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:�l� ' .., . :tL.��� <br /> } � t •r ._�1_- <br /> 4�r }x'� ' - ---- ... --- ---- --- --- ------ <br /> _ t`� „ ��� , ..i- .. <br /> - -----—�'� �VS� ��7/�l1 <br /> appllabb I�w m�y �pocfly fix�laWatement)beforo We of the Property punu+at w my Puwar of Ralo crnu�ioed in Wi� <br /> 3ocudty Iniaua�ent:or(b)eatry of a Jud�neM enforcing Ihio Socutily IeoUument. 77�ace condlUoe�iue thRt Horrower: (a) <br /> pya Lcnder vl cum� which tha� would ta duo under thi�Secudty In�uume�tt and Ihe Ndo a� if no acoelenitlon lud <br /> occumedt(b)curos�ny doPwll ot�ny ather covenatte ar Agneemeou;(c)1aYa�11 expenses incumed in enfa+cin�thi�Secudty <br /> Inwument�includin��but not Ifmited to,n�on�ble aaomeya'feea;and(d)Wcea�uch action+�a Lender m�y m�con+�bly <br /> requiro w aacuro thn 1ho Iten oi thi�Sacudty Instrument.l.enderk dghts in�he Praperty u�d Botmwer�oMigadon to pay the <br /> :uma �ecured by thk 3ecur1ly Inetrument sh�ll cundnue uncb�nged. Upoo �einRtacement by Batower.thia Socwr�ty <br /> - -- - Inetnunent u�d iiie obli�Uone�ocurod henaby ahall rcmain fully effcedve as if no a�ooete+ratton bod occu�red. Noweva.tdia <br /> - ------— d4ht to neinuale s1w11 not�pply in Ua casa of axelerntian uader pan�raple 17. "�.,._. <br /> 19 Ssb of Notei�����► '�N��A P��interest in die Note(tage�hec wilh thic 3a'vrit� <br /> '+'� 1�p�)m�qr be a�otd oo�oc a�wcs�Wiitt�out prior notice 1a Bormwer. A spte may rr.sult in a change in the entity <br /> :d�n�s tb�e"I.oao Sesvicer"�t�at co[kxts monthly paymeMs due undar the Note and lhie Securlty Inftrument. 7leere�lso . , ,_- <br /> _ _ ______-- , m�y be aoe ar moce cAanges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of ihe Note. If thero Is a chwnge of Ihe I,aan Servfcer. __. <br /> �,;� � Il#�urower wjII be given written natice of�he ehange in nccardance with paragtaph i A Above and applicable IAw. 'Ihe m►tice ,- <br />,:_�;:,,��'���, ,_ � .:. � wlll atat�the name and addrea+of Ihe new Loan Servicer and�he addresa to whlch paymeels chould be made. Tho notioe will• <br /> "�"'��`s""�"��'�""�"'Y'�`•`"'�' atco ooM�in,ar�y other infatmadon�equined by applicable law. <br /> -_ —._.,,�„��,������ <br /> __ _-= _ 'Z0. H�za�dons Substwnces. Bormwer:hal)nat cause or pertnit the proscnce,use,disposal,stomge,or►elease of any <br />--- � � Ha7anbus SuMtancea on or in tha Propeny. Borrower shall not do,nor allow aoyora else to do,anything affecting 1ho <br />•�.� Property th�t ic in viololion otany Bnvlronmental Lnw. Tho pr�eceding twa sentencos shpll nat�pply ta 1he pt�asenca.uce.or <br />�;c swrage on�he P�aperty of smaN quond�iea of Haza�dou�Substwkcs tlun am�anemlly r�co�ninrd to bo appropdate�a nonn�l <br />-__ re�idemid u�ea And�o mrinte�unce of tho P�aperty. <br /> � _ Borrowar ch�ll promply�iva Lcndcr wriuen naice af any invcs�iQAdon.cluim,dcmand.lowauit or wher wction l+y any <br /> �--� - -_ •- gavernmemai or reQulmary ay�ncr ur prirair pwiy i�wuivi��g itia F����iy�w,uiy ii,u.:.i�u:SuGsi��or�usvsr�t��iai . <br />` l.ww of whkh Bomowcr Iwti ac�ual knawledge. If&►nowe� I�amc. or ix ndificd by any Qovemmental or mQulWary � . <br /> �u�harity.�hwt w►y�n�vd or Mher rcmediA�ion af any Na�.aMiww SuMstancc oiicclfa�the Praperty i�neccswry.Barrowcr <br /> � �lull pramply Irko oll necexr.ary�rmediAl aclfnn�c in accordonco with Fnvimnmenl�l Law. <br />-�' AR usql in Ihis pu�ymph 211."Hoxardcws Sulu��anceK'tuo Ihoyc subatanaR dctincd ax taxic or huzuniouY aubst�mxs by <br /> F�vlmnmentd l.ow wid�he iullawing�uMslun��ec: ga�;oline,kero�ene,other Oumm�bk or toxic peiroleum products.wxic <br /> ..� r peslicides And hefiicfdeK, vulWile salvenls, male�fulh conlaining Arbestax or fom�aldehyde,und rndfaaclive matedpls. As _ <br /> u�od in thi�pnragraph 2Q,"Bnvfronmrntal Luw"meanx fcderal law�und lows af Iho ju�icdiclion whero tho Propany iR lacalod <br />,!° Itw�el�to to hcalth.s�Pely or environmemul protectian. