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`T! 'h'y � ... �- �;.—^r . :.i. '1j,:.�'::::. <br /> '"� +'� 5• •�l'`i::_ _. <br /> �, •. ' _ � <br /> -Y � _.._..- —•�I 93_�.o�c�t►� <br /> T006TNBR WITH�Il lhe impe�uvcmcnt�onw or herwAe�era�ted an�ho propeAy.and�11 e�sranonu�oPPuhenu�cs,and <br /> Qxlurca now ar hen�fla� � p�n oi the PropartY. All repiwooments wd additianx siwll �Iw bo coverod by �hi� SxuMity <br /> - ---�- ln�tn�mem. All oP tho fonegaing is rcferaed ta in thin Socu�lly lostrumau m�thr"Propeny • <br /> BORROW�+R COVBIVAIV7'S Ilw Bortower ia l�wNlly seicod at the eslwta henby oonveyod�nd hiw!he�ipht to Qrant�nd <br /> mnvoy the Pmperty and Q�t the Propctty ic unencumberod.esapt for encumbnne�iiP recc►td. Rorrawc�wunu�u�nd wlll <br /> defcnd geoerally the titla to the F'raperty�ainst all cloima a�d demmdc,r�ubject to any et�cumbranax of rornrd. <br /> THIS SECURlTY INSTRUMBNT oombinca unffarnt covenoMa f�r nw�ional u►e and tan•aniform covenw�u+wllh limilal <br /> -- - varlations by ju�isdictian w rnnstitutc a uniform secu�ity imtrumem eavering rcad prupehy. <br /> ---- ---= �� UNIFORM COVENANI'S.Barrower nnd l.ender rnvenant nnd Agrce us followA: .�_ <br /> 1. P�yYaeat ot PrinclpNl�nd lota�ti Pn{�Ymeat �qd LatQ ChwRe�. Bamnwer shpll promP��Y PAY what due the <br /> ` principal af wnd imercsl on thc dcbt cvidenoed by the Nute w�d any prcpayme�M wid Iate chnrgr.►dua under Ihe Note. <br /> �'��� 2. E�undo tor Twces And Inaurance.SubJoct ca nppNcublo low or la a wrinen waivcr by l.ender, Ilonuwer efwll poy to <br /> :;m;'. <br /> - Lendcr on thc day monthly paymems ane due under the Nota.until�he Nde is paid in full,�wm 1'Fwds")for:(a/yearly�axes <br /> — �nd�ma which muy attain prio�l�y ovcr thiR Secu�i�y Instnunerw as a lien on the Property:lbl ye�uly Ieacd�oW paymaMs <br /> or gmund rents on the Propeny,if any:(c)Yea�1Y iwzaid or property i�rance premiums:ld1 Year1Y tiaod insurw�oe Premiva�. <br /> -- if any:te)Yearly mortgagc insuramY premiumY. ii'any:and li)any sums payable by Bomower to Lende�. in aceo�dan�x with <br /> __- tl�prnvisions of pa��raph 8. in lieu of thc paymem of mortgage insumtxe premivau.11�ese ile��re called'Escrow Item4." <br /> . Lender may. at nny�ime,collect and hold Funds in an amcwnt not to exceed the msu�imum wnount a lender for a federally <br /> °- i't;� rcluod m�mg�ge loan may requi�e for Bortower's escrow ocn►unt under the federul IQex! �:stute Se111ement Procedures Act af <br />-'`� �•:,1� 1974 ux amended from dma to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ('RESPA'1, unless aurNher law tFwt applies ta the Funds <br /> __z sets a I�ser amount. li'sa. l.ender any titne, collect and hald Fumis in an aowuot ix�t ta exc�eed the lesser amount. <br />,:�;;:.-�_�-.-� . i:.tsder may sstimste ttte uttmu�t af Tuads du�: �•u if�e basis uP wrrcnc�uiKi�ryauiwLir c.ti��wiia��i��Fti��i{ti��cs�f i�iur.; - <br /> r';�: 6ze�ow ltems or otherwise in aaordan�.�e with applicable law. <br />�`''`--`--'S'-�..� ;:�'�+:�ji��,; <br />-_ ��---�"'�--� �.„,�,y , 'ftk �unds shall be hcld in an ia�titutian whose depu�et�. pre insurcd by a feck�ao a,�ncy, insttumcntulity. oc rntity <br />=°':�'•; •y�i��;: <br />..