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_- � }, - r - ,�, � ' - .�� n .�. _ _. <br /> __ �• , . . � � .. . ... _,—.�.�� . <br /> 4�� ��:.,. ,s <br /> .. , . . <br /> ------- --- _-- <br /> _ �:L�i <br /> -----_ - -—� <br /> 93- �o�.�a - <br /> , pxlod�t!W t.ender roquirw. The insur+n��e curier providin�the in�uranco�hall be cho�on by Bamwer wbJecl to Lenderi� <br /> Mppmv�l which�11 not be unne�son�Nly wl�hbeld. If Barmw�P�iis ta mmintwirt cavo�{e dacribed abave.Larder m�y.q <br /> i.aide�k option,obWn oovenAa to pnota,K Lenderti d�hta in Ihe Prnpony in ucadance wilh pAn�nph 7. <br /> � AI!inaut�nce poNcie��nd nnaw��h�11 be�ccep1�ble lo Len�ler and rh�tl inoluda A at�ndud matR�e clruce. l,ender <br /> �hdl tuvo 1he d�ht to hold 1he pollcies�nd�cnnwals. li Lender roquircw,Bonowcr ahrll promptly�ive to Lender all roceipr <br /> -_ of p�id�mmiums�nd renewd noticen. In Ihe evcnt of loss,Batrowcr shall Qive prompl nalice ta 1he inwra�roe cartbr aad <br /> ..� Lmder. Lender m�y m�ko pmof of losr iF not mode promply by Bar►awer. <br /> --- Unleco Lendcr�nd Borrower othcnvi.e agroc in writing,iqsurance praceoda sholl bc applicd lo rosloratlon cx rcpwir of <br /> ` ��--- ----� tho y dwmwged. if�ho�estomtlan or r�cpoir ic a•onumicnlly ieasiblo anJ Lenderk aecurily is nw le�xnod. if Ila <br /> :��� reo on or repair is rat uonomicelly feuible ar Lenderk sxurity would bc le�cened.Ua locuranco prooeeda ah�ll be <br /> applied to the suma axurcd by �his Secu�ity Instn�meat.whether or not �hen due,wlth any oxcesa paid to Burnuwer. If <br /> ,;_� Bortower�bandons�he Property,or doe�aot an�wer within 3Q da�rs a nalce from Lender thet �he Insuranoe cankr t� <br /> ! ot�'erod to seWe a claim.then Leader mt►�r colkrt�4e iasucaace p�ocecds. 4ender muy use the proc�ds to oepAir or rcstvro <br /> ��_�.-..�.� ��'oP�nY or W pqy wms secwed ey th�s Socwi�ty In�uu�t.Wqetl�er ar noe tE�en due. The 3Qilay pe�i�od wifl b�egin wdea <br /> --- @�e notice is given. <br /> -__n� �1aCess t.endcr aa�d�arrowa orlrrwise�ee 'r�w��y li�atian of procveds co princi.p�st�ait rr�c extend oc <br /> ,-:;�°-�- � • postpooe the�e dale of�a+onhty pQymeatc�ef�em�d w Fn p�s�pnd 2 a ch�►ge Me mnount of the payments. If — <br /> R„ ,';,s under paragraph 21 the Propetty is acquired by I.ender, Borrower�right to any lnsurance policies und proceeds resulting .' <br /> :��„������ fram damage to ehe Propeny prlor to the ucquiAition shall pass�o Lender to the extrnt of�he sums secured by thie Security = <br /> ,.r.,�-. j. '��•. lnst�ment immediutely prior w the acquisi�ion. . — __ <br />.:�;;%�! � ' �, , 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Mainteaance and Prateclion oP the Praperty; Borrawer's t.oan Application; ___ <br /> _ � ti.e8seholda Bonower shall�ublisfi,and use�he Property as Borrowerh principal residence within sixry days aftor -=-_ <br /> ��������+�h�*�•��� � ihc ezxuLiast uf tltis Secarlt}�Instnsment and sha!!ocntinue to accagy tt►r. Properry as Bermtrer4 prinelpa!tie�idenee t'ar et - <br /> � n2S����f)�� �7 � - <br /> •� 1��,�'�s}'��•� lear,t