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.�� � •!{.�_"'�{�1L•J�� �ytri•'�v. . 1 ',?.'/7�1i .r5�� <br /> % 3 ''r . <br /> t. 1,'�''1� ..i.�i}j�, �..T. n. '� ,! , <br /> � r �iP� � <br /> , �.��, _ .___:.�f._. _ <br /> ._-.��v,Q�vy.�..�.�n�f� ... . ._+ __- _ <br /> --� <br /> 93 io�.9�� <br /> — condemnuiian or othcr tolcin�of Any pa1 of Ihe P� for conveyanoe in lieu of condenuwtlon.are he�by Anai��ed w�d <br /> chall bo prid ta I.endet�. <br /> � In the event af �toal uking of the Propany.tho procxeds �hwll be�pplled to the aums sacuned by Ihie Sau�iry <br /> =:� Instmment. whether or na then duc,wi�h wny cxcesA paid to Borrowc�. In Iho evcnt of a pahial taking of�ho Properly in <br /> which Ihe fair market v�lue oi the Propetty immaNately before�he uJcing is equal la or g�ater�han tho umount of the eum� <br /> �'>>'� � Fecured by this 3ecurity Instrutnent immediately beforo the talcing.unlesa Bamwar aod Lende�otherwisce agree in wddn�, <br /> �he sum�securcd by �hia Security lnstrument ehell be reduced by tho umount of�he praceeds mul�iplied by�he followin� <br /> ���� - f►aclion: (a)tho tatal amaunt of 1he sum�securcd immedia�cly before the taking,divlded by(b)�he fai�mwricet v�lue uf q�e — <br /> -``T= Prope�ty immediutoly before�he taking. Any bulance shnll be puid to Borrower. In thG event of a paniel toking of the � <br /> Property in which the fsir market value of the Propeny imm�diataly bafor�e the taking is ksa �han�he amount of�he wms <br /> �. �: securcd immediately bofam Iho taking, unlcsa porrowar and i.endcr o�hanvlse agr�eo io w�iting or unles� appUceble law -- <br /> ��'. ahcrwi�e provfdes,tho proceeda Ahall be upplied to the sums secured by�his Securtty In�trument whether or na the ruma uro <br /> lhen duc. <br /> --�.R "5�"�°" ff�he Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if.afier notice by Lender to Aarrower tiwt the condemnor ofi'ers to avilce <br /> �._.�..- �� �::•„ .. _ <br /> �: ' ..,�t�, an uwaid or settte a claim for dumages,Bonawer fuilu ta respond to Lerder wi�hin 30 days Atter tha dale�he ndice is given. <br /> - l.ender is uu�horized to collect suid upply the prc+ceedc,ut its option,either to t�estots�tinn or�pai�of the P►+opeey or to tMa �.�- <br /> �_`_�__�v���,�.� wms securcd by this Secw�ity Instrument,whe�er ar not tixn due. Q ,__ <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower othervviKe agree in w�iUng,any applicAtion of proceed�to principal shall not axtond or ==- <br /> a`'' �ostpcme the due dete of the monthly paymenys rcierred to in pnragraphs I and 2 orchnnge the umoum of yuch paymcnts. _ <br />-•r�-�- . ,,ti�,�. —_ _ <br /> - � -•�w,, ll. Ro�rower Not Rekased; ForbeaPaaaxe By Lender Not a Wnive� �xtension ol the time for payment or <br /> r� "•-������''����`"" � mallflcqtion ot'umortizution af the sums s�ecured by this Secutiry ins�rument granted by Lender to any successor in inlerest <br /> �'` of 8ortower shall not operata t�release the lia'bility oP the o�iginal Barower or Horrawerk successom in interest.L.ender <br /> - _ _ __ chs�ll nat be requi�ed to cummence proceedinr� aeainct any xuccessor in imereA��r refu.•e ta�extend time for Qeyment or -_ <br /> ,�-,-.,. - <br /> ' �" . . •�., otherwise modifjr amoAization of the eums secured by t�his Secu�ity Instrument by mnson of onp demand made by the original <br /> ,.� ' , . . � ,. • d:.. <br /> n�; � �+�T �tk Dorrower or Barrower�successors in intenest. Any forberrence by Lender in exeroising any right or remedy ahall not be w c r. <br />-rr,;;._ �,�,y�.