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�, -,�'���` . .. ��r• . ., _ o�-�,a. <br /> . �.��� _ --�---_ ., <br /> . , ....�.... _---- <br /> _ , � <br /> �= �..�.�,:��-:-�� 93•io�.�o <br /> 7�0I)flTHBJt WITH all tho improvemcata naw or ha�aRer eroctod on the propaty.and all ar�ier�u��puMenu�oeo.rod <br /> A�tu� rww or he�ficr a put af Iho propetty. All rcpl�oememr +uMl additians WWI �Iw ba awerod by thio Socurity <br /> In�tn�n�eat.All of U�e fore$oin�i�rofemod W in Uu�Secu�iry Inrtn�ment�thc'Prnperty' — <br /> BORROWBR CaV6N/1NTS Ih�t Bomnwer ir I�wfully ieisad af�ho aWe hcreby oonveyod�utd iws 1he ri�ht ta p�nt nd <br /> ' �'�Y��nY And �hat tha Property ic una�cumberod,except for encumbrana�s af rax�rd. Borrower w�naata m6 wiU <br /> defa�d ga�lly tho tiQo w U�c Property�+inct�II clilm�and demi�dc.,wbjoct to my encumbrancea of necard. <br /> _ � THIS S6CURITY 11VSTRUMBNT camblrcs uniform rnvetunts for naticmal use and aon�unifarn�cove�tc with limitad y <br /> _---- vathtior�s by judcdictlon to oon:tiwte�uniform securlty in�tnunan covc�in�rcal property• - <br /> _- �----_�_--�: UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Bomawer and LeMer cnvemnt md agrce as followr: �- <br /> _ � l. PAymatt of IMadpd and lata�cti �9�t a�d I.nte Ch�a. Bornawer slwll promM�Y PpY When duce 1ha <br /> ' princip�l af ard inter�est on the debt evidenood by the Nou and xny pr�epayment and late chwrges duc unde�the Note. <br />-- ' 2.FuMls tor Tsuces aad IacurAmx. Subjoct to applicabk law or to u written wuiver by�de�. Bormwer�Fwll pay�o <br /> � — L�nder on the day monthly hr+ymenis arc due under the Nae.until thc Nae is p�id in full.A wm 1"Funds•)for:la)yairly u�es <br /> „:.�:;A and assas�aems which may anafn priority over this Secudty Insuuu�nt As a lien on�he PropeK�:lbl yeuly lensehold paynmrts _ <br /> �� �-��-.�- or growd�nts on the Pnope�ty.if any:lc)yau1Y��a P�P'MY insur�noe premiunr�:ldl Y�Y ilood insuranoe prrnuwqs. � <br /> .,��'�,��jt�}j,� if my:(e)Ynrly mo�Ig�,ge inwranoe p�emiums, if any:and(� aio�r sums Po�Yable by Bamower w l.ender,in a000rdarcc wah <br /> �:'�1ti"L°""'�SAl3""�'``.�' the rovisia�s of ra lieu oP the mrnt of mon e insu�pmniums.71�ese i�eas are cailed'Escrow Iterps.' _ <br />—: __,..�"'s � P P�8 Ph P�Y 8+18 <br />.:���' ���1 Lender may, at any tlmc.callect and h�d Funds in an w�wuru not to eacood the mauimum amowum a knder for� fodernll�r - <br /> � relued mongage loan may r�equire for Burmwu's escrow acoouM urrjer U�e federal Real Fstate S�alemeat Pro��edutrs Ac�af �- - <br /> _- — -------� 1974 as amendad from timo to time. 12 U.S.C.Soction 2b01 rr.rrr�. l"RESPA").unless another lav►•that applies to tite Funds �- <br /> seu a lesser amourt. If co, L.ender tnoy. at any time. �:olleci a1M hold Funda in an amount not to eaceed�hc Icsser unount. <br /> �- - `f~ Le�cr may estimate the mnaum oi Furtda due on the'te�ati+.oi cument aau�wid �sonabie eui�af exprnditures oi future _ <br /> �• Ezcr�nw Items ur otherwise in oocordu�ce wf�h applirable law. ��_ <br /> The �nds slwll be held io an ias�itwion whoce depasits ure insured by a foderal Agency. ir�suumenWity. or entity —== <br /> :, :;t (including l.ender,if l.cnde�is such an institutian)or in any Fecieral Home Loan aank. I.endcr shell apply the�unds to pay the �',L.. <br /> �� � .