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K�?�•{`���, _.: . , ..... ., . . '! • ;�-.��-._ <br /> J. � 1." <br /> ' ' w � r!•�1 •rt . �i.t .►,.r. -'-.=—.�1. ._. <br /> _n—.�___.__� ..' "y�� ��_ _ 1 —_—.__.. _—_ - . <br /> 93-10�(li2 <br /> T0067'NER WITH all the improvement�now or haeafter eroctod an tho Praperty ud all easemenu.appurtemnoa,rnd <br /> 8xtures now or hen�Rer A patt af Ihc PropatY. All rc�iroementc �nd wWitions alwll Wso ba aweral by thir Sxurity <br /> IaqrumdN.All of�he fanegoing ia rafemcd to in�hi�3ocurity Itutrume�t ar Iho"Propeny." <br /> 80RROWBR COVBNANTS ttut Borrower is I�wPolly aeicod af�he as�ate hercby wnveyod�I h��he dQht to Qma and <br /> oonvey the Proporty wd Ihot the Propctty i�uae�cumbcred.exapt for e�cumb�af raard. Aarmwer warruw and wlll <br /> defead generally tho title to tha Property Ag�inW dl cl�ims and demondc,subject to any encumbr�s of rocord. <br /> THIS SECURITY 1NS77tUM�NT cambinea uniform cove�wru� far nsuionAl use w�d aomuoifam oovenwu�wi�h Ifmited <br /> = varinians by judsdictbn ta eonstimte a uniform�ea��ity in�uument onvering teal pr�npehy. ___ <br /> -_ _-_--_ -.�--� UNIFORM CUV�NANTS.Nnrmwer and l.ender rnvenent end agroe as fallows: �,_, <br /> 1. Payma�t ot Ptladp�l �u►d IMa+ect; �yment and i.�te Clu�rga�. Barrower shnll promptly pay when duo the <br />'-��- princlpal of And interest on the debt cvfdenoed by Ihe Note and any prepaymoM and late charges dua under�hc Note. <br /> w'i,.__ Z�F1u�r tor Tp�ces and Insurnnoa. SubJoct �o appiicabk law ar ta A w�fuen wuivar by Lendor. Borrower shall pay W <br /> , __ _ L�ender an the ct�jr moothly paymams are duo undor Iho Note.until tho Nota is paid in full.a sum("FundR")for.(a)ymrly wues <br /> and�nts whicA may attaua prio+rlty over lhis Secu�ity InstmmC►t as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold paymente <br />_ __ or grouixl rerNS on�he P�ope�ty,iP�ny:(c)yearly haxerd or proporty insurnnca premiums;(d)yearly Oood inaurance pr�emiu�. <br /> if�ny: (el y�early martgage insurauice ptemiums,if any;and(�any auma payable by Bc�rmwer to l.ender, in nccordancr wi�h <br /> �-- the pravisic�m nt;p�ngraph B. io lieu of the.qiuym�R of martgage insurance premiums.These ltems ace called"Escrow kems." <br /> Lend�muy, A� m�y time,eollect and hotd'Funcls in uri smount titot ta exead the ma�cimum amount a lender for a federally � , <br />_���� nel�ted monga�e loar�may�equire for Borrawer'c escraw nccount under the federal Real Estate Senlement Pra�rodurts Act qk' <br />=``' 197a s�s sunendad from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Sec�i�n 't&Ol et seq. ("ItESPA"),unless wx�ther IaW that appUes to�he Fu�3 <br />-. :, <br /> `�"� " sets a Qesser anxwnt. If eo, [.er�der may, a1 uny ti��, collect and hold Funds in en amount not to'exetod the lesser anwunt. <br /> ; ----- <br /> """"` � I.eiwler mF►y esudr�u�te Q�e enwunt of Funda due on thr tm.�is of current data ard re�so��abie estimatrs oi capcnditu�uf(Liu�c . <br /> .;:.:,� F - --- - - — �- <br /> ,�'�� 't Bso�aw iZCms or athcrwise io accardance wi�h uppfitublc law. <br /> ' 'T�he �unds shall 6e heQai in an insdlution whose ciepacils are insured by a federal agency, insitumenwlityl, or enti4y - - <br /> �� (inclawling Lender,if y.ender is such an institWion)or in n+��• F�cleral Home Laan Bank.�.$mle�sha11 apply the Fua.�s to pay t�e ���� <br /> , :'�;, «_=�- <br />- � . Escr�w ltems.Lender mey not charge Bortower for holdi�g and appiying the Funds.;�nr+ually analyzing the escrow accouot,or -__ <br />�.•;��; verifyln�ttae�scrow ltems,unless l.ender pavs Borrower interest on tMe Funds and applicuble laa permits l.ender to make such <br />: ��:� a charge.Hawever,l.ender may require Barrower to pay a one-time churge for an independent►eal estate tax repoRing service <br /> used by Lende� in•camecti�n wlth thia loan, unless applicable law provides atherwise. Unless an agreement is made or <br /> '�'A�' eppllcable law tequires interetit ao be paid. I.ender shall nat be required ta puy Banow�er any intcrest or camings on the Funds. ' _ <br />'-�'' Barrawer and Lender:nay agPec in wrfting,hnwever,that interest shall bc paid on tha Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. � <br />:�;-:�;: <br /> _:.1;� without chat�e, an nnn�al urcouming of the Funds, showing credits And debits to the Funds and the purpose for which eaoh <br /> - dcDit to thc Fur.:3s�cas ma�c. '!'tu Punds arr p;.dged as addltions!sccuslt�for a!! surs�sxared by tlsis�udty ls�stiumens. <br />-;��.5;;,, . - <br /> , i�,,r; If the FuncJ.f�cld by l.ender eacced the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law.Lender shall acrnunt to Bnrrower _--- <br /> :•�:� �''� �.. — <br /> ;�,ti�,� • !