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� -.o .v�.h��..,v. v � . � _ . <br /> !� � .t�'1'1�'4'��1'"Dil)C�. ��"Fi_� _ <br /> � •� I . •lO�M4S ' . . _•..:25.....�.- . <br /> , i . <br /> . � � <br /> ._� __. .��►._ ......_"- ._ _--_�___.� - __ ".-____.... <br /> - ..�.�..Jt.�:. _ � . <br /> - g3_�o�.9� <br /> S. fhs�td or Propafy lawraeee. Rarmwe� �hall keep �ho Improvemcnt� n�w existing or I�afler erocted an the <br /> Propehy inwrod nQxin�1 loss hy Arc, ha��Ms includod wilhin Iho tcrm 'ax�endod rnvcrWgc" and any other hArnrd�. includin� -_ <br /> _ - ik�wAn or ilix�dln�,tor whfch Lrndc�roquirc`lncur�►ncr.This in+�urAncc rball he muintained in the an�nuntr and for tlu pc�iads <br /> - th�t L.eMter requircs.The inswrnn►r c�rrier pmviding Ihe inr�urnnco shall he chnsen by Bartawcr�ubJv��t to Lender's upprovAl _ <br /> ' which rludl nM !+e unres�uxw�bly wi�hhald. If Borrnwc�fafl�ta maintain cuvemge dcscribed abovc, Lender muy, ul Lcndei s <br /> ;` aption.�Main mverage ta pmtcn l.ende�'e rights in Ihe Pmpehy in ucrnMunrx with paragruph 7. <br /> I All inwmnce p►licies And renewals shall he accepteble lo I.encler wM! *hall include a s.tandard nxmgAge clauFe. l.eoder <br /> chall Iwve Ihe right ta hald the pnlieiex and rc�tewplc. If I.endo�rcquircs, 8orrower r�hall pmmptly give to l.ender All roccip�s of -- <br /> pakl prcmium�an�f reix;w�i iwtf�xs. In�h�evcm��f lo�.&►rrowcr rlwll glvv pwmpl nurl�x w�he lnsur�►nce carrfer and l.ender. � <br /> � Lender may nwlce proaf of las�if nc►t madc pmmptly by Barrawcr. <br /> Unlas I.endcr and �rrawcr cNhenvjse agroe in wriling,insuru�ce pmceeds shall t�e upplied to restoration or repair af the <br /> -__ Propeny dwnwged,if the rcstorntion ar rcpuir is eccMOmically feusible und Ixnder'K security i�not Iessened.lf the restamlion or <br />� - rcppi�iR not eca�wmically feasible ur I.ender's security wauld be lessened, the in�urance proceods shnll be applied ta the wms <br /> � �•��;.�y q,�' sa.ured by�his Socu�lry insuument. wheU�er or not then due. with any excess paid to &►rrower. I(Norrowe�ab:u�dons the � <br /> - _�— _�--� .�;�- Propcny,or does not answer withio 30 days a notice frcxu I.cnder that thc iasurnncc carrier huti offercd to xettle a rlaim.lhen �_. <br /> ���r�atw I�ender m�y ooltect the iwueurce procreds. lxnder may use ti�e pnxeeds to repair or res�ure Ihe Pn�peny or w p�y wms <br /> _ ---- - - se�wtd by�his Securi�y Insuumeni,whether or nw tl�en due.The 30-day period will begin when the ratioe is given. ` <br /> - * ' Unkss Ler�der and Borrower aherwi,�: agree in writiag. any applica�ion oi'proceeds to principal�hall md exten�l or �;,: <br /> u� .,�r v"':��' I pustpone �he due date af the mo�whlY payaknts refeaed to in p;uagrrphs 1 and 2 or change the umc►unt�f the payinetW.�. 4E ��, <br /> ,;-�;�-�. .. <br /> :.�;%� under pa�agraph 21 the Pmpeny is ocquired by L.ende�. Borrower's right lo uny iosu�e policie��1 pmec.��8:•�rz.�i:;6m�frurn ki�°:;, <br /> -- - danu+Ae to tde Pr+oQerty Qrior to�he xquisilbn Ahall pnss ta[rrder to tbe exlent nf th. �wnK secur�r!hv thk SPC��rfra IIa�yPrttpcn7 �'�' <br /> __•- �� t• immediuely pnurw the acquisition. ' `�'�" <br /> � �. ..,�` 6.Oocu c �ervotbn,Malnte�wince and Prntectbn of!Ue Pro rt Borrower s I.onn�► � <br />��:,�� '''`'•-��1+�;�c�;.., '�%i. I�n+?