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._.. • .-r;+''_ ,,..� <br /> � sin.�' ' <br /> ��� � �, '. � �r.:^ . . ��.'_ <br /> . . .`�..,�„ .a�.i ..,. ..._ _ . . ' .. . t�^ - <br /> . ' r .��. ...ew!-.ti.� - <br /> �.- ..� ���._. .. <br /> _ _ 93-'1�8 <br /> 7'006i'HBR WITH wll lhe imprsvcmentc oaw�hercaficr croctcd on d�c pmpenY.artd dl e�sements�+PPurten�-e+. <br /> md tittwe�naw at hdn�fler�pat of the property. All rcpl�crnteMs�nd�dditianr ciudl�Ico be coverod by thir SeeuNty <br /> lnmumatt. All of tho foro�ait�i��ferred w in�Ais Sectuiry Insurumen�ts the"Prapaly." <br /> BpRROWBR CpygNANTS thu Bo�tnwrer is I�wtully ceisod of tla est�te hcreby oanveycd�nd I�s 1hc�i�t to�ram <br /> �nd canvay�he Property and thu�he Property i�w�ax�umberod.except far e�cumb�nces ot roco�d. Harower wuram��nd <br /> _ wW ddad genenlly the dtb w the Propaty�ainst tll claim�and denwbs.wbjoct�o�ny encumbranocs af rocard. <br /> '1'HIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combines unifortn cova�utts far nstlan�l uso and namunifam ouuvaMnt�wlth <br /> - ------- lia�ed v�n b�r juriwdidion ta constitute a wiifono cix�u�ity 1�wnu�xnt coverin8 rcal Pm�nY• ---_ <br /> UNp�tM C�pygNAM'S. pom►wer md I�endet covenant�nd agree u fdbwi: <br /> !. Para�a�t d Prbelpal aad 1Ma�qi Pr�P�l�t Md l.ste(.'��es. Narower sh�ll panPUY P�Y wlwr due the <br /> � �of and intaest ao Ihe deb evidcocad by�lia Note u�d anY pepayment+uM I�te chugey due under�he Nate. <br /> Fbadt(io�'11�sp aad Iqq�rance. Subject to�p liaible I�w ar to a written waiver by Leoder.Bortower shall py w <br /> -- l.ender on U�e d�y monthlY p�ym�nts are due under the Noto.until�he Note ia p�id in full.a sum l"R�nds")far:(�)Y�Y <br />--= uuees ud ucescment�whkh m�y�tt�in prioriry ova this Secu�ity Insuumant�c�Uen an�he Property:lb)Yarly leuehold <br /> or ground rents on �ha Pm�leny. if any: (c) Yeady h�x�M or properly insunu�co pncmiums: (dl Yeuly Oood <br /> �premiuma. it Any: (o) Yearly mwtg�Be insunu�ca premiuma.if any: +�nd(�anY sima�s Pa�y+�ble by Bomower w <br /> - _- - I, ac�,�oNance wlth the provlsiona of p�ngraph 8,in lieu of thepayment of mong�ge insw���e prem�ua►s. 'll�ese <br />., _ -- items ur called'F.scmar loems." I.ender mwy.At�ny lime,collect and hoW li�nds in an�unouot niot m exc0od tQ�e miaximum <br /> .���.' --- aaoim�t A lender fa a fodealiy rcVted matgage lo�n may requiro for Barower�escYOw#ccaunt w�de�the federal R�1 <br /> � , Fsnte Seqlemene prooeduunes Act of'1974 as amended fiom Ifine to time.l2 U.S.C.$2601 ei s�q.l"RESP1�'!.unkss+unther <br /> '� I�w�t�oWia w 1be ii�nd�sets a kaser unoun�. If so.L�ender ma� any time.collect and IaW Fimds in�n�nount noi ro `- <br /> , - - �"•'-- - - excad thc lesser �mount. l.ender map cstinuue the amount of hundR due on tF�e basis oi ewmm data aaai na�ir -- <br /> esqnwtes of expa�diwrcs oi fWu�e Escnaw Qeems or ahawise in accordance with�pplicabk law. <br /> . �. 71�o fi�nds shrll be he0d in an iastitution whose deposita ouie insurod by a fednsl ageacY.inslruiroentality.or enti�Y <br /> J, "l' 6•• �1�_--,.. <br />. . :�.;.. ' r,u2cludiag l.ender.if Ler�.