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r . <br /> :.�.el .. � ' .:�.+i.. . F.'.L.�.. <br /> �� ' - .... _ '_ ' <br /> .! y,I� a}._�.o,_� M�1�K�t�:._. . . . . , .'. _'. <br /> . � � 7 �Ni'sK. '-f _�:.1�a.� <br /> ��� � <br /> .. _��_�..'•+�..�b� —. <br /> ------- 93- so�oAz <br /> TOf3E1� WITH dl�ho impravemcnta now or het+c�f1M��cc�ed ao�he p+npeAy.and all eaaomamn.AppunenwuoA. <br /> — -- �d Rxtures now or ha�eafter a pan of thc propc�y. A01 rcplt�mcros wtJ�MliliunY rtwll d�o bo covered by Ihl�9ecwity -- <br /> Inwumatt. All ot�he fare�o{nQ it tefertcd to in thi�Sa�arity Inrtnwnent w the"Pnoperty" <br /> — BOItROWER COVENAIV7'S�hal B►►rrowcr ir Iwwfully�el�cd�t�ho cxwc hcrrby canvcycd und har Ihc ri�h�to�nnl <br /> - �IIA COIIVCy UIQF�aty Nnd Uw the Ptoperty ie�w�eACUm6erod,cxcep�fix c�cumbr�nccs of rcronl. Barmwe�wunnw+�nd <br /> wfll dafa�d�enenlly ua�i�k ta�he PwpeMy a�ainst�11 clwimi urd deman�ls.rubJo�h to wny cncumbrruxrx ol'rocord. <br /> �Y: <br /> THIS SSCURITY INSTRUMBNT combinea uniiarm covcmuilM fur iwliu�iwt uua wid nan-uaifotm row:naM� whlt - <br /> ?-_—---__--_-__- _--_- -- limited v�riallane by jurisdidion ta cronwlwte a unifom�socudty in�trument covetin4 real proporly, �_.. <br /> •r UNIFORM COVENMITS. Borrowcr and l.ender cavenunl and agr+ee ae fallawa: <br /> 1. Paymeat of Princlpal And intereWi�pAyment and Lale Clw�er. Bormwar shall pmmptly puy whBn dua�he <br />_ �� : princip�I of and intereet on tho dcbt evldenced by the Nolc und any prapaymem and Iwlc chargcs due under�he NWe. <br /> - ' -���� Z. F�unds for 7luces�ad IaxurAnce. Subject to appIicAble Iww or 10 a written waiver by Lender.Bortower shall pay to <br /> _L�,,,;_ -- L.ender on the day manthly paymaMs n►e due undar�he Note.until tho Nae is puid M full,u aum("Funda")for: (al yearly <br /> �;;���� taxes and assessments which may attuin pdority ovar this Security Insa�unent as�lie�on the Property:(b)Yea�ly kacehold __ . <br /> - '_��-,-- paymeats or ground rents an the Properly. if ony: (c)Yeady hazard or propert,y insurance premiums; (d)Yearly flood - <br /> -.�-.:ri�,., �•- , insuranoa p�emiums. if any:(e) Ye�ulY mortgage insuancc premiums. if any: ud (4 any sums p�yabk by eomower to <br /> ��" r`r� I � Le�der,in ucco�dwKe w�lh the provisions oi p�rnrngmph 8. in lieu of the puyment of mortgage insunu�ce pn:miums. These �_ <br />-^-._,,:..; — <br /> =,;::,��i,i�� , items are calkd"Escrow Items." l.ender any time,colleet and hold iimds in an amount not to exceed 1he maximum �, <br /> �;_ — .�- � -- �nwunl a lender far a tederaUy relatod mongage laan may require for Bcx�oweek escrow accouni under the fedeml Real — <br /> -= u Fslptt SetUement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to t�me.12 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("RESPA").unless ar�other <br /> =��� __ ;�;;� ,4i law that epplies to the Fiinds�ts a Iesse�amount. If so.Lender any time,co1lat�nd hold Funds in an amount na to ���`'�` <br /> ""'—'�"'``���}<,, etceed the lcsscr amM�nr. Lender may esdm�te the amount of FYmds due an �he b�sis of cutmnt dWa and reaconable C,�r� <br /> ; '`�f'_ ---'=��t'J',� --�'�i' asllmsues of experiditures of future P.scrow Items or otherwise in accordaaee wi�h applic�ble law. ��• - <br /> r' �, ` i��i�;�� '`� The