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.�� — .—__— � 1 ' �Ii�? »- . . . . . =_i�-` <br /> � +l �(� 1111a"/�x9^ l�4.. ... .�`-� . <br /> �:�" � 1� ��- l�� �1;w '_ ..u.._._1�•�. <br /> , I � .. _—_. _.____- ._ . .___. .. <br /> -_' _ __ /�_�! � _ <br /> - 93• �0:��� <br /> _ -- ' condemn�tion or oUrcr Wcin�cf any pan of the Propony.or for convoyanoo la fleu of condenuwtlm.iu�e ha�eby�sri�ned iu�d <br /> � �Iwll bo paid to Lender. <br /> � !n�he cvent ot a total tating of�he Propa�ty. the prui..eede �hwll be �pplied �o tbo �unt�cccured by IhiR Socudty <br /> -- = In�tnwnent,whelhcr or not It�t due,wllh any excess p�id lo Bomower. In the event of A p�uti�l ukin�of the Piro�etty in <br /> - � which the fair marka�valuc of tho Propcny immedi�tely beforo�he tdcin�Is eq►uil to ar�ter thu��hc wmount of the runu <br /> � secu►cd by this 3ecudty Inxtnnnenl immediately boforo�he taking.unless Bomawer and Lender aherwlce a�►ee in wrllln�, <br /> ' � tho sum�securcd by thi�Seca�ity Incaument sh�ll bo reduced by �he amouM of the proceedi mWdpBed by�ho followin� <br /> �Ip�, ; froct�on: (a)�he total amaunt of the sumo secwrA immediutely befo�e the Iukfng.divfded by(b)tho fpir muket vAWa of 1he � <br /> Property immediwtely beforo�ho takiag. Any balanvc sh�ll ba paid to Bortowcr. In the event of+t putial tatcin�of tilo <br /> Propeny in which�he fair maiket value of the Pmpeny lmmediately befons�he tpking is kss Ihpn the amaunt of Ihe sumi <br /> . ''~;E: I socured immediately befbro Ihe loking.unless Bormwer and l,ender othenvfsa agrco in �writiag ar unksc Applicwble Ipw <br />.,.W_.,:.>, , o�l�envisa pmvides,die poceed��Iwll bo Applied w�he surn�securcd by tlus Securiry Insuumenl wl�ether ar not the wmc�ro <br /> :.:,.�� �'�� '�1 �If tM Praperty is rab�andaied by E9onower.or ii;after noticc b�Lendor w Borrawer�hat�he coende�uoa�c offecs co maica <br /> ,�.ti, � ` aia awaed a�eaEe a�clai�n far dama Mnower faiLs ou <br /> 8es. respond w l.endc�r within 30 da�rs after¢!�e�aoe tAe eati�ce is givea, <br />`;�:�' ;�,'�� '.� ,�, .t, i Le�►der is uuthori�ed to cotG�c�aRd ap�ply�e its option.eilher to reatoratia�or�cpair of the Ptoperty or 1w Me -"- <br />=�t,w��F,} ;. �'� � � sums secured 6y this Security Instrument,w[�effier or not then due. �, -_ <br />-n=%�*�uU�t.._• y��� � Unless I.ender aad Bmrower otherwise agree in wri�ing.a�y applicatiori of proceedg ta principAl shall nat extend ar - <br /> ��1'1'1: . ,�• " '� `: ;vr'Y� .� -- <br /> ����y�� � pastpone the due date oi the monthly pnyments refcrred�o in puragraphx 1 and 2 or shange the amount of such payments. _. <br />�-L'�'� �' s" ' ' lA. �orrawer Not Rekasedi Fbrbcarance By l.cnder Nat a Waivcr. Ex�ension of tha time for payment or <br /> -_ ,.�r� t�•. a.,�..�,,Y• � <br />, '.' . _,.�;C�t':�t��;,i�����, � � modiGcation of nmor�izutlon of�ha sum�secured by this Secudry Instrument granted by l.ender�o any suc�xssor in interest _- <br /> � �'• of 8omnwer shall nat operate to�lease Ihe liability of tha originel Borrower or Botmwer's successors ln intcr�crt.l.ender <br /> '`' aha!! stot beseyulrrd to cwmmRnce�mceeclMpR again�t rny succesr�►r in intQ�r.