• Pe Y: ' pplk�tian;I.eaSClu�9t9s. _,- <br />�• j � „�•;,k��iy��`� Born�wer shall occupy,establish.and use the Praperty a�Borrnwer's principal residenre within sixty daya afier the execution o� 'r,��� <br /> �• }..� 4`y�:ti`` this Secur�ty Instrument and slwll continue to occupy the Prupeny as Bcnrmwer's principul residence for al Irust one year after ��```=- <br /> `�i the date of occupanc�y,unless Lxnder otherwise agreex iai�criling,whieh rnment shall not be unreasonably witi�hcld, or unless �'��� <br /> ,'� ��". ,;,.,,.� ., ,. <br /> .���:�, � � t,.. _�' estenuating circumstances eaist which are beyond &►rrower's con�rol. Borrower shall not deslroy, dmnoge o� impair tl�e .��� <br /> �-�,,:�::.'•. <br /> .t�;.,. �A�;"• :t••_l`� . . {. <br />_u�:;r_ �,:: • „ Propeny, allow the Pmperty to deteriarate, or commit wasta an!h�Propeny. 9armwer shnll 6e in default if any forfeitwr <br />.''�r;�;�r#. �t':.:�� action or proc�eeding, whether civil or criminal,is begun Ihat in I.ender's gaod Puilh judgment could retiuU in forfeiture of�he _ <br /> '�'� �, �� � � thoperty or ahe�wise mate�ially impsir the lien created by this Security Instrument ur I.ender's sorurity interest. HoRawer muy _.._�` <br />��'•• ,�r;::��,..� 4� <br />_ . , ;i�r�,:.,1 `�;��,�, curc such u dcfuult and reinv:v.c.a5 pmvidod in pnragraph causing the actian or praceeding t�be diwnissed with a niling <br /> y.4`4....:�.<,',- ':�.. -_ ��tl.. <br />_ '-��� `'�, that, in L.ender s ood.fait'h cle[ermination, rocludes forfeiwre aP the Borrawer's interest in the Pro tt or olhe� mater+ul ;�?�+ <br /> 8 P Pe Y o�.- <br /> ?,"t, ; • "r .,�i� impairment oi ir� iien creatcd by tbis Sccurity inunimem or I.ender's securiry interc�t. Borrowcr shaii olso t�e in deaauit ar �.._. <br /> ���jr . <br />?�� t t:� f�'� .' �{ •,�?'� � �����ai� Borrower,durin�c�he laan applica�ion procc..,,gave materially false nr inaccurote inforn�tion or statemen�s to l,encl�eP(ar fai0w� <br /> •����,�'�' F: ,�' �� ,.c �ti�( �`%iii�:- <br /> i.,;i,; at .,;��Az ,.:f �.' 1 <br /> , ,., ,v.i tu provide l.eider with s�ny material inform�tionl in connection with the la►n eviJenred by the Note,includin��„bue na limited <br /> ,.� ';:ti, :�. ,.,,; �... "�`; <br /> - �`��f,; �.,�+: . �• to,representalions conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny as a principal reciden�r. If�his Seciuity Iu�::Yec:ment is on a <br />�-`�'''•' •'` '' �� leasehold. &xr�wer shsill com I with u0 the rovisions oP the leace. If Borrower ur uires fee titic to the Pro n Ihe <br /> ^,u... .. � p Y P 4 Pe Y• <br />�� ..; � ,,..;+' „�,.���� �..'► leaschold ar�c�tit.:fee tidc�hall nat merge unless L.emter�grees to the merger in writing. <br /> �6. ,�;r.,�, :, �+� 7.Protect3on ot Leader's Rl�hta in tl�r Property.If Borrower fuils to perform�he covenunts und Agreements conwinod in •.:;,� <br /> '�'=w:�:��' . `"'�^ thiF Securit Insttument, or therc is a Ie al rike��iin� that ntsi si nifirand affc�t Lender's ri hls in the Pro n (such u�a .1. <br /> .'��,: ` , . •�„p�°. Y 8 p b Y • B Y 8 Pe Y t;,,-_ <br /> �p, ' ,,s,y:.t.,�:° �:.. ' proceeding in bankruptcy,prabate. fiir canJemnatian�u forfciture or to enf�rre lawti or regulsuions),�hcn Lender may da and <br /> M �*.' �• ��+�+R• . pay Por wha{eves is necessary to protect the value of the Propeny and l.cnder's rights in�he Propeny. l.e�xicr'F nctions may �n: <br /> .�.��'_ ` ' � � include payi�r anv sums secured by a lien which hsis priority over thi. Security In.