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�r'.;y.'' _ ' .. • ' <br /> � �.w _ �.�,e�:. <br /> �.�± � i .� i' l � . . <br /> �� . � � + .. . _._. .._...�o_.._ .. <br /> 1:� �}� <br /> . 1 � ' — <br /> '. .... xr.:.:.�:...irr'.�iay� . <br /> - -_�-�=.�' 10�9q1 <br /> - 93_ . . 3 <br /> TOO61'N8R W17N dl�he improvemenu naw ur hete�iler cmted an Ihe propeAy.wnd�II e�remauc,�ppurtc�uncer. <br /> � �nd A�turca naw or hae�ller a pitt of�he pmpertY. All acpl�ccmento�nd�ddpiona shwll�IRO be cavmai by tbl�3ecuriry <br /> - InWrumaq. All ot tho fm�e�oity{i�alenod to In�hl�Secudly Incmiment u�he"P►opehy." <br /> :,;i BORRQWBR C'OVENANTS�hRt Ba*ower i�IMwtUlly ceiaed of the eaute hemby conveyod w�d hu the d�ht to Qrant - <br /> •nd cauvey Iho Propa�Y+uid th�t Ihe Prope�ty(�unencumbored,eacept ior encumbrancea oi rccord. Barower w�rt+�nu and <br /> �_'; will defaxi aeneally dio tl�k w Ihe Property�inw�II claimw md dem�ndo.wbject to any encumbr+u�ces of'rocord. <br /> THIS SECIiRtTY INS7RUM8NT cambines unifarm covenwnts fix nwtional uce wid non-unifam coveaanu wi�h — <br /> Umirod vul+�dam by ju�isdiction a conwitute A uniPam securi�y in�uumeM covedng nwl property. � <br /> �. UNIFpRM COV�IVANT3. Borrower and Lender covemnt�nd Agooe+ic follows: W��� <br /> l. payme�t of priadpsl�ad lateresti PrepsYmeat aad Late Ch�rQ�. Borrowcr shall pmmpttY PAY <br /> . __ princip�I of�nd intercrt on the debt evldenced by tho Noto and+�nY pmpayment and late chargea duc under the Note. <br /> ----°-- Z. Flnndo tor 71�xp�ad 1a�ur�ace. Subject to�pplicabk law or to a writlen waiver by Lender.Barower slwll pay ta <br /> "�+�*�.�=»=�s.t�� ������ ���y�y�nls Aro dua unde��he Note,untii the Note is paid in full,a sum("P1mds")ior.(a)yearly <br /> .�.�,.�..f.�r Y <br /> -i;,�, taxes�nd assessmenw which may atwin priority over this Security Inspument as a lien on the Pt�operty:(b)Ycarly Ieas�hold c <br /> ��� .-1;.�.-- paymerMs at gnound �cnta on the Prop�crty. if uny: (c) Yearly hazard ar pro�erty h�suraiacx p�emiuma: ld) Yesr1Y flood <br /> � e insur�nce miams. ifi �ury: �nd(�any sums payabk by Bamwer to <br /> — `—��.L��:'.�'�'� iasa ur,urx prem�wns.�t any: le)Y�Y �SaB P�'� <br /> �� r�'c I� accordance wJah tlie prov�sions of pan�rayh lieu oi the pr+yment ot'moritgage insurmc.�c premiums. These -_._ <br /> -`�. �:"� items we called"Escrow Items." l.ender any t�me.coUect wnd hold Fiu�ds in an amowN nvt w excced�he maximum <br /> ���, �? waount a leoder for a federally relatod mo�tgage loan mqy �oquire for Rartower'§escrow account unckr the foderal ReaD ��::.. <br /> . `;' �a� 12 U.S.C.$2bU1 er seq.("�tESPA"1,wJetess�notfiet ,,r,; <br /> ` ,•, �;i:s" Fstata Settkment P�.�dure:Ac1 of t974 aa amet�ded�ium time to�ime. <br /> ,,'° �„�,is'_ ' I�w tlwit�ppltes to the F'um�1s sc�R a Cesscr�m�aunt. !f so.l.ender may.At any Ume,collect and ho1�1 Funds in An amou�t n�ta �'i:: <br /> �r, �ti_ ;,i'�,�g, e�ceRd the �es�a�na�:7st. E.em�e::cay esiamate ti�e amounl ui'Fu��da �idr w� Ua La.,i�uf 4w���it �aia arid reasar+abfc R,;.;..'` <br /> ,r�t .c: <br /> +• d��'��; es�iaw¢�s�d1 ex �itur�s of fuiure Esc�ow ttems ar o�henvise in accordance with applicabte IA�v. .. _. <br /> t>•h. r <br /> n�,� ;��G�i�` I � 'fhe Fund ss�ha01 be he�kd in an ins�itutan whose dc�osits nre insured by u fedeml agency, instrumen�ulity, ot cntity �'�=� <br /> t: 's �� <br />-`-`�"`� y�'``��` ° `� diacluding Lender,if Lende�es such an inslitutioro)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L.ender shall apply 1he�unds to pay �-�..