Ladet <br /> _ . -- �1� the dght to now tho policjes ana�neand..�r l.aider raqul�.Bomnwer cl�wl�promptlf►�ive�a t.aoaer d�roo� <br /> _�,----�— � P�1�'�iums and�oanil ootic� the aved of lost.Bonower sl►dl gfve pnompt aotioe 10 the inwmioe ca�rlet'aa�d l.eoder. <br /> Isn�fer en�y m�cc pmiaf of locs if aot m�de promptly by Boao�►w. <br /> Unkss Irnder�nd Ho�mv�ah7wice�groe in wriUqg.incunu�oe prooeeds s6a11 be appUod to rcuo�tion or repir of the <br />' proppty danqgad�if�he iestaation or tepair io 000namically feacible and I.ender's�cvrity i�oat lesceriod.lf Ihe nxioration or <br /> a.pair iQ not aoonomiplly fasiblo or l.anler's securiry would be less�ened. thc lncuranoe prooeedc sh�ll ba appffed to the wm� <br /> sowred by � 3aurity Inshuma�t. wlKtlier or not tGai duo.with any exaess p�id ta Bomowu. If Borrower�1►�ndo� Ihe <br />-- � propaty,�r does not ancwu within 30 days a notioe from I.ader�hat the i�unuioe c+�nier ha�offdcd ta cdtk a cl�im�tUen <br /> I�ender m�y oolloct ttie insurAnoe pmoeod:. I.a�d�r may use the prooeeda to ropair or nxtoro the Propaty or w p�y cums <br /> cocured by thic Securiry I�t.whdher or not tben due.The 30�d�y period will begin whaa tUo nMioo i�given. <br /> -- --=_ Unkss Lcnder aad Horrowa utherwisc agroe in writing� any appliation of prooeeda W principal shdl not o�ctaid or <br />;,���� postpuno tho due date of the monthly ppyme�u r�eCemed to in pAn�graphs I �nd 2 or dwige the amount of the paymdits. If <br />,�;;;.-.,,�,� wndcr�wph 21 the Property is aarylrad by La�dor. 1lomawer�dght to�ny insuraMe policks and pr0000ds rowiting froro <br /> - -- d�unago ta the PnipatY Prbr to the aoquicition sl�ll puc to I.�nder w die eutan of tlx aw�savrod by thic Secudty Incpum�nt <br /> —_- luw��edlately prior to thc acquicitioa. <br /> • 6.Oowp�r+cy.Pre�vstioa.Maiatenwoa aod Pt+ntectioo oi thc P�+uperty;Bon+ow�a's Loso Appik�tbni�ebotd�. <br />=:=,�— --- Bomowcr ahull axupy.establish.�nd use the P�uperty as Borrower's principal rcsidenoe wlthin cixry d�ys aRa the axecutioa of <br /> -=- -------- this Security Insuument and ct�all oontinue w aocupy the Pruperty as Borrower's principal rcsedence for st la+st ane yar afler <br /> =_ -- �th�date of occu�wr�cy.unless I.ende�od�awise sgroes in wri[in�. which oonient shall not bo unroason�bly wlthqeld.or unless - <br />-^�"°`��� eKtrnustinR circumstanas eaist wl�ich aro beyond Bortower's oontn�l. Bormwer s�hall oot dau�oy. danwge or impair the <br /> ���""� pt �allow �he i�ropeRy to axnmit wasta an the PnopMy. H�►nawer shWl ba in default if any forf'eiturc <br /> _ �`�u� xti�r ptnc�ding. whether civil or c�imioal,is begun�t ln l.endc�'s good faith judgmrnt oouW rosult in forfeiture of the <br /> _----_:__ — Pm�aty or�otherwise moterially impair the lien croatod by thie Secudty lnstrument or I.��der's securlty i�tenxt.Borrower mry <br /> � _=_--_ ' � carc:wch a dafwit And pmvlded in parag�fi causing the action or proceeding w be dismics�d with a n�ling <br /> —_- ' ' � ,thm, in I.atder's gond.f�ith dctcrmination. pncludes Fodeituns of�he Bomnwer's imenst in the P�o�Ctty or otiKr m�tet�l <br /> " � ���rtsstt�! af!!:t liess crtated by th'ss Sscurily Instrument or L�nder's s!ru�ty 3ntenesl. B�+►m�vEr Rtwll alcn Ne in defAUlt if <br />``'? -_- --VJei�'''Y� •' Barnnwcr.du�ing the loan appliauion procxss. gavc matedally falsc or inwxuratc infom�lion or stAtaneots to Lender(or f�il�d <br />_ _ ��.