��; , �,, � , 1.,�, (ir�cluding l.ender,if l.ender ia such an in+lituti�nl or in any Fedcml Hame I.oan Bunk. l.�nJer shail apply the Funds ta pay the <br /> •'_,,}�s ,,�� w' ' '�.sr�ow Items.Lender rtwy not chazge�orrowe�fw holding and applyin€the Funds,annuWly analyz�nF the escrow acrnunt.or <br />__:^� !y'°? ve�iying the Escrow Items.unless L.eixler pays f3arrawer interest on the Funu1:;and applicable law permits I.ender to make such <br /> ;�;� <br />— , A ChAf�a. However,Lender may reqnire Borrowcr to pay a one-time charge for un indepencient real estate tax reponing servioe <br />- ' �uxeci hy i,ender in cannection with this loan, unless applicuble law provides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made or . • <br />-".'�}�� appllcuble law requi�es intercst�o lk paid,l.ender shull not be required to puy Bprrower any ioteresl or camings on th:Funda. <br />-::�r'; �; Borrower and Lenckr.»ay ngree in wdting. hawever. thut interest shall he pai:�an the Funds. L.ender shall give to Borrower. <br />:�i��i�FA `�' without charge, un unnual accounting of the Funds, slxiwing credits and deb3as to the Funds and the purpose for which each �,• <br /> ,W„•k � <br /> �,r;�� �� debi�io the Funds was made.The Fundu urc ptecJgc�l uy+�iditiu�wi�:uritti tor a��;u�iti�secured by this Sccurity fnsitar�xrit. <br />��:'t;, . • '� Iff the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amoun�s perniiued to be heid by upplicabi�luw,Lender shall accaunt ta Borrower . <br /> � '.� ' ; <br /> �`'��!� • f�a�efie excess Fundw in uccordunce with the requiremrnts ot nppliruhlr I��v, lf Ihc nmount af the Fund�held by Lende�at any <br /> an�• ,�`�"'�',. <br /> �, �` � . . - time is nw au�cie��o pay the Escrow Items wh�n dae,Lender mu}•ise�notify Barrnwer in wrilin.,und, in such case Burrower <br /> .+..,, �:.,. . :.,;:. ,_: -r , <br /> � ,��h,,,��±F��•,:,,'` sl�ull pay �o Lendrr t�hc um�iunt nece�sary to makc up Ihe deflcienry. Bt�nower sfiall m:ike up ihe 4�riciency in �w more lhan <br /> w <br /> '°: Y,��j��y',s:, twelvc amnthlY pAYments,at l.eixler s,nlc discrction. <br />,.,�, T�S�,_.,.:.F� ,. <br /> 1�-`� • <br /> �, �,,,j.:;: ,; Upc+n payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security Instn�ment, Lender shai� pramptly refund to Borrower uny <br /> - '��'�';'�i~• ' '�' � Funds held by l.ender. If,under purugruph 21.L.encier shull ucyuire or seU the Propeny.Lender, pdor tn 1he acquisition or sale <br /> �. ,. ,. ; .t• _ <br />_ �"-'�'�"�R'` �' af the Pro rt , shall u 1 un Funds held b LcnJer ut the lime�f s�c uiRiti�m nr sale as a credit u ainst the sumF secured b - <br /> - Pe Y pp Y Y Y 9 F Y �;- - <br />. ,�, �, •:•.- •',._ a,-. thisSecurity Instn�ment. �' <br />°�' �.Applkation otPayments.Unless upplicuble luw provides ntherwise,�II paymen��received by �ender under paragraphs =° <br />"��_�:- ---- �- ! ar.�+ 3 �hs!!be applfed: first, to uny prrpnyment ch�rrge�due under rIM NMP; uroiui, +n,�mnumc payable under paraerxph 2: �.- <br /> '� ' = '''��'° � thi�d,to interest due:fourth,to principal duc:AIKI IAtiI,to any lute churges due undcr the No•te. ['_-:_ <br /> �. .. .�. � <br />�,�w•,; 4.Charges; Ltens. Bormwer shall puy ull taxcs,usse�smems,rhur�e.r, iiner uncl impositions attribu�ablc�n the Yroperty <br /> -r ='a �;�� ,,.