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,_`: . b... .��.�i �r!rnw...,�� .�.�,�,. � . _... . . . <br /> .��%r- ,� �' •�., t•.�� N'� � <br />—.� •��� "�.� �. _.''��,f I __..._'-'.... <br /> _ . <br /> � I �r,�: - <br /> " � - _. <br /> . ' _. ' ".'..�'�Nf➢i � �. -.� . .� . _.__ ' ' '. _.._ . <br /> __ .i.y.. __�_��l�::y��l � . 9,�- so�q� <br /> — --- - , <br /> R� 17.Tr��fa'u�the P�+uperly or a Benellclpl Interost In Dorroaer.lf all nr an pah of�he Pmperly ar any interest in it _ <br /> is sald a�trneafcmed(ar if s beneficia!intertst in Burtnwe�ie�Id or iranFfcrnod und�rmwcr ie n�»u nuturul perMm)wilhnut _. <br /> ��- �J [.cnder's prlor w�iticn rnnrem. L,endcr muy. at i�s optinn, requirc immediotc puyment in full of all sumr� sccured hy thia <br /> Secu�ity Instniment.However.thir oplian�ll not be exerciced by l.ende�if cxercise�r prohibitod by federal law ur of the dWe � <br /> , of this Socu�ily Inctniment. <br /> �"' If Le�xler eaercines thi�aptian. l.eoder s1w11 glve Bmm�wer muice af acceleruti�►n. 7'he n�Ni�r shall proviiM a pericxi of nrn <br /> ' �,�- �es.� lhnn :10 days imm Ihe du�e the nc�tice is delivereJ ur mailed within which &inuwer mu.� pay ull +um. ��curcd hy this _, <br /> a�� Seeu�ity lnstrummt.If Qormwer fai1R to pay lhece wmc prinr lo the eapimd�m of thir peticxl,l.enJer muy invoke uny remeJies �- <br /> �_,., � permilted by thia Secu�ity la�tn�ment wftlxwt funher nrnice ar Jemund nn&►rrnwc�. �° <br /> - - I8. Bomower's RtRbt tu ReinstAte. If Bur�uw�r n�eets certuin conditinn�. Bumnser xhull hsrvc the righ� �u hi►ve � <br /> "� enf�rcement oP this Secu�ity Insi�ument discontinuod ut uny time priar to tbe eurlier of: (u►S day� I��r :�uch oihcr�x:�lod as ---- <br /> � ' : r•�:°;.':;,,, � applicnble law moy specffy f�r reinsl�tementl befare sale of the Property pur�uum �o uny pawe� �il'tiule contai�d in thib �: <br /> '•:-M.,{ i: T� Securi�y Ins�trument;ar(b)entry of n judgn�ent enforcing ihis Security Instrument.Tho�e conditinns ure Ihat &�rrnwer. (u)puys � <br /> ��,'''�- � l.ender ull sums which then wauld be due unde�this 5ecurity Instrument und the Nae os if no uccclera�ion had�xcurreJ; (b) ��_� <br /> _�:�� ,; . '; . cures any defauU of uny rnher cavenants o�ug�eemems;(c)puys ull axpenacx incurned in enforcin�t Ihis S�xurity In+�rumem, �:h: <br /> � � �� :. �� including,but not Nmited to.reasonable uttorneys'fees:ami(d)tulces such actiun a� ixixier may rsusonubly reyu�re t•i uxxure � - <br /> �'•. -� :�r��. that the lien of�his Secu�ity Ins�rument. Lendcr's ri�hts ia the Prc�pehy and&�m����er'�nhligution tu p:ry thc�um.scrunri My �'.