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_ 1' . ''��C�'�,,, . •� `r'_ <br /> . �.,�.•-i+.M.�....+rc.,.r,,,�„ ,., , � - � I � . <br /> :i r; � „,r,� N-. . <br /> ,I�! ,f ,!�r � R." <br /> "''a11� .�'` ,� __ _ __--_ , <br /> ^. / ..a._• — �•vi11� - I - - - --— <br /> - g,�.�t�.� <br /> + palad��h�t I.en�lor rcquires. The insurwue caaler�xavidinQ ihe in�uran�e rhull ho cho.en by Burmwer nubJecl to Lender4, <br /> �ppnavd which dwll nM be unrcasaiably wilhheld. If Bmrowrr f'ails to muintAin cavamge de�c�lhed alw�ve,Leitder <br /> l.a�dert op�ian.aM�in cove�ge t�prdect l.ende��x riphtR in�hePropcny in acewd�nco wilh pamgrnph 7. <br /> -:: � All insurance pnUcko�nd�snewalR ahull I+e sccep�abk ta Le�xier wid xhull invluda u x�undanf m�xtgaye clause. t.eride� <br /> - �lull Iwve�he ri�M to hold�he poUcies and rcnew�l�. If Lender�uirrA,Bomnw�er fiholl pmmMly giva la I.cnder ull roceipl� <br /> of paid pr�emiums pnd renewul mNicex. In�hc event of I�s.Hurmwer xhxll piv@ prompt nWice to�he ln►u�xo cwrier and <br /> Lrender. LxMer m�y make proaf oi'lass iP nat madc prwnp�ly by Bc►m�wcr. <br /> .•.: — - <br /> Unless Leaier And Bartowe�dhenvise A�me m wriling,inwura�x�c pncxredx r;hpll he applie�l ro�s�nration or repAir of <br /> ": the Property dAnwged. lf the n:.tarutian ur n:p•rlr i�ccwwmkuUy fcuciblc uoJ l.�:n�kr�.w:curity ir n�q I�s.�ened. If Ihe �-- <br /> _: :ln' rratc►rati�n ar repair iR nnt economicully fewsibk or I.en�krk security wauld he lexsened,ihe inYunuxe proceeds ahall bo _ <br /> - applicd to�he sume�ecwed hy�hix Securily In�tnunent,whethe�or na �hen due, with uny oxces�paid la Barmwar. If <br />:''.�' "� Borrower�bondone�ho Property,or does nat AnRwer within ip dpy� u na�ice fmm I.ender tha� the insuranco ewrler bua <br /> _,.� • � � offe�ed to setlle a claim.�hen Lender may callect the insurance praceedr. Lendar muy u�e�h@ pmcad�ta rcpulr or�stom <br /> -y��:::�� --,�. the Ptupehy ar to puy sums secured by�hix Securliy Instniment,whe�he��u not Ihen due. The 30�duy parlod wfll tapio when <br /> �'?+:°� �` the nolicc is Siven. <br /> =•-�e"" �° Unless 4ander And Barawer ahe�wi,e�gn� in wrning,cu�y upplku�iun uf prucreda�u prfiu:ipal.rlwll not extend ar � - <br /> ;?=' <br /> poatpono the due dWe ot the monthlY puyments rei'etnrl lo in p a r.�g m p h� I and?or chango the amount of the puyments. IP <br /> ,�;�_ ..:.�z. undcr <br /> �'�� ,�,,,,,, pnragraph 21 the Property is arcquired by Lender.Borrowert right to any inswance poNcfes and proceeds resuUing <br /> �r:;�:-,-..•�..� '." from dumuge to tl�e Property prior to the ucquisition sfwll pasc�o Lemier to�he extem of the sums securcd by ihis Secudty ----- <br /> . . La�uument immedisuely prior to the aicquisition. <br /> �„a��' `` '.',�., 6. Occupapcy. Pnservalioa. Maiatenrooe and Protectbn d' Ihe Pruperiy: Norrower's Loaa AppQcatiao: — <br /> I.ase4oW�, Hortower slwll occupy,estublish,and use the Praperty ac BomawerL princiµ�l residenca wilhin xixly days a�ter <br /> "^°� the euecwian of�hiR Cw���.iry lnstn�ment sr�d sh:e!! contfnue to ocrupy the i'cope�;ss$cnsostirr�prlcsripat residcncc far at • <br /> ���' t;'�;'�;,�,�... leuct a�e year after the date of accupsme�, umtrss Lender othenvise ugrees m writing, whicA conxen� slwll not be � <br /> � i `� , i eoau+easorwbly withheld,or unless exte�unting c�rcurnstancex exixt which Are beycxid Bor�owert conuol. Bomawe�shull aot <br />"^' ,y... c,,,�: deslray,d3mage or impuir the Propert},nlla�e the Propeny to detcriorote,ar rommi�wutite on the Propeny. Borrower shall <br /> =��`,t. , °.'