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/�4 ., ,r� � ,���� +.r�::r'�• - . .. r y�` ' � .�°-,- <br /> . , '� ! � .. P i I � . -� ----_-• <br /> .� , is .i. <br /> ,- .. . <br /> ,. _ <br /> - -- - <br /> ���. , 9�'io�.� <br /> :�,...�,��,.�..�J. <br /> p�yma�u rnay no lon�er be roquirod.�t thc option of I.ender. if rmngqge in�u�►rcc cnver�c(in the amount wnd inr tha petiod <br /> _�_.__� th�t I.cndcr roquirox)pmvided by nn In�ura�Approved by I.ender�y�in bocomes avAilable and is�inod. Bort+�we�slwll pay <br /> tho promiums roquirod ta mpintain mottpwAe incurw�oc in effact,ar to provide a loss rc�ervo,until the n.�quirc�for manQa�e <br /> ina�ratoe etNfR in�ooaed�nca with Any writtcn aQrocment between Barrower and Lender or applicAhle low. <br /> � 9. Inopectloa. I.codor or ile agan� moy nwke rcasoiwble e�t�ies upc+n and inRpoctiona c►f�hc Propeny. l.endcr rhall�ivo <br /> - - Bomnwer notice u�ho time oP ar priar to ar�inspxtion cpocifyinQ reasnnable cau�e far the inspertion. t <br /> _ -- 10.CaWea�mlion� 7'he pa�ceods of any award or clnim tor d�muge.`.di�ec� or rnasequcntiul. in cannectian with any <br /> �r, condemnwioo or other lakin�of ony pan oi the Propeny,ar for conveyance in lieu of condemnatiim, sue t�ereby au+Qn�d wid <br /> ,°--�--=T--� �hall be�►W w Lerder. " <br /> In ihe event oi a tntW taking of�hc Properiy.t6e procaeds slwll be applied ta the sum.g secured by this Se�.urity Insttument, <br /> whether ar not lhen due. with noy exces�puid��8armwe�. ln the evem of a p�utial taking nP�he Pmpony in which th@ fair - <br />:'•�' markd velue af the PmpcRy immodiptcly befare the taking is equal la nr greuter Ihan the amaunt af tha sumx secured by this <br /> --- Secu�ity InFtn�ment immadiutely bcforc the taking.��nlesc Borrowcr un�l l.ender otharwise ugree in writing,tha sums secured by °-_ <br /> ����`��=��' this Seru�fly Instrument shull be reduced by d�e amoud of Ihe pra.�ds multiplied by the k►Uowing fmction: (a) the tMal <br /> - -- anwunt of the surnE secured inunediWely befbre 1he wking.dividad by (b► Ihe i'uir market value of th�Pmperty i�m�diately = <br /> -"= befaro the laking. Aay lwlwxe slwll be paid to Bomower. In U�event ai'a partiul taking of the Propcny in which the i'air <br /> � `-„"--ri� market valuc of�hc Propeny immadiwely before the taking is le�x than the:unaunt at the sums secured immedi.tely befixe�he -.;... <br />'�;� �};s taking.unless Borrower and Lender ahervvise agroe in wriNng or uoless upplicable law atherwisc provides.the p�oc�eeds slwll '=�===- <br />.c:..? « - <br /> -��_r be applied to the sums secured by this Securily I�slrument whethe�or nal the sums are then due. __- <br />:'�����f, :��;. If the PropeRy is abandaned by Borrowcr,or if.after naticr by L.cndcr to Bornawer that the con�lemior oiTers to make an --- <br /> ,;.., <br /> = a��:. <br /> ; �«�trd c:r srKlt� cl�isil!ar dasssag.s. PAi'COLL'�i fAils to respnnd to I.ender r.