�� <br /> -_'�:: .t.``�'` - this Security Instrument shall continue unrhangeJ. Upon neinxtutemem by Bnn4,��rr. thi. Srrurily Ins�rument amJ Ihe .� <br />_ -'r��� ��.�C ;.., obli�ulion4 serured hereby shall remuin 1'ully eft'ective u�il'no uccelernli�m hud�xrume�l. Noweccr. �his right tu Rin,tu�e�hall �j'�'" <br />_�' ' .j.;�+:.� � �r..�;�:}��:: rox at+ply in the case of accel�vation undrr parugmph 17. <br /> - y<�; 19. &ale of Note; ChAn{�e of I.oan Servicer. Thr ���te or n puhiol interc.� i�� the Nate uag�lh�r N•ith this Security ,��,.;. <br /> u <br /> -.r�,� ° 'r �'����'��'`�� - <br /> s;� ln�irumentl�mm be+�old one ar morc�imc�K•ithout priar n��tim ta Hi�rr��wer. A sal�may�tiwU in a chungc in the entily(known <br />:;�_. .,: f:;. �,;n,• r. : . <br /> ..; �� �u.s ihe"��er")thut collec�.s monthly payments due uader thr'���cc und this Srcuriiy Instrureicm.Thcre ulti��muy he�ne _ <br /> �;, or r.:^re rh:�n ��:the I.asn Sen�fcer unr,�!;;c�j!ta u:.ale af ifie r;a.c:. :`.:`:erc fs a ctsAnFe c�!the l.:;:n:Servlcer.F�rr�wrr wil�t�� _ <br />—-- F-,. <br /> -°°-` '�,{++�,.n.s,���rc:,�.� . givtn�t�riitrn nvuceof the chaage in aceorclance with pn�a�xr� i�1 at+�ve und upplicahle luw.Tlir nrti�e will titAta the n�me t+�.; :'°;:'.' <br />";�, � . 5;;: . �t� adclre�c oti the nea• Loan S�rn�iccr and thr addrecs lo afiic!h�aym�Mr�Iwuld be mnde. 1'hc notice,will ulao c�mtai.�pny��hsr " <br /> 5���'.��,�t, " '�:`' <br />;;-��i:� ��,� ',.�t;;,j.';.;s i�ai�vmatioro r�co�ui��rd by uppticublc lu�c. _�:%�_` <br />''`�.�1�' :.: � 'l: �,. . '. � 20. Hu�u��+du+us Substances. &,�•rtneer ;fiAll nnt cause or pernc3t t�;precence. uu:. disp�nal. .�tnrage. ur mleuu: af am ^' <br /> .±''�;�. ;,��. '�f ' ' � F Nazardous Subslon��es on or in the Pru,pen;:. BoROwer �hall not Jr. ��,�r alloW� anyunc clse iv d,�, anything •rffecting thc <br />- . ,,,.:�•,� %1•�.,, �_,_ <br />',:;r<<;'�:;` ,tr.;.,:�•,; • Pro rt thut is in violotinn ai unv Enti•in+nmcntul l.uw.The preceding rwn sentences shull not apply ta�he�r, usc, or �_.,,.. <br />'':/�'4�� �Y��l�`y r � ' . +raeei►n Ihe Pm rt af sr��all uanlitie.,of Huzani�us Substances that are �nevaJi} reca niz��d ta Ix:a r+� ri:nc tu nnrmal <br /> .� � • „i�- ..Y, t� g pc y q 8' 8 PP � �ts,_�. <br /> �i ' ' � �,idential uces und�o maintcnancc ai�he Pmpeny. Y. <br /> ;s?�,:� ''� � r.., •.J,:, t::,:� <br />,�w_�.•_,� •�.,^i.�,'�'+��*�•:�," Bon�wer ,hull prompUy �i��e l.ender wriuen notice of uny inves�iguti�m,cla�im. �Irmand, lawxuil or othar:�rlinn by Any �:.