•<,�: '�`;�ri�1,. be in del'AUIt if any f'orfeiture ac�ic�o.�r�n�c�eding, whether civil or criminal,i�beguo tha�in I.ender�goad foi�h judgment = <br />_ ;,n:, _ <br /> m., . - �F�,r� could result in forfeiture of the }�opezt}• or•allxrvvise muteriully lmpuir the lien cr�ut��d by this Security Inrittrument or — <br />•-> ,�• �:� l.ender�s security in��rest. Borrower may cur�xuch n default+�nd reinc�nte,ax provided in paragraph 18,by causing the nction —___ <br /> w or proceeding lo be dismissed wl�h u ruling ihi�u,i�n t.enderk gaod fai�h delerminu�ion.precludes fort'eiture of�he Bomnwer� —" <br /> �'��" interest in the Propeny ar other muterinl impnirmrnt of�he lien crented by this Security In,trument or Lender's secudty <br />_ `"' '' ' "�t' .'�' ' _= <br /> _=;y�, . >. rl Mtemst. Bomowe� shull also be in defuult if 8orrower, durin;� Ihe loun applicution procetis, guve ma�eriolly fulse or <br /> �.:� � � �.. <br />`�'`�;�� �''':+'' �� i'7`S r inaccurnte informution ur statements�o L.ender(ar fs�iled to pi4n i;1c l.ender with any ma�eriul informalionl ln connection with <br /> '"'''� ��'f"`�;r't;� the loan evidenced by �he Note, including, but ro�+t limi�ed tn, rNpresentalions roncerning Borrowerk occupuncy of �he <br />::�4 i��.y� �:�. E�ti'A�'. <br /> =;`i� ',,�;'� Propeny as a principul residence. If thi�Securit��l��+n,ment is nn a leu�ehui��,9orrower shull comply wi�h All the provisions = <br /> �z.ti,. .r;`:'s 7� _-- <br /> -_, ..�_�_,n 7Pk. � of the lease. If Borrower ucquire�fee�i�k��1hr Prn�ny,t!�r ka�e!+okl nr.c!�hc ree t3lle�hal!not t�wrgP�n!c��L.en�r a�n�a <br />.'�:r,''' � `���,,,,.��:r.. y �', to U�c merger in writing. ` �� <br />- - � (�,s.:,,•���•+�_��� 7. Protectbn ot I.ender's Rl h1.5 in the Pro�prlv If AnnoWCr fails tn rPi�rm r+he covennnts und a reem�nta �?'s� <br /> ^, ' r ��.,-.���;T.:y;i; �. 1'� �C g 6�s ai <br /> . .l�'`.-.v�.,•k1;�f.r cantained in this Securi�y Intitrumcm, ar Ihere is u Icgul �2cceeJing thut mny signifi�amly :if1'ect Lenderi right� m tt!� <br /> - ��::<, !:.%"�{�t� ProQeny Isuch us u praceeding in bunkrup�cy,pmk+nte,for c��ndemnatiim or forfeiture or to enfurce luws or regula�ions),t�hca� Q+.�..�., <br /> ^ �' ��'�4ylj»+r•`,;�-�,�.k� L.ender mu do and n for whatever i.neccsxan to pc y g pe y. — <br /> Y p y pmtcct �hc vulu� of ific Pru rt ond Lendcr's ri h�s in the Pro n <br /> ��'° � '���?�+? °�+ ^� - Lender's uetions may include puying uny sums�eci,red by u lien which hux rriority uver this Security Inatrument,oppeuring �`-'`' <br /> .. -:::�o, , "� ..,:`it�, e•._:.�- <br /> :.,,,,�,:a.� ��.�. in cwirt,ppying reuconuble auorneys'fees and entering on the Pmperty to muke repain. Although Lender muy take action ��� <br />"'.�' �'����%�°' �• unde�this parngrnph 7,Lender daes not have lo do tio. =-_ <br />-;.,�� :•_�+b�",•1 �' Any amoumg dixbur.kd by l.ender under �his pxugniph 7.hall t►ecomr udditionul del+t of Bamnwer secured by this <br /> • � Securiry Inslrumem. Unlecx Borrower and Lender u�tree to other Icmi,of puyment,thesc umounh shull beur interest from the -'� <br /> '�� �'ti - �. �";': date of disbursement su ihe No�e rutc und �h u l l b e p�y u h l c,w i t h i n lc RZ t,u�n n n t ice f r u m Le n d c r t o B o r ro w e r r e q u c s t i n g '�v�" <br /> _:�, 'A payment. ��.'