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� ��� ; �+ ; , Y,,�f�µ,� .��ffl'��ATer •_- -- <br /> .� �, • ��. � :� � �l i{��il��i)E��iY+i'js,��' _ _ ___ . - - <br /> � r� �'�L•r7.x� .a:.. . __._ - <br /> _._� _ . � - -�,� 93-so�� _ ^ _ _-_ <br /> payment�moy no lon�er ba the option of I.ender. if mortgage insuronco coverage(in the amcwnt w�d fiu tho pe�iad <br /> thwt I,ender nequires)provided by an insurer Approved by I.endcr again bocame.c availwble ond is abtwinod. Bom►wor rlwll pwy <br /> - - the premiums royuirod ta maintain mongage insurnnco in effect,or ta provide a losa�servc,umil�ho roquioement fur atwlQ�o <br /> lnounuK�o enda in aoo��nce wilh any writtQn agrcoment betweon Aurrower and lrepdar or appiic�ble law. <br /> 9.1n�pectloa. Lender or its agent may make reasonoblo ent�ies upc�n ar�f impectbns af'the Pmpehy. Lenda�11 plve <br /> �;-� Borrower natice ac the time uf or prlor ta an inspection specifying reasonublo cause for the inspection. <br /> - 10. Condemnatba. The proceals of uny award ar clnim for dumuges, di�ert or cansequential, in conoection witlt uny <br /> � con�tmnation or other taking oP any part of tha far oonveyAnce in lieu of aandemnation,ure he�y �aiQno�l And <br /> .,. <br /> :j}��,__-�=� �hatl I�c paid to L,ender. <br /> , .'�. (n du event of a total takjng of the Praporly,the proceeda ahall be Appliod ta�he sumsc secured by thia Socuri�y Ins�rumont, ` <br /> .'� i whether or nat then due. with any eacess paid to Borrower. In the event of u paniul �eking of the Properly In which tha fair <br />, �'- mu�ke� valne of the Property immodiately bafore the taking ia equal ta or greuter�han the amaunt of the wms secured by�hir <br />— Secu�ity In4tcument immadiMely befare tho taking,unlesx Bnrrower and I.ender othervvltie agree in wrftin�,the curns socured by <br /> •:� this Security Insirument shall be reduced by the amnunt of the proceedR multiplied by the fallowfng fractian: (a) the tWnl <br /> !'"° amount af the sums secured immedintely hefore the taking, divided by (b) ihe fair merket value af the Property immodlMely <br /> �,�-, <br /> beforo 1hc taking. Any balance shall bc puid to Borrower. In the event af a partlal taking af the Property in which Iho fair <br /> morket valuc of the Propeny immedialely bcfore tho taking is lesa than the umount af the sums secured immediutely boforo�ha <br /> �T�i� laking. unle.cs Borrower a�d l.�nder o�herwise agree in wriling or unlec�upplicable luw otherwise provldcs, thc ptacecde shall - - <br />-_�::.; be appliod t�i tha suma secured by thia Securiry Instrument whether or nat the sums sre then due. <br /> �; `�., If tho Property iR abandoned by Borrower. or if,aRer notice by i.ender to Borrower that the rnndemnor offc�to make an <br /> ��_-- award or aettle a claim for damnges, Borrower fails to resparid to Lender within 3q days after Ihe date the notke is givcn. <br /> - - l.cndcr�.r qutnonzed to coiiect and apply the pn►ceeds,at us optiati,eithcr to rexiuruliuo u��cpair af thc i'raparty or io thc sunu �-- <br /> ,:. �� <br /> �avrod by�his Secur�ry_Yostrurnent,whether o�not then due. _v <br />= Unleqa l.ende� r�nd &►rr�wer Mherwise ugree in writing, An� npplicatiun of proceedn ta prfncipal ehall not extend or <br />:�� pawpme tho due dwe of tC�e momfity payments referred ta in pA�agraphc 1 and 2 orchsu�ge the amaunt of such payments. =' <br /> ,�:'... � 11. 