one yetv nQer ihe date of accupuncy, unless Lender otherwise agt�ees in wridng. which conaent shall mN bo - <br />-������ ,��',.;�� urueosonably wi�hheld,or unless extenualing cincumslancec ezist which s�re beyand Borrowerk conirol. Horrower shall not �:; <br />'--•��r'� AI'� " destro ,dama e or im i�ihe Pr d <br /> ;;�������� y g pa operty,allow Ihe Propeny ta dete�iorate,ar cammit waste an the Propeny. Borrower shall !r: <br /> bs in default if any forfeiture nction or proceedfng,whether civil or c�Iminal,is begun that In Lende��good faith judgmeM <br />- could result in forfeituro of�Fww Propeny or ahenvfre materiWly impair �he lien created by thic Security tnntrument or <br /> ��"�� �.�� � Lenderk secu�ity interest. Bonower may cure such a dofault und reinatate,as provided in pamgropfi IR,by causing the xtion — <br /> t� —_' <br /> t!A�..._,, or proceeding w be dismissed wi�h a ruNng tha�,in l.endc�k good fai�h determin�uian,procludeR fa�feUurc af tho Borrower'� <br /> ' �,��, �+� inte�ru irt tho Prnperty or Wher mute�ial impairment af �he lien created hy �his Securily Inx�rumen�or Lender�secudly _ <br /> inte�st. Somower r,hall also be in defuull if Borrower, during ihc I�wn upplicwion proce�s, guvo mate�idly f�lse or <br />'�•_ ;;� inaccunte InformAdon or�atementa la i.encier In�fuiled to provide Lender wUh any materfal information)in coiu�eclian wi�h <br />°�}" , ;��� the lan evldeneed by �he Nate, including, Iwt nat limitcd �o, rcprcsenta�bnx c�eming &►nuwcrk accupancy of the <br /> • �r1y w a principal rccfdence. If'thia Securi�y In�iniment is un u leuxehold,Scxnnwe�shull camply whh o0�he provi:ia� <br /> ?;`,`, __ � lrs�e. !f 9osms:•tr aitts t'tt sltk ta thc _ <br /> �,. M1 xy Pres�!nrx!shr!'rr tltk�lial!aos nscrgc unkss�tr agrccc <br /> .,. �, � �, to the merger in writing. — <br /> .,. �: .� � 7. Proteclbn of Lendcr•i Ri�{hw in the Pnnperiy. If R�►mnwr� I'ail� ta porform thc covenant�and agramenls --• <br /> . . ,�,,i' "' "�,�,��:�y" cantRinod in thia Securl�y Ihere is a legul praceeding Ihut mAy sign[t'icantly affect L.enderb rightx in the �i-_ <br /> � t,.y;; , ._, Ptqxny(such aa a praceoding in bankmptcy.prob�te,for candemna�ion or forfeiture or ta enfone laws or regulatians),then �`T <br />- ' ,,,.s:..•.• , . Lender may do and pay for whsuever ix necessary ta pmtect�he vAlue of the Propeny �nd Lender�rights in the Property. <br /> Y P Y 8 Y Y 1� Y Y pP� B � <br /> , ��,.� r '. l.ender's actions ma include a in un sums r,ecured b a Ilen which Iws orit over this Securit Instrument, a arin F�-_ <br /> in court.paying rca4onable Anorneys'fee�nnd entcring on thc Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action 'rt,: <br /> '` 1'.`"'y'��;;'`•� under thls parugmph 7.Lender does not have to do so. �`�ts.. <br />� '�`'� My unounts disbursed by l.ender unde�this pam�eruph 7 shall becomc additinnal debt of Barrower secured by this f��1�:` <br /> �� �'•���_:� Securiry lagpument. Unleas Borrower ond Lender agree to other tertn.oi payment,�heze umounts shall bear intercst from the ,•__ <br />_,���, ,<..;,' `%�` date of disburscment at the Note rate nnd shall be paynble, with interesl,upan notice from Lcnder to Barower requcsling r�,r: <br />_'�%'�,, Day111C11G 11.