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.�. 'i�'• .,t-.r.• . : <br /> .N�ii` ''�v. <br /> T ¢' F�� � i•Ik ,+'�....�k.� .) ' <br /> +{� �� . ..:�cl►� - <br /> . , <br /> . . - <br /> ,� . _---- <br /> -- �.� 93'�.o�[tc�� <br /> S, N�ni or p�,npqly Uquran�r. �rrower sh�ll keap tho impmvcmenti now eaictinp or hereaQer arac�od an tho <br /> - Praperty irtsurod�insl las�hy Oro. hwarda includcd wi�hin�ho tern�"extemlal cu�•cru}�c' u�xl uny �►ther hw�A�do, includin� <br /> 8�wds or 8oadina.far which Leoder nwu{rcv iiaurance. Thiw in►urnn4�c hhull Ix:nwintuin��l in�I�e unN�un�h un�l fi.r�he peri�+�f� <br /> �hw L.ender roquiro�. Tho in�urance cArr1��pmviding the inwrnn��e shnll I+e rhrn�en hy Ham�wer.ubjcrt lu I.r��lrr',u�+�+n►vul <br /> which ehall not bc unroacnnwbly withhcld. If&xmwc�i'Nils to m�intAin rnvcaigc deMriheJ atwwv, t.endr� nwy. at l,c�rler'r <br /> ,�: option.abtain rnvernge la prntoct L,er�der'�rightR in Ihe Pmperty in aciti►nlAnrc with parngrnph 7. <br /> - All inwtance puUcies And tnnewala dwll be uoceptuble �a L.etWer unJ .iwll in�:lude u ti�utxlaM na�Mguge claurc. Lender <br /> - ¢ �twll lurve the�ight to hnld 11�e�Ikics and rcnewals. If l.cndc�rcquircs,Rnrmwer.hull promptly glvc�o l.c�der ali recefpis uf � _ <br /> - pa�iJ prcmiumy wnd�e�wal nalioes.In dx:cvcnt uf loss,Bamnwe�shull aivc prompt nati�r�u�he insurrncc cumer and l.ender. �„ <br /> :;�„ Lendc�rrwy mako praaf of laac if nat mAdo promptly hy Borrowcr. <br /> Unlesc I.ende�and Borrowcr otlierwisc agroe in w�iting, insurance pmceeds r�hall be applied tu resloratian or repair of thc <br /> .'?�. Pmpctty damaged.if thc rostomtion ar r�epAfr i�c ernnamirully feusible And Lcndo�'s secu�ity is ts►t lessened.IP�he restoratian or <br /> -- --- rcpai�is nM aconomically feasible or I.ender's sccu�ity would be lessened.tha insurnnce proceeds shull be applied io the sume <br /> °'--� securod by this S�vrity InwrumeM. whether ur not then due,wi�h any excecs poid t�Bonower. If Bomnwer pbandons Ihe � <br /> — -.:±�-� prupehy.or does rwu answer within 30 days a naice i'rom I.rnder�hat the insur�uK�e carrier Iws offered ta selde a clAim. then a_ <br /> �— ��"`� l,e�der may coltocl the inwrance pnooeeds. I.ender may use 1he pracei.�ds w repair or resu►re Ihe Propercy or to pay sua�s <br /> sa�w�od by t4is Secu�ity Inslrument,wl�ether or not�hen due.The 30dc�y period will begin when the ixitice is�ivcn. <br />--: Unless Lende�wxl Borrower aherwise agr�e in writing, any applicatian af pnoceeds to principal shal9 nc�t eatend or --. <br />_., '�;`;;�• po6tpone the due dAte oi'the monthlY paYments referred to in parag�aphs 1 tud 2 or chAnge the amouot of thc paynteret:�. Qf <br />- ander puag�ph 21 the Propeny is acquircd by Lender.Borrower's�ight ta uny insurance policies und praa.�l�rrsultin�e P�om -- <br /> da�nage to the Pmperty priar to the Acquisitbn st�ll puss to Lende�lo the ex�ent of Ihe wmc secu�ed by this Serari¢y Ins��meat ..._ <br /> � �: <br /> - �,r����� w =��s i�runaliately p�ior to the acquisition. .�.- <br /> -_ b.Oocnp�ocy.Prsservatlon.lNaioiAe+�p�tK�e and PrMection of fhe Prnperty;Rur��+wcr'c I.w�n AppNcation; I.caselw�9s. -_. <br />-':�t71�.:r .