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�' _ ..U� :. : __ <br /> , <br /> . ;, �,� , -;.': . _ �. - ;� , •.� �. <br /> ...,,. <br /> : ,. �: <br /> ----- <br /> . . ,, .,°•"M --� ` '"; --- _ . <br /> r� `'�orr` .. _ _____� . . <br /> . . r,_ __ - - — . . . _ -- �---� <br /> � �g�.�� .� 93_ io�'�� <br /> r <br /> • 17.Tn�der of I�e�or a Bc�efkW 1Mer+e�t IN Ba�rarrer.IP all�x auny part oi'Ihe Property ur�ny in�¢tp1 Iu it <br /> � � i�culd or transfeROd lar if a bene ci�l imcre�l in&xn�wer is s��kl�u�tantiferrcd �inei'ull o�i'all�wms ��acurod b� Ihi� <br /> - - � Lcndcr's prior written eae►seru. l.etder m�y. at itn�icw�. ite inunodl�te pay Y <br /> � Savrity Imuumcnl.HoweYer.lhis oplion ahall oot bc exercisad�I.eadcr ii excrcisc i�pn�ite+!by Peiieral low�at tho d�te <br /> = ot thic Security insinrment. <br /> - If I.e�xfer oxMCises this opia�,l.ender sFwll Qivc&xtaM�er notioo��f aeakrstt�n.The ixnk'e+�hall pmvi�{e A period uf not <br /> , lesx�hun 30 d�y�s fr�m the date�ho naice iY delivercd ur r�wiled witMa Which B�m�Mrr muw pr+y sJl wma seavrrd by thi� <br /> - Soc.v�ity In�uumau.Ii&xrower fiul�to{wy thesc xums pri�ir t��the expi►wirn�of thiY period,lxnkr wuy invdce�ny rernedies <br /> �`-�`� permNtad hy�his Secud�y Iiw�umnM wilhaut i'urU�cr n�xice cx dtmat►d c�n Bt�mnN�er. _ <br /> ��"— ----- ---- 18. �orrn�►er'c W,�W to Rein�ate. If &,rmwer mee�s mrtain rnrditia►►. BomiM•er shall harc �he right ta h�ve � <br /> . enforcement of this Sorndty InsUumetN diccaNi�ued at vn) time priix to �he t�rikr of: la1 3�ys I�x such aher pe�ti�x1�s <br /> ' applicable law may specify for reinstatemenq befixe xale of the Prope�� {wrs�wm �c► a�U PoNCr ut xal� ��unwin,d in this <br /> -=� Socu�ity[�sa.nunen�;or(b)eatry ot a judgment entorcing�his Secu�it�Insteumenl.71x�se�x�nditi�ns�re�h�t Borruvrer.(a)pc►ys <br /> --�der a1D sum�t which�hen rvauld be due under this Sav�ity Inurument and the Nc�te us ii no xcekratian had�xcumed:lbl <br /> cures m�y deC�uJt of uuy other cove�uen�s or ag�eements: lcl pslys all expenses ineumxf in enfcucing this Seeurity Imiuument. —_ <br /> �� — ine{y��sg Dut aAt l[�nirod:oQ�.rcasonable attorno��s' fces: un�f(dl tukes such uctian ati la:nalsr may re�nably �eyui�to as.wre <br /> _� �`"�"_�� ihat ede fi�n.oS�itis SccurFa�C[�ment.l.ender's ngMF in the Propen��and&umwer's.�figa�ian ta pay the wms securod by �_ <br /> ."���� this Secwitp q� shaJl cc�tinue unchangod. Upnn rieinstutement b)• Bc�m�Wer, this Serurity I�truaient nnd the <br /> -'�"=`'�':.;.fri� �:: obligacea�s�secitaed[se�re4'ry ska11.c�ttz�in fulty effectivo as if na oa�e leratic►n h w 1 avcu n e d. Ha�•e v e r. �h i s ri g h t t a re i n w a t e s t w Jl <br /> -�k ' not ty in t[tie case of arcce[e�.ort wider pamgmpfi 17. _. <br /> �"i i;, � 4 -- �9 ����; �,'�q�L o�n S e r v k e r. The Note��r a p aRiul intercst in the Nde(tc►ge�her with Ihia Socu�ity ---� <br /> .