�"�,sy� Escnow Items. l.ender�eay n�.�t clwrge Borrower for hol�i+og und applying�he Fua�ts,annually analyzing�he e.�rrow account,or == <br /> � : verifying the Escrow ltene�. .,;aess Lender pays Bonawer interest an the Funds and applicable law pernuits Leoder to make such ���'. <br /> � . ,::. <br />. �„�;t:�{; A charge. However. l.ettder may require Bomower to pay u one-time�h�rge for an independerart rra11 estate tax reparting senice • �_. <br />_ ��;;,����l,�j¢�i.;;. used by I.ende� in cannectiun with this laan. unless applicable law provides aherwise. �4eGes;� an agreement is made ar =— <br /> � ;�, �,,.t;�;r:• �a;s�r�'��,"+''r r=�= <br /> ,�:_,,�R, 'i'�4 ,,Lt..�;t,• applicable law requires intencst to be p�id.I.ender shall not bc required to pay Borrower any ieatQrrsa or eamiogs on the Pu�►t�;., -- <br />;;:-,; 'r°,:�c;; •f� Barrower ntid l.endcr:nay agree in writing,however,ti�at interest stwll be paid on ihe Funds, Q.ender shAB4 Fi�•r to BorroK�eo, j�;_.. <br /> r .w� � :�,,•- <br /> ,r� � k �; , without chrrgu, en annual accaunting of the Funds.showing credits rmd debi�s to Ihe Funds anrt the purpase for wMrEa earh �_ _ <br /> .,��—.! ., _;.,�,r;�:~°�" debit tQ t!x F!�.�!r!s wns inede.The Fundc��rleYlgeci ax additinnal saci�rity for all sums secureo9 b�t�his Security instrumenu. <br /> '�t�kt;�' li the F�ndx held by Lender exceed Ihe amounts permitted to br Aeld by epplicable lavv, i.ender shall account ta&�J�na:: _— <br />.:���..' " •F, ..��. -_ <br /> ^ , � '�.n:� ��`_'. <br /> :j. ,�'�,�,},,, for the exrtny Funds in acrnrdunce with the requirements of appNcAble IAw. If the nmount of the Funds held by Lender at nny o-- <br /> ' •h ' '•������ time is not wfficient lo pay the Escrow Itemw when due,l.ender may so notify�rn.�wer in writing. und, in su�C�case BorrowtP <br /> � �� .,�.,�;, •,. - <br /> �=° .•��,}�,', slwll pny ta l.ender the amount necessarv to make up the deGciency, BoROwcr .twll make up the deficiency in no mo�e Uwn <br /> ,i ''�,'.`: �;,, ; twelve monUI�OY PaYments,at I.endcr'c,u.F�discrction. ���':` <br /> . �_•: <br /> "��� � Upan Fayment in full of ull wn�.� >ecurad by this Secur�ty lnsirument. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower uny : .�,_. <br /> � � ��" o rior to thc ac uisition or sa0e �� <br /><� � �.�_ - ; Funds held by I.ender.lf,under parogrrph_1. l.ender shall acquire orsell the Prapeny.l.ender.p q �-_ <br /> ;. `��. �=-; ' of�he Prop►;ny,s6a11 upply any Funds held by Lem�er u�ah�e�ime of acquisition or sale as n crodit against the sums secured by �~"�,�, <br /> z� 1 tj;::. <br /> ,r� � � this Security Instrument. t,,� <br /> � I 3.Applieadan of P�►yments. Unless applicable IA�ti�pr�c+ti•iA�,c,Y�knvise.