�` waiver of or preclude the exercise of uny ei_ht or remcdy. '�;_�.." <br />•�����: ,�� •;,�;�;' !1. S u c c e s s o r c a n d A s sl�n s B o u n�1;�o l n t a n d S e v e r A l i.i a b i i�t y;C asig n e rs. Thc covenams and a greemenls of this __ <br /> _;K a �;';�,.`" �k�':..:,..r-, - <br /> . ,,;:!,��. . �*±�.. 3ecurity InstNmeM shull bind and benefit the successors ond avsigns of Lender and Barrawer,subJcxt to the provisions of <br /> • ' �"' "�'� p;uagrnph 17. Borrowerc cavennntR and ngreements sha91 be joint nnd seveml. Any Borrower who co-si��s this Secu�ty� -- - <br /> '�� '�1 Inswment 6ut dces not execule the Note: (u)is casi ein this Sewrit Insln+ment onl to moR a e rant tani:ronve that -�" <br /> � �:;'�;«�!�'!1rt� F 6 Y Y B B •� Y - <br /> ,• • J� �•, Borrower's lnterest in the Propeny under the terms oF�h�s Securi�y Ins�rument (b)is not personally oblignted tn pny the Rume <br /> :_„�'` 'h'" r' ; secu�ed by�his Security Inatrument;und(c)agrees�h�t l.ender and any c�Iher Bartower may agree to extend,modify,forbeAC ___ <br />' r;�i , .�.`.,.,,�'.�' or make any accommodations with regur�i ta the temts of this Sr.urity In�trument or the Nott witltout that Sorrower'.s _ <br /> ��ry, CoI1SCllt. <br /> �'�''4 '��� �''""Y '"� 13. Loaa Clui�'gea If the loun ssecured by this Secur�ty ]nuniment is �;ubject to u law which sets maximum loan -- <br /> ?_-,__ �. �' charges.and ihut low is finnlly inte�preted so that th�intere�t or ut'her laun ehnrges collecled or lo be collected in connection <br /> �� '-' wl�h the loun exceed the m�ined limits,then: (a)uli�•such loan char e xhall he reduced b the amount necess to reduce <br /> '.r:�, :, , p`-� Pe F Y �}' _-- <br /> � � Ihe charge to Ihe pennitted limit:und(b)uny sums nlr�ady collectrd from B�nnower which eaceeded permitted limils will be <br />'.j�}4..f �+.' :' , .-1:'� -- <br />.,_d:�:;:J <br />,ts,�n� v� � `� refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chuote to muke this refund by reducing ihe principul owed und�r the Note or by making u <br /> . « ' i��- direct u ment to Borrower. If u refund redu�es ri�cf ul,the reduction will be treated us a anfal re a ment without an <br /> ��+��� ,, F. ,�; p Y P P P P P Y Y <br /> - � � � �� �: rc u ment char e under tfie Nate. �_ <br /> _•.�a�:'!�t". ,.•.• ` P P Y E �- <br /> _ � , F,_.T� 'q �:�� 14. Notkrs. Any nntice to BoROwer provided for in thix Securi�y In�trument shall be given by deli��ring it or by .,_,-- <br /> - '��'�;;,,�;_ moiling i�by first claxs mail unlexs upplicuble law teyuires use of unother me�hod.'I'he notice sholl be directed to the Property =- <br /> r_r— <br />�;•,'" ' �-..t'��. •.•: . Addr+ess or any other address Borrowe�drsignutec by notice to Lender. Any natice lo Lender shall be given by fi�t class - . <br />-� `� `�"�•��?�"^*'�•'�' meil to Lender:s nddress xluted herefn or uny other uddms+Lender desiRnates by nutice to Botrower. Any notice provided for <br /> - ����'�•-t`• ���� in this Security Inurument �hnll lx deemed lo have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this �,r,- <br /> '�:` � ��,y.;: ,w:�- ro h. <br />.,,,, , , •� , ��15 Gove�ning Severabillty. This Securily Inxtrunient xhull be governed by federnl law and the lnw of the •':�';,r <br /> urisciietion in which the Pro n is Iixu�eJ. In the evem►hu�un nwi.iun or ciuu�r u(lLi+Scn:uril L��l�uwru��n ii��iutc . 