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_ /�, ':'�� .,n M --_ -- _ .. - - ---- - - - . . ... - ._:_6_.;o.L:_ <br /> � _ .�.� <br /> ..`� . . � _ .. . ...-... .. __- .-'�-' ------ -..------- - ---�---. . <br /> :.:�ifir�:_d� � <br /> 9�- io�oA2 <br /> cawicmnwino a�Nhcr takUyt ui Nny p�ut M'�ho Propeny.or i'a canvoyanco in Iku of rondrmn�tk�a.�ro honby xesi�aed ond <br /> �Rdl Ao puW tu I.rndcr. _ <br /> b�ho oMenl i�f�told INkin� af Iho Prnpeny.�hop��,od w�Iwll ho yydied �o iha aum� �eru►M My �hia Sxurlly <br /> - - Instn�menl.w6elhcp nr nd Ihen duo.wilh any oxccsa pni td a smm�wet in ihe evcm nf A pwhial tdcing of tho PrapeMy in <br /> — whirh�ha fiir marlcet valuo of�ha Pn�peAy immali�toly befaro tha�ulin�1�equol ta ar aro�ter�h�n�he Amcwnt of�ho sum� <br /> ;:_ � sc+:urcd hy Ihis 3octxily InwlnimeM immeJiately hnfore tho luking,unlea�Ilarmwor c�nnd Wnder atherwine ogree lo wri1M�, <br /> �- - ----- --� ther numn�+eca�ed by Ihia Sccudty Inyuumrnt shall bc rcducrd by ihe ama�M�i the rn+ccMa mul�iplied by iho folbwing <br /> fracUon: (u)tho taial amaum of�he r�uma xecu�c+i immcdintely hef�ro�he�uking�divlclnf by(b)�h�Puir mu►ke�value af Ihc <br /> ` .` ----- ---- - - Pmprny immali�ely bofae tho taking. Any balance Ahall Uo p�id �o Bortowar. In th@ ovont o1�u panipl taking oi'�he _ <br /> �r Properly in which Iha fai�madcet vuluo of ihe Propeny immeAiulely befarc ihe�aking iK IeG��han the umount af the sumr <br /> sccu�d immediutely befom Ihe taking.unlass Bamnwcr and I.ender ahenvi�ce ug�e in wri�ing ar unlecs opplic�ble law <br /> :�,--.: otherwiEC provide�.the procceds xhall do appUod to the sums secured by Ihis Secudty Inxtn�mont whethcr ar nat the sums are <br /> - then due. <br />--�.a��a�-.�,r�v� If thc Propchy is ubundoned My Barrower,or if,ufler notice by Lender�a Bamower�hat the candemnar offenw ta muke <br /> =-"r"��=..� ao awaM or�settle a claim for damogcs.Bormwar failx to respond lo Lcndcr wUhin�(1 duys uflcr the date the naka i�given, <br /> T ;,�j,.q� Lcnde�is au�l�orizcd to collect und upply the pmceedx,at itK optian,aither to reslorntian or►epnir of ihe Propany or ta�ho <br /> ;_ . � sums secund by ihis Security Inslniment,whether ar not ihcn due. <br /> - Unless Lender uid Bormwer Whenvine ogrce in wrUing,uny uPplicu�ian af pmceedK ta pri�cipal ahall nw exlend or <br /> -M''�°='"'-'-='�'� po�tpone the due dwto of�Ac monthly paya�ents refemed to in pamgrnphe I u�d 2 or changc thc umount of such payment�. <br /> �- 11. Borrower Not Rekased; �7orbe�uraaer By Lender Nul � Wpiver. Exicnsion of' thc time fbr puyment or <br /> �_:� �'%'` madification oi Artwrtizauion of the sums se�:ured by�his Securimy Instrument granled by Lender to uny suceessor in intercst <br />= of Borrower shall not operute to relen.Re the liability of Ihe original Bamower or Borrower§succe�sors in interest.Lender <br /> `� -_..,.- ,he!! na �e r_quired to cn�merrce prareedings�gain:a any sucres�QT IR IRSt!'!4!^i!pfi��r�n�xtw{u1��mw Fpr�wwvm�n�nr <br /> , �l ���"pr � '"� b otherwise modify amonixatic�a�af the sums secured by t9�ns Secu�it�•lnxtrument by reoson of any dero�unc�mACte by�il�c�riginu! - <br /> � Borrower ar Harrow�er�succ�s.cor�in interrsl. Any forbcaraaue by Lender in cxereising my�ght or remedy sha71 noR be A <br /> ` i ' A "'f� waiver of or afC�UijC(�lf 2XCiCISC Q`pt1��fi ht ar r��ned�•. <br /> � �gi <br /> •t•,•f , ' e <br /> � ��..�(S . , ��,,,;;., P � € - <br /> ;;`:;;y, ",� .