� <br />°_,;Y_va't ; >,rk t�f , . <br /> - ,� ��ry���'.1' � `•+4�� <br /> { �%;�t�.=-t • � , if�e Eserow Ite,nns. l.ender mny not charge Borrower for halding And applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow �';:�-• <br />�.:%r'�;'`•�r !'�����`t} __,... <br />--:����;, .?'��,t-s;� `,,,p�• „'��•�,:�� �crnun�,ar�•erifyiog Ihe Escrow Items, unlesa l.ender pays Borrower lnterest on the Funds and applicable law permits ._ <br /> :;,,�. �'� t�'��h�.�13t'"t�+�'i „ g Y P Y P� i't.�, <br /> ;<�;i,� �'���:,�jt.a:;�s+;@�;��;,�� � Lender to make such a char e. However,I.ender ma rcyuire Borrower to a a one•time charge far an inde ndent roal <br /> ;,�{�t'��'��.�f� �`F;��t eRlatcs tux reporting serv�cc used by I.ender in connecUon wlth this loen.unlcss applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an <br /> ' :�; f;���.,�,��.�,y�'1'.17T I agroement i�made or applicable law requires interest to bc paid,l.ende�ahall nat be rcquired ta pay Bortower any intorest or �:�� <br /> `•��t�?'' .. �c�}�i�,;.; eaminga on the Phnds. Sorrower and Lender muy ag►ee in wrpfng,hawever,�hat intercst shall bepaid on the h�nds. Lendor �; <br /> �°' ° �' .' .+�.,� j shall giva to Borrower,wNhout charge,an annuol accouming of the FLnds.showing crcdit�and debits to the F�ndR wnd the _ <br /> •• '= '° ' purpose for which each debit to�he Funda wa�made. The Punds arc pled�ed as wWitional cecu�ity for all wms cccun�by � <br /> � 7 -; � thlc Securi Insuummt. �'` <br />��:>.::.,.�, ��� '.��"�' �S' <br /> ° .-i,♦ � �r.:T�%:XT��' If�he fvnd� hcld by i.ender a��roal il� ariiouois pesmitted ia bc hcld by ap�slfrablt lss�. l.c:sder sha!!actYwnt so <br /> �"r� �:�'`>i's:,N Borrower for the excess FLnds in accurdunce wfth the requircmentr aP appliceble IAw. li�he amount of Itr¢Fund.g held by ��,,, <br /> "" �� Lender at any time is nat suU'iciem to a the Escrow I�emK when due,l.ender ma Ko naff Borrnwer in wri�in � �,«� <br /> ,� � . ' . °�.�;;; P Y Y Y 8• <br /> .ii�'��!�s.' r�•.�''•' cuch caae Borrower rhall y to Lender the umoum necestary to muke up�he defkiency. Barnwcr shall nwke ap the L`"`sy' <br /> � ' '� deficiency in no more lhan pwelve monthly puymentK.ut L.enderk r,ole di�cretion. <br /> _ �,H,``F� ,�. .� <br /> • �:•��.�:� �' • • Uponpayment in full of all Rums becured by this Secu�l�y Instrument.Lender shall promptty rcfund to Borrower any > <br /> ' •ec <br /> - ; �;.��,+ti;: • .;•':...;�o-�5•' FWndr held by Lendor. If,under pAragmph Z1.Lender shall ucquirc or sell the Property.Lender,prlor lo tho s►cquisition or __j <br />,;Y�1 , ' T,,.i,.,;. �.: . sale of 1he Property.shNl apply nny Fundc held by I.ender at the lima of acquicition or�le as a eredit againc�the sums ',�;_ <br /> '.::k,:. • • �;;, cecured by this Security Insuument. ,'�� <br />-.� � :,,,�+,.': .. Y'� 3. Appticatton ot Payments. Unless upplfcable luw provides othenvise, all ppymenls received by Lender under �; <br />--4: z `•,wK,; x::�•. y J paragraphs I and 2 shull be s►pplied:first,to any Prepayment churges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under �, <br /> �t;:. ' ::;,.;. , � I puagraph 2;thircl,�o interest due:founh,to princ ipal Jue;and last,lo any Inte charges due under the Note. �.�.I:�::� <br /> � ' � �!. C b s�e s; L k e s. R o t m w�r a h n l l y e l l �i�r r s, a a�e s s m e m s, c h e r g e s, f i n e s a n d i m p o s i t i o n s a t t ri h u t a b l e t o t h a -T <br /> .-.