'i'- <br /> �.";�' J Pe Y Y P Y F:i�,. <br />���>ii''�` "�'�:- � `��i"�'' conflict�wilfi o licuble Inw,such canflicl shull nW uffect wher rovisiona of�his Securit Instrument or the Note which c�n �'���' <br /> �.,� ��t ... . PP P Y K��:�- <br /> ` "�`` �"" ':t'�:XI br given e!'feci wi�h�u� the conilictin�,pmti�ivion. Tb Ihis end�hc pmvixion,��i�his Security Mstrument and Ihe Note n�e <br />::� .,:;;:ti * , .:._. <br /> ..��.�r,' � .r.., ,._ .,. >:��•,; -,:;.. <br />_. , ti.;; deC)ared w hc sevcruble. _� <br /> , , . � � '• 1 . �rir': <br /> ��� ' • .��,�, _ . :�.,:�,•: � � 16. Borrower's Copy. �om�v►•er yhrJl be given one cuntiirtneJ.upy of ihc Note und uf this Security Instn�mem. `�, <br /> '.'.�.•, � �;.:�8;�.91 I 17. 7Yansfer of the Proprrtv or a 8eneflcipl Intereat in Borruwer. If uU or uny p•rrt of thc Propeny or uny interest in <br />_ ��- "-�';!� i it is tiold or Imnsferred(or if n beneticinl inlere�t in Bnrmwer is xuld or transfcrtrd und Borrower is not a nalurul person) � :. <br />- � '•'� r',' � without Lender: rior wrinen consem,L ncler mu at its o tion, rc uirc immediate a ment in full af ull sums secured b ' <br />-`'� . . v .:r�.i., p � Y• P 4 P Y Y �� .. <br /> ,. •�:!.,, <br /> `�r'.��, .�;i,;,' „� : �,�� �his Securiry Instrument. Howevcr,this aption shull not be exercir;ed by LenJer if exercise is prohibited by fedeml luw as of <br />. '„" iSr�. � n'���'��,;.� the dute oF lhis Securi�y Inxtrumenl. ���r <br /> ' ' ' ���� .�..,., :`�:� Ii LenJer exercises this option.I.ender shuU giv�r 8orrower nutice of uccele�u�inn. 7'he notice slwll�►n>viue u periad of 6:�- <br /> "• ;�;,.' �_..- <br /> :;}��,�' , +-�'�� • ',�. , not lexx�hun 30 day.r• from�he dute the notice ix deli�•rred or mailyd wiihin which Borrower mu.�pay all sums secured by this � - <br />_`.;"t •.�,T�'::�`•�:�%,;r � Securi�y Instrumen�. If Borrower fails to pay thexr .urn.prior �a�►he expiruti�x� uf�hi� periud. Lender may invc►ice uny �r„ <br />� " t� �� ." `•�� ���� +� remediex permitted by Ihis Security Ins�n�ment wilhout i'unhrr nnt��c nr dcmunJ on Borrower. <br />�'�'"'�"' ' ' ��'���' ������� ' 18. Borrower•s Ripht tu Reinsts+te. If Barrawcr mecu rcnain conditiun�. B��m�wer �hull huve Ihe rigfil tci ha�e ,•4 <br /> ; ,,,,, :.;.;� ,. <br /> ,,,;;,.., <br /> -�f" '�.'�`��`.�;'��t��t'.� enforcement nf Ihix Sccuri�y Im�n�mrm dix�ontinucil ut uny timc pri.�r a��he eurli�r uF: Iu1 S Jay�lar�uch cH!xs period us <br /> . , �g;���.,�• ;�.�!, r,.� . <br /> ;���ir?�t�:,,`: , �1,','�f, SmFte F'amdy-•Fapnk Nae4YKddie H�c 11NIFORM INtiTRCHE�T-•Unik�rm Cnvenaai� 9l9D �popr J�l n A+R��i ,. <br /> �.•:.��y?• ' :;� <br /> �;i1.!� * � ' ,.•¢. �-� <br /> - ;r.�•-,� j 6 , t. <br /> ,'.,.,.�,, �.5, . <br /> _�`�;,rr�t• � ;�1�' , . <br />-•���ti+; : ,a.s,:��...,.r,�: <br /> �HS( s •���,�� �'���M�Mi�.r..lxw'�f,+�,i:.v c .. , . :: � t)..,,,'r- r "�t.v5�,.,Nf:i�r< <br /> . .rt x: �� ��'Ifr` '�. I{l %'�.�'�i�. -r+r.•. <br /> tY'�e � - ' - ;�' ��.i. .� - ' . � 1 • . - . <br /> , . . . Y�,(.�., ,1' -i: � , . . <br />..__{.,l. S� '�.:i �.- --- - . . _ . - � � .- . .. .... ... <br /> - :Iir; � . . . <br />—'`! �SG' +.i�ti'• , <br />�• � 1 ' , 1� -• — .. " " . . ; . . . . . <br /> • .. � � . �1�, . ' . ..I' . <br /> l� 1'• .11� , , .. . • ' 1 <br /> .. '`)�1'� � ' . _ <br /> � '�t, y ' • . . �, - .. . <br />. � � �' :.. ' •' . . . .��. • . <br /> �t� �F•� <br /> t J , 1 ��.,�, ' ���� �,� � . . , . -• 1 <br /> • , <br /> s � • �,' ,'• . . . . - . . ... � <br /> '�1 ` ' r' � � <br /> � � � .: _ ---- <br />