�ithfn 30 deys eRer thc c�ntc the++�t�•• e�given, <br /> �_�:"'�y� lLender is anthadzed tu rnllect arKl apply the pro��erds,at its optian,either ta�storation or repair of the Pmpeny ur to the wm4 ---- <br /> '"a°� � cecurod by this Security fa54niment,whether�r nor then due. �:�. <br /> --`� � � Unless Lender And mo�raveer otherwise agree fn wri�ing. any p�lic,erinn of proceeds m principul shull not �extend or °-- <br /> ° •":<<�J�•:�J* ne�he due dnte af the aa�eaehe�. ments referred ta in ar,era hs � nnd 2 or chan e the am�wnt of'such menas. �' <br /> P�Po �Y p' '� P 8 PaY <br />`;�'_• il.Bomower Not Reles�srd:['mrbearAnce By Lender:���x u w'�'Aave�. �xtension of the time For payment or moditicution --.-_ <br />:;;.�';; af nmartization of the sums r,ecural by this Security Instrument grnnteci 4+u L�.+�ler to any successor in interest of Borrower shall -- <br /> •�. , nut operate to releuse the linbility of the arigin:d�uRawer or Borrower's su�oecsors in interest. [.ender shall not be rcquired to <br />,:a.. ..�;•. <br /> • ,;,.-.;.-:s . � commence proccedings against any successor in interest ar refuse lo exlenc!�toa�aie for payment o�othenvise modify amortizatian -- <br /> � ' of the sums secured by this Security Insttument by re�son of any dem�i mede by the original eorntiwer ar Borrower's ��° <br /> �;;�` ���`�` � ' successor� in interest. Any forbe.�ra�.:e by Lender in axercising ony rlght or remedy shall not be o wa�ver of or prerlude the <br /> •.-�, <br /> -� . # exercise of Any right aQ.remedy. <br /> _° -�:� 13. Sueces�r�AnQ Assigns liou�+d; Joiau and Severt�l I.IobNlty;�4wsiRners. The covenaot� �u�c! ugreements of this <br />_ �� .,;; •• ��'�`:;�f��r� SOCUl�Iy IRSIr11111C11I R%Ii1�I b1iHI Alld bpOClll (FIC tiIL�CCStit1f5 und atisigns uf�.ender and Borrower, suhj4c� to the provisions of <br /> , .: �'� `,-�.. • •' pamgraph 17. BoROwe�'s crnenants and agreementc shull be jnint and several. Any Borrower wh�� co-sfFns this S��curity �= <br />- . == :�'1� Instrument but does not execute �he Note: lu) is co-tiigning thir Security Insuument only to mnngage, grant m�d camey that - <br />�- • n: � �:����;5�,,,�, &►rrower's intemst in�he Propeny under thc tcrms of thix Sccuri�y Instrument;�b)is nnt penonally ohligAted to pay the sums - <br /> �� {r�° secured by this Security Instrument;a�ul Ic)agrecs that Lender und any ntheT Rnrrower may ngree to e�t�nd, modify, forbrar or - <br /> ="' � �, �� , make any ucrnmmodutian�with regorci�o�he tenns of this Security Inhtrument nr the Nc►te without thot Borrower's consent. =- <br /> • _ ���;: 13.I.atn Chargr.w.If the loan secur�•d by thi+Sr.curity Imtrumciel is suhject w u law whirh sets maximum loan chcuges. �"._, <br />-� �%�%�" at�d that law is finally interpneted,n thut the imcrest or other loun churges callected or lo be rollected in rnnnection with the �"��' <br /> '-`�. ``�' ;; loun exceed the permiited limits, then:Iv1 any such loan charbe tihull Ik reduceJ by the umount necec`ury to mduce the rhurge <br /> y,',,� .