•,; .,l Instruu�.��rnaqr be sot�!oAe��mc�times without priar n�►tive to eorr.n�•er. A sule may re�ult in u rhunge in the entih I t�wv►n _ <br /> ." �s th�"L,oan Senric�"1 that caECoccs monthlY paYments due under the Nae and this Security Insuument.There�Isa m�y be�ne -- <br /> or m�e ch�e4 of�tti¢4aan Servfcm unrcluted ta n sale of tho Ncue.lf therc is u change of the l.�an Sen�icer. &►rrower will be — <br /> �' � .: ' girru w�iiieti�iwriwc r:f 5�:::Is::i'�.EC.i:C0i�5BC:.Lt�2tt¢:lTB$S:l�lt!I�I sM�w wsvi w�nH�hln law 7't�e mtice W ill ctate Ihe nante atd � <br /> ;`''1;r. }��;� •�;��`p �� oddress of�he new 4.avn Serviatr srnd �he sdd�ss ta which paymentc r�Fauld he made.Thc ncxioe a�ill also c�ntain any alher e,;,. <br /> ,;�,-�?,,f , r..�;� infont�tion require�f appl�c�aR►te�aw. <br /> • `: ;:�tiy�. � �..s . 2�. ���.�¢gs, Bormwer shull nw cAUSe ar permit the pr��ence. uce. dispnsal. starage. or ai'any fi� <br /> �° 1..,.�. , <br />..r,,�'.; ' r,,,f����� Hst�.ardous Substances on or io I�¢ PropeAy. Borrower shall not da. nor allow Any��ne elst ta da. anything afPecting the �-- <br /> .' ` , i�:��,,.,,. n that is in vinlaticM oi'an i�nvironmeMal The preceding �w•o scntences shull nd apply to thc __- <br /> �� .:�;. >. _ -,: . .:,._.:• �_ - <br />. , s.�: s tpor��x*��h e P r o p e rt y o f s m a t t c�u x n l i l i e s o f H u z a r dous Sub�tances that are generully rrrngnired to t+e nppropriate to nornial �`_== <br /> � ,°�, ;l � residen�ia�!usea sud to mai�c�nl'the Propeny. <br /> C�4T.jf �:. ' <br /> , �.s���,t�,,,� n Borruwer shall ty give I.ender wntten notire of uny investigation, cl�{m,den�nd,lawsuil or�uher actiun by any �_;� <br />_ �4;;.,,j�' governn�nwl ar rcgu•�age�ar private party involving thc Pmperty and aoy Huwrdous Subs�ance or Environinental Luw� � <br /> ;�,;,. +,,,r.: . , af w•hic6�Bornnwer har actual kno���ledge. If Born�wer learns. or is n��tified by any gavKmn�en�ul or regul�tory aulhority. Ihat �_ <br /> ,+.� � ;�4�- any renac+val or other rcm�:dfutian af any H�zurd�ws Sub�lunce uffe�ting thc Propeny ir ncressary. &►rn�wer shall•pmm�►tly take _ <br />-`�;� � �. �'`��°• all necrssa remedi�l••�ctions in nccordance with Emim�n�em+�l[.aw. �-. <br /> �_.�. _ _ 'st:r..�. rY _ <br /> �_ �t .;+ �7���i'}{ As used in tni. P�S�+Ph 20. 'Hrzardcw�Substancr�" arc tho:.c suhslances dc�ned a��nxic�r ha�ardous�uhc�unee�by <br /> '•��'���1��'�t•` Emironmental und the fbilawing +ubstunces: guuiline, kcr�nene, other ilAmnwhle nr �nxic petmleum p�cduc�s, toxic � <br /> •4 '9..' 