�. ; which may auuin priority over this Securiry Instrument, and leasehold payments ur ground rents, if nny. Borrower shull puy w'.=° <br /> '=:=° . '7' s""``' ±:�"''" thcse abligations in thc munner pnwided in p�ragraph 2,or if not puiJ in thut monner. Borr�wer shull puy �hem on timc directly •.,:,: <br /> - `�.:' ,-�'''�..,•� to the�+cnnrt m��e�i p;�ymeM. Rorn�wer vhell pmmptly Purni.h lo LenJer ull n�itirr�:of anHx� he paid under this paragraph. -- <br /> �T """''�":�"'��'`'•`" If Borrower mal:es these puyments directly,Borrower shnll promptly fumi.h t�i L.ender receipts eviJenring the payments. °`�r' <br />"`,:��, *:° q , ... <br /> . �;:.' Barrawer shull pmmpdy dixharge any lien which hu.�priorily��ver this Sccurity In�trument unles+Bonawer: (a�ugrees in <br /> ��'.� ���.?M;. •.�.:. �'�''. <br /> � - writing tn the payment of the obligntinn secured by the lien in u nwnner accepioble to l.enJcr,(b>runte�t�in�cbd faith the lizn �'r. <br /> ~�'�''i'�;- , by, or defcnJc ogain�t enforcement of the licn in, Icgal prcxcedingti whirh in thc I..end�r'� opini�m opera�e t�� prevent thc - <br /> �. .. 7' 9r,i <br /> �•'=� �..�• enfn�cement of thc licn: or 1�)u�ures fmm the Ix►Idcr i�f the licn un:igrccmcnt uiti+fur�nn• t��I.cixfer xuhnrdinuting�he lien t�i <br /> �.��t�• ••rr., .�, .� <br /> - �, ��. :. •. Ihis Securiry Instrun�ent. IP LenJer detrnninc.�hat uny part ��f tM:Pru�riy iti whject ���a li�n which ma�• i�nuin prinriry over <br /> ,. �' � ' d� . this SecurBy�Imtrunknt. l.enJcr nwy give W�rrowrr a noticr iJentilj•in�, thr lirn. Burra��rr+hall .un�fp �he licn or takc one or <br /> ' more of the uclions ae�fonh utwvc within IU Juys�►1'the givin�ci1'n�Hi�r. <br /> �.,;,... .. <br /> . �'� .i�,: Form 3028 8/90 ��;. <br />� -. .:i;',+R,.��4-.,,r pNN2o'e �;.� � <br /> �, "!,f':u�°�.1.•+!�i <br /> ,.i �'... ''��,��� . <br />_:,',.. '�' �. <br /> �.�i �r ,,`.:,..IT;W"'v�r � <br /> •�'• .�.✓ '��. �..a Vi .97? .. � � �„y ����4V . <br /> •`� , 4., luYf�IM4�h+-"`�d!'�51�ear•�.;•.c��.r,t� ,ll�i :,1�'f`a.••'��F;1� . . .:�", <br /> � •��;i,��1�� ��'� '� • <br /> i 1�, , 1' 71 ��� �.�"�r4�' �- - ' �.�� �'\� , . . �. ���. �.:S�;� r)i ��'_, ����11� '4 _ a r <br /> ' r°�.t;� ,,,;;t l, 1 , .. , ' ' r:, , i , � �� �c �.. <br /> ,. .� . . � .�,. . <br /> . ' , <br /> � ' :�,��, � •'. ;' U� �tt- • !.. '. .•, + n �� tr r�� �7�f` S� � :r,`. .at <br /> ���.�. � , . ,,� -�t•'. „rX.t,..- . -•�r'.1� � Y� ��il,�� -�+ _�i �1 � �. <br /> „� <br /> ,�y�,��, . 7� <br /> �.�'•�l�t:+�iy4''-:kr_ ;u�.itS•.t�'� -= - . •�..11�.511 �.•��'r.A.F� .'.!1_ t'� .1 '_ .�. N.�� `�`, <br /> -- — - -- — , i� .-- - - -...--•. .. , . . .. . . . . . . ��"t�1�! P�r ,'!"^�' �(. , . � <br /> -t��,�. r . . �. �� . �. �' "...... . _ . . , _. + _ 1_ <br /> ' � . 41oL,n�,�� • . • �'�)� ' i� ' , -.,1'+ .,�. _ <br /> � �- r��. ... <br /> rq. :l..r�,. . . ,} . . � . � _ �, <br /> . � ,�` !f: . :'t. . �, � - - . <br />. ;"S_. . • , . . . .r . ._ ' <br />- , i� ' O'' 'J,y ! � - <br /> �. Yf�,�>`.�,.•1''� ' , ' . _ <br />� .. �Jn �"�� . .� � ' ' . ' . '�_. <br /> ai ' . 'tx,,..�'' • .� , . � . _ ;:4'7�r• ..1._ <br /> � ., ��.�w� 'i�• � _.. •.,.,..._ <br />. ,. �. M �I\- _ - -,,� . , . .� � .� . - . . i. <br /> . ' <br /> 'J . � ' � � --.._._t----- <br />