�,,;� <br /> _-_ �,�� to provide[�ender with any material inforn�ation)in oannection wltb the loan evidenood by the Note,including.but not limited <br />- (,�, w,seprcsenuxbns wnceming Rorrower'�oocupancy of tha Property ws A princippl��esidence. If this Sav�ity I�s�n�ment is on a - <br /> �leasehold. Bomnwer shall wmply with dl �he provisions of the leasc. If Bamnwer acquinx foc tide to the Property. tlro - <br /> Ieasehold and�he fee tide shWl not mcrge unleas' •^' ag�+ee.s to tha merger in wr�ting. <br /> 7.Protectlon of I.eader's Rlghta in the Qh,.w If Borrowcr fuils to pert'orm tt�e rnvcnents end agreemems oontAined in <br /> - this Security lnstrument,or thene is a legal praceeding ahat may significantly nfkct L.ender's righla in the Property lsuch as a <br /> �,p,oceoding in bnnknrptcy.probate. for rnndemnation ar fort'eiture or to enforce laws or rcgul�tians).then Lender moy do and <br /> . .., p�y For whatever is neoessary to protect the value of 16e i �rty uncl Lender's rights in the Pnnperty. [.crwler's actions may <br /> , ,. •.'i�act,wde payia� any sums secured by a lien which hes prwdly over this Secu�ity Inslrument. a�ea�ing in coun, payinQ <br /> ;�'.'� • ,e�sqnabk atwrneys' fecc and entering on the Property to make nepairs.Althou�h Lende�moy take oction under thig p� <br />•-.=�.,�, - ";�l.�l�ender does not have to do sa. <br />�•��'•�+r�r-�y> , ' � ��y amouots disbu�l by l.ender under this parngraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secur�od by i�bi.a ; <br />-.-=-a�s7ifi3c,4)L.,S'; -. <br /> '��6t���tt., , • Sacuiity I�tn�ment. Unless Borrower and I.ender Agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shell bear i�rtterrst from the <br />�-,����1#lift .'. ' �. . = <br /> _ ,•,�,,., • ,�te of disbursement W ihe Note ratc and shell be payablc, with interest. upon notice from I.ender to Borro�rcer requestoqg <br />_ �t''�;r <br /> _�m.� ���.,h� <br />_ _ '='.;.�X�l ' � Morl�age InsurAnee.If l.ender required mortguge insurance as a condition of malcing the loon securod by this Sewcin <br /> --___ .��rument. Bornower shall pay the prcmiums requirod to nwintain the mongnge insuranoe in effect. If. for an�: reason. 1he <br /> - -_--- � : �ottgoge insurance oove�ge required by L.ender lapses ar ceases to be in effect. Bormwer shall pay the prcmoumc roquired to <br /> , o4�;ain ooverage substanti�lly equivalent to the mortg�e insuranre previously in et�ect,ut a cost substxntiolly e�dvtdent to the <br /> . �.r'!':a � ooyt a Borrower of the mortgnge insunnce previously in effect, from un alternate rnongage insurer upproved by [.ende�. If <br /> "� ,::s�. <br /> w,.... ; ,�. <br /> substontially equivalent moAgage insurarkr ct�venge is nnt av�ilable, Sorrower shull pay to l.endcr each month a sum equstl to <br /> •�z••;.. . ;�Sa� � nne-twelflh of the yearly mnrtgage insurance prcmium being paid b} Bc�mnwer when the insurnn�r covernge lapsed or ceased to <br /> � Q�e eneffect. L.ender will aocept.USC 811d f�Ia�ll�IIC'SC�ii4'fli2fll8 AR a I�xs reserve in Heu of mcmRage insura�t�. Loss reserve = <br /> "^ For�n 30Z8 9/!0 = <br /> t- ,ti'.��' <br /> , : . :-..;,n /p�3 O!8 <br /> ' :- ,.1��:'.i',,`•��``±�: <br /> ti�. .• � _. <br /> ��vr� <br /> ',.'��'n5J'i.'Y.s, _. <br /> : :ti;}r�'L�_.'.�.��'� y�",�r�. <br /> ���vr iR..ii l6. ,l;., � ' . .. . d , i � :j, � P(( . . , � ,�a- . <br /> .i �; *'. :� ,�4� : � . � .. , : , : `ii�T� � ��i ?` �" if 1�.71� t��t5 '. ...'�Y+'tn���. <br /> �. . c MII a' 1 < < � - H� <br /> '�. � c � ;�+<.'��� �t,L�.,r <br />.-µ'• . � .. . . . . r.` _ <br /> _ � c '1�.ly��� ti ' <br /> -- �ui.�i/t�+".�� s 1t�,'4�.4L .' i ''£y�,,"�� �` � � :i1�6e�rTrY�_�:- —" <br />.-- -- . ;.�., t _ _ --- - - -----------°--- ��;T---- . � �_ ., . -� - r— ..p,.. <br /> �-:`i'��` . . . . ji '..l�1.,e,L• <br /> ��:� J i���; ,, • ,�y.,: . *. <br /> v •,,A,,.+�,�4 � , . � . . ._ .. • �:., +• <br /> �.. 'r� ���i� - , . , ,. 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