7 y�,.:���1�, - .. <br /> �;�'d;}", .,.• •,�., pesticides and herbicide.. valatile x�lvems, matrrinl�r.mlaining usluxto+or fimnuldehyde,atKf rudiaactive muteriuls.Aa u�ed fn <br />';;�.:,;,':, :.;:' tr�.y;4. Ihis puragra h 20. '�Em�i�c�nrnental' mean� federul luws und luw. of the)urisdieUon where�he Propeny i► Icx�ted th�t ��; <br /> ': 1�y.�s, �;.:. <br /> � �' '��'' relate to Feeu th,snfety or em•in�►nmental pro�ection. `,_> <br />`i.�'�'..'. �. r,�"�,;�t� . <br /> ` '`"' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.&�m�wer ancl L.enJcr furthcr rovenu�n und ugree s�.�foUowti: �r� <br /> �� �. ,.. ��. <br /> :,,�; , , 21. Accele�Nlon;Remedfes. I.ender�h�ll Qive natice tu Borru��•er prlur to arceleratlnn follo��•ing Aorra��•er's breach �,.,;; <br /> a,i.• . <br /> i.; ot any covenant er agreement in thls Secu�ity [nstrument (but nM pNor to accelerallon under paragrnph 17 unless . - <br /> �,'^;^' <br /> - �';,, - � : applkable law pm��id�otherK�lce). The n��tice shs�ll!�pecify: (a)lhe defaultt (b) the uctlan required lo cure the detAUlt; �;;.: <br />- 4t° rl,.�•:.,: :.� t ,:. <br />__., .:�........•;... . . <br /> _._ , ,,�,��•. . , (c)p da1e.not lesv thNn 3t1 du��s fnnn�h.�dale thc noticc ts Siven to I�orroW�er,b�•afiich the defaull musl be cured;and <br />:,�•�... .� ••q,��Y�,,. ; , (d) tlwis iniWre M cure the defuull on or f�ciore thc dalc�perifi�d in the nMlm mpy irsult In aceelers�tfon ot Ihe sums ��s.; <br /> ��; r � ••�.�, .,, ..� secumd�b}• .tP+i� f+c�urlty In.ctrumcnt and+ulc of Ihc PrupcM}�. '('he noUcc�Iwll Purther inform Bnrmw•er ot Ihe rlght td �:: <br /> �,, , _ ,- relnstAte��a�r aaceAsKatiun and lhe rlRht to bring a court uction to atisert the non-exlstence nf a defeult or any other - <br /> r�'�'�' w r [letense a!8k�«.•x tn pm�Ipratlon NDf�VIIP. IP th�� �Mtault ic not cunr! on on c�iore the date specified in the notice. -- <br /> _ � .i:..t � <br /> r ��. '•::F" ti•.°,��v,.J '� '' Lender. M its�opQ��, may require imm��diute paymcnt in full oP ull sumc recur��d by thir� Securily Instrument without <br /> 'a'ti �;;,;;';,,. iurthcr demand ar�m�* In��oke the poa�cr oi+ule and unv other nmcdics permitted M•uppllcahle law•. Lender slwll be •+N <br />::'`�..: ; �� �"'.;. • �(�;; . entiqed to rnllect all ex�en�ir+ca�red in pursuinp thc rem��dles prnvided in thlc M►r��raph 21.includin��but nM Ilmited :2':" <br /> ir- : ,•1:;n.�sr�,��,rr;�;' • <br />-- � , �h.r_ „ to.rc�sonabk attorne��� te�s u»d costs oP tiUe evidence. <br /> � '=`''� 'r IP thepo Ncr o4'su0e I� iovnked,Trustee shull n�curd u n�Nice of defaull in cach n�unty In whkh any pnrt of the ':`•. <br /> ==,�'r:. � ` �' 1'ro r t Is I�x a t e d a n d s h a t l m a i l r o p i c�o f s u c h m�t ic e F rt t h�•mseeener prrcrll�l M• x p(►Itreblr lew•to{w►rrnw•ev ond tn _�- <br />_ ,,� .t-:r,..x::: _-,�� p� )' 1�,, <br />-"`:;�.