�u �er�fi�cw��e,c�enA �ime fa�wwyment ar <br /> , ,' �rA� `'' • oihenvise madify anortiuuion of the sums securcd by this Secudty Inctnimeat by rc�son of ony demand m�de by the ori�inal ' <br /> �. � :��..;�r,�,• � � Borrower or Be►rrower�s�ucc�sor�in iMer�e�l. Any forbew�anco by Lender in exercf�i���nny ri�ht or romedy shvll not bo a �;".' <br /> . ''� •j•.", j ;. ` <�;� ' waiver of or prcclude�he exercise oi any right or rcmedy V' <br /> •r,��•. <br /> ' f •r:,,•; �� 1Z. SQQClSS01'i and Aalg�u Boundt Jdnt�nd 3evcral UwbIINy=Ca�ae�. Thc cavanam+wnd u�r+cameotd of�hih �'� <br /> u <br />;;��' ,��•;� Security Inalrument ehall biod nnd benefi� Ihe xurcexwrx wid w��ign�aP Lcn�ler wWi&�rrawer.aubjccl la Iho provlRianx af =-- <br /> ,"� p�ra graph 17. Borrowcrk r�wenum�And�grcemcmx shull he Joim und�everul. Any Borrower wha ca•�i�nw IM►Securily -- <br /> J^ n' , In�urumem hut doen nM caecutc Ihr Na�e: lnl ix ca�►ignMQ�hiR Sccuri�y In�t�umcm�mly 1��moAgn4e.��ant and rnnvoy ihw� � - <br /> � A'�'*�'�"'+�.�: Barov►erl�inlcrc�t in the Pn n un�ler Ihc terni.r oi Ihi�Sccu r i 1 I n�w m c n t; lh)iw n u 1 Y � P a Y -- <br /> #� '. �'-;'i, • � Y Y I��u�n�l l i�b l i �I C d lo I h c�u mx .-. <br /> � ` �,:,:�• secunrl by thia Sccurity Ineuument:aixi kl agrees tiwl l.endor and uny wher BurrnK•c�may a�ar�o cxleMl,nxxllfy,f�xbeu �' <br />- °,� ' u',;;�,�- ar mAke any occomm��dwiwu with nsQud �o�ho �e�n+�ai Ihi. Security Inslrumont or Il�e Nao wlthout thot Borroworl ��- <br /> .�t�-�� ';�,�1� ' cunsont. �� <br />�-••� . 'r' ; 13. I.oan C� If iho lam +�ecurod by �hir: Security instn�ment is«ubjec�ta a Iww which �ets mwcimum laan "�� <br /> .-.--- ��,--.; -. - rltia�8��artd ihai!aw s Snally intcrp�c icd sa ihsi the inieresi cn otiiar io�ch�rgas cai{a.:i�i�io t�a�oiic�;ta.i lo a:i�riix�tiaii _ <br /> � . � with the loan exceed the pemnUted IlmitF,lhen: (a)uny such lo�n eharge stwll 6e reduced by�he umount neceswuy a rcduce ='—=- <br /> �� � •f� • the charge ta the pertnittcd limit;and(b)any sums already collected Bom Borrowe�which oxcceded permitted limits will be �j� <br /> .��-��'��=% :`" rofunded to Borrower. Lendermuy choose to make�his refund by reducing�he principnl owed under the Nate or by making a �� <br /> direct p a yment ta Bortower. If u refund reduces princi p al,�h e�e d u c t io n w l l l b e u�e a t e d r i�a p a r t i w l p re p a y m e n t w i t h o c i m y ��' <br /> ••j'•� • + • •�� � piepayment charge under the Note. r - <br />- � ;�: � - ' ' 14. NMkes. Any notice ta Barrower pmvided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering 1t or by <br />-` "' � ' �� mailing it by first clags muil unless applicuble luw reyuires usa of nnother methad.The notice shall6e directed ro the Proporty �.=Y�� <br />='"��` • '''� � '�'';�: '��� Address or An y other nddrecs Borcower des igna tes by no t ice to l.en der. Any not ice to l.en der s h a l l b e g iven by f irst c lass ' <br /> ' �'•:i`:'.,'i';.: <br /> � '' . �,.,r� •� mnil to Lender�s uddress stated herein ar uny other uddress Lender designntes by notice to Barrower. Any natice provided for � • <br /> } ;°�w �;;�4.'';i' . <br /> '�,, �7� , in this Sccu�lty Instrument shall be decmcd to hsive bcen given to Bonawer or Lender when given as pravlded in Ihis �..- <br /> � 1 �1,j�. ..+ . ua ra <br /> ��`;•,, ,�� � P 8 Ph. . <br /> ���.- .,; r•;������ ��` <br /> � , .�,, 15. Governing Ls�w; 5everability. Thia Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law un� Ihe law of�he ",4.' <br /> �` pe y y provision or clnuse of this Securiry Instrument or the Note <br /> `' r` '�' jurisclic�ian in which Ihe Pro rt is locuted. In the event thu�an <br /> a'• ,.' �y�,�,�,•�;:: <br /> L '� ;�.'