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rr� w- ,–•;T". `;t;,..; . `. �i�� �{�tt'P.�jai i.�'� .. - , ' � �'�1��':'� INI <br /> — ' �/A ! ��� �j�Jt , Rr ��I ' _ ._. ..�v._ <br /> .� . . 7.'�4. . _... . . - - - <br /> , � <br /> r...�. . � <br /> �t''=:.._ I..W� <br /> 93- �o�►�.z <br /> 5. 11wrd or p�pperty laauance, Barnnwer �hwll kap �he improvementa raw exicting or hereafler erectad on tho <br /> Prapetty itiwrod�inu lois by flrc.h�rd�includod within thc tenn "ex�endad caver�ge" ond any aher haxards, including <br /> -- flaadi ar ilaodin�,for whic6 l.cnder requfrea insuranoe. 7'tdc insurancc shall bc maimained in the amaunts and ior the perfads <br /> that Lender roquira. The inwnnca oarrie�providing the inaurarice shs�lll bc choscn by &�rmwer aubjxt to Lender's appraval <br /> wl�ich sh�ll not be unreASnnably withheld. U Borrower faila ta maintein caverage desc�ihod sbava. l.ender may, al I.en�ler'a <br /> = option, obtain cove�e to protan I.ender'i rights in the PropeAy in accardunce with paragmph 7. <br /> � All insur�noe palicie�and rcnew�ls sh�ll be ucceptuble ta i.endo�wid ghull include a �tandard mortgage clause. Lender <br /> .--- atwll iwv�the�lght to Iwld tMa poNoics and renewda. If l.e�xler rc�uires.Bomnwer shall promptly givc to l.ender all rocelptc of _ <br /> =��"-�•-----T��==� ps►id premiums and renew�l nadces. ln the event af loss,Raaower�hall aive prompt notice ta the insurnnce carrier and i.ender. -.- <br /> ..,;;"� I.coder may make proof af lasa(f nat made promptly by parrower. <br /> �;�.':'� Unkss I.ender and Barrower olherwise agroe in writing,insurance pmceeda shall be applied to restoration or repuir of the <br /> °-�`= PropeKy damwgod.iP tho rostor�doo ar repair ie ornnamically feaelble and Lender's secu�ity ls not the►estoration or <br /> �.d repair is not oconomically feaafbla or Lender'�secu�ity wauld be lessoned.the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the Rume <br /> =��; - sccural by this Socuri�y InFlrument, whether or nat Ihen duo, with nny ezcess paid to BoRnwer. If Harrower abandans the <br /> - = Property,or docs nat answc� wfthin 30 days u notice from I.endcr that the in.aurance cnrrier has offered to seale a rlairn,then =- <br /> _ ;�� L.e�der may collect tho insurance proceods. I..onder may use tho pmceeds to repuir or reslor� the Property or to pay sumc <br /> ��„ — securod by lhia Secu�ity Inetn�ment.whether or not then due.The 3Q-day periad will t►egin whan the notice is given. . <br /> _=��";' P - - Unless l.ender and Borrower ntherwisa agrea in wrfUng. any appUcation af pr�cceds to principal sheU no1 extend ar - <br />-�� ' .poetpoae tfie due date of Ihc monthly paymems raferrcd ta in parngmphs I and 2 nr changc Ihe amewnt of thc payrnents. If <br />� , u�der pa�g�aph 21�f�e Propetly is acquirod by L.ende�,Barrower's�ight ta any insurance policies and pmce�ds resulting Prom ' <br />`-._�,,,;� damnge to the Property prfor to tha acquieition ahell pa.�s to l,cruior to tLe extcnt of the rums secured by thix Security�Instrument <br /> :•_;';� '. -- immediately prior to thc acquisitian. _ <br /> �- ����' • b.�Oecup�ncy,Pr�serv+►tian�Mointenanee and Pratectlan ot the Property=Borrower's l,wm A�ppllcadon;Lea.gelwlds• <br /> ..�:�,_ <br />=�`:1����,�� Bc�rrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property ac Bonower's princlpal residence within sixty days after thc erecu�ion of - <br />�;ti�,,' ''��� this Secudty lnstrument un�l shaU rantlnue to occupy Ihe Aropeny as Borrower's princip�l residence for at Ieast one yc,u after �__ <br /> ;,,.;q�,; :, • ' the date of accupancy,unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consen�shell not be unrea��nnbly withheld,or unless _ <br />-.,:c',��r �`;'�. i r `;'l ^ ' extenuating circum�tnnces ezist which are beyand HoROwer'4 contral. BaROwer shnll nrn deatrrn�, dumage or impair the - <br /> � �' Property, allow tl�e f'n�peny to deteriornte, ar cammit waste on the Property. Bc�rrawer ehall be in dcfuult if any forfeiture _ <br />- ':��� ' action or proceeding, whcthrr civil or criminal, is begun that in L.ender's gc►od faith judgmenl could result in forfeiture of the = <br /> {{ ' °'t;' Property or otherwise matedally impair the lien created by this Securlty lnstrument or Lendcr'x security interest. Barrower may <br /> .:,;, - <br /> i;a<}�� *~ �i - cure such a default and reinstate,os provided in paragrnph 18, by causing the acti��n or proceoding m t+�dismisged wlth a ruling <br /> "'���:�� that, in Lendcr's gcx•d•Paith detertnioation, precludes farfeiture aP the &Kroa•cr's interest in the I'roperiy or other maleria) -- <br /> �:�`'�'-�"�' -_-- impairmoni of lita iien crcuinJ by tl�ir 5cx:urfiy iaai�uot�ui ur I.e�►�in�'a necufi�� inirrr�i. Suuuwri �1�uli aiso be is defAU{i If - <br /> :�:3rf� ,�``' _ <br />„•ipn '�' �+� Borrower,during the loan applkntion process,gavc mntcrially false or inaccurate inforn�ation ar slatements lo l.ender(ar failed _ <br /> :_�•-�!