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� �if��_ <br /> o�. � : <br /> - tC: .'�!'•. � .^ , :ty,;`r..` :: - <br /> '� � - • •�`���� r"_ <br /> � '' r�• itill�iilr�_ <br /> .. <br /> t <br /> . . <br /> 'L ',.�__� -.�_.,sr.�_'.� a �- .. .- '_'._ —___ --_ _.-°-_ —____..'___..- . <br /> - 93�.Yoa.. , ��� <br /> _ VP� �P� °�P�!'�� of Itw� p�ioe bid. Tnulee�hap dellver a Ibe purc6.�Trua�e•s d�ed cn�veylq{ Uie _ . <br /> — Proprty. Tbt rodlab la Ibe TnMae'�deed�II he prim�tMck evWem�e at tM trWb ot!1�sutemenU m�de tM�la� <br /> Tr�ptee�11�pply the proaed�o�IM�{o le the tdlawln4 a�dei:1�110 dl caM��ad expe�ot e�e�Wa�IM powa�ot <br /> ak��ad tMe M{e�Indpoln�Ihe p�yaKat of'tbe Tru�l�e•��ea�ctwiUy l�vered.w�to�xceaf x <br /> ot IM prirdp�l aiaouM at Ihe nal�N tW Ilm�ot tIN decl�'rtioa of de�ault.�ad Q+e�wndde Nlorney�•!pw n+pn'mltted <br /> by Vwi(b)W MII naro securod by tb4 8�curity ln�l�wamti�ad(c)w!'exc�r lu Ilr penoa or ponoia le�lly a�tltled lo <br /> a. <br /> - � 2=. R�oonrry+�aes. Upon pNymeol M all eumr r�acutad by thic Soru�ity Inqrument, l.ondcr slwll rcquat Ttustee to -- <br /> �_� - _ r�x�nvcy 1tw Pmperty and chall wrrender this Serurity Instn�ment and ell nMCw evidencing deht bocurod by thiR 3ecu�iry �-_ - <br /> Tnsltumem to Tructeo.Truwoe alu�ll noonvey Iho PropeMy wlthaut wurmty�nd withcwt eha�o to the percon or por�on�le�wlly <br /> eotMlod ta it.Such person or pe�on��II ppy nr�y necotd�tfon a►�r. <br /> 23.Subrtttete Tnutae. I..endcr.�t itc option. may Prom Ilmo to time rcmave Trostee And oppoint a succcssor uustec w <br />= wny Tturtoe appointod hercunder by An inanwnent roco�ded in the coun�y io which�his Secu�it�r Instn�ment ia r+ecoNod.Wi�how <br /> conveya�ces of the Property.tho Ruoce�wr uuwoe�Iwll wa�eod to all the titlo. power�ud dwKS conferred upon T�uctoe herein <br /> and by applic�bk law. _- <br />-- ?A.Requast tor NoUce�. Bomower rcqueslc tlwt copies of Iho noticex of defauU w�d salo be se�nt to ecxmwer'4 atWrcs� �., <br /> ._.�:� whic6 is tho Property Add�css. <br /> -- - ------ ?S.Niie�s to fbir Sxurlty Ips�u�aa�t.If one or mwro�iders at+e executed by 8ornower and r000tded toyethcr wi�h this <br /> -...—...;:���-.�-� Socu�ity Instnunent.the oovea�ams and�g�eemems of each wch rider shall be inoor�oratod imo and slwll xmend�nd sMpple�ent - <br /> .::��'�* "' 1he onven:uus wid Agroeme�tts of tF�Soa�rity lasuuaxnt sa ii the riderls)wem a p�rt of this SecMdty IrWraa�ent. -=- <br /> �tt <br /> �_'f�!e�w'���_Y.,� [Cbeck�pplicabk buxles)) =_ <br /> S -- -- ,..+-�.� Adjuc�abic Rate i�dcr C�,Mriwrdoium Ridc: !-4 F�ily�t:Aer _ <br /> - ��: - r���p1 payment Rider ' ^'P�anned Unit Rlevelopmetit Ride� �Biweekly Payment Rider � _ <br /> Ballaan Rider Rate lmprovcment Rider �Secad Hame Rider _ <br /> ,P::. � V.A.ttider ozha(s)[�j�Yl �°-- <br /> %:+ <br /> _ �p F._-.. <br /> u <br /> � -i <br /> �'. x 1. <br />••..^n.c�arr.vmve�rr�arue�_ — <br />;�51d r�?e•}i ° -= <br /> .Y ����' BY SIaNI1V(3 BBLOW.Borrower accepts and agroes to the terms and rnvetumts contained in lhis 5ecu�ity Inatrument and _ --._ <br /> :},�•, •'�� in any�ider(e)executed by Hormwer and reoonle�with k. === <br /> - ;�• �L�'l,.x W�dbt{�: . (�' __-- <br /> ��� ' NO 6ERT 8 VOOEL -eonawe► <br /> ___�__ .__. .. ---.-_� <br />- �c�;.;n:�h�t.. <br /> ... j;� ;�/s.F. <br />.;.} ,;(,k' �� � ------- - _-° <br />:���'t��. �,��, � I�SLb�oo.�� J. �U��i�.f' <br /> � .- •��' «� -- <br /> �f �, fy;;u���_;�]+�� OOR�EN J V EL -eurrowe► <br />