�'����'���1��»• � conflicts�vi�h app8c�ble IAw,such conflict shall not uffect ather provisions of�his Secu�ity Ins�rument or the Note which can � , <br />��i'". " :..f,�41;i,�:.,�:��'ry,: . <br />.�,,+;�,i.�: ,,.�.�,��''���������;±�f';�,, be given effert without the canflic�ing provi�ian. 'Ib this end�he provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note ane ' <br />,.�� ',�`j,�,. �;t,�,,, .;- , de�lAred lo be severable. <br />•.`4�.�-�.; '�`:' ��h;^ �`'�'�';' � 16. Burrower's Copy. Bormwer shall be given one canformed copy of the Note and of�his Security InstNment. .' <br />`_:r,'.;,_ ="...� <br /> 19. 7Ypnvfe�of fhr Pr�rty or e Ilenefkl»I IMe►esf in RorrnwPr. If nll�r nny�an of the PmF+erty or eny intercst in '�y�-- <br />�►;. . . ; „ it ix sold or tranxfemed lor if a benefiriul interes� in Borrower is nold or transferred and 8ormwer is not a nawral person) <br />;_'"'� ' f••�. :+i•t �"�,. without Lenders prior written can,ent. Lender muy,ut i�x option,reyuire immedinte puyment in full of all sums secured by <br />=�`��ti' "•. •� ��� .�;: tnis Securi�y Instrument. Huwever,�his optian shnll not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of ' <br />,... �•�:..�,�.: �;•��: . <br />••,_n. '.' ,�' �f���s� � , . the date of�his Security Instrument. _. <br /> "�`�`� " ��>Y;+�" ' �� If Lender exercises�his option,Lender shull give Borrower notice of acceleru�ion. The notice shall provfde a pe�fad of � <br />';tif';;', '�. ��:" ` , not less Ihun 30 days From the date the notice ix deUvered or mailed wi�hin which BoROwer mus�pay all�ums secured by this <br /> -J� ' '�Q:. „ •�. •'�: Security Instn�mem. If Borrower fnils �o puy these sums prior lo the expirnlion of Ihis period,l.ender may invoke any "' '� <br /> � , . � remedies permllted by this 5ecuri�y Instrumrm without further notice nr demund on Bonower. <br /> ,.�; 'S ' 1& Bnrrower's Rfght lo Relnstpte. If Borrower meetti cenoin rnndi�ions, Borruwer shall hnve the right tn have . <br /> ___ -_�•L_'. .:, enfnmamrm M'this Security Instrumcnt di.rontinu��d ut uny�ime prior tn th�rarlier nf: lul S Juy+(nr such c►IhPr�eri�xi p,c F <br /> . + <br /> . , . • ' Singk f�amlly..I+annk MoclF}�eddk Mac UNIFORM IN�"fRUMkNT••Unl��rm Covenonu 9191 (puRt J n/A�w�al , <br />,t � . A . . <br /> - i... , <br /> L',-.� '.� ...' _ <br /> �♦..` � ,�'�'..,. • r ''' . • . . � t.`.',. <br /> .t-•'• " - . <br /> + �f1�4��1{�i�l�WfM?IY.f•.�t�rq4J�NAA.-r.^:• .... . . . . �• ,�•.Sj+�11.1��1:h'�IfR'+►CJ�yA1Ctl{f�41Y�1({'�.'Y`�•�n�.y�11j�• . <br /> - � ' ' i . , � �� , . . .- _ . , - _ .. <br /> � , � • : . <br /> � ' � � ,.. .. . '. <br /> ��kli J�Il•11V•������S1d�. i M. . . - . � <br /> , -—_.�_"_:-..._... . - . . ' . . .. . <br /> . � `` <br /> /� .1'f'.`. .� <br /> . �* _ . ,'���.., . ,� , .. , ,� i <br /> �.� ' ;l 1 ' I...h', •, 1. '� - , • <br /> �. 'J'•',;'�,r'• )�t`.� � +' i;• ' : �� u� � . �� {t � �- / • <br /> { '.�- tir� �, - � lj�yl������(1�'� - � , . .', , �\ . . . .1, - ' :{:. � � . <br /> � ' �•;� � �l,t� ,(i��,�.,�\i'',� , � ,, .;r,� ;� ,r r, ' .. � c . , � � � <br /> lfi'! :� 1l ,{�` 1��, i ' t,(' ti:;�; � � ' ' ''• •�:�' ' '. 'cft;. • r �. <br />., �1•{�� • � C�P� '.��1���51 r 1 lt i �i� .���'1��;�.,� rl�is•`-i� � . , : . � +lf <br /> � . 1,. ' ,11 ) , ,1�'(,� '1 <br /> 'S' r`�1� 1 �.I C i'lL1�)��i,�+�� 1�•1.� �,�}.i ,i. ",f; � .�e �s - . • ,� 1�" - _ .. .� . ���n, .�� . <br /> ���t�1".t .! y���\'•�i:, :�S 1.'r, i;1 .}���� ,�f,l . ' 'I�����t.S<1��:.1.. .. `��-• �1�. • �'. . 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