� �''�l/f��/i�.�°; to proo id�:I.ender with any material infornwdan)in connecti�m�vUh the lonn evidenced hy the Nate. including.but �x�z lfmited = <br /> -•.�j.'T; �� 'fjlY 1 �4:� � <br /> �•�,�._ ta.repr�:sentAtions coneerning 8orri�wer's occupancy of the Pro�x:ny a4 u p�ineipal re3idence. If'this Securiay lnstrument is on a � <br />_"� � ',, ?�.�x.,, ,� leaseho7d, Bnrrower shall comply with ull the provisions of the Icasc. If 9orrower ucquims fee title to Ihe Property, the = <br /> "`�O'?''-'� ' leasehold and the fce tiUe shall no�rncrge unlesr l.ender agrees to the me�ger in writing. - <br /> _ • �.,�>_�•.,, <br /> -- '�?+�{k�*,i�' .�.' 7.Protection of I.ender's Rlghts in the Property.If Borrower fuils to perPorm the cnvenents and agreementc rnntained in = <br /> ��' ' � this Securiry Instrument, or there ir a legnl pr�►ceeding that muy signiticantly afPect l.ender's righ�g in the Property (such us a = <br /> ��� roceedin in bankru tc rob�te, far condemnution ar forfeiture�r to enforce luws or�•e ulations), then Ixnder mn do and - <br /> ,;�=.: - : „, P S P Y•P 8 Y - <br /> pay for whatever is necessary �o pmtect the vulue of the Propeny und I.ender's rightx in the Property. L.ender's uctions may - <br /> T'�. � +��� "'`�''�'�`�� inelude paying any sum4 secured by n lien which hes priority over this Security Instrument, uppearing in court, puying ° <br /> �-=` � '°`'� �h���' ' reasonable auorne �' iee.s end enterin un the Pro n ta make <br /> +e�_ y. g pe y repain.Although l.ender mey take actian under this paragraph =.. <br />-" - '`:`•'•—:•.•r: __= 7. Lender docs not have to do u�. � <br />:�:�"�' �"� ��" ;i Any amoun�s disbu�l by �ender urufer this parugraph 7 shull become udJitionul deht of &�rrower secared by this ° <br /> �,�, _ <br />;,.'i!;';� y, Secudty Instrument. Bcxrower and Lend�r ugrx to othcr tcrnis of payment, �hesc amountx shall bcar intcrew from the = <br /> ''''i ' date of disbursement �t thc Note rate wui shall be puyablc, wi�h intcrcst, uQon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting � <br /> r� ' <br /> ��,. �.• �, — <br /> �•:Y,t� Payn�ent. _. <br /> =� '` �`y'— 8.Martgage Insurs�t�e. If Lender requireci mongage insurunce a.+a cnndition of makinF the loan aecurcd by t'his Security - <br />-'`° •, � �;'-•,.� ' Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to msiintnin the mortgogc in�uruncr in eficct. lf, for uny reason, the s` <br /> ' ' � ,.,;"� mongnge insurnnce coveroge required by I.ender or ceases to be in effccl, Borrowcr shall pay the premiums required to <br /> e <br /> ,' `��- obtain covera e substantiall ivulem to the mort u e insuruncc reviousl in effect, ut a wst wubstantiall e uivaknt to the - <br />�`.�>,r�• �. • .�,,� B Y �W R B p Y Y q = <br /> ti,,,,; � °,.r, cost to Norrower of the tnnrtgage insuruncc previously in effect, fn►m un niternate moAguge insurer npproved by L.ender. If _ <br /> �;�?;.,. .•;:.: - <br /> -�*k�•��'� � � substantially equivelent mortgage insurunce coverube ix nut�vailable.&irrower�hull pay tn l.ender euch month a sum equal to = <br />�'`�� i��I�Y�.,.\"�. •:•:�'�� _ <br />,,;ti,�,:;, ; ;",�t,,�' ,:„�, , one-twel&h of the yeurly mortgugc insurunrc premium bcing p,iid hy&►rcower whcn Ihr insurunrc cnvcruge lapsed i�r cca.ctd to _ <br />�:-'�•��;, °:•�'s' be in effect. Le�uler will arcept,use and retain these puymen�ti u.. a lok� reserve in licu of mnrtguge in.�urance. L.os� reserve = <br /> - �.,.,�. , - <br /> . ' ,. ,. : � Ram 3028 8/90 - <br /> ' ••:�, ' ';..�i;a�''Y vqp 3 0�6 <br />:.1� ~ ���'�j�' . i�lh(�i!!!1�.; � .� <br /> '�:b 'r�;'�, t���y, �c�"F i�. <br /> ,?�. ,�� ,<<'�' s . <br /> , .�i .1,'..�J�(j, '� <br /> .. ` :ar, �p�_ '�-�' ...�ir: <br />� �..' r t� ,,�i,•({��, ,. y',� •(•'i����,�'+�.+''�F^.....�..�.�.�--�++.a[vran+�Rvr�rliMmiNJ�1l7. 1� ll��:�.',�°'ti�( � '�'{�y�. _ <br /> .���� � �'ti <br /> w� . 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