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�� .j �"�t , * n{ar•.e . h �-cr,�- <br /> 1�� � ,' ---_. -. . . ."t-r,.y,:- <br /> 1'- . <br /> _—_-- ---- q�3= ioz�o4 <br /> poymp�ls m�y no IonQer be nequired,at thc option of l.eider.if mortQ�o inaurnkY coven�c(in t +�m�wnt�!fix thr period <br /> that Lendcr roquirosl provided by�n inwnr appmvad by Q.�nder�ain hoamrcs�v�ilpble�nd i���inod. 8omnwer slull p�y <br /> -- t!a prrmiunn roquired to m�inUin mo�tg�ge inw►ance in efiect.or�o pmvkk a los9 miervc,umil the roquiromat tar mo�ti+�e <br /> in�urance enfs in+iornrrl�ace with ru►y writun�roeme+w betwaa�BMrawer�nd l.rnder ar�ppliaibk Iww. <br /> 4.lpt�tectba.l.ender a►itc�grnt m�y m�lc�rrss��nablo em�les upon wd irupoclion+�ot Ihe Properly. I.ender sMl!Qive <br /> porrowY�naice u lhe time of or pdor to an inspo�Kian:pocit�ina rc.s�►nubic cau�e fur thc inspa,ylnn. <br /> - �p�Cw�dem�wtloa. The prnceods of ony Awud a�cl�im Par�1am�gea, diraci or�nnsoqucMipl. in rnanr.�yion with any <br /> - rnndenwtion or other ukin�of a�ry p�of�he Pmprny.or for oonvay�noe in lieu of'oondom� haaby n�i�nod ad <br /> _ _�----=�-_� �hall tx p�W to�der. <br /> �11 UIB GY�pf Of i(OtYI IYIIIR$O�lIIQ Pf11pR11y,the pn�ood�sh�ll be applicd to tha wmR securod by Ihis Seaurily Irwrumrnl. <br /> :� :���. whether o�nat thcn duc,wfU►any ex�css paid ta Bornawer.In ihe event af a p�Miwl tuking of the Pmpcny in which Ihe fni� <br /> ._�.,. m�lcet vulue of the Property immediately bafaro tho taking i4 equal ta ar g�eater tlum the umcwm of the wms r�ccured by lhio <br /> Sccu�ity I�suument immediotely 6efare�ho taking.unless Borrower and I.ende�otherwltcc agroc in writi�.Ihe cuuB savrod by <br /> =_= thi�Secu�ily Insuumenl shall be reducad by �he amowu oi ihe proceads muUipliod by tM foltowin� iranion: (a) the tou�l <br /> s--- wnauot af thc sumS secured immediately bei'ore the takin�.dividod by (bl the f'stir m�rket value oi'tM Property imunadiateiy <br /> - bcfore the�aking. Any ba�lanoe sl�11 be p�id to fbrrower_ In tM evenl of a paAial taicirtg of the Prope�t� in which the f�ir <br /> market value of the Property inuriediotely befwe Ihe taking is less 11wn the amount o`1he sums�secured imn�odiu�ety before Ihe <br /> -- - tWcing,unless Wx�ower and t.ender Wherwise agree in writing ur untess applicabte law otherwise prnvides.�he pnaceods shall <br /> "'- bes�pplied to tl�r�ucns secu�d by Ihis Security 1�►strwr�eat whether or not tha sumc are then due. <br /> �f ' lf the Prope�}�is al�and��ned by Borrowar.or iP,sdk�natice by Lemier to Borrower�hw tlie c�x�Cemnor offera to make an <br /> r- � <br /> ''._„ �,��,f.� M, �.c�ow�i or seple a cl�im t�x damuges. Borrowe�fuils to respond to I.cnder within 30 days uficr tlr�date the notice ia given, <br /> - �`�.�v�+. - M: i..c�cf is auit�oci�ti.i.ulir�i a�i apptj i�h:ps'��.