Laserfiche WebLink
� � � ;, i � I y, _.. ` ��:... <br /> , <br /> , . <br /> ; , . _.._. <br /> ._ . . , <br /> f� � -_ • <br /> -.y�.,� ;�:.,.r;Nt;�nri�r'� . �._ . <br /> _ . , <br /> � 93_ io�o�z <br /> ----- -- • �Ih�t l.ender requ4er. Tho iaw�ncae c�rrier providin�the inwu�nco�lu�ll be cho�on bY Bonower wbject w La�t <br /> •p�wov�!wWcb�I�11 not bo unrosrai�bly wllhhald. If Narower fpil�to mdntdn cov��criDed�bove.La�cler nyy.p <br /> � Lade�1�option�obt�in w p�utKh l.aKletl►riyhls!n Ihep�o�e�y in ac�ard�nc�with pvynph 7, <br /> - . All i�uenoe pal�tenewvs rhdl bo�oce�1�blo to t�nder and�II inrlude��and�N mo�tQa�e clswe. t.ander <br /> ahdl h�ve the rfOht to hold�ha polklai ond ronew�l�. lt L.oudor requlm�.Bo�mwer�lull p�omply�Ive to Leoder dl edcelpu <br /> uf pdd pemiumr pnd rcnowAl nolko�. In the ovoM ef lop�,Bmrowe�ch�ll pive prompt notice w�ho ins�umco cartler�nd <br /> _ - t.e�der. l.ender may make p�aaf ot lau if aat mab I�M�Y bY��. <br /> -- Unkcx l.onder and�arruwer dharwl►e�areo ln w�itipp� Inrurance eeda shwll bo appHod�o ro�london or�ep�ir oi <br /> 'r —T' theptop�rry du� al, if Iho te�tonH�aa or rcpwir i�econanicdly fe�`ble And Londe�h ceciairy lp not lescened, if the <br /> rostoratlon ar�ep���i�na acatanic�lly fewibb or Lendarl� securiry would be le�cenod�the inwrauce proceed� �Udl be <br /> applied to�he sums�acurcd by thia Secudty Imuumenl. whether or nd then duo.with�ny oacoss poid tu Barower. lt <br /> ___.. Borrower abnnndmtr tho Property.a�daea�ot anowcr within 30 days a natice from I.ender th�t the ineu�anoo curier hiu <br /> otTerod to settle a cldm,then I.cnder mwy colloct the insurnnce proceeda. Lender may uso�ho procuds to re�ir ar mtore <br /> the Propeny or 10 pay wtno cecurod by thio Secudty Inurumont,whether a not lhen dua. The 30�d�y pariod wd!be�iu�vtw� <br /> tho notice is givcn. <br /> - �� Unkss I.endar and Borrawer othetwlse a�rce in writing.�ny Ikation of procceds to prineip�xll slWl not extend or <br /> �:��*���: postpone the due dato of thc monthlY p�ymcnls mfemed to in pAntigt�is 1�nd 2 or chango tho amau�t of�he prya�etns. If <br /> under paragraph 21 Ihe Property ia acqui�d by Leode�.Ha�mwer�dgAt to any inwnurce pokcks Aad proceods Rsulting <br />,::���:.:�� _ fi�om d�nwge to the ProPettY pt9or to the acquisition shall pass w Lrender to tbe eKteot of�he wms sauned by tMt 5octuity <br />-,_ °. , Instnunent immedietely prlor to the acquisition. <br />°-:��=�e.,..-, . 6. Occupaoc� Preseevadoa. M�MRe�+e aad Prolecti�w of the P�vpe�r= Borro�'s Lao�a Appik�[a�; <br /> _- �._-�:.c., LasebaWr. Homower ah�Jl occu esaWisA.and use the as Bomnwerk i <br /> �- ..°, ",F'- PY• �nY I�i�res;denoe w;thin aixty days+►f�t� . , <br /> , - - z;� �% ,ti.�.�`� tha eaecallon ot this Socurity instrumeM�i si�il conlinue to ar��y�h�i'rc+5rny wx Bwmwrs:s princip�ci3 reebc�eate fix u� - <br />.,`;��.�".' � �� le�.ct one year after Ihe date of occupaancy. untess LEndzr dherwi�r Agezes ie� w�1Nag, which ca�sent shuli not 'be - <br /> -�-- unrcasawWy withheld,or unkss eatenwuing circurnesaances exdst wQ�icM me txyond�ornt�R�er's eoar�oi. 'Bunaµ•er sha11 not - <br /> �wiriir imrr�.�i�.•- �[I'O dY111A C O�1 �QIC ��OW QIC �• �' , <br />-��f,,�c.r��i��' , Y• g mpai PtopatY• Pm�eMy t�+ deteriaratz,or commiz a�.st�an'thc Pra rs . Borrower shuU . - <br /> - �yrrl�.+�,, . be in d�fault if any forFeituro actbn ar�i.k�eoding,��+euhet cicil or criminul,is begun that in Lender�goad faith judgment <br />_- �,�£��„ tpuld nesuh in farfeiture of the Pnoperry or al�envise materiAlly impak the lien created by �his Securiry Tneaument ar <br /> -�'.�?��s'�� �Lender'�securlty intercst. Bonower a�ay cw�e such u YlefauU and reins�ate,as provided in paragraph l8,by causing�he actlon __ <br /> �°16°�`"��''�'� •or prooeeding w be dismissed with�ruling thu.ia,Lender�gpod fai�h determii�Aeion,P�cludos frnfFiture of tha Borrowcrh , - <br />- �' jntercu ia the Proparty ar ott��rw�erW impaim�er�t af the Uen created by this Secu�lty Inatrumeot ar Lender�secur�ty <br />_"•��l, � ,lnte�est. Bonower sl�all also 6e in default lf Barrower,dudng �he loan applicatian pracess� gave matedally fal� or <br />-�°_-���,i.