+ <br />..;._;.,. . ,�, ,�. Bomower shall occupy.establish.a�d u�e!P� Pmpeny as paROwer'�principal residenre��6�heo xix�y duys after the eaeculi�n Yr0 __ <br />��;�� ;� this Security lnslmment und shell continue�o occup�•tl�Property iu Borrower', prnac�pul resi�cnce for al le;,�t�+ne year a1rc�:r <br /> ,��., ; 1he date of accupancy.u�Zr�s l.ender otherwise agrees in w�iting. which consent .ha19 nat be unreusonably we�i�h�td, or u+�lesc5 __ <br /> . .-,:�•. <br /> �'�:`}' cntenuating circumstance. exist which ure 6eyand Borrower s rnntrol. BoROw•er sfiall not destroy. damage ar impaic thr <br /> - "���'"`' � Pmperty, a1Mw the Propeny ta dete�ic��a►.�;, or commii wxsle on the Propeny. Borrower shall be in default if any fort'citairc <br /> �����.�� ' <br />_._;;.;�fr,. .� action nr p�ceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in l.ender's goc�d faith judgmenl could result in forf'elwre ot'uMe — <br /> _ Property or��thenvisc mAlerially impair the lien crcated by this Socurity Instrument or l.emler's secu�ity interesl.Hom�wnr i*.iuy . . <br /> = � � cure�uch a defuult and r�einstate,t�pravidod in puragrnph 18, by causing iiie action or prcxeeding to be dismissed wlth a ruling - <br /> ;.L:. 5r • __ <br /> —='�L.�;= , that. in L.ender'� gaxl.fnith d¢termination, precludes forfciture of the Born�wer'c intem.�t in thc Property or other mate�iul °__ <br /> ;�`�?- � impalrn�ent ot the lien created by this Securicy InslrumeM ur LenJcr'�,�xv�ity i�iiefeai. &�r��wer shaR al�.�be tn defau�t if _ <br /> �' � � Bomnwer.duri�e Ihe loan application proces.s,gAVe mater�ally fulse or inaccumte informutian ar cta�ements to Lender(or P�niled �� <br />_:���`• <br /> - f � to provide I.cnder with uny material infi�rn►ation)in cennection w•ith the loun evidenccd by the Nota,includiag,but not limlted '""' <br />��- �r` ''''•- to,re r+esentations concerni�e Barrowet's occu ancy o�f the Pro rt as u rinci al residence. If this Secu�ity tnstrument is an a �`�" <br />::-�r . :��;.r P � P Pe Y P P �F;„':�_ <br /> `'°`'� �'i�:;:�z, � ,� 4casehald, Borrower shu91 comply with nll the pmvisinns of the lestsc. IP &►rrowcr xquircs fee tide ta thc Propeny, the -- <br /> ����jl�� ��� �� `::�.,'� Icucehold and the fee tiUe shall not merge unl�ss Lcruler ogrces ti�thc mcrgcr in writing. �--- <br /> ,'i;1•+� c �.,.,�•.;; , � <br />:;,�_,,.�, . �-,�y�;,;,x,��, 9, 4�roteetlon of I.ender s Righ�v in the Properly.If Bc►ROwer fails to perfonn the covenrunti and agrecments contained in _ <br /> a.,,,'�� ;�,���!�r��{:.`" �his 5ecurity lnstrument, or there is a legal proceeding thut muy siRnificuntly affect L.ender's rights in the Property(such as a � - <br /> =�L' . S�•;``�-,�`'?�,c'" proceedinF in bnnkmptcy,probate. fc�r rondemn•rtion ur furfeiwre��r ai enfiirce Inwx or regulutions), then Lender may d�nnd �1�� <br /> ,�r..'y.`.�'. � . <br /> � �:;°�+;,�;(},`�.";,. u for whatever is neces. to rotect the vulue of the Pro rt and l.ender's ri hts in the Pru rt Lender s nctions ma �' <br /> - � ;ti. '� � - F y �Y P P� Y B Pe Y• Y <br />_�,,�;:s ' �`•.