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrower and l.ender funhor cavenunt and agree as follows: <br />- Zl. Ac�krattoni Remedles. I.eeder sbwll glve notioe to Borrower prior to�ccelerAtlon following Borrower's <br /> breach of aay coven�nt or ag�eement in thls Security lastrument Ibut not prlar to Acceleration under pprAgrApb 17 <br />__ <br /> ualess�ppNcaWe I�w.providw otherwise). The notke sbaH spectly: lal lhe default;lb)Ihe Actian required to cure the <br /> - - dcfpniit ici A i�wa iiu�o 38 d«yb t�n�ii�e dpte the noske Is glcea ta Borrawcr,b;�wbfrh!he tktasalS taust!ta <br /> ,�.,,;,� cered;and Id)that fdlur+e to cure the defAUlt on or beiare the date sper.IRed in Ihe notice moy result in acceleration of <br /> ^� ' 'f:�'��"`'` the sums secured by this Security Iostrument and sale of ihe Pro�erty. The notice Ahwll I�u�ther inform Borrower of __ <br /> A'�� �- • ' �� •'s the right to�tnatate aRer aocekrntbn and the rlght to brin�a caurt action to Assert the non-existence of u default or �� <br /> `�l �� .� . 5���`•�rr� an other defense ot Borrower to accekratbn��d sale. IP the detAUlt is not cured on or before the dAte spECMed in �;,.__ <br /> ,-�'� `'�wr��'��3�� the ndkx,l.eader At Its tioa ma uire immediate a ment in full ot all aums secured b Ihis Secu�lt Eoslrument �� <br /> ��'� �';.. .. oP Y�4 P 9 3' y <br /> ' 4r..n:.� a,f•,: �~t.',: <br /> ,sc:�,.�. without tY�rlher demand And may invake the po�ver of sale and any other remedies permitted by appUcable law . <br />-''�:;� =���:�� Lender ahMl be entlqed to rnllecl All expenses incarred in pursning the remedies proWded in this ppra�aph 21� `"� <br />�`�r�• �/�ry � ��'�� Includtng,but not Itmlted to.reASOnablc ulrorneys'Pees and costs of tlpe evidence. �;a-�_ <br />.-.;:inl' �• F" �1`tfn3�� �j� <br />--�,�• 4 , It tde Rower of sale is invoked,'Irustee shall�•ecord a noHce of default in each county in which aoy part uf the <br />.;;:;�, Pro e is l E°��. <br /> -•�, ij}";��- } � P rty ocated and s6o11 mail rnpies of auch ooNce in the manaer prescribed by ApplicAble law to Borrower�nd to [ � <br />;�;;r ,�x .,;';;G,; �� �,,' ipe olhet perrons prescribed by applicable law. Ape�Ihe time required by epplicable law.7lrustee ahaN give pablic r::s." <br />-�� oMi�of apM rn�he p�rson4 e�d 4n the mennPr p.reaeri he d hy Rpp i ke b l e l e w. 7 Y a s t e e,w l t h o u t d e r n a n d o n l�o r r o w e r. `'4 <br /> IIIJ( f• <br />::?:�r.c� �•���'r�:. shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bldder ut Ihe time and place pnd under the terms desi�nated(n - <br />`;�;;� ,•,�� � the nMke uf sale in one or more pA�cels and in any order'I�ustee determines. '[Fustee mey postpone sale of all or any <br /> - ��%' ' parcel of the Propehy by public Announcement at the time ond place oi pny previously xcheduled sale. Lender or lts <br /> - ;;:n;`N.z�•:; de�i�aee nwy purchace the Property at uny sale. "�>"„�,; <br />_��� 'rv,�, Upon neceipt of pwymeat ot the price bid,'Irustee shall deliver to Ihe pu�chnser 7lruslee's deed conveyln�the �: <br />,+��—_ - ,.-- - :iuµe��ty. 7T�c icctf��s G►itr�'�t•unlce':,d�ed a��utt ik p�tw�t'�de e�id�uce uf the trull�uf tl�e�lateu�euls made U�eretn. ���.�' <br /> ���`, :':;� 'IFustee sh�ll Apply the proceeds d'the sule la the Pollowin�order. Ia)to all costs pnd expenses oP exerclsing!he power �� <br /> _a.��Y�,.s.b:f�,'1 <br /> �' <br />.�:��,,'Sv'�>� ._ <br />�ya; — �,}�� /�,7,� �; <br /> 'fj <br /> i <br /> . <br />� Ir•1! ' �.�i,31���M�.� �li: <br /> 'L �_� �.�_ <br />" _ _ I�_" . 'I�•. <br /> � :�:,:''e' .. F.n.�I 9r90 �puxe s nJ'e�wk�a► t�,;; <br /> .��:: ,;"'�rN <br /> ' . N,.. �� �:�.:��;s I. . <br /> I; ,:s� .,. - . <br /> , ' ., <br />. .-. !'! �..J > �s�, . . . w .' ��'1^T�Tw�sat`�"n'�M��Q�►�^� . ':..Y <br /> -� e'_ A•_ ' , . . � � - . .. iMl� +�?�.K.- ,-ti•i�...�. .::�� :71rb"::li .`+�. <br />';�1�'P,_ - :1. �•�`�wy- .. . 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