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� .. . . . . _ � : _ ___ <br /> �� , . . . <br /> - . -j.�,� �� _._�{.� �_ � �� , . �� .. _�� . - <br /> �....! ,;�,,w-' �' ,` "'a �•� _ <br /> . _�., <br /> - <br /> .,._ � _.e.,r-es,�,.�M�k'Y�tl� <br /> g3: so�R <br /> - concknuwdan ar ather Wcin�of�ny pwt of�he fa canvey�noe in Iku uf cwMlaa� hereby ac�i�ned and - <br /> ■h�ll be p�W�n l.enda. <br /> in the evem af A ta�l tw{cin� of tha Propeny, �ho praoesdr ehdl be applied to Ihe wms stcurcd by �hi�Socwity <br /> In�nurKn�. whether or na Ukn due,wi�h�ny ezoess p�id to Bamavuer. In the even�of a�arNd tokin�of tho Propraty ia <br /> ' whkh�he fair mu�.et value of�he Propchy immediuely befae the takin�is oqwl to ar�rater�h�n ihe anwunt of�he aums <br /> = saured by lhis Secudty Instrument immediolcly beforc�hc t�lcing.unkss Bortower and l.ender otherwiie�grce in wtiting� <br /> - - tho r,ums sccuocd by this Securiry Insaumen� shall bc neduccd by the amouM of�he proceeds multiplied by the folkwvin� �.-. <br /> - ---- ----- frecUon: (u)Ihe tolal amoum of Ihe sums fiecared immMfatcly I+efo►e�he uking,divided Hy(b)Ihe fsi�merket value of the � <br /> PrapMy immodi�tely befae 1he uking. My I+ad�x shdl he p�id lo Borrow�er. In�he event of a partid taking of tho <br /> • + Prapatty in which the fair awket valur oi the PropeAy immedia�ely betom the wking Is ks�than the amoum of�he sam: <br /> :. secwed immodi�taly beforc the tal�ng. unless Bonower and I.ender othervvise agrce In writing or unlesc Applicable I�w <br />`-=�;�-� aherwise providec,tho procoods ihall be applied to ihe wms cecwrd by�hic Sauriry lncwmem whether or not tha sums aro <br /> _�_ q�a�due. <br /> If�hc f'�opeey!s abanda�ed by liormwer.or if.After natia by Lender lo Borrower�hot�he condemnor oft'crs to malce <br /> �" .. �' an awt�nd ar seak a cl�im for dams -= <br /> _ � �a,Batower fails to res�ond to Lender w1Uun 30 daYs�fler the daEe the�nticx�s given. <br /> °- �� I.ender i�awhoriud w callent uM apply�frc procYeds.w�ts optfon.eilher to resw�tioo a repair of the Ptope�ty ar w the <br /> - � sume secwrd by U�is Securitx Msdwmeat.wheiher or not thrn due. <br />_���' Unkss l.ender and Bo�mwer otlrrwise s+gne in wiiting,any applic�tion of pmcoeds to principal sl�all aot extend or _ <br /> .-:;?;� , . poWpor�e U�e due date of Urc m�nthlY paymrnt.s rcfemed to in pAr�graphx 1 and 2 ur cdange tbe amarrca of such payarcnts. <br /> `. .,.' °':;`' U. Borra�rer lYot Rde�edt Forbeara�oe By Lende� Not a Wiirer. F.xknsion of�i�e time tor paymuu or <br /> `a;'t�'� modifiauion of amonizatioin of the sums securod by�his Security Io�UUmem granted hy Lender to any sucaesxar m intnest <br />_�`.i._ af il�mawer shaU nat q►er�r��n nrte��the�liebfliry�f thr ixiginsl H�rmwer ar R�,�nwerk x�xs4ors in intere:a.Lender <br /> ---. -��� shall�xn he�oquired to canrcmenee proceedinga against any successar in in[e�est ar�:�rrse w eatend dme for payment or `'°` <br /> . othnwise modify ana�tiratian of thc sums sacurcd by�his Secu�iry Inshument by�eusc�+n of any denwnd nwde by�he orfginal ="`-`_ <br /> �• {�°'1 , Bomower or Borrower's successors in intercst. An For6earance b Lender in eaercisi an ri ht or remed siwll r�ot be a <br /> .:.r:,:.