�:�..+�� • ,�'in�ccura�c infumutian ar siatements w l.ender(or failed to ravide Lender with matadnl informetion)in cannectlon with <br />-_�:°�:� ��;. P �' <br />:::����^����.,;' tho Ioan evidenced by the Note. including. but not limited ta, reprcsentations caneendng BOTI'OWCI'�8 QCCapan�y of tho <br /> �,,a���� PmpeKy ae A principol,residence. If�his Secudty Inatrumen�is on a leasehold,Horrower shall comply with all tlte provlcianc <br /> :=��;,�:TK� , r af tha leaee. if Sarraw�r aeyuires fee titie ta tho i7aperty.iti8 IC�.52t18IiI�iNI tli�F8C i�tlC bliall ii0i iYiCi$8 UAlOSS�.�i�Ei Agfi88i <br /> ,,:�-- to du mcrgcr in wrlting. <br /> �* �:;��'�`"`�� 7. Protectbn or Lendar's Rlghte In the Property li Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agroements <br /> • ''"," contained in this 5ecu�ity Insuumem. or therc fs a kgal proceeding that may significamly affect I.enderb�ights in the <br /> �„-.-T �,:• •:,:,'.• Fn��rty(such aK w pra;ceding in bank�uptcy.probate,Par condemnation or fodeitu�+e ar to enforro laws or�gulations),then <br /> = Lendcr may do and pay for whatover is necessary�o protcc�the vnlue of thc Property and[,cndcrk righte in�he Pmperty. <br /> ��°'�'��•'Y��� ' ' l.enderk actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prior�ty over thia 5ecurlty Instrument,appwing <br /> "" � ''�"�"°`���� ' � in coun,paying rcasMwble attomeys'fees und entering on�he Property to matce rcpairs. Although Lender m�y tolce acdon <br /> �"• undor thii paragruph 7,I.endcr das not have to do so. <br /> Any amaunta di4bun�ed by Lender under this pumgroph 7�hAll become additionul debt of Borrower securcd by this -- <br /> Secudly Instmment. Unlcrx Borrowcr und Lender oRree to dher term.of payment,�hese amounts xhell bccv imeres�fmm the <br />=- dsue of di�lwncement a�the Nwe rulc and rhall be payable,wilh interext,upon notice fiom L.emler to Bonuwar roquatin� <br /> -- - ' psiyment <br /> -r,, -, ;:�t�,;�,:�� 8. Mortg��e Inwrance. If Lender requircd matgage incurnnre as a condition of making�he lorn sM��� hy�tii. _ <br /> ''�;,,f•,• � Secwi�y lnstnimcnl. Borrower shall pAy the premiums rc�ufred to mainwin the mortgago inswance in effcew If, for ar�y <br /> ' � Kason. tha modgoge insurancY coverngc reyuircd by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shell pay the � <br /> r p�emiums roqui�ed to obtain covemge substontielly equivakm to the monguge insurance pnvlously in etYxt,at u cost - <br /> ' ���'y `�r subs�antially equivaknt to the co�t to Bamower of the mongAge insurance prcviously in ei�ect,from an altem�te morlgAge <br />' t�' �!� �i��':�'.;n�' i <br /> � Y . f.... �. <br /> `�.,;� .� , insu�r approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent martguge insura�xe covernge is nat nvailable.Bormwcr sholl p�y to <br /> ��; •'+�� �+ L.ender each month u sum eyunl lo ona-twelflh of ihe yeurly mongage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br />"_-�r '': �"� I insutance covera e la or ceased�o be in effecl. I.ender will acce t,use und retuin�hese <br /> _- _ � „�j��,� B P� P paYmeo�s as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> — "`=�°,�� of mortgage insumr�cc. Loss rcserv¢payme�ts may no longer be rc.�uired,at the option of l.cnder. if mortgogc insurance <br /> • covcrage(in the amount and for Iheperiod thut Lender reyuires)prowded hy nn insurer upproved by Lendcr again becomes — <br />_:,�,. _N available and is obtained.Bomower s h all pAy the premiums reyuired a maintnin mongage insurnnce in effect,or to provide a =. <br /> loss rcserve.until lhe requirement for mongage insurance ends in accordance with Lny wriuen ugreement betwoen Burrower <br /> �" and Lcnder or applicable law. _ <br /> �4 ;'�' 9. Inspecllon. Lender or its agent muy muke reuxonublc entrieti upon und in.pections of the Propeny. Lender shnll <br /> ••;.�* '�;,,�;�' � �ive Borrower notice al lhe time of or prior to un inxpec�ion tiperifying masonable cuuse tor the inspection. <br />