P�nda shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by A federal agency. +n�s+rumqttality. or entity K:� <br /> , ;a• }}�'?'',t tincludin g L�mder,if Lender fs such en institution)or i�uny F�ederal Home Loan Bunk. I.ender sha➢0 apply the Fua�ds to pay Gfi;:: <br />:;;�,, :k , �?S'�'�f�:' �' • th�Escrow Items. L.ender ro ti not charge Borrower fur fi�ldin and a 1 in the Fu�ds,annunll anal zia tfie escrow r�°" <br /> �:. f, � B PP Y � Y Y R' [���� <br /> " �,' ' �+w', account,or verifyfng the 6scraw Items, unksa Lender pays Bortower interes�om tt�� FLnds end applicable law permits <br />=�j°r?��y � , ' . Lenda to malce such a chprge. H o w e v e r, l.e n d e r m a r��u i n B a row er to A aneaime chaz e for an inde �aa�nt rc�►1 ����' <br /> „� Y l 1�►Y � � �-: <br />':,,'t':',.: '�; , . esta�e tex reporting service used by I.ender in connection wdtfi this laur+.un�ess applicable law provfdes otherwlse. Unless an ��•= <br /> �..•n,,;:,. ;,,�., .,, <br /> �-;r,•;,. t��,;;��:,!+ agreement is made or AppIicable law requires intcrcst to 6e paid,l.en2'er shal]noi b�required to pay Borrower any interest or �_ <br /> _ ,. ; , ; � , ,,,. e�mings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender mey agr+ee in writing,hawevcr,thAt int�erest shall be paid on the FLnds. Lender �s <br /> :'•. Y�. � �.�,(:Y�I <br />- �, : .,,�:'��'"; k'r. shull giva to Borrower.withoui charge,an annual nccounting af the Funds,showing credilx and debils to the FLnds and the � �,:�: <br /> � �,.>,�+►��.: .;�,�; <br />;.;;}.,�,,��� �•� ;<<:��s�� � purpose f o r w h i c h e n c h d e b i t t a 1 h e F u n d s w a s m a d e. Th e F u nds are led ed as additinnal tsecudt for all sums s�ecured h � ����` <br /> P R Y Y �,:.:,:_ <br />-,�;}JJt�, ���,:., tf�is Security Instrument. �;"., <br /> •��+l:.__^ _ ' 1!'the Funds held bv Lender exceed the amounts petmined to be held by uppllcable luw, Lender shall azsout�t¢� -_ <br /> �' � �Bonower for Ihe excess Funds M accordance with the requirements c�f applicable Inw. lf tire amaunt at the huncis i�el�by n��- <br /> '� r:, � �;,���','t . . uch case Boyi�r�ower shall Spay toe Lender thc amount necc ca h to muake up themdcfic'�ncy f y eorrowerr shall�make p the R;r;,-; <br />-_ . '''�'j�;.;a. .{_° - ., _^~: <br />_ :-��. -•�. deficiency in no more then twelve monthly puyments,at L�:nder sole discretion. <br /> �• Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument.Lender shell promplly refund to Borrower any �-.'; <br />_ "�'!"• �`� `��' '�`���s`' Funda held by L.ender. If,under paragroph 21.I.ender shall acquire or scll thc Pronerty.Lender, prbr to the acquiRition or �'- <br />---'.: �� :'.',`.�::, ';';''�'- + • sale of 1he Property. shell apply any FluMs held by I.cnder at the time of ecquisltion or sale� a credit against thB sums �'!`- <br />��LL°;h:.�.. �`�,�^:�;:�<,•. :,�,, eecuredbythisSecuriryInswment. I, <br /> °��':"���;' �*-��•�- { 3. Applicatbn of Paymenta Unless applicabk law provldes otherwise.all payments received by Lender under ��� <br /> �` '� ��'.•�+ ' ra s 1 and 2 shall be a lied:fin� un re a menl char es due under the Nole;second,to amounts able under ��' <br /> -=i�,:',. "�'* ,'i� � P�B Ph PP Y p P Y B • I�Y <br /> ., :.•� •�'�:�''':''a.�°�`'.