# Y 9 �S Y R Y _. <br /> ;�;�:,;�.. „�;� waive�of or pteclude the exercise of any righl or remedy. _��- <br /> ��� : 12 Succes�ors and As��Baund=Joint aad Several Liability;Co-��s. �'Hhe rnvenw�ts and agrcem�mts of�his �`� <br /> �i(�'[R;a� . c. <br />:; �':��� � Securiry I�tMment shxll hivcd and henefit the successars und ussigns of Lender twr��Ylorrawer.subject to tfie provisions of <br />«:,::�� . �-� ' ��;;"-: <br /> �raph f 7. Borrower�covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. An3�• �a�aower who co-signs this Security - <br /> -' t ' nswment but dors not execute the Note: (a1 is co-signing this Security lnslrument only to�e.grnnt w�d convey thst <br />-',�`��;: ' — <br />,,,;r.:,l � Barawer's interest jn the Property unde�tCu�lern�s of this Secudty InsuumenC. lb)is not persoraaOC��:«t�ligated to pay�he sums _ <br /> ;,f?r:�. . ,.�.; securcd by thls Security Instn�men4 and(c)asrces�hat l.timder tind eny other Borrawer may agrex uo extend.modi�y,forbear --° <br /> ,;;�;r',; , ,�tf���r or make any s�ccan�odationc wi�h regaN to �he tev�rns�f this Security Inshument or the Note wilhout U�t fta�mawer�C <br /> a� •� r 5`°�,�,.. COIIS006 ---. <br /> -=_�t�� _ _ 13. l.oan Chaqtea If thc loan securrd by thl� Securi�y Instrument is subKCZ w a law which sets munim�m loan <br />.;ti1'r,ji;�.}si�, _'�`;� E �.;�, charges,une!d'eat law is finally interprcted so that the interest or other(aat�charges cc►Ilected ar ta be collected h�cannection � <br /> "'"''s'•^"• , with the kwu�er:aeed the permitted limits,then: (u)uny such loun char,ge shall be teduced by the amaunt necessary to reduce <br /> �S ' � ,�... <br />:�.�1"i:'%`•, ,,� �+; :;sC-:,� -,. <br /> ..,.k�;r .,� k the charge[m tFw p�rmitted limit:nnd�b)ony sums ahrady collected ir•o7m Borrowre which exceeded pertnilted limits will be . .,�,:�, <br />-'r+�'j:,t✓ •r;�,,�t�� refunded to Barr•nwer. Lender muy choo�e to muke�hi�refuad by reducing the pricwi��a9 owed under the Nae or bX making u • �-�,:.- <br /> • �ti �:. dircct puymant t�Borrow�r. Ot n refund reduces principal,the r+eductic►n will be treatad us u partial prepayment withaut any �': <br /> t '',� '��� '� re a ment ohAr e under�he Note. �1•,� <br />-�?',:., „„,�� �,':. : � P P Y R <br />�;,;_,;,,i+. k`��• _ . l4. N�alicrs. Any notice to Bormwcr�pQOVided far in Ihis Security Instrument shall be gi�ec�by delivering it or E�y °R' <br />-�:;7 t'•' -r mailiog it h}lirs�class muil unless uppHca�te law requi�es ur.e of another methad.The ndtce shall hr directed to the Pr�perty �'-=� <br /> �.c ' .�,=�.rs1�+":�;.`� Address or any other nddress Borrower designates by raotace to Lender. Any no�ice to Lender shall be given by firsa r� <br /> =-=- "����,�:'` - mail t�l.eMiert uddnxs stuted herein o�uny other addr�:;,i.ender designo�es by notice to Borrower. Any nwice prvvialad far �.+. <br />-�, y '`'�.�": i�a th�s Secu�ity Inslrument shall be deemed tu havc Gren given �o Borrower or Lend^r when given ns provldet� in �C�is <br /> ��.� *; � �� ' parnptrnpP+. - <br />�:.:,., Sevembility. This Sewrity Instn�ment s4�a11 be govemed by fedeml luw and Ihe law of the �-� <br /> IS. G���erwiag l.Aw; <br /> ,��t,;;i;r.�, .� jurisdictian in k�nich�hcs Propeny ia lauted. in�he event that any pr.