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_ � tr • y .. . , _ _ <br /> i° "'f" . <br /> -'.:r - <br /> _— . r'�, � � ,. ` �` , - <br /> �.� �,..� ,.�� � - _. ��_ <br /> „ . <br /> � „ � _i:. - - - _. <br /> ". _� __ _....--- �� -. _ __ <br /> -- . 93=1o�A <br /> � ' poriodp Ih�t Lrender►aqui�es. The insunu�ce caRkr p�uvWing Iho insur��e rhWl be chincn by Norrnwer wbjen to I.enderk <br /> �pproval which�h�ll nat bc wuraaooabty wi�hheld. If Bamuwer fafir to msinuln caver�e Aescdbed�bave.l.a�der m�y.a <br /> lrawb�l�optian.aM�in cover�e io protat Lende�h�i�hir in�ha�ity in x�coadanoa wilh�wr�raph 7. <br /> All inwwnce policies and�enowals ch�ll Me�coept�bk to �nd ah�ll includo N s1�M ma�Ag�ga cl�uco. I�ender <br /> _ �II h�ve tho right lo hold tl�e poNcies md rcrawals. lf Leoder requirrs.Bamawer ahall pmmpllY givo ta l.e�de�all roceiptR <br /> - d pwid prcmfu�and�enewW nolkes. In 1ha ovent of lac+�,�pfON'C��7II�IYO pf0111�1)IIOI�CQ t0 lI1Q L1Wi11C0 C�If�O�YM) <br /> - -- - - - --- t.a�de�. Le�der may malce proof of lass if nd m�do promptly by Bortower. <br /> - =:�_�----�_— Unless I.ender and Borrawer ahe�wlse asrre in wrfting.innurancrpnx�en1��hall be oppliM to rcst�xntion a rcpair of �- <br /> : �P• thePtope�ty du�ed. if Ihe oesto�tian or rcpair ia ec�nomic�lly fe�aible w�d I.ende�k secu�ity is nat lessened. If Ihe <br /> '� Kxwra�fan or�epa�is not econwnically feasibb or Lender� secudly would be lesaet�ed,ttm insuran�.�e proaeds slw11 bo <br /> _ appliod to the suma securod by�his Security Inst�umeM. whether or od Ihen due, wUh any ezcesg paid to Barnwe� If <br /> - Borrower�bwndo�u�he Property. or das not ancwcr wllhin a0 days a nutice fiom I.emk��hat thc insuranco cu�ier h�s <br /> ___ __ oi1'ercd to settk a cl�Frn.then Leoder may calicct�ho insu�e proceeds. L�nder moy use the pra�eeds lo rcQair or nstom <br /> �he Property or t�►pyr sums cocunod Dy�his Socwity Inwoxnent,whether or nat U�en due. The 30-day pe�iod w�i be�in wden <br /> �_. _ the�otia is given, � <br /> -- - Unless I.rnder arW Barrawer otM�wise qgnee in writing. any application of praceedc tw principal�hall na extend or <br /> -- - postpone�he due d�e of�he manl�iy pa�m�ems referrcd a in porrgtaphs 1 s�nd 2 or chunge�he u�nount of Ihe pa�ments. !f - <br />.c;,;,,; w�der pars�raph 21 We Hupe�ty is�:yuire�i by Leader.Ronnwer�s�lght ta nny insurance polkies wwl pnx:eeds�wlting - <br />-��`• i��nm d�ma�e w�he Plmperty pior w die acquisNion slwll pass w Lende�to the exle�u oi'the siuns socwed by Uds Securiry <br /> a_'. Incmunait inunediately prior to Ihe acquisition. <br /> �. Oee�panKg P�rvatio�. Mdnteaaoce snd Proteclion o�Ihe PrapertF: Uorro�rer'� I.o�ut APP��i <br /> . — 1.aasiriir. 