�is��uch an i�utirodonl ar in any Federal Haae l.oan Bank. l.rnde�shall apply thc Fiwids w p�y --_ <br /> . •`f� �� dtae F�x.�raw�Auemati. Lender may not cloat�t Bormwer for holding and�pplyin�the Hmdds,aanually analyzing 1he escrow <br /> .��, ' � ��ioaoun�oe w�raFying �he Fscmw lterns,waaless L.ender pays Bortower intemst oa the l�nds and applicabk I�w pemdts <br />�'::.:,5; .t�? Lender td such a c6arge. Howec�w�r. 9z�der muy requir�e BoreMr��Mer to pay a a�e-time ch:u���r for an indepa�dent na! <br /> -�. .eslate tax nepotting service used by Lender ia rnnnestion with this loan.unless appUcable law provides otlrcrwlsc. Unless an <br /> agreemeM is m�de or applicabk law requires intercst to be paid.La�der ehall not be required to prry Bormwer any interest or <br /> � , e�nings an the PY�nds. Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing.however.Ihat interest shell bepaId on the Punds. Lender <br /> . �,- ,��:.i ahall givo to Barower.without chuge,an annual accc.wndng of the PWnds.showing credits Arid debits to Ihe Funds aed the <br /> .y� pu�pose for which e,�ch debit W Ihe Fliaid,�was mwde. The Phnds are pkdged as�dditfawl secu�ity Por�II sums securcd by <br />`;::;,a{ t6ic Securky lnstrumenl. <br /> :;�;r: .,e�;,�,.± if�he �unds heid b i.aufer ea�YC.,1 U� a�iwu�t: �rmitted ta be tieW !sy a�1.c' ablt lak. she!! account 1� <br /> 4S•�'s}�;7� � Bomower for the excess�i�ds in accordance wflh tt��:roc���irements of applicable t,►W. li�he amamt af the ILnds held by �, <br /> ixf .!��g{'�'�: l.�nder at any time is�oa saat�'�ient to pay the Fscrow Ic��when due.l.ender m�� 90 notify Bomower in �;., <br />:.;��r ,.�� - s u c h c a s e B a r ower shal0 �w;�to Lender the amount neces s a ry to�ma{,e u p tt��eti�irrny. Bortuwer shall m�lce up the <br /> �._t,. . :•�,,;�. dcflckncy ia no more U�n twelve month�}�paYments.ot I.cnder's sola;Ji�cretlon. <br /> ��_���'" � Upon payment in full of Wl sums�ecured by this Security Inspument.L.ender ehall prompdy refund to Borrower a� <br /> '�.,4° �� �.. <br /> �j' ;,,;,;,��-r,''��;� Funda heM by Lender. lf,under pardgraFh 21.Lender shnll acquirc or sell the Praperly.Lender.prior to the acquisition oa �k� <br /> , �,,,{� aale of the Property.slwll apply any F�arids held by Lender at the lime of xquisitimn or cale ac a ciedit against the aums �-Y <br /> secured by this Security Insdument. �cr- <br /> '" �,;•' 3. Applkallon ot Pr�ymeats. Unles.c applicable law prurides ull�erwise,all paymetNS reccivcd by Lender under <br /> �;� �� • � � pars�grapl�s 1 and 2 shall be upplied:GQSt,to anypre payment charges due under the Note; amounts payable under - <br /> �=— �a parqQraph 2; interest due;fc�ux�h,to principal due;and losl,ta s�ny late charges due under Ihe Note. '�- <br /> u , <br /> °!�` �. C6arQes;Lkoa Borrawrec shall pay all wxes, as�essments,charges,fines and imposit�ons attributable to the -.':� <br /> - �- -- -- ii which ma ettain -�.•6��cr this Secudt lnsuumeat.asid leasehole! a ments or esx!r+ent�.if an�. 