�11 payments received by Lender under Ewragt�aphs E__� <br /> ��' -�.;:�, � 1 wid 1 shaiu ne appfieci: tirs�. �o unY PreP�Yment chanzcw�iv�uracz me irote:sccanci. to umoums payable under paragraph 2; =__` <br /> lill �. �-�, <br /> i interew due;fiwrth,to princip�l due:smd uny ou�t.charge�due under the Note. �__ <br /> ' _ �. , 4.Clwrges;l.lens. Bormwer shull pay all taxes, a�ses.rmrnts. chatgex. Pirve.and imposi�ians attributable to �he Property ��" <br /> .e <br />- �`'{'` which mu attnin nariter��vcr this Securit I�strume�ct,ond Ira�hold a mena��r round rents, if an Borrower shall �4Yr' <br />_ �•,'s+`S;�' ., I Y P � Y P Y S Y• PeY P <br /> these obligationx in thc manner provided in prrugruph 2,or if not�:�i�d in�hut man�r, Borrou•.er shall p�y them on time directly <br /> � - , ��-;:•�� to�he pen�ae owed payment. F3�►rrower tihall pn►mptly iumixh u. Lcrtdcr LII noliceti ol urru�Wat,,a�be paid unJer Ihia pur�gniph. <br /> •�F!� �"•' ' ' °�!�'� If Bonower make�these ment�Jirectl Bc►rruwer sluall rom I furni�h tu I..cnclet recci �e�•idencin �he a ments. �' <br /> • '•C� P�Y Y• P P�Y �- g P'Y . <br />__ • �:���v'" � 8orruwcr shall promp�ly JixhArge any licn whe�h ha�prioriry uver this Sr�uriay ➢nr�rumer.t unless Borrower: (u)agrees in �:=_ <br /> ,.,;.���, " ��riting to 1he paymenl of the obligntinn,ecured by thr lien in a nwnner u�ti�epwblc•tn Lender, (b)contests in�nad faith the lien <br /> . , ,,,�,,�� �`°,;'�_°. <br /> 4� by, or defertds aguinst enfi��cemem of thc lien in. I�FaI pnxerding+ which in the l.cnder's opi�ion operau�c to pr+event the y�;, <br /> _• �r. • S'��". iis::,, <br /> ��� .� , enfartcment of the lien; or(cl�ecures fmm Ihe holder of the lien ar,.a�:rcement tiuli,fucton tc�Lcnder�utwnlinsNing the li�n to ,� <br /> w '�r��+;'�;-n �'% ' <br />:�:: � ;;;,. � {��� thiw Secun�y lmtniment. If l.endcr Jctermine+ that uny �wrt�►f tlx f�roperty i+tiubject to•r IieR which may attain pri�i�f��• m•er <br /> '���'� ' ����+t chis Security Instrument, l.erxlcr may givc&►rraa�rr a rnNic�iJ�mit�in�! thc licn. Burr��u•cr�hall wti.rfy thr I�ea or takc one or �L•" <br /> �i�,�',:,� <br /> • �,��� �norr of the actions set fonh above within IU day�af dc�givin�e u(nutice. �r',�� <br /> .� ''.n `� at., . <br />-- "� ;Sl,:;'`•��t�• Form 301Y 9:90 (�_' <br />�.. .v� .;h,1�i�j4i, <br /> '' � I' (((���(bi}� vap�2o�e <br /> _Y1 ,�, r �=` <br /> ��� :.�,.:�;:.::t �;�+•' <br /> 'k ��.. <br /> fv ,,.�:�,,N:� � <br /> .. � .s� �.:. � ,; �`. <br /> '�s�� ���;,.��,;,,;��,��.�n� . .- <br />,c�. ����e�h`t:t,��l��j�,�}p . . �,G's�t� — — r��f. .�.•.Tr`��l,�V:97y�ia6lN,'Si....� ipr. _ . .. . <br /> y� �1¢y � � �• . S� .� tj <br /> tr t"f�,; 4r��;��ti{Y�`t L :'� :,�,�•. . , . N«'p*� � w�•: e. . . ,, ,5� �: .. . <br />�-��.� �, t�E�� '�`N,l�4151�t� l.. , , _ _ ' -. �. .. . .. - <br /> ;,� 1 <br /> . <br /> . � . . <br /> , <br /> d!.i{ ,`1��tie�r_-._ ._-' _'� '_�..'_" .. �� _. ..' " " ' _' __ .,!L, ."a. <br /> - -.._._-. _ . . __. ''-'•'• �~ __.._..._'__ -'_._'..�.__— _-_�. <br /> :.- �- �-- r -VF, ._-_, . � . - . - ____.-___ _"" "' ' '. ... . . . . . ... . . ..' '"_ _'_'_".. ._ _. _. ."'_._.. _ ._• -�_'__' ' __ <br />.. . Y���'4: ` I... ` ` ' i ' .. ., ' �` <br /> � . u ,Y ' . . - „ t�_ . .. <br /> - ,., ,..�� • , � � , . ". � .. �� . . ' , ' � . . ' � -. <br />_. . •G.� �� � . . . <br /> • ��; . i`s.`� f�� �� � , .� .. .. � : . <br /> .. �,I�'� • - , ..{. . . .. .. .. .. _ . ���. . .. _ ..Ni4 ' <br /> + •� i1 � <br /> ;• - � . f .-/.. <br /> �' --- ._ . __--- — — -- -._._.1. __�� _4 <br />