8w.u�rL�iwii u«upy.r�Lii�,a�i usc tlsc!'r�:r��[l�,riow:rZ�ir.ipai ie�[3er�:a uithtn sixty days�'xr - <br /> _ �- �he execwloo af thi��ecuriry Insuumeat and shall continue�o occuPY��t�nY as Bomovrer�s principal n:sidence for at - <br /> - k�st ooe year eftu tt�e date of oceupancy, unless l.ender aherwise agrees in writing.. which consent stwll nat be <br />:_•,t�' utar�.wnably withtrcld,or unless exta:owiling circumstances exist which nre beyond BcKroMa-'s contml. Bormwer xhall nat <br /> dcstroy,darnagc or impnir the Propr�ty,allow Ihe Property to deteriornte,or cammit wsistc�H�aFra Property. Borrowe•r slwll <br />�b�, � be in default if any forfelture Ac1bn ar p►ocee�t�rcg,whe�her civil or criminal.i:begun lhat icn Q.eaader�gaod faith judgment <br />- could rrsult io forfeiture of the Property or a�t'o�rwise msuerially impsiir the lien creAted b+p�Ihds :�:r,w.;�:y Inswment w <br /> .��a Leade��s se�:urity interrst. Bomnwer peay cure such o default and reinstate,o.�provlded in ptua�;PS�h 7i4,b} �ausing�he action -- <br /> or proceeding to be dismissed wiete:a ruling tha�in LenderS good fai�h determinution,preclwaks forfebure of the Borrower�s <br /> intercst in the Propeny or dher o��aterlol impairment of the lien created by this Security Imstrument or Lender's secu�ity <br /> Literesl. Borrower shall alw be ��: dePauU if Borrower. during the Iwm applicallon pa�rce�s, gave materially fulse ar <br />--�'�•.,'. lnaccurate Informatio�or statemenV�to I.ender(or fuiled to provide Lender with uny mate�iAl infortnetion>in connectian with . . <br /> the loan evidence�bv the Note, including. but not limited to,representations roncemia�g 6orrower� cecupancy of the <br /> --_%: Property es a princiw➢�esidence. ➢61his Security Inslniment is on u leaseei►old,Borrower shaDi comply witP�oll the provlsions _ <br />:::.t,�.�. <br /> � - � '�`�*� � of the lease. If Barrower acqudr�cc trc.;litle to the Pmpeny,the leasehold und the fee litle rha00 n.ot mer�e unle:x I.cnder agnxs <br /> 3;:.�. <br />. � ".�, ° � ��` ° ' to the o��crger in wri�ing. - <br /> - 7. 1'rotecdoa of Lendrr� [4i�U�s in the Property. If Bortower fuils ta pert'orm ��'k c�avenan[9 end agreements �� <br /> = �y� conwined in this Secu�ily lnstn+mem. or lhere is a legal proceeding thut muy signi�cen�Dy affect Le�ader� righl� in the ��•� <br /> Property(such as n prac�eding in bAnl;ruplcy.prnbrte,for condemnation or furt'eiture or to enfurce laws or regulations),then <br />'=�•�' Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary w protec�the value of�he Property uad d.ender�righ�s in�he Propeny, <br /> ' L.ender's actions ma include +ams on sums secured b u liro which ha, riorit over this Securit Instrument.a �'", <br /> Y P�.� _ Y Y P Y Y ppearing �.:,� <br /> �-�°•��r F `• in court,paying neasonable anom•rys'fees nnd rncering on the Propeny to muke repuirs.Ala�hough l.ender may tnke acti� - <br />-! � under�hi��rn�aph 7,l.ender dne�nnt huve to da so. � <br />°�� tr{ �" Any amounts d9s�+wrsed by L.ender under thi.parugn�ph 7 shAll lx�ome addi�ional Jebt of Borrower secured by this � �•� <br /> >��'� Securi ry Insuvment. l'nless Borruwer nnd Lender a gree tn rnher icrmx of pa y�ca7,lhexe umounts sho l l b e n r i n t e re s t G o m t h e <br /> ��� +� .:`;��•; dete of diRbursemenl+�t �he Note rate uncl