�i ii>�►ti��i,cittkr to r�:st.,r�tia��w �CNai� ui iiw P�u�,r�ar t�s!x ststt� <br />-.;.Ei�t eacured by this SecWrity Instrumem.whethrr e�iwt then due. <br /> ,.�;rl:; <br />;,.�:..,, Unless l.eiui::r ynd Bortower otherwise agree i� writing. any ;aptalication of procet�ds to pri�ipnl shall tat extend or <br />���`�'� � ' ' nc the due date of�he monthl a mcnts refcrted to ia ra h, !and 2 0�chu�� e the amaunt of such tnents. <br /> ,. 4� •''n,', pn&tpo Y P Y P�B P • 8 P�Y <br /> stp <br /> _-�F_ �' ���',� i 1.Borrower Not Releas�.�d;Forbearnt�ce By l.e�de.r Not a Walver. Extension af the time for payment ar a�odificwion <br /> � � '' t .�J amcmi�ation of the sums secured b this Securit lacarummt rnnted b Lender�n:u� suecessor in intercst uk Bc�:�rower shall <br /> ,, �� ��' y Y � Y ? <br /> � not eperete to rele9se the IiabiNty of�he orig+nal Barrower or Borrower's successor�iaa enterest.l.ender slwll not�r requircd to <br />° ; ,,. ' ;c.' ='r commence procoedings against any sucees.�rr in intercst or refuse to extend time for paya�ent o�K�I►;rm� modify urwniration <br /> - �` ' 'tit-� � of t1�e sums r�ecured by this Security Inatrument by reoson of any denwnd made by Ihe ori�i�ra9 �orrower or Borrower's <br /> _.lY•M : <br />_y�,,.,,. ;;., , �•s�$' �su�cessar�in inter+est. Any furbear�nce by l.ender in exercising uny rfght or remedx �ull nat be r+waiver of w preclude the , <br /> =••� �� •�` exerrise of uny right oc rcmed��. <br /> .'•., t�_ —. <br /> ;,�: ' 32. Su�xrsson�i�d A��r�s S�uu�d:����lai At�.i &ie�i I.Gibtlfty: Castgacrs. The coi:� a.w ag:�emxnts of shis <br />- "�}•�; �' � Sectority 1nttQUmcn� tihall bind und ben�i+t t�c su�ressc�rs and assiFm of Lrnder and Borrower, �ub•�zct t��he provisions of <br />.:,,i!. '•�,: ; .r'�.1i ,�,; kn. <br /> -.,Y��� * W,� putugrnph I�. f7�*;TOwer's cavennnts pnd agrcemenzc sha11 be jofnt and se�•ernl. Any Bonower whn co-�igns this Security <br /> "�'`'�� 1o�strument bu� c�oev not execute the Note: lu) is co-signin�this Securiry Ins�rutnea� only to mortga�.e. Arnnt nnd convey thut <br />°''k`, Ac�rrower's i�ntc�est in the Property under the terms nt this Securily Instrument;(b)is not pers�nally c�bligated to pay thc sums <br /> '; " ±� -;; =t secured by�his Secodty Instrument:uncl(c)agrces thut Lender�u�J a�j}other Qorrower mey agree tc�eatend. maJiiy, ibrbear or• <br />-� ' �'�'�-�r��' � make any accammadutions with regurd a►the ternn of this S�xu�ity Instru�nt or the Note without tQ�at Dnnower's consent. <br /> `'' �y`' 13.l.oan CFw��.If the loan secumd by thig Security Insirumen� i+subject to a luw which.r•ets rnaximwn loan churges, <br />'"_ �� '�L'�' and that Inw is finally interpreted�that the interest or other loan rharges callected or to be collected in connection with Ihe <br />-':1'� loan exceed the perniitted limits, then: (o)uny such loin chargc zlwll be n,�iuced by the untuunt neceswry to reduce the chnrge <br />�..