•,.-. <br /> �e.�.: to the permittcd limit;utKi lb)uny �umti alrcucic rnllected from Burri�wcr which exrc��d�Kl permitted limi►s will lx refundcd to �"'` <br /> f'� � Borrower. Lcndcr maq rhouse to muke thk rcfaa�d b reciucin thc rinri il ��wcd under the Ni�te or b malcin a direct 'r' <br /> -- ��; i�•y� • � Y 8 P P• Y 8 r,�,. <br /> , � � puyment to Barmu•er. !f a refund rodurex principal, the reduction will t+e treuteJ u�+ u partial prepuyment without uny �• <br /> `�,��;� i; ,{t:���s �� �. . <br /> .. <br />,:�'�•;.'. s - �f�fi�,:,',.� . prepaymeru churge under�he N��t�. �, <br /> f, ;h.,,����, <br />-�r,�.�.', } <<!;��i�'' 14.I�otices. An�•ncNice to 8orrnwer pmvided G�r in thi�Srcurity Inn�rument�hall he�iven by delivering it or b� mailing `.;;;. <br /> _:,r �;��:� it by first cl�s m:ail uales�applic�blc law of unather mc�hal. Tfie notice shuU he direc�ed to the Property Address �%=' <br /> _ "`:,.�� • .;:" ar uny other add��c+� Bormwer desi�tnate� by notiee ��� Lencfer. Any ncHice �o l.enJer �ha10 he given hy first clatis mail ta �-�' <br /> ���_: <br /> -_�•�; �; ,,� Lender'.r addrexs stated hcrcin or uny other udJrer�s Lendcr c!e.ignu� nutirc tu Borrm�er. Any nntice provideJ for In this �=:-" <br /> ..;.. <br /> --;`�. • ;`'�"��'' ' Secuiizy Instrument shall be dcrmed to huve been givcn to H{��rnw•cr��r L.ender whrn gi�rie;�,provided in this parogra�►h. �:'�.. <br /> .�... <br />._ �,.�,��'•.,;ij_; 13.Governing; Severabilky. This Securil�• Ins�rumcnt �hull t�e govcrnea h� fcderal luw und the luw of the <br /> .5�:,'" ',,��,�.:r jurisdiction in a�hich the Pmperty ir, locutccl. la t'he cvent thut any pmvision nr cluu+e oi thi�Securi�p ]nstrument or the Note �� <br /> - � •q,',K Zr�'":,�r <br />_��,'' � �;;;,�'�.-,� conflicta with uppCa:able luw, such ron0ict xhulV nut affc�l��Ihcr pn�vi�inn.of�his Securit} Inti�rumem or ihe Notc which cun he ,i;.:: <br /> :: ., c f'�:;� + � ' give�o eFfect withaut the conflicting provi+i�m. Ta�his c�ul Utc prrn�ivians nf thic Security Ins�rumcnt and ihe Note nre dnr.lured <br /> ;�":',�� . <br /> ;way �.+.. �r:��A:�i.�•,f •.� <br />.;., . , ,�;r to be x�ti•cra'�ie. <br /> - - ��;�`•``�' 16.gori'nwe�''E Cop�. &n�uwei ahull lk given une conliimtt�l rop� uf�he M1iutc an�!.�f this Securis}�lnxtrument. �i"' <br /> -~' :;•;F����`:�: -,�: <br /> F�;,�,— :•{ �,.,�};.':'�,:�i'i�;;'' Ro►m soZe 8/90 '4..;,. <br /> �..� � �.� ��° Ppp1o1B !� .; <br /> ��r' �Y:" 4� . •. <br /> .r ��'1�l��l.f�t+'�r.�, <br /> �'�'�. <br /> ,�\. .�.1{:i� . <br /> '1� ..•I1. <br />,1��.� f . (f���i:�� .. _ ' <br /> ,.4�• � ��� � >Mi? . 7�VR�Vt:.�.m;:_.i;�5o;....� . .'F�'i{«Y�}1C^<�f.'uCi+ri�:'..r.'.' :a.:.G.i�i�� �1f.i�'n,''•1`�i1���....�,);i'(•ev� ., <br /> � t•' . <br /> - •�� , . '�}. ���5!.,.�:,. ..�� . . � <br />-;t ' , '�:' , , � ' � . . . . , ��'i..p;' . . . 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