� par�raph 2;third,�o interest due:founh,ta principal due;and last,to any late cherges due under the Nale. <br />_i_ - •e'• 4. Ch�r�es: Llene. Borrowcr shnll puy oll taxe4. assessments,cherges, fines and imposilions wtribuu►ble to the - <br />_-.,,..;:.,: �. �. ' 7�;.,,:r,•, propeny wi�Kh way atiuiu�niviiiy��.;�thf��ccurity Instrumcnt,and Ica�chold psyment�or gronac3 tenta,if sny. Bortewer ' <br />-��_ �� :t�"' •-'� � shell pay these obligations in thc manner provided in parag�aph 2,or if not puid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on <br /> µ�1..,':f _. � n..,_ �-._ <br />•��[, �f.���"iw � . �ime di►ecdy to the person owed payment. Bomower shnll pmmptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br />;,�'•',`. �i� ����';�:�•..; � tQ�is paregraph. If Borrower mukes these payments diact➢ti•,Bonower shall prompQy Sumish to Lender receipts evidencing �,�� <br /> . �;� �. � r,�,;, the PaYments. <br /> :',^'f+:. �j��Alr�. .11}��:: <br /> _ f�ti:°tf �t�l����+y x•Y.a.j�.` Borrower shaFl promptly dfscherge uny lien which hac priori�y over�his Security Inatrument unless Bonower.(a)agaes ��: <br /> ,`� i . y �ry- <br />,,,,} �Q,�; ;�ti� in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u manr�er acceptable ta Lender,(b)contests in good faith Ihe �.,. <br />--�-r_; ;�:�r.:,.,�r ;.-'•'L.�:�:� I�enb g F P S• a Pe p <br /> _ �, � � �t��,� ,,;�;�.��, y,or deferids a ainst enforcemcnt of the lien in,le a! roceedin s which in t4�e Lender s o nion o rnte to revent the G�i��_, <br />,,�� ,;,: , ,�., eaforcement of Ihe lien;ar�c)aecures from the holder of the lien an ugnement s:��isfectary to Lender subordinating the llen �- <br />'��i'�d.;,�� ''� �� to this Security Insuument. if Lender determines that any �an oP the Propeny is subject to a lien which may allAin priodty �;• <br />�f ..��i.:�t:: �:�', :ti��°1 over this Secur+�ry Insaumeni.Lender m�y give Borrower a na�ice identi fying the lien. Horruwer s�al1 satisfy the lien ar take ;_ <br /> � �"r',>�'%; '*� '"•' one or more of the act+ons set forth above wiihin 10 days of the giving of notice. �%-°:;= <br /> Y:'`1'�''.'" " �'x � ' �� ? S. H�zurd or Pr Insurpnce. Borrower sAall kee the im rovements now existin or hereafter erected an the <br />•.,t�.�%.,. J.,;,;� �t•�• : ��Y P P B ���= <br /> k��,: <br /> t�'*`-� �=; rt insured t► ainst loss by!'ire,hoznrds included within the�ertn"extended co��erage"and nny other haza►ds.includinS j,;,- <br /> �. .� ���r� : ,`�.: it�. �t� Y +� �k_� <br /> <<3i� i800da or flooding,for which Lender reyuires insurun:e. This insurance shall fie maintained in �he amounW a�ed tor Ihe __ <br /> _ ''�1�' ti`"`fdi��CV';;d :..;' <br /> _ .�• �� <br /> ' � bbrm JYti 9190 IpaRt 2 ojb pagax� �}� <br /> ,1;•. �. <br /> � . '.� �'{t.: <br /> s< . , <br /> , . , ` �o�; � �=- <br /> ,� 1� ' - .� � ��;. <br />���, ' � � � .. - - !�*:._,,:y�..a.nV,:��.��...�.�.ir>a�k;.;.�-:�►;'- , .. �"',Y�'k5'x�7.v�7.•'rA . --- <br /> . . :.� � ` . , . . • . . � _ . - ' <br /> � .. ..,` _ �, . . , ' t�j 1. . . . . ' '. . . ''�t�-';- .'I.'�� <br /> � . � . <br /> . , .. . <br /> � "• . : _ ' ' - ` ... - <br />�..w::�:. .r. . . , , pr... , . . -- , '.1 - <br /> �ls���Li..�_.!�_ -_ �.�:�e.i._'� ----; ...._'�... _ . .. �' i.i_ :i:, :iyS�'�iJti� . <br /> . � <br /> -.� - --°�:- - —------- ` <br />