�'�1f �` to the permitted limi�: and(MI any+umti ulrc�dy mllecteii fmm Borrower which exce�deJ permiued limi�s will be refunded to <br /> Borrowcr. I.ender mav choose to make this refuncl by reducing the prinripal awod unJer thc Note or by muking u direct <br /> '�'t�"�: •„- -�- - payment to H,,rrower. If n rcfund rcduccs principul, the reductir� wfll be treutcd n.� a {�a�aiul prepuyment without any <br /> `+ ��' pnpayment charge under the Note. <br />__.�__�: <br />_--;.�;b. ;� ':< � 14.Notices. Any notirc to Borruwcr prnvided fix in thiti Sesur)ry Ins�rumeni s!�u�;!be given by delivering iQ ar by muiling <br /> - ' +�`i it by fitst clags mail unlesti Applicuble luw reyuires usr uf:mn�her methaf. 7'ha noti:e shall hc directed to the Property Address <br />-=�:.. `�'""�`�,:_ nr on cuher ncldress Borrowtr d�wi nates by nuticc tu Lcixlrr. Any notire to I.ender shall b� <br />_ y � given by first class mail tu <br />_ .��, �,.,, ' ,iy.�. <br />-:,�� ,,.. , ;.,�,� l.ender's uddress statcd hcrein or any m'her a.fdrt�;s Lender designate�by noti�e ai Barrnwer. An}� notice provided t'ur in this <br />-�: ``! •�, Security Instrument shull bc deetaecd to huve becn given ta Barcower or Lendcr wh�n given aa pravidcd in Ihis para,raph. <br /> ` '���'.° '�•;� IS.Governing I.�w; SeverablNtv. Thig Sccurit}� Instrument shall he gr�rrncd by Pederul laa� and the law of Uie <br /> _- ' ��,..� ; ,�uriufidian in which the Property i�lacated. In�he e�ent thut uny prnviaion or clause of thiti Securhy lmirumem or the Note <br />- }:•��.., �•.�S.o, canilirlr with applicublc Inw,such rnnflict shull n�H aCF�ct u�hcr pr���ision�M'�his Scrurity In.trun;ent or thr Notc which cun be <br />-! .',, � j,*trr �r��.��((, <br />- - � ,�.�: �r��� .: s;,. given effec� �citfiaut thc conflicting prm•isi�m. Tn thi,eiul tlx pmvhinns of this Sccurity Inxtrum►nt un�i�hr Note are decla�cd <br />-,;==;`.,,t:� .�., . <br />:�:��i:,;` .t,.,,.... . �o be severable. <br /> :�t;•;y�� • �r,����: ,: 16.Borrower'R C v ah�rruwer siwll bc �ven one umti►rnkd ro of the tintc and uf this Sccurit Insirumem. <br /> :;�-�ti;f�, ,_ , w!• k s' r►v y <br /> �i�,'4, ���..T� __ Fo.�n 3oze s�90 <br /> ��{`, �'e; �.... <br />';����(ri.,�,J � s✓_', _•1'-f)' .''�i Pp�Aa18 <br />=14(rJTd1+�` M ^ ' �1✓��I�� <br /> ;1�����: . •••::,,. ;;:.r ,. <br /> T15;.L �Y:.,): . P.'` _. <br /> 5 �``1 �� ' { 1'f�f i' ,. � .. � . r i. -�iRti.. :.��i.�.��.+,✓`�i.�'� ''t���::, :.�.c�;;,"�:1K��.��6riiYuil�'!Or 1�11�5 1 i .f i � <br /> . , � _ . � I �r, <br /> .` .. a .�;. .� . . . . � <br /> • .. o ' -\� � .1 � � I,,•t <br /> . .� .,. ... t . . � , _. <br />; t,�Jt� l=� �...Jr '� • :�. .. • . � . . 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