�vi.aon ur clauye ai�his 5ecurity instrumen[or the No[e -- <br />^;��1�.,;.,; �., con8ic�s wl•ch applicable law,such conflict ghutl not uffect other provisinns af tbis Security Instrument or the Note which run ,;_ ' <br /> .„�`'�Y� �-sr�i;h,�y; �4�°`'.�`?�! be given efd'eet wilhoul tQ�c� canflieting provitiion. To this end the provisiang of thi�'S�euriry Instrument and the Note orc ��,;.�: <br />. <;.r� � v�;�<�. r r•;�,,,... declarecl la�e severnble. ''{,;1: <br />=�%}������t'� �, t -� lb. B�orr�uwer•s Co Borrower Fhall be rven one conforme��ce+ of the Notr wid of this Securit Instrument. �=�s <br /> -r :.. ;:. PY• 8 F'S Y <br /> ,.�•X;;':;�. 1;�;,�, 17. 7Fans�er of the Property or a I�e�eBciwl lnterest in Borru�+eu: If oll or any ptut of t7�e Propeny or any intercst in = -" <br />�.:,;:�.,;..• ;r^., ,�,�,•• <br /> it is so1�ur tr.ansferted (or if�beneficiul imemst in Borrowcr is�old or transfcrneJ and Botrowcr ir not a nu�urol person) 'i°" <br /> ., .; �;":,,... . -- <br />, � ,.::, ' ., :.�r . ��� <br /> !Ds;,� ,�;. wlthout Lenderk prior w�i�ten consen4 Lender muy,ut il�aption,require immedinte puyment in ful!of ull sums secured by ��__ <br />-- '}'. ^�"� tt�is StCUrity Inatrument. However.thiz aption shall no1 bc cxercised by Lendcr if caercise is prohibited by federal law ns of �:: <br /> �O�e date of this 5ecurity Instrument. �;: <br />- ��oy. �_, . If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Bortower notice of ncrelerntion. The notice shall provide a period of �.��'- <br />,�«'� '. •.�, r;;�.:' ' � nd less thsim 3t1 days fmm the dute the notice is deliverrd or muiled within whirh Borcower must p�y all sums secured by this °,,:: <br /> 1" �'� �r'&�' . �}+�'� �• Security lnsatument. It'Borrower fails ta puy Ihe.+� sum, prior lo the expirution of�hir• period, l.ender may invoke any • <br />_HS, ' . <br /> , � � `,. ' remedieti permitted by Ihis Security Ins�niment without funher ncNice��r demand on Borrower. <br /> '=-�. �•^''�' 18. Borrower's I�iqh�t tn Reinstate. If'Dormwer mer�r cenain randition� f��r►nwer shnll have �hr riph� a� hnvr <br />-' --- ��4�'i�M `:--'- <br />��% • � ' r:;;;;%;',. e�foraemen!of this Sewria+ �nswmenl dixcontinu�d ut any timr prior�o�he rurlixr ut: lu)S days lor such uther period as '�`'L <br /> 1�:�.�-:. �,� ,. . ..1�: <br /> �tt d,l�i{ <<<': <br /> ti...}..�;! , ` E� � " Smpk FamiN••FLwie;11M41+tddfe Mar UNIFOBN INSTRlJM4�lV'f••1'niform Co�enaaia 9l90 �/wRe J��jb pagea� ' '- . <br /> -..., <br /> �`:`!�',%�.;, 'r ���:.. }. <br />.�.��:;;,:;' y �,S},�S�rr. . <br /> 1 �,;�r,;` ��,.�:,;.,_:� � ,. <br /> �f��l� t -'e4,f�ii,Jr:: • ;c <br /> .��`{.�';; �,:'1fir�t' . :y,' <br />. ��';�1'it• , . <br /> •5�:;,_;�r -c-... . t::�a:«�tii+iJei►�r�iv'��'"�:-5•.4:i�:,:.�n..r..�: .. ; . . , -, . .rr��.,:t);?:�.i;fGr - i;�;'t,; r�.: <br /> , <br /> . <br /> � G�� „ �rE�fiti�r3s!�{.�_�L ` ' ' � ' . _.. rj'��.,, n_ <br /> — ". _ ----- --- . _ .. <br /> - — -- -- ._. .. . .,. .. <br /> ti-._ . • -------- .. _ .. . _.. . ._._ . . <br /> , I.� , . <br /> 1.�i � .�. .. ,i , . , <br /> , k <br /> . � 4 , � I <br /> .� .. . ! <br /> iu ,,• ' ' ' <br /> jK ' '�, , . 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