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_ _'_.:}_' �S" . ��5��,'t'3;�,t 1�.' � , _---_ .. <br /> - .���� . . - - . <br /> � . - — <br /> 93_�.t�.�� ._ . <br /> 7�OQB17lBR W17'N�II tbe ImprovamaM�now or haia�tter cre�tad on the pmpe�ty�and dl oa�aaenq.�ppwta�a�oe�.�od <br /> �saua aow or deneaRer • pWt of ttie propaty. All �ept�oea�a�ts ad ddidanc clu�ll also be ooverod by tt� SKVrity <br /> �.�{Of{�1Q�OIC�O��i 1�0��O�Q I�i$01'Al�l�/�IW11tl11�ii 1�W��y�w <br /> 80RROWSR QOVBNAM'S Ihu Bomnwer i�I�wtWly�eiied of the expto 6aoby oonveyed aad h�s the ri�ht w�rw�od <br /> oonvey�he Propaty�nd tlu�t tlie PropaAy ic unaiaunbared.atoept fot a�ambruwea of r�eoo�d. Aorrowa vv�ap aod wW <br /> defad ge�erdly t6o Nlle to tt�o Pnopmty�sinst dl ctdms and danudi,wbJect to ruty a�ciun�anoa of roontd. <br /> 17118 SECIJWTIf INBTRUMRNT aKabinaa waitu�oa oovwot�far t�tlonal use aad uo�e�unifaot aovwula wiW Wnited _ <br /> vari�tfoa9 by juri�diction�o ooiwitute�uniform s�curity iratrumau ooverin,�mal pnoperty. <br /> UMf�OR119 OOVSNAMf3.Borrower aM I�ader oov�atinM aad�igroe ss fdlaws: - <br /> 1. Payr�M of PMadpd aed inta�t; Ptep�maM s�d 4te Ch�s.Boimwer shall pro�mptlY P�i' wl�ea dae tt� <br /> pdadp�l of ud iataest on tha debt evWa�oed by 1he Note ad aay p�epaqrrt�t and I�te d�aRes dua utida the Note. <br /> 2.FY�ads tor'lTUCa ud lawnu�oe. Subjax to appliabk!aw or to a writtai waiMer by Lender. Bortower sl�ll py+w <br /> l.a�der on�be d+Y�WY P�Y��uie due under the Nde.w�ttl tho Note is paid in fi�ll.a aum("Fwids�) wcn <br /> i11A i4iEiBplplt�WII�1 Rtfy Y1f�It1�Otlty OVCr tt1li SECIIfHy IRftNI11E[It iY i NEfI dl/FIQ PlOpCit�l:(bl Y�Y�MY� <br /> or ground raus oa tho Property.if any:(c)Yeuiy t�ard or pnnpeny inwranoe prcminn�:(dl Yqq'i�'flood i�snranoe pra�3wtts. <br /> ' ��Y:(e)�Y�$A8e inwranoo praniums.lf any:aad(A+�Y�P+Yablc by Born►w�c�to a000�duioo with <br /> �thc provisiom af panagraph lieu of tde payma�t of mactgage inwranoe pmniums.'I1►e.�itedLS ue called '�ow Itans." <br /> I�ender�a�y ti�ae.colloct aod 6oid Funds in aa amaunt nat W exoeed tb aiauir�wm am�ouiN a lader for a fedc�lly <br /> . rel�ted morlgage Ib�n may roquiro for Borrower'a escrow Acaoum utder the focfeta!Real Eawto Satkment Prooedunx Act of <br /> � ,1974 as aaxnded from time to dme. 12 U.S.C. Sxti�►n 2601 e�stq. ('R�SPA").unleas anolher law tl�at applies w the Fu� <br /> • �ns e Irs�er emouat. If�a, L.�er nrsy.�t�ny Wne.oollect ud hold Funds ln an anwu[rt not to exaoed the leaer atnount. <br /> ' Laider may estimAte the wnount of F�nds due on the basis of cunau daqi�ad nsuwmbk est�nrta of enpeMid�na�of fuhu�e <br /> Bscaow Itaas or atherwise in a000rdanvo wlth applicsble law. <br /> Tt�e Funds sludl be held in an institut�on whose deposils tue insured by e feder-�l agenry, instrumemality. or entity <br /> (includiag Lender.if I�ender is aucb w institutton)or in any Faderal Home Loan Bunk.Lender s6a11�pply tbe Furds w pay the , <br /> Bscrow Itemt. l.en�ler may not charge Borrower for holding ard applying thc F�nds,annu�lly aroiyring tbe escrow a000uM.or <br /> verifying tho Escrow items,anless lra�der pay:Borrower i�uercat on the Fwds nnd app�icabk law pertnits l.atder to rtwl;e such ' <br /> a charge.Hawever.Lender rr�y require Borrower to pay a ot�e-time charge for an independart rcal auate tax reporting servioe - <br /> used by Lender in connxtion wlth lhic loan, unless ap�plicable Iaw pravides otherwise. Unless an agroemetu is made or <br /> applicable law roquirea interest to be paid,Lender shall nat