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�.<�.�--, _.-..r ,..-�_� , . ..� . , ._ .rr._. , _-,i.S:H —�_. <br /> .[W� yY� x -s'Ia. _ ' .. , . ':'C�..__. <br /> .1f. . � t 4��' ' "_ ..�W',:—,r.�.��_ <br /> �.• . � /, . • ." _— _ _ ._ <br /> .. . -y:_r4"ieS.i$�:�.�ii� -. _ . . . .. . . _.._ __. <br /> 93_ io��� <br /> . �ppllc�ble I�w nu�y�poclty for roinstatement)befuro ulo of Ihe Pmperly punu�nt ta�ny power of�te conudnal in thi� <br /> Sacwity locuurtwu:or N)�'Y of a Judament attorclna this Securlty lnttrument. 7liaco co�►didaes m�iat Bonower. (�) <br /> p�ya I.etbe��1) wms whkh dron wnuld be due wder Ibi� Securlry Incuument md the Note u it no�ooeleradon h�d <br /> � occuned�(b)au�any defwlt ot any otha oovenant�or a�eanenw:(o)WYn�11 expaisei lncurrod in enf'orcing�his Securltf► <br /> - lntduman,includin�. but not IGnited to.res:anable�uemey�'fees:�nd(d)ukea such�ctian u Lender ntay ne�otuhly <br /> rcqui�e w aswro th�t the lien af th{a Security Instrument�I.cnderi�dghta in the Property�nd Borrowor�obligaNan to pay the <br /> — �um� cecurod by this Socurity Inurumaic �hdl cauinue wroh�nged. Upon reinuatement by Homawer. thi� 3ecuriry <br /> -_ - -- - 6upunx�t�nd�iie obliQ�tiane socured hereby�hall remain fWly ePfaNve�s if no acceleration h�d occumad. Hawever.thic <br /> ---_��_--___=� riaht ta reinstato ciwll not apply in the cace of acceleration under parngruph 17. __ <br /> 19. S�le ot Notei C6�aQe of Lo�a fietvloer. 'Rie Note ot A a�rtW incerc��ln�he Nae(�ogether with ihia Socurity <br /> �= Inctrument)rtwy be wld ane or moro dmes without prlor notice to�oirower. A�le mey nssult in e change in the endty <br />'_:'�.l (known+�the"[.an Servicxr")thpt collacta monthlY p�ymente dua wider ihe Note md thi:Secu�ity Incdument. 'ilicro plso <br /> rtuiy be ono or mae changes af�he L.�wn 3crviccr anrol�ted to�wle of the Note. If tf�ero ic a chiutge of the Lo�n Servlcer. <br /> �.��r Borrower wlll be given wrinen noUca af the chwnge in accaM�nce with pamgraph 14 abovo and appfic�ble Ipw. Tha natice <br /> ---- wltl etatc the nuna And wddross of the new l.oui Servicer and Iho�ddrr�s co which p�ymante chAUld be miMa, The nodae will <br /> -- �Ico conudn any othar i�fornwtia►required by applicable low. <br /> 2A. Hwrdaw Sabstnc�s. Bamwer�lull not cause or permit the presence,use,dispos�l.storege.or release of any <br />--_ Hazardous Subatences on a in the PropeRy. Bomowa�shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do.anything affecting 1he __ <br />�_:1.j property that is in vlolation of aqy Envino�unental Laiw. Tha precoding two sentences shall not epply to the presence,use�or <br /> � atornge on the Pmpetty of s�aW quantities of Huardo��ubaumcas thot�ne generally r�ecagnieed ro be appropriaoe to nornu�l <br /> - iesidential uses and to m�intenAnce af the Prapeny <br /> m <br /> _ ' Bomawer shup promptly give Lendcr writtrn noUce oi any investlgatbn.claim,demand,lawsuit or othcr actlon by any <br /> -__---- R�;t - gav:��menta!or sesetlntnry agency ar ptt��ate partf�nvalvirssg thc!'�operty and any Hazardoua Snbstence a Envir•nrrKntpl ••_ <br /> 8 <br /> - �"a���; �Luw of which Borrower has u��ual knawledge. If Bomower lesrns. or is notifkd by any governmental or regulatory - <br />_ °i'�`��r auihodty,that any removal or other remediAdan of any Hazanious 3ubslance afi'ecUng the Pmperty i�necxsss�tty,Horrower - <br /> ; �... Y <br /> ::r? �hall promptly take all necessary remedial ac tions in accord�nce wilh Fnvlronmentel Law. � <br /> _�yf: As used in dus pazag�aph 20."Heuudous Sub�tences"are those substances defined ae toxic or hazardous substencxs by <br /> � " �` ��nvimnmental law and the foqowing substances: gasoline,keragene. othcr flammwble or toxk petroleum productc, toxic --- <br /> n� .pest3cides and herbicides, volutile solvents. materials conWinina asbeszos or fom�aldehyde, and radioactive materfals. As � - <br /> " Y used in lhis peragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means feslcra!laws and lawe of�he juri�diction where the Ptoperry ie locutod °- <br /> =- thai�elate w health,eafety or envtronment�l protection. � <br /> -, � �,„ •�f•�`'' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomower and Lender funher covennnt and agre.e ac follows: <br /> ` � 21. Accelera�tion;Remedks. Lender sh�ll give aodce to lia�rower prlor to AcoelerAdon fdlovring Sorrower's <br /> ;.�•:��° . ^ breacb atany rnvedAat o�appreemtnt in tWs Stcurity laatrumeni(6ut not priar to acceknAiaiai ander paragraph 17 . . � <br /> • "�� uulese Applkable law provkles otherwlse). TIIE 001IC@!QIAI)RPCCII�i (A)Ih@ dl�AYI�;(b)fhC ACI�011 flqUlrCll l0 CYP!WC ` <br /> � • •��u���-.__ _ tIP9'nnih,(c)a date,aa!le�►a itiwa 30 daye firom the dpte the noNce Is Riven to which thr de�ault m�s�be --�. <br /> ' �.3 __ _ „;�-..�:-�-=-� —. <br /> `r. ���(• 3?r ts�;��;'•� , cured;and(d)that�allure b cure the default on or betare the dqte speelfled in the notice rnAy��ult in Acceleration of — <br /> : , l� the sumc secu�ed by this 