8arrower NW I�eleased:FarbeArence By I.ender Not a WAiver.Extension of the�ime for puyment or madificatian <br /> of wtx�rtirAtfnn of the suans secured by this Secu�ity Instrument grnmed by Lender�o nny successor in interes! af Barrawer tihull - <br /> --. MN uperata lo release lhe liabilily of lhe or�gina)Borrower or Aorrowcr's successors in intcrest. l.ender shall not be mquired�a _ : <br />°` ^ commcnce pmcc�lings against any successor in interesl or refuse to extend time for paymcnt or otherwlr+e me�dify umortiu►tion __ <br /> � of Ilx humc r�cured by this Security lnstrument by neasan of Any demnnd made by thc origins�l Bonuwer or Barrawer's ��' <br /> ., �ucccsM►r�r in interest. An}� f�s�bearance by Lender in exerciaing Any ri�ht or remedy shall not be u waiver of or preclud�the � <br /> � exerci�c uP uny righ�or.remed�+. <br />-_` " ,,, •r•�-,�, i2. i;uccawutw wnd Arsi�s 8ont�d. Jalnt a�ss! Scrrral Llubi!lt��; Co-si�ners, The rn�ens�nt� and agrcements of►hia m� <br /> ``�;• "� `•` 5►tiuri�y In�trunwnt whull bind and benefit the succesa��and assigns i�f l.ender nnd 6��rrower, suhject to d�e pr�visi�ms of <br /> � ,ti��`r�'' �'�` �� puragraph 17. &�rrc►wer'ti cuvenants und Agreemems shall be joint nnd several. Any Borruwe� who m-signh this Securiry � <br /> , I'�" � ti`` �' b��uw�knt hut J�xs ixx execute the Note: (u) is m-siFninF thic Security In�trument only to mortguge, grnnt und cnnvey thut <br /> :�� � .,}''.... . ,,,�. <br /> „�,�',� �,. .•K liorr��wer'r intcrc+t in Ihc Property under the tcrms af thix Securiry Instrument; (l+) iti not personully obligaled to pay thc sums �. <br /> �a =� r,�rurwl by Ihi�S�wurity Instrument;und Ic)ugrces thut Lend�r an;!any nthcr Bnrro«�er mny u�ree to ertend,modify, forbcur or c <br />`%.;, �y��;.; .," " nwkc uny wrumnH�lulions with regard to�hc termx uf this Securiiy]nsirument ar�hc Niue without thnt Borrowcr's consent. �,�,�, <br /> ��'• •.• � IJ. I.wln Clu� 4w. If thr luan s;rumd b thiti Securit lnstrument i�sub'ect to u law which sets mnxlmum loan chorges, i;`• <br /> _�,,': _ r. �'R Y Y 1 .:: <br /> =�� �,- '" uiNl tl►ut luw i� tirwlly inlemreled ,t�that the imerest or other loun churges collecied nr to hc rollected in connection with�he , <br />—� �- <br /> �'���' luun cxr�tid �he�xmiinai limits,then: (ul uny tiuch loan churge shull be reduced by the umount necessary to reduce Ihe rharge �,, <br />_.�;'.,� • %#��A lo Ibe(krn�ill�d limir,und lbl any xums ulreucty collecteci from Borrnwer which exceixled pern�itted I{mits will tx�refLnded to <br />- �..� l��nowrr. lAixler nwV chcx�sc to m•rke this rcfunJ by rcducinR the pri�xipul owcd unJer the Nulc ar by mAking a direct _�-+F <br />_",-, ,_'�"''r'^:'�'��: puyoknt �n li�►rruwer. If u refuncl reduces principul. thc redurtion will be treuted su u purtiul prepayment wi�haut any <br /> �'� rc��`'�'��'� � r pnpuyu�ent clwr�tc urnler�hc N�HC. <br /> _�.�., ��;�"`'.:,, ,. <br /> , ,; '�f:a 14. fWNl�ro�+.Any niitirr w p��rrowcr provided for in�his Securi�y ingtrumen�shall tm given by deli�•ering it or by mailing <br /> - ' � ?`'•�'����•��" "��+; V il by lirnl rlu��nwil unlr�s upplicable Ivw requircs use oi'un��ther method. The nMice sh�ll be directed ta the Prapeny Address <br />- "�a.'c�r .� <br />- _.�,,, nr imv �Nhcr irkhe�� &�rn�wer Jesiµnutes by t�tirc ta l.cnder. Am� noti�c to Lendcr �hul) bc given by first cluss mail to <br /> �.a�° ra'"� • ' luiKl�r'�u�ldretiti titut��l hcn�in or uny other a��res.� �ender de+igna�e+ hy nntice �o Bormwer. Any natice pra�ided for in this �`a <br /> ,.•w.,..,:.•�„ <br /> ':'y4.t! � �, Sc�urily In.�runkm�hull ln decm��l w have been given w Borrower ar l,endcr wixn given uti pravided in�his parugroph. <br />