� for the exces.4 Fundc in accordance with the requirements of applicablc law. If the aniount of the funds held by [.ender at any ,��,,;;;,: <br />_:,_Y.�h� :`>' ��,., time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when dus.L.ender mny so notify Borrower in writing.and. in such cu:<e Borrower �li;'= <br />__`�,�u�• �t,, shall pay to LerKler the amount necessury to make up the deficiency. Bc�rruwer shall make up the deficiency in no mo�thara __ <br /> ;� twelve monthly payments,at L.enJer's sole diseretion. �-��° <br /> _,�' � •, Upon payment in full of'ull sumx securecl by this Securiry Instn�ment, L.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any �m_ <br /> - � fiuixls held by L.ender.if.under pamgruph 21.I.cnde�shull acquirc or scll the Pmpeny,l.ender,pr�or tu the acquisition nr sale Z�:: <br /> -`-' --- of the Property, shnll apply any Funds held by L.ender at the�ime nf ucquixition or rale as e credit ageinst Ihe sums�ecured hy ��.: <br /> ���„ this 5ecurity Instrument. -„� <br /> ,��' 3.AppNcatlon ot Ppymeats.Unless applirnble Inw pravides otherwise,all payments received by l.ender under paragrapPos <br />' i:3��':. <br />�s��k�� 1 and 2 shall be appliecl: tirst, to any prepaymcnt chnrges due under Ihe N��te:second,to amounts puyable unde�paragraph 2; ;•��� <br />_rw�1: -- -- thial,to interest due; faunh,to principal due;and lust,lo any lutr chergrs dur unQer the Note. <br /> -��3 ';, � �' c, � �.Charges: Lleng. Borrower rhull p�y oll wxes,a�.�c�smcnts.charges, fir�es Anci impositlons attr�buWble to tn�Pmperiy <br /> -,;�..: ,�? '-'_[. <br />-°�•;:'a�, whicP�may annio priarity over this Security Ins�n�ment, and leasehold paymems ur grcwnd rent5, if any. Borrou�er shal!pa�, <br />��''`"�'j� i�: these obligations in thc munner pn�vided in purc►gruph 2,�►r if not puid jn ahut manner, &irrower 4ha11 pay them on time dia,:�0y <br />�-5f(�;f:�. �r'. <br />-_:�.l,,:;, �c � .. to the person owod payment. Burrower shall pmmptly furnirh to L.e�xicr all nMices af amaunts to bc paid under this paragraph. �'=- <br />"='��r `���� If&►rrnwer makes these u ments directl Hurmwer shall rom I fumi�h lo Lender recei �ti evidencm the a ments. <br /> � :�.,.i P Y Y• P P�Y P� � P Y <br /> �'� Surmwer shull pmmptly diuhurge uny licn whirh huti priori�y ovcr this S��rurity,Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in �•` <br />-..:i:;:. wriling to the payment of the obligution secunrl by Ihe lien in a manner�ceeptahle lo l.eixtcr;(b)contests in gaod faith the liero ��: <br /> `''' %i.; by. or defends a¢ainst enforcement of thc licn in, legal pr�xceding� aniich in Ihc i.cnder'. opinion operure to prevent 1l:e •"�• <br />=,,.r��:,, . <br />:;��t�� enforcen�ent af tg+�lien:or(c)serures from thc hnldcr of�he lien un ugrcc�ent xo�itifurtnry�o l.endcr suborclinuting the lien to <br />='"��.� �� thix Security Instrument. If 1_ancEer Jeterniines�hUt uny pan uf�hc Pn�pert} i>,uh;�r� a►a licn which m�y uaain priurity over �'"• <br />%=:.`�. `Y;. • ��.�•�, .' �his Se�:urity Instrument. I..encVrr nwy�tivc &irr�►wer u notirc idcnlifying the lien. &rrn>wer shnll sutisfy the liea„r take�me or <br /> �';�t more of Ihe aclions set foMh above within 10 duys��t'the KivinR oi'muir� <br /> _ r ,_.,,,�. —_ .. <br />,�'.r�3i1(,�� �•i.�,:�,i�,.i�n-� fp111�$8 ���Q <br /> ..ijl, .'��fl.`� .;�aG: . ' <br />. . �:1.� . ��P7o1@ . . <br /> �. r�t����•:' . ��� . <br />_. �, �,�. '�``�:� <br />, -- �.- ., `- � ?{� 1 •�-_'' <br /> •�. ��i `,r �'_'� _ <br />_ 1, . � tt.. � � ��.r'..'�..'a,."�.�^r�,�...�..w_ —, .--o.-.F..� . ,:S .+ti'•_,.,,=t'_.•��t�,'�,;". dP7Ri4 '+��t�m <br /> _yJ' .-�.y. - . , •� . . 't� v _• . �� �� `%i�i� � ��tiL <br /> �Z JS... � � �,. . ' . � ,.. - ' ,a'y.�.a.;M��•�•r . 4 . . 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