� `��,'�;�. ,. include paying uny sums secured by a lien which hati prioriry ��vcr thi+ Security Instrwnent, uppearing in wun, paying <br />=,�-- rrac�nnhlP nttnrneyA' feec and ente�ing on�he Pmpeny to muke rcp•rir�.Ahhcwgh I.ender muy tuke action under this paragraph - ' <br />''�`'�` �' `�''=`�'-"' � 7, L.ender does not huvc to do so. _. 6 <br /> ��.., � '��:1���:.�:.� , . <br />!'��:..,; � �'�� �,,.k Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this parugraph 7 �hull Ix�ome udditionul debt ni' Bonower secured by this ,,� <br /> �, a:f;.} . �'it � <br /> °����' .r�r�::, `�•». Scrurity Instrument. Unless Barrower und Lender agree to othcr tem�s of payment,the�nmount� xhull brar interest fmm the ,� <br />- � '� `''� ' �'� °�• ''�% date of disbursement at the Nate r�tc and �hall be puyablc, with intcrest, upon notice fmm l.e�uler to Borrower requexting 4 r <br /> .�. `• ��c,:...�:a�ri,.�:�. pAyment. �' <br /> •:ti.:�'; �.:�'���:;T'': �:w <br /> V,,��., , ��- ,.,; • , :�� 8. Mortgage lnsurauee.lf Ix�uier reyuired monguge in�urance us u condition of nmking the lonn secured bp thi,Security <br /> - • '' ���'� • lnstrument, Bonawer shall pay the prcmium� reyuircd to muintain the m�►rtguge imurunce in effect. If, f�r a�y �eusan. the , <br />���`'• ' ���;+�.; t�`J�' � � mortgage insurance coverage reyuirecl by I.ender lupses or ceasec m tx�in efPecl. Borrnwer shull puy the premiums reyui�eJ to ;;; <br />�° . °_ � ''s T�� ,}`;'; obtain roverage substantiully equivalent tn thc mnnguge insuruncr prcviously in cff'cc�, ut u cost aubstuntiully cquivalent to the - - <br /> "','y.a: �?'';�::=���`���'�. <br /> .•��.^,• !�•� ,��i;. cost to Borrower of the monRv�e imur�nce previously in el'fitit, frorn un ahemute m�ingage inrumr approval by Leixler. lf . <br />=;:i::�}F �.� •_"'`�. ::>1; . <br /> `y�' y ,3� •�••+'�:���.-� substuntially equivqlem mortguge insurunce coveruge is nut uvuilahlc, t�►rrowcr rhnll puy tn Lendrr cuch month u smn cqual to <br />-""�fti:. ' �T�S.):.�f:..�'.li�:(• t.��.-. <br /> ,, ,l1�4,;,�t�' �'?:f�.,� - one-twelfth��f Ihe yearlr mnnguge insuranrc premium Fx;in�!puiJ hy Barmu•c�when thc in,uranre roverugc lup�l nr ceaced�o ' <br />�;!�_. � � ,�� ��: i�_T� ,� be in effect.I.ernler will uccept,usc and retain�hrse puynxn�x a� u loss reurve in lieu ol' m►xtgage insurnnre. L.u�ti reserve �" <br /> -��:_�• '�1��f�.--- ,, Rorm 3026 8180 �- <br />-lyl:"".� �� ' • • ' Ppo]ol 4 <br />:ia�i � <br />°�.ie.i � � � i_. <br />-;: �: . . . �� <br /> 'i�' � T. " ' �. . �`"'�!!iC4:l'.f F.S'��''!7�/� 2��y1i: ��� �4'�`t1°��/M'hbp�ey,�'d�1�t.fnGY?�71i�/t1�� � �' ,. i��.'l�.rli���4� ��''%�+t° ���r�i��;•;`';':�.� <br /> :.i� � . . . `��1,Y 1� ;5��','�i'�`.�d�f,�'i•�� ' � . i :" y�'.,�,t`�r•���.�f�f���!''�i;%?. , .'�t• ����i���� .�4'iir. <br /> � ,T.. / �;i'.� ,1���' '; �.+il�' .� . . �)Yd..�,/�� (2 � ii �� � ��I� ! � " ll� �/�11��� <br /> � — {�.,1:,. ��'.L���_ , '`. ' ,,.,I t!'i .;H �t•1 (�� �v,l, ` ' - ')..'� . � •�' , !�}�t� ' ,'� fI�, '�' � .. .!/lrl�S- �1��l1C.� . <br />�� � • i �.F• 'i�'�1' `�',�?'� � .'� {� \ 1 � .'r S��-�1 %.11��', <br /> '..���C�Lef•,i�.M..l ti'���/ .�h�\i r �.)- �1V.�r�". . . . . :1:•PI _V� ��i . . .__. d t � <br /> .�. ... _. ' � �.. . <br /> ---___..�_� . _. _ . _ <br /> .--_–•—_'""_' ._._ � r t I . , . � �. .. . • �•�� • �,�,;. .. <br />_ . 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