shall bc puyublr,with interest,upon na�ice fram Lender to Banower requeslfng <br /> - � paymeot. ` <br /> �'` �x �:::�rT" 8. Mortgage InsurAnce. lf Lender reyuind mongage in+urance ux u cundiliar�,�f muking the loan secured tn•. th�.; <br /> "�;'�,;"`- ' Security lnst�ument,Burrower shull puy�he pmmiums rec�uind tn �nuintain tlx mortgage insuwue in effect. If,fmr uny ' <br /> �=� ' `,, reason, Ihe mongage insurancc covernge rcyulred by L.rnJer ��r c�uses to be in effect, BoRi�K•er shull pay the - <br />-� '-a •�'-�"���i"'«' premiums required �o ob�ein covernge sub.�nnti;►Ily eyuivuknt lo thr rn�xt�ace insur�nce ptevI0U5It. in effect. a� u cost '' <br />- E'�"''y����^ ' . substnntiully equivuknt to the cost to Burmwer af Ihe mo�guge imurunce in et'fect,from un aUemnte mar{gage y� <br /> . .y- --__ .,�,.--. insi�rer nppmved by Lender. If sah.��an�iiilly eyuivulrnt mongn�e in�ur,�ncc r����erage i,n��t ati•,TilaAle.Borrowrr shull�ay to ;-� <br />'"°`��� . ; L.cnckr cach month a sum eyunl ta one-twclfth of thc ycurly mortgugc inxuruncc prcmiuno t�ring pai�l by Bomower whet�a�he - <br /> �i, �,•' f'�� insurame covemge lupsed or ceusrd to Ix in effrct. l.ender will ucc�pt,use;u�d rctain�hese p•ryments as u loss reserve in Ilau � <br />"'''�' ,`.�� of mort a c insurance. Loss re�ewe a mentx ma no lon��r ix rr mred,at�hr o twn of Lender, if mort u e in�urnnce z�� <br />;�r:}:,:;.. 'r, 4 . g g � P Y Y 6' 4 � P� � 8 _ <br /> coverage(in the nmount and for the perioJ that L�mier reyuire�)provided by un inxurcr upprovrd by Lender ogain becomes ` <br />-`''���" ''.�' ��" -°'� available und is obtnined.Borrower shull puy Ihe premium�nquired to muimuin m�►ngoge intiurunce in efF�ct,or to procide a ;i <br /> ,,; <br />_- :''{�i �Q�,Y ` loxs rc3erve,until the reyuiremem fer monguge insuran�c end+in uccor+dw�c wi�h uny wriuen a�re�ment between&�rower <br /> `�•��, ' "`°�` �;�:'` and Lenc�er or applicable law. <br /> -���' ' ��'�o�� 9. lnspection. I..ender or it+agem niay ����� rea.unubl�cntrk.uExm unJ inspertiun+uf the Propeny. L.ender vhall '' <br /> :�`-1,." • ' � <br />_,— . ;- s, ,�,.�.�, give l3ortoucr n.titi�e a�tiie iiwr uf ur prior���a��in,��c�ion��xcifyinE rcu�onuhlr cuu.e li�r�Lc ia,pr�tiuu. �'� <br /> •:�,i.., r;;{!` }'`� 10. Condeaau�sMla�m. The prcxeed�ot'un� a«,ird or claim li�r Jumugeti.Jirec��,r conneclion with uny t`;=� <br />:.,.� ., .t. ���i 1 <br /> 't�;;�i; ���;,i�.a�.!r. <br />-�: �" ��•. �,��•.x s, 5iapk Famih-Hnak Nue/tYMdle�1or l�'YIFORN IYSTNI'MF NT--Unftimn('o�r�cun. 9/90 r�w�r t,�n�„i,rrsi <br /> ��{.'- �i��� �arallN/,a�Fa�r�.lrc■ � .'. <br />�'1•' �'�,� �"`e�;i,.T��lr` '� � <br />:'-i `' .� - '( :T TO�MdErfAr:1•o0P63P O YA%6147Y1•1171 <br />_'.,•�j. yos'��' '�� 1 <br />;j�;:3�1 ' ;j{i:,,"..�a�-;;;�.:;.� �i:, <br /> 4� `'i� .i, �.�� s;'��'�'� '{S� � <br /> y L, ( °'�!'���`a�r`,.'�r,��1„�d'�` (�� �, t � <br /> , ,r ,S�fS , ��-�;'rS,t\�'�`,?i,r {Ri:• . :il,� � . ` }'` � .����i„'�����M/'�� , '�.� ..�i _. 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