�.:. � i1��"��Y;�,�. the Mher persnns prescribed by s�pP�iruB�e lun.ARer the drne rcyufr��d h�•nppNcuble lax•.Tru.titer:shwll�ive puhlk nMtce �,.�;. <br />_.�;� �, •;��ti� ot sale to the nons and In thc manner prescritx�d b�•uppl(rablc Ir�w�.Tru,t�r. wtthout demund on Rormwer. shall ull <br /> �Y�:' -: pc. ,$�; <br />_ �'�� , the Property at public auMion to the hiRbetit bklder ut Ihe time and pluce and under 1he terms deslRnnted in the notice nt <br />�,.%��. :�,; , `�'"' ''��` �-� s�le in one or more parceh and in on�� order Trustec dctermincs.Trurt�r ma} piHlponc wle oP nll or�nypa rcel oP thc — <br />-� `•���. �s�.��; �� ..:'- property by publlc nnnoun�wmcut �+1 the time und place of um• prc�•i��ust� scheduled +ule. l.endrr or ItR designee mey <br /> i;;�.��:�; : , � ., purchace the Property�t pny s�le. '` <br /> _:. �,;:i:, .,��yd:� n <br /> f': <br />��'�.:i•,. '�Ws '• �' , rh�. <br /> ii. � ., �,.i:'. +.;; <br /> '� � `;� iww�3028 �180 -,�'+• <br />.- Y�".--A . . P�6o18 <br /> �:,1� �!��1 .�S}�:• - . <br />..,���n' r 'i . <br />�:{.t:�l.- �' �, . <br /> ,��;,, (�: ,;;,r, <br /> �5.1��'�1 �"� � �:i � ..����-'µ�'.lir'!`!•.,:r.•����������t�:;i!;�:l�k/1zp�,:a�±�Cl�1'�,r•"�'�:���4'!�f��'f��{FP17��;�7NC��4�it'1�'i <br /> t� Y pf t A� ��j <br /> t w� l '!�• . '!` 1•1{�• :± .' • • ,•�� 15�� �� , t .c, ��`�1�i1� <br /> �-' � fi: � ;.t > .- �i. (( � -'{- ' � '���Z.1`1�1f��� � � � t , " 'tir�i' <br /> � �. � <br /> , , . <br /> � ,� <br /> . . �, <br /> �� }. , � �. � ,�'.�� � ,!1,ti%'��' �11�� (1!� C � 1,1 �1� ��' <br /> �� �i , ' . <br /> � , <br /> .. , . . <br /> , , <br /> �:16wiNt�1�.�'( � • ia.�.1 '_�.r.�.\.� .y��_,. , l . ,, r. �i�.l; :.i.fj1�.�L "!-� ..! `�• .i_. <br />_ '__ � _ -' "' 1 � r- : ' .. 7 '... . . <br /> ,J ` �,�, ; � � _— � ,�� ,� i l� �t . '�. ' � ' �.l !�' t <br /> N- '{ . -��f.; . f� � i , `.r 't. • ��" ��, <br /> t� 1�i+�1 j�r�F'dC � � `�•. . 1 }Vff��t�- �i 11, �' •� . <br /> � � ti1) I:• , 'y' � ' �, �{ <br /> \ �i �1�, ,r' • � t� � ,1e � � <br /> _y': ' � '� t'. . � _ ti. 'r'' � . . �'� � : �� .. , . '� � ' , <br /> _- y') � '•p; ;� •.�-� . . . ,!)I,..�;`;1;,-� . :�i�� . , � � • �� ..i , , <br /> ( � ! � �l <br /> \,• <br /> - ���I. ' ' 'i l ., ' - }��`I/� +i 1 � . " . . <br /> y rl`��, t ,�, , • (1Ut1� �!,5h ' ' <br /> ;:�.;�:� s `r:.�: . : ,,,�,;,;�.; .. ;;:. . , <br />� x�,. t w: ``!? .. , , . <br /> ��� � '� � �� � � : . � , , �. . <br /> � _ -. :� . . _ <br /> , .. • <br /> - '.A y:' . :�:�,y�1►:, ' . , <br /> �QtV. ... • ,t� ' „ • I <br /> � <br /> , • . • <br /> t _ � � • : <br />