- . � e <br /> ;;;�J;,;;;i;�u ,,Yi;�� Property wbich may uttain�riority over this�ecurity Insln�ment.and leasehold payments or�round rents,if any. Borrower ,��;.:r'. <br /> �` �}t �"�����;ir�Y,;is`��. shall pay thece obligations in Ihe manner provided in p:uagruph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on '�°�;�� <br /> > �• +' ti"'�� . " „ ' •�.�. <br />'" ; :,,- ,: ��{, � S.� t=}r time direclly to tbe penson owed payment. Borrower shull promptly Wmish to Lender all noiices of amounls to be paid under <br /> .v+;:ti-,, '�,# ,' 6 ` �++' this paragraph, If gomower nwlces these paymenls direcdy.Bonower shall pmmptly fumi�b to 4ender receipts evidencing <br /> ;,ar` ; 1.4�. <br /> i)Y�1�s��• , ,�,�'�� <br /> �,•��,�.t,:,t�5 the payments. �,;��_ <br /> r;' �s�l�:,�i��•�� �� � guR�w�r�hall ru�a tt dia�:li:u��au It���a�hi�h h�s rforEt•occc thts Scrurtt�[RStrucncet unless Bnrrrnv�;r.(t)asreet <br /> -' �'`i��f+s.ry�t�k.'';�..,r.":. P N Y b' y p 3 S ��::; <br /> • �' •• in writing to�he payment of Ihe obliga�ion Recured by Ihe lien in a manner accepi�ble to Lender,(b)contes�s in good faith the � <br />_' •�.•; �;�,t4,���s��;����;��.+.;'�'7 "'.`,, <br />__ .��,:,�.. ,��,. lien by.or defends ageinst enforcement af the Ilen in,legal proceedings which in the Lender S opinion operate to prevent the ,t:�" <br />�::;,r" r' ,''.'::�.t .;;i.i. , <br />._"`;•; ;�,w�;�;;._; .�,�����YSyr,, enforcemem of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of thc lien an ugreement�atisfactory io Lender subordinaUng�he lien <br /> � ' ; �,� � � ,;_ to this Secndty Insuument. If l.ender determines Ihat uny pun of Ihe Propeny ls subject to u lien which may anain priority ' <br /> ,� :.• .��, :�'��i�'t I over this Securiry Inawment,Lender may givc Borrnwer a noticc identifying the lien. Borrower shall sa�isfy the Ilcn or take . �� <br /> ��;.: ';ji�,!;, , one or mora of the actions set fonh above wUhin 10 days of thc giving of notice. �\.�� <br /> •�+; :��f, � S. Hnrard or PrupeHy Insurance. Horrower shnll keep�he improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> . !. , .' � �ti�'��;��•�' i Property insured against loss by fire,hcuerds included within Ihe term"ex�ended coverage"nnd any olher haxnrds,including "'•`� <br /> : .,.�:•, . .,.., _,��, floods or floodfng.for which Lender requi�cs insurance. This insurance ahall be muintained in the nmounts ond for the <br />_ , - r. <br /> '' ' FbnaJYtY 9f90 IpnRr2ofApa��l �.:- <br /> ; , . �,' <br /> . ., t�Ly��. ,, ' ,r . r�-•- <br /> , • �'�,. ' .� I <br /> y�l � .. . �. � iF���A¢v�{�+_.'_ �"J'_. • ..=lni. . �._.........� ..�. ._.. . ...�...�.r� �.w...... ►�.rw.� �..��.�.���' , . <br /> i , <br /> S ..-�i . • , . . . . . <br /> .'°t] !►4Ui�e:biu:•;�ai�`ev;•�LL, . . . .. . . <br /> — — — -*,—�-�-------�_-_' -.r-=--' ..- . . . . . , . . <br />. .. f <br /> � ' 1 ' <br /> , ,/ .i' ��� , �;1 �l �i� �tj� �� � <br /> �'..i..�� . :}1�'.}.��,i� .�" . -�; J�'1��l�. � '� '�, � � -(�� ; • 1� _ ����� 11, <br /> �', � ,15� � , JIC� , ;� f �1 t . i � .��.' , . <br /> :I 11 1 ' ��I ` I �:i � - 2 1 1 : ' - - ' 1 \ ,C�?,� . ���. - I <br /> ,:}�i��+'��I�, { � { <br /> �i ,1A�� �� ��'r y��� a 1! � . - 1�� - ��r^,= . .�1� . /i'- . 1 <br /> -tr f �t�,I� � t� � � '.�.. � - /.�11 r � � l. . .��. ,y � � . <br /> .F ' 1,.,��r�/ •�( .�••`�7J�u 1�.��'� . :r \.� . . 'll•,.i) � ��� �. . '' � � • • � <br /> �f � :fyll l� ,j.a �i11;I�'; �i' . .�).; \� - � - �5� :�'.... • - �, l_ � �. . 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