�_,,: <br /> ~°=:,�, � `��,.: . . governmentul or regulatory ngenr� or prival� party involving the Propeny and un� �laiardouti Suh�t•::n.r or Environmentul� ��'}�;• <br /> '�r;:' . � , of which Borrower has actual knowledgc. 1F&�rruwer Icurna. or iti rnHiticvl by uny�nvcmmentul or regulutory au�horitv, �hat _, __ <br /> '"*� rx• �• �� •�° any removul ur Mh�r rcmedintinn of uny Hu�rdour Subyiunce uffiwting th�Pro�xrtti ix nece�:wry. &►rniwer,hull prampl�y tuke ,,,:, <br /> ��,`„��,�`,, ;r;,� all necestiury remedial ictiour�in acconlance with Environmentul �,,e; <br /> :u <br /> . ,*��:;° A+used �n th�+ purogruph 2Q. "Huwrdou�Substancer"are�6ose+ui�s�ur,re+�1efa�eed ua iuxic ur i�uiu�duu� �ub,ttisnc� b� _ <br /> .. ; .:a �.�• ��k`: <br /> �nvin�nn�emal La�►• anJ the fidlowing substunces: guw�line. kerosenr, rnher par�n��u,�lr e�r ti�zie �x�rolrum prcxlart,. t�xic �,.,, <br /> s � peslicidex unJ Ixfiicidex,vulutile xnlvent.r,muteriuls rontuining ushe+trc�,r fornmldchyde,unJ rudiour�ivr ma�rriuk.A, ux�d in , <br /> ' .,��; ;•,i:,.'.,b thi. pur��ruph ?0. "Envirunmcntul Luw" mram fi�lcral luws anJ luw, �,:thc juriulirtiun whrrc thc Praperty i� lacut��d �hat � <br /> . relutc to hcalth.wl'cly�►r envlronmentnl pnnectiim. �.� <br /> � 'r�'� � ' NON-UNIFORM COVGNANTS. &�rruwcr anJ I.endcr funhrr r������nunl und a�trcc u+fi►Uuwti: � <br /> - ; '�;` . •. . 21. Accelerat ion;Remedi�w.l.ender vhall qive nntice lo &�rroH�er prior to aceeleradnn Pidlaa•ing Born��cer's hreach <br /> ' oP�ny rovenant o� u�rcemcnt in thiti ti�rurity Inslrument (but nnt prior lo ucccicrutlon under puragruph 17 unle�.� . <br /> �� . �.'}�,-��� `��� aPPlicnble Iww•pro�•ide+MherwiKl.The not(ce+Null�p�tiliy: (ul IUe defuult:Ib)tlm ectlnn reyuin�d to cure the defeult: '`U- <br /> _� � �.�_ ;�,,, ., (c)a dute. not leti.�Ihun ill da�.fnxn !he dute UK iNdke(s Rtren to Borrouer. b� whlch the default must be curcd;und <br /> �� ,�,� ••,.{.,< <, ,, (d) thal fLflurc to cure Ihe defuult on or heii�re Ihe date specified in Ihe notice mu�• result in acceleration of Ihe sums <br /> � ��{K t;:� �secured b�• this tiecu�lt�• Instrument�nd wle��P the Pn�pert�•. The nolice xhall further infi�nn 11�rrroaer oP thr riRht to <br /> ��� ��`��'��' reln.4tate aRer ac�Ylenttle►n snd!hr ri�ht to brin� a rot�rt Nclinn to N.�rf fhr non�r�i�l�nce of a defuult or eny other `: <br />_ � , �'.�..-r.°'.,.,., <br /> f.�.. :�'r;'-,i.. ;.�� defense of Bnrmwer to acccleratluo ami wle. If the default is not curnd on or bePon the date�►pecltted in the notice. ,,, <br /> -'• �' � �� '�'�"'t�� I.ender. ut its�• requim Immedi�tc {w�mcnt in Pull ��f ull sums s�run�d M this ti�rurity Instrumcnt ��•Ilhnut ' <br /> I�.1,��� ' .Y.'V'•� ..