��1;{:4' ,e�v.:. 12. Surcrssors aw�3 Axs9�ns�a+u�d;Jo1�Q aa��9.�ievCrA�L1AEnaliY3;�o�elg�ers. The covenaae��;md Ag�ernen¢s og afi+is - <br /> *�F;;��.� &Curity 9nst2ioment shaid bind nnd beneGt �hc yurce.�c�rs ond assign¢of Lende�and Borrawer.subJ�ct�a the provision�a� '� <br />•�,':-'�� ',r�-�h,'�y pnraFraph I'�. Borratiti�-er'ti c�vennn�s and agreemenis shs�11 he,jaint und severnl. A�ey Bqrrower wha�CM91�fiS this Secuti�ty -- <br /> .r, ctt: ,• i.,` -- <br />„'•�:.4 1i'r;';,� 1r.,trutnetlt but does�,1 z xecute the Note: (a)is casi��in;ihic Security Instrument only to mortqage,grant and cunvey that • <br />"°` � � '�' 8orrowerk int�rest in the Pro rs under U�e terms of thix Secutit ln.qlrument; (b)is aa rsonall abli ated to a tha sums <br />'` �`' `'f'�,4�''' � ;`,;� rsecured by i0�is Securily Dnxt�m�n4 and(c)agrees Ihal ll.e�xler end unb•a.her Borrower m�ay agree to ex end.mopdi y.forbear <br />'';��`' �� � � `.��. � or make an accummoclntinns with re Ard to the term�of thfs 5ecuri I�wrumeM or the Note wfthout that 8orrower:c <br /> ;•. �,:�i t ,, , . 5 6 tY <br /> , `'_:rt'x�tvi�:i ti � cotl.�Cnt. ' _ <br /> � '`�}����r�•°i;r,: � 13. Loao C es. lf Ihe ba� secured b this Securi� Insuument is sub' ct to u law which sets mnximum loan <br /> �` c. <br /> ='. ��!i!��':i`�`,?�: � cha.�ts.asx!tiea�!a�f:::a„y ir::�F:...¢�C so tl�at i�interest ar at�u�::�w���ar a,wikcted ai t�i�colk�;t�d in conneetiori _ <br /> �'{�,�y �'T����i,�.• 4i��,��;� pm�itted limits,then: (u)un tiuch laun cha� e shAll�reduced b the umount necescn ta reduce - <br /> • � ��' i�r$ ¢_ with the loan exceed the y: 8 Y ry <br />�; , S:�'r�^��t �(s��u <br /> ;,����;c ��,E��, •i�ti;�• �� .��j;� � the char�ee to tiie permitted limir,and(h)any suma uleeady colkcted fram Barrower which eaceeded rmitted flmits will be <br /> sU•�r�` 's�`� 43�! '��""`'� refunded to Borrower. l.ender mn choose to mnke this refund b reducin the rinci al owed under t c Note or b makin n <br /> �, .,, � ���ti� ,-�;�� Y Y S P P � Y 8 <br />- " st�.�+. r direct payment to Borrower. If t►refund reduces p�itklpul,che rcduction will be�rcaied nK a partial prepayment without any <br /> ; � ; `""r.��,:�u#;:` prepuyment charge under thc No�e. <br /> �����, '-x:'�+�.` 14. Notices, An natice to Burrower rovided for in this Securi� Ins�rument shall be iven b delivedn it or b <br />-•�.s�. a�.;,�...�.?;;��, _ <br /> _ � +.� " mailing it by first clucs mail unlesx upplicuble luw reyuires une of anrnher method.The notica shall be diryuted to the PropeAy <br /> • �;�'''�"�°"''"'` � Address or nny aiher addresx Bormwer dcsignute�by natice to LenJcr. Any noNce to Lender�hall be given by firRt cla4s <br /> �''+�'-�'.'`;":"�;� mail to Lender�uddrcss stated hercin or any other uddrcxs Lende�de�igoales by no�ice�o Bcxmwer. Any notice pmvided for <br /> �— in this Secudty Inxtn�ment shull Mc deemeJ �o hovc Ix�en given �o Borrower or Lender when given aY provided in �his <br />';w, ,,��t� p�g�Ph <br />��_ � IS. Governing I.Aw;Sevembillty. 'fhiti Securiry Inr:truntent �hull ix:�tovcrncd by federul Inw and the law of thc - <br /> `- �--»�z.. �;-' jurisdiction m which�he Mnpeny iK kx:uted. In�he event ihut uny pmvision orcluu+e ot th�.r•Srcunly Insttumem or the Note - <br />✓,+��.� � � conflicts with uppliruble luw,xuch crniflict shull nat utTeci o�hcr pn►vixiom of Ihi+Securi�y In�uument or the Nota which can ' <br />_:`:�° . � � . ��.-..