�_' <br /> r::J � -� � S. 11�ionqaRe lnsurance. 11 L.ender myu�rc�i mortgage inxumnce uz u cimdilion af muking the loun secuted hy this �� "�` <br /> tif�;�', �•<, ����:.,. Securily Matrument, Bonower shall pa� Ihe premiums rrquired �o maimuin �he monguge insurunce fn effect. If, for nny r���'�' <br /> :, �, �.:.��,.,:.��r. , Y: <br />,,;._,,��, �t s• t�,,; ,,,•� reason, thc mon ga�r insurance covcr;l gc rc quired b y Lc n de r la�s c� a r cr us c� �o t x i n rf f e c t, Bn r r ow c r s h u l l p n y t he •�-� <br /> z. <br /> ��t%���, '� _ '�'��� premiums rcquired to ofi�afn rrnerage suM.iuntial0� equivnleni ��� ihe mongage insuruncc previously in effect, a� a cost ��s�, <br /> ..�::,.it t� t-�,. •fi - �y,� subslantially equivalene �o Ihe ro�t lu Borrower of 1ht tttatt�Za;�r insurunce pmeiou�ly in rtTcrt.from un.dternate mongoge r;.;�i�„ <br />�;:�:�ii;�� ,;,i - ' insurer opproved h}�Lender. If subtilantiully�yuit.i l:nt m�xt�:�gr in�u�:mre cn��erngr i�no�nvi�ilnhle,Ram�wer�hull p�+y to {`::-,:-_ <br /> ,+:�h3!i -• ,,.;s;;,�p�;�,• Lender euch month n sum cyual to onr-twrllih of thc yearly rnnrtg�gc insurunce prcmium bring puid by Borrowcr when the °�"Y-= <br /> ":�?�:.;'% t� �'�� ' insurunce coverage l�psed or reu.rJ lo Fx in ct'f�rl. Lendrr N ill aicccpi,ux��md rr�ain thc.c puyment.u�p loss reserve+n lieu <br /> ^- --, <br /> _ �����.,,.r�l, , of mongAge imurnnrr. l.oss re+erve puyments may no langrr he reyuind, u�thr uption of Lendrr,if munguge iosu�ance <br /> ��r �t: 4, cuverage(in�he umM�nl and for Ihe peri�xi thut Lender rcyuire+l pmvided h�•;m in�umr uppn►ved My Lcnder ognin t�c�mes �'' <br />;'`;� . '`. ��':� ..• ovuilAble and is ubt;�in.�I.Bom�wer+hull a thr .re�ium.rc uired to mainlain mon�o�c in.urnncc in ei'fec4 or to ravide n �,`•'1k� <br /> �. ,.� P'Y P 4 b b p <br /> , . ,b' . � �-�r,� � loss reserve,until�hr rrquirc►nent f'or mixtgage in.;v,zance cnJ,in uccnrcinncr���iih:my wriuen ugreenxnt hetween Borcower ,. ,;:. <br /> ' �•_..�, ':� „c 1 and Lender or appliruh�:law. <br /> :is,. . . ��;�� 9. Inspection. Lender ur il�agcnt muy make reu�anul+lc cmrieti u�n,n and ins�xrlium uf Ihr ProExny. Lrnd«xf�al) <br />'�`%'�� �_ . '?�;'? •. ive Borrower no�icc at�M•time of or rior to un im riiun x �-"" <br />::. � p �x �xrify ing rra�unahlc cau.c li�r tlk in.�xc�K,n. <br /> �.. �. T._:. . �,,.,�: , �. :;.r.. <br /> < ,;.s: •.iir.�. r t, l0. COIIdCptllWlon. Thc ixred�of um aH:�rd�ir rl:�im t��r danut_e+.dimrt�ir cunncction wlth uny <br /> -... �-.•.�;-,�; � <br />.%�j � .� , �. y:j. Sm�k k�md�•••Foanie 1fue�frrdrle�luc l'\IFURH I�aTRC'\fM:\'�'..l4�ili�m��'u�cnunh 9AB 1�hl.l'�'?��I A JMJQYf i ,('``' ' <br /> � �, °'�o �i':;,: . • . . <br />.. '�'��f!; ;���;. . �invl 1.�4'�OuVereN Fnms.loc� ; i. <br /> . '��.,.'..':i . � T.O�per CNI IAqA'q90N3 O YAA a1�.79�.�Ul <br /> ;�� ... :1' ;-t�!. <br /> . . + �' , ' '�71'i}�'�'?�y/1�i.}f#1C�'���iLf,�.'��ct.v1��!trclv�**n+w---m�* �• :;3Ylt;; <br /> f . • � . . � . .�y . 1. . ���r��1R�.wMr�. <br /> 1: 1. �! <br /> ,�t• 4 1 .\ <br /> � . . . :�~s S, .. . <br />._ '(�I.� �7' L'_� _ . . . . <br /> � '�1 ,. .� ..' . '_'._._- . . . . . <br /> r� o .. 1 <br /> .s •. !�. ' ' .,o .. . .. - . '" . . <br /> fw <br /> a. �`.��..�� ' ..' . , . " . <br /> ��. - , ` . <br /> :� ., .,� .. .. <br /> , , ,t" .. . . <br />� - . i •Y•'• , <br />� , i�' ` � ' . . - � � _ . . <br /> • N- , t.� ..�ay+ ' . <br /> � . '• <br /> �� • f �. _._. . '_'. _ .__ � <br />