9vr►ower . ;`:: <br /> '� F�Wx i' Y G��'Y Y P Y S� 3 �;:�: <br /> ,�.,, �..• <br /> •:; ., �',,,,,,:.�•,�;� � sfiall pay tluse obligatlons 9n tMe ms►nner provided in paragruph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on .F,.�.� <br /> � � ".:�.� � ' � t�me direcUy to the persora ow�FCl pu,ur�vtnt. Bomower shnll promptly furnish to Lender all notices of anwun�s ro be pnid ureder �,:°_ <br /> -�� �""�"�� lhis a �a If Dorrower ma9ces uh.�;� ments directl Borroaer shgll m tl fumiah 10 Lender rccei s evidencia <br />::,ur .b: .,, ��.,.. �,r, par B Ph• VaY Y• Pro P Y P� � <br />:.��;�•.'.i_. ,�'`��,,, ..,,.�,1�{ the poyments. <br /> . �. �": <br />'�:=�7�, •.,,,;,;�'',�lf�` ' Borm�vershall prompUy dischutge any lien which has priorlry ov�r this Secudty lnstrument unless Borrower.(stl asr�ecs ��`'` <br />-�� 'a �►..._,;�,.. . in writin to the nt of the obli ation seeured b Ihr lien in a manner acce table to I.ender;(b)contests in oaI faitl�tt� �-_ <br /> 4 � ,, : Y, B PaY� 8 Y P � �T <br />,_;� _ II 't�:� ,�. � � i±en by.or defends cgainst enfonement of the lien in,legal proccedings which in the Lender�s opinion operate to pr•even� the ,, <br /> ,y,� y entaeement of the lien;or(c)secu�es from Uu holder of the lien an agrcemrnt satisfacwry to L.ender subordinAling the lien �_�.._- <br />`•�,. ��`' `:. <br />_ ��,j���� to thia Sxurity Instrument. If Lender deiermines that eny part of the F�erry is subje,:t to a lien which may attain priority n <br />_'�;�;:. �` ���;; � over this Security Nstrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the tien. Bomower shall satisfy the lie�or take �_�'� <br /> � �� ;�.�,�� one or�olore af Ihe actions set forth above wi�hin 10 days of the giving of notice. � <br /> r� � �•�- - ''A� 5. wa¢qi'd ar Pryp�r�y losunnce. Bornower shall keep the improvemea�s now existing or tiereufter erected on the r=;= <br /> - "�Y��%�a; �`" ���: Property ias�red ag�inst lnss by fire.hazards included within the term"extended coverage"end any other ha�ards,including • <br />_'�;,�: ' ±��5� flaods a t�looding.for which Lender requires insurance. This insucance sha�d be maintained in the tunountc and for the '" <br /> ;�. ;;;����f�31� , <br /> - �;:Y• ;^���,t� tbrw�JGQY 9/!0 IYnA��alePui�� <br /> . .�,,,.c.:::.°. ��, '• . <br /> �� .r I�.T .�y"". 1}1: `f7,: <br /> �. _;,".�',�,I1+f.,-, •��.- <br /> .. �, e�. .'.�; r,n ,,, �._: <br /> '�-��!'z.,-�1�:� r <br /> �: <br /> - - . ,� /i��'!j � ' <br /> � '.�f� ' '•�.. �'��"���` jr�Y.���.i•'7�'T„�'�A'�NT�1�(It�1AM.y�{i�i:�i .1;aC:l�:l..5.i+�,..i:/L.�.:r�i:iiZ•iF .. . � GS.'S+ 7P��Fvi�P{`'fi�F.S{IFS�fii,��i`�", <br /> � l � • ��_ .��.i�'ly •� - r : <br /> '• 1!i1 . ' ' : ' ( � ;!M�ll".' ' r(.�''u •L'� �,, <br /> 1 � 1 � ., - ��� -� /. _ . . >� •�i.'� `� . . .4�.. . . . t. Q..:-� :1 :. <br /> .ry(' .� 't � , _I .i.:-f�}`�',� - ' �iy _ . .. . . _`IJ4ri <br /> — Iw.',ft' -ti�. . . . _. .. ., . . . _ .:.'d..:Llkl::.°i:. <br /> •' '__' . _ ' _ '_ <br /> _ . -- �. . �•---�"'____' '_ c'._.. , . .. 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