�. . be given effect without tlx conllic�ing prc►virion. 'Ib thix end the provixionx ut'ihiti Security Innirument und the Nae a� = <br /> _ ,yY n.1 ' I'4 aY�J� _ <br /> '� ' ,�.,�,_ .. . ,+�.' decl�+ed to be seve�nble. - <br /> ..,,��' -- <br /> �:�'' '.�i�;�'.'::'� .� s' ' 16. Borrower's Copy, Bormwer shull bc given on�cnnfnmicd copy of thc Nolc and of thix Securily Instnm�ent. � <br /> � "`�':., �-�`'"';�� 17. 7Fansfer of the P�operty or a Benefieial lntcrest in Rorrower. If ull or un urt of the Pro rt or an mterest in t <br /> ;�'• •�:� • .. Y p F� Y Y� - <br /> � :�,a: ��{.,_•s,•a_. �:;�,l� it is wld or trnnsferred(or if a beneticial interexl in Bonow•er i. snld or trun�femed i�nd Borrower is not u nutuml person) <br /> '�;.;?�:ti _, . � without Lender's prior wriucn consem, Lender mny,ut it�optian, Rquirc immedintc paymem in full of nll sums securcd by <br /> -�•:;`�ji , �J jf.:.';`�`'�• this Security Insirament. However,�hiti op�ion shall not tic excrcixed by Lender if excrcixe ix pmhibi�ed by fedeml law ns of � <br /> �"•'•�`' � �he date of this Secu�ft Instrument. :, <br /> ���� � ''t�;;.,.. . y ., <br /> . If Lender ex�rcises this op�ion,Lcnder shull give Rorrower noticc of urrcleru�ion. Thr nodre,hull provide a pedod of �_" <br /> ;�' < < F ��' � not kss thun 30 duys from the dute the nolirc i.dellvereJ or mailcd wilhin which Burrower mu,t pvy ull xums tiecurrd by this <br /> '-'°�'��� � �� '��� � ' Securi In4trument. If 8onower f�ils ro u thc�e sum+ riar to�he ex viuian of Ihis <br /> �?l;�"�<.:. , �'�s� ���:. ry P Y P � p pe�ial. LrnJer may invake any ° <br /> .�a�r •� � ��' .., , rcmediex permiued by�his Securiry Instrument withuui funhrr noticr or ikmund nn Born�wrr. - <br /> `;���`�'�• '"'.�'{��•'� { 18. Borrower's RiRM fo Relnstate. If B��rmwer mcct� cenuin cnnJiti�mz, l3�xn�wer +hull huve the right ta have � <br />..: �h��� . ���'�'iy�r . <br /> 'asft�� �at enYoroe�nt oilhis Security In.trumen�disron�inucd.0 �my �imr prinr�n�M•curlier nf: (al 5 day,(ur.urh nther period ns ` <br /> :�;,:�� - >.,'�-�-� . __ <br /> ��`,; ��a�:,y. -.:. , �� / R f lw�rsl <br /> '�r�.f_ ' ti.��±;�y;:�i,� ., . Singk FamNy..Frnale Nre1FYuWk'11ue UNIF(►RM INti7'RUMIdNl'..Unfturm Corcnwxh 9/9B r w rJ u A <br />_-1 ��j�:;� �':• .: , ..• . -- <br /> ���, • . ;*; <br /> „ ,:�:; �' , <br /> "�i'�v� ,����+.,` � �5�i . - <br /> . �,'�; ��t;��6�!�7 - <br /> • >i�;,'?,:..;,"r�• ;.;il'-- - <br />_ .. . : <br /> �.,�' � ��: - <br /> , . . . <br /> ,..�•. . ' :: - • � <br /> ,,,� . . - - . __ � <br /> ::-�a:r , . . .. .. . .. . . _J - <br /> ' • t ' � ���v,�:,,�•...�..w�,.,:.�',..«;�>..�,e+tw�r•..,. r. .,,'y.�.. .::�t�.���,'...t,������iSi'i.- -'-:,-- .°__._ '.__ _—,. __. _. ._ .._. <br /> � , � � . ...,..j�..R�., ..,.v-.••�.�s...�+�F7� <br /> #..'}.[ .�'. ,�� - �e,�'.�t.r . ' �� - iJ..i?��'��r.c F! , . . •• ��':,1t�.a;i:sul��_'�.- <br /> �11i5 ti �e . , . . - l�r .;, � �. ,�"; . � . .� . . .t . , - ' � j °. <br /> , . . . . , .� , � <br /> --= i�.:;± �LKL•. �li_ � .t.. _ ,. �1.�...._.., :�rLa1....�. :a�� �J.�.iv .tL.L�..H3%:. <br /> � `f:l fi�y kvCSi _ _ _ . , . }'�`�r,1 5_'r r 1' ! i 1 .... . , . . �-:�i.:j,,�;•+.�:.r- .;�p_ :,-�,,f• "� . ;"nd,." '� 715 r;� <br /> 5r'�` �l�a i ;i 1 1 1 i • .' . ,' � � l r f i�u�r�j��� <br /> �j�u���ftn .f.;� a , {'f•. �f�����}5���� ��,r� ,�• 1 � : ,1 ,�4�/lt , rrl �,f,r t`' S�,tlt1.1 <br />.-.. �:ij����.yG I'awt�-.�...�_•., - 1�' .. 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