•,;• . � �S, . <br /> ��,,,,�, �,_ }. , ,.+� fLrther demund and muy Im•oke Ihe poNrr of salc and un� athcr �c�edicz permitt�d b��upplirahle lu���. I.ender xhaU he <br /> . & • '•"i!,:,t`:;, <br /> °_;; .�� � �,:•;: cntitled ta colltrt all expense!i incurred in pursuinu thc rcmedieti�n��•ided in thlx puru�r�ph Zl. includina,lwt not limitc�9 <br /> ;�����•�.conable eltornc,rs'fe�w�nd rostw nf tilk evidence. �. <br /> .,.�. _ :t�,,;} If thc �unticc nf.ralc ls tatio�:cd. Tru.�;tec xhalt rectird u ncitlrc nf dcfuult in cuch rount�� in ��hich um pa:: ot the T . <br />,�_'. � ���:;,;�� Pn►p crt�•i�I��eWed und slwll muil c��pics oi'such nnticc in tlm m�nncr pre.urilxd b} upplicu�le lax� In Ra+r.rv+��•rr and tu �._:,. <br /> . zr ` thc othcr�xrs�►nv priwcribed b� applicublc la��. Aflcr Ihc limc r�ti�uircd b�•upplic�blc lua,7'ru.�tcw�hr�ll R1�r,public nutki• <br /> , �,� � 1 <br /> �°�.�: �`�".�,����•. �.";� of tialc lo the per�ns ond In Ihe munmr prercrilK�d b�� upplicublr I�.��.Tru+t�ti.�.ithuut demand on Born►Ker.titwll tie0o <br /> _ . �..:,� ;��,; <br /> �• s ¢�y�:.,�'p".�,;i�. �r the 1'rnpeM�a�t public uuction to thc hl�hetil bidder al th�linm und place und unde�Ihc lern�.de�iRnated in the nulke nP <br /> � , � �,�' , , �;��,��'' Rule in one or morc purc��l�und In�nc��rdcr Tru�tcc dctennin��. Trusl��r mu� p��wp�mc tiulc of all or�n. �an�el of tfic •� , <br /> u m <br /> -�, ';; '���+��?;',,;;{�i�}� P�operty By' puhlic aou�+t+ncrment ul thc time und plucc of am pm�•inusl� �chedukd wk. Lender ur ih Qerignee ms�y 'f,. <br />- ' ��.�H,;YI .' �11 , purchase thc 1'rnpe�ty al s��sak. ` <br /> ;a�-�: . tc:�`i ,•`ti; <br /> � ' _��. ., .-u:: ,Lu��� �ii <br /> i�� •�.i:;:.'_•-_•----- <br />' '� u Form 3026 8l90 ��{,'ti' <br /> i , . .. _' .y: °►NSra� �•� � <br />���,•i4` , ,: �' ' ' .',`i, 4 . <br /> �( ; >,,: <br /> `���';"' y � ; d';'t � <br /> '"r+'t'1'� .� �• t;9i�j'Si`:- .f���Y�t�' <br /> ., �* �.I��i� •'i� � +. <br /> S,fi.•:''�:1': ;�f��+i��:�'��.� .�if�+e3fir�.-�*�irnar-w•u4'r..,. .__._. , . . . •h;;E!��!w��ieK��.-..�•--. . ..-.�..� >. :�..., . ,.• .. <br />. �� e• <br /> i;,�vf,;, ��'�i'� '�� � . '�';l: <br /> ., �, ��:`s}'`, � ,,. <br /> i�-, �•�� >. �';' lu_ '. ;.� . �:� . � .. <br />-`.. .-�,;__�7i��:. -�1yr—.. =.:�r:- . •r; • . . . <br /> r 'i1�:�':f <br /> .i �,•� <br /> , �a.. „ , <br /> �. •,� . . �;q,,,y . <br /> : '�`. . : . � <br /> ; . ' • � ., ' : . � � , <br /> � :�• ; . <br /> � .., ., <br /> t ` .��'°:a�,` .. .. ' . <br /> . <br /> �:, . �` I <br /> _ ._._..� <br />