�rument. Appeurinu in ��aun, payinR -" <br /> _ _'�� :-''�°. �',:;r <br /> j�,; , reau.nehle atznr�cys'fees und entering on the Propeny to make rrpain. Although l.cnder may tuke uction under this parngruph �*sA <br /> f"`" ' i ` 7,Lender di�es nnt have to do so. <br /> � ,y� � '��' ,�. i� *t pn � ��:'- <br /> __ , ;.���� ,,:rti_.,. ' : � y w�x�unu disbur.�ed by I.ender uruler thi� pararraph 7 ahall t+ec�ime uJJiti�mul dcb� ot R��rnnwer secureJ by �his <br /> -4'• ' .�r...,s��:...} i R� <br /> � � q��, � � Security Ins�PUment. Unle+s Borruwer a�xl l.cnder agre��to c�ther�erms of puyment, �hcMC umount. shall bear intcrest from the <br /> d=� .:. � �;r':��}� �;r�` �'�; �;:._ <br /> _.,�. .. :a:�,...,�...�t..�,�� ,.. clate of dishwr.;ement at Ihc Note rate and rhall be Myahle. with intcre�t. u�m mxire 1'nim Lendcr ta&►rmwer reyuestina <br /> z••.-7�,,. •,,.�, f-.•P:r;r;�•�: :r,!ti e :- _ <br /> :.di,,!i'•�,,�r ' :{��������,tei '"1: papmem. �__ <br /> �; %>':,(}�� �.',,: � ; S.Mort�aRe Insurance.If I.e�xlcr reyuir��J moAguEr in.ur:�ncr u�•r ronJiti�m ul'muking thc I��un KYUreJ by thi�Serurity � <br /> '7`+��'� f't;;;'�:`�;;r.hy '•�:�� ' fnsirument. Borrowcr shall pny the premium. reyuir��d to n�inmin �he mongugr intiuranrc in effixt. If, for�ny re+w�n, the �` - <br /> .t..�4��.. ��'I.4 j' \t'"�P S � _ <br /> �� � ., � mort a e insurance covera c rc uircd b L�nder lu ties or�a tk in effitit, &mow•�r�h•rll r �h� �mi��mti r uired tn �;~ <br /> �� ,,,'r� ;, B B 8 9 � Y P• P'Y P�' �4 <br /> :rr';.•. . }'. �'r';;`:;� <br /> _ ;�s�'�. ` ��;'��r(�f�r;' ob�ain cover�gr subtituntially equivs►Icnt to the rn�mguge in�urunre in cl' u ru��.ut►��antiully cyuivulent tu the �`' <br /> �•_': <br /> • .�,,;,:� �,;��. ty��, cost to Bortotiser of the mortg�ge imurancr previ��utily in effcrt, frc.m un altcrnu�r nwrtgugc inwrrr uppmved by Lender. If �.: <br /> •;��, <br /> �'r-=.fy•�� �q�� xubstnntially equivulent mcirtgagc in�ur,�nrr caveruge is rt��uvuilahle. &�noucr,hall pay�o Lcnd�r rach month u tium equ�l to u;-:;. <br /> . ,;f4�),}�t�r �.r� r�ne-�welfth of ihc ycarly mortga�r imurancc prem9a;r.:,-+e;ng puid hy� &�rrawrr w•hrn thc insura�kc roveragc lap,ed��r rea.eJ to �y.��`f <br /> `' '-�a'�••����•''�;���++'�:;�5` be in effect. l.ender will mce t u�e nnJ rernin�hra• �� rrknts a� �loss nun•e in lieu ��f m�m•r � intiur;u�.r. Los�. rcticn�c ;"� <br /> �rr:: P• I' S' !�'S' � <br /> .�_L `4''.�.'��S �+:l�r. il, <br /> ��'•+�- . � ;� .E�'i;. • �'„, Korm30Ya 9�90 4(,•. . <br /> .1�,. ,,�, , , � , . �,; . <br /> ' 't.,•�t... " ,,v ���` vupo]oltl ► Y�. <br /> , '�:.f , t• ;�tf.y <br /> : t!jf}:�!" �S_ s � i�. '.; <br /> �.� j, :ai QE4- .. '. �41��: . <br /> i '+��:�; -f .: �:,' i '` <br /> ,� �y�{ <br /> { •��� y �i', ��.��1 <br /> i.`. 6,' <br /> �n !}'r�� �� � y��yy��` x `"•� t <br /> ,�,• . � , �: f�� ..r Ty�: i ..iw.A-i .n n - � :r;��;�� .. . _ . •4',1�.Y�f�7wlqy;Y ���..��`�.tF'�'�A=i1P'f�7�J{��'INV.....GD11M�,4. .. <br /> � � ��' .� . !�.r'i:t . .. - ,:! .' <br /> ��, !� /,•� .);�,.�:: <br /> � ' � ; ,;:�rr;•;;}' � .f�.1�,�:r:, <br /> �ra '��s;���:s�•z_: .. .. .. - <br /> _V i� t ' I'; . —.—__ ---_. . ; • - � <br /> . � • . , , . , , , . , . <br /> .„ ��- .. � . <br /> tF . � <br /> _ , � .. . . <br /> � � .�'4� . . . <br /> " V .�^� , . �. � <br /> ` � ��' ' .. . , .. • . ' . <br /> ' ��� • ;�� ��t.� , . . . ' <br /> � ` � <br /> � 7 � � <br /> ' r -----� <br />