be roqui�d to pay Borrower any inte�st or eAming:on Ihe Funds. " <br /> Bomnwer and Lender:nay pgree in wrlting. however.Uwt interest shall be paid an�Funds. Lendcr shall give to Bormwu. <br /> without ch�uge, an annpAl a000unting of�he Funds. showing credit� And debits to the Funds a�d the pu�pose for which exh <br /> debit to Uie Fuods was made.7Le�unds�ue pledged as additiawl socuriry far WI aums sorured by thls Secudty Instrument. <br /> If the Funds held by Lender exce�d the amounts permitted to be held by applicable Ipw.Lender shall account to Bormwer , <br /> far the excesa Funds in accordanoe with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount af t6e Fund�held by Lender at any ' <br /> time!s not su�cirnt to pay the Fscrow I�ems when due,Lender rrwy so notify Bortnwer jn writing,a� such case Borrower <br /> shrll pay to Lender ihe wnount neassary to make up Ihe deflcieocy. Bamower chall nwke up the de8oieticy in no mane�than' <br /> taelve monthly payments.�t l.ender's sale discretian. <br /> Upo,n payment in full of all sums securod by this Security Instrument, L.ender shall promptly refund W Bomower uny <br /> Funda held•Dy Lender.If.under puagreph 21.L.cnder shall acquire or sell the Property,l.ender,prlor to thc acquisition ar sule <br /> of the Property,sFudl apply any Funds held by I.ender at�he time of acquisilion or sale av a crodit og�inst the ams securod by • <br /> thi4 Socurity Inslrument. . <br /> 3.��iG.,itiwi of 4'aymenis.L'nicss app{i.abtc!au•pravEdcs ott:cruisc.�!! payment�reccived by L�ender ander Parsgrsphs - <br /> 1 and 2 shall be appliod: first, to any prepayment charges due under tho Nde; seeond,ta amounls payable under paragtaph 2: _ <br /> third,to interest due; principal due;w�d last,to any late charges due urnier the Note. - <br /> 4.Ch�ges=Llens.Borrower shall pay all �nxes,acsessments,charges,tines and impositions aqribuu►ble to the Property - <br /> which may attciin priority over�his Security In.SUUment. and leusehold payments or ground rents. if any. Bomower shall pay <br /> these obligations in the manner provided in parag�aph 2,or if not puid in that manner.eorrower sh�ll pay them an time denectly <br /> to the person owed puyment. Bomower slwll pmmptly furnish to I.encier all notices of amounls to be paid under this pav�gr�h. , <br /> If Barrower makes thcse payments directly.Borrower shall prompdy fumieh w Lcnder reccipts evidencing the payments. _ <br /> Borrower shull promptly discharge ony lien which hns p�iority uver this Secutity Instrument unle.,s�orrowcr:(a)egrees in • <br /> writing to the payment of�he obligation secured by the lien in u monner ucceptabte to l.encler;(b)��onte�ttc in goad faith the lien <br /> by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, Icgal proceedings Nhich in ihr [.endrr'x opininn operr�[e to pr+event the = <br /> enforoement of�he lien;or(C)secures from the halder of the lien un ugrerment.�ati�facia�n c�; •Lender sutw�dinating the lien to = <br /> this Securiry Iastrument. If Lender determincw thut nny pun of the PropeAy is xuPject to a oien wNich may attnin priuriry ovcr _ <br /> this Socu�ity Instrument, l.ender muy givc&�rn►wer a nuti�r iJentifying d�Iccm.&irrower shsdl awtixfy the lien or wke one or = <br /> morc of thc actia�n sec farlh abnvc within 10 days uf thc gi�•ing ot'nutirc. <br /> � Farn 3028 91�0 <br /> h�1ofl <br /> , , -..�,sr1,i� �;.5;f:���y���fi`. �. ,� � <br /> .Cd"��� + ^ � �hi�j`���ry\�� 1��� ,? .h�� . :. . 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