�., <br /> x••_ <br />_:'�t;�;; w� $. Mortgpge InsurAnce. If Lender reyuired mortguge inxuronce n4 o condltion of muking Ihe loan s�cureel by this .�?,�°.' <br />,m1�:IJ � '�'<<F'fi�`� : �Securi Insuument, Borrower shall a �he emiums re.uired to muimuin Ihe mon a e insurunce in eifect. If,for an i `"" <br />-- � ..�{ v �Y P Y P� i b S Y �'is�..: <br />_:::W:;� ��. . �-:,: <br /> .,_..,,, rcason, the mongAge incurance cove�uge required by Lender lupse, ur ce•r�s to be in effect, Bortower shall pay the - _ <br />-`" '• premiums required to obtein coverage subs�nn�ially eyuivulent w the mongage insurance previously in effecl. at u cost ""`�� <br /> 't;ta• �:,� . t <br /> -�;=. substantially equivpknt m the ais� to Borrower of the mortgage insurunce previausly In eifec4 from an altemate mongage ;'t'•,� <br /> . . �,;=::,: <br /> `'�`� ` irtvurrr epproved by Lendec If.ubctnmislly e<�uivnlent mnrtrsre innrran�r rm•er;tFc i�not avsilablt.Borra«•cr shult pay to 4•''` <br />.:��; ` h��. Y.Y,•-4.."+'`� �s::.-.--. <br /> -�- . , .� a_�.. .• :;._ I.ender each month n sum eyuul to one•twelfih of�he yearly mortguge insurwice premium being paid by Borrower when the ��;�;,:- <br />���^° ��;=• insurance mvera e lu ar ceased to l+e in efi'ect. Lender will acce t use and reiuin these ments as a laes reserve in lieu 'r,t�+ <br />�.�.,s;,. <br /> �-�;,,��, � P. �y <br />--�::r�i�� of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve paymenls may na longer be required,n� the aption of Lender,if mong�ge insuronce +�• <br />_-s�+u`��� crnerage(in the amount ond for the period�hut Lend�r reyuire+)provided by un insurer upproved by Lenckr again becomes ..t:;, <br />,;�YT;�;� N: �:;;_`£ available and is obtained.Borrower tihall puy�he premium�reyuircd to muintain mortgage mtiumnce in eifect,or ta provlde a ,,;.: <br /> • loss roserve,until the requiremern for mongage imuronce ends in uccordance wi�h+my wrinen ugreement between Borrower <br />- ��`x' � " � and Lencler or a licable law. "� <br /> , ,.. � '_•"' PP <br /> �. .,: <br />.:';1:' . 9. Irepection. Lender or its ugent may makc rea.onable rntrie.upon und inspec�ion,of the Propeny. Lender xhall >• <br /> . : .���;�, . , give Borrower notice at the time of ar prior to un in.peclion.Excilying rcuu�nable cuu.e for Ihe in�pertion. ;�� <br /> - ---�°'- 10. Condemtwtbn. Thc prucccd�af anp au•ard nr claim for Jama�r+,dirrrt or rc�mcyucntial,in connectiun with:uty �"s'� <br /> . , Sfn�k Pomily-•�i��ie M�dFhddk M�c UNIFIINM IKITRU�IFNT•-UnHnrm Cu�cnanh 9/90 qk�Kr_l�.)A��.��u <br /> '�;' ' �ira�IWe�Aiewer Fnm.Ir■ <br /> . . . r.�w�wuu.i�oosauwao n►,►xair»u���i <br /> :;,�,. . <br /> , ., <br /> ., ,-, ;;'. <br /> �.� �'a<�. .. �: �'--. <br /> , ��H '� . 4hYi�••:��:.4.:.�� <br />-'/f�_ . . .. . . . . . ' ' .. <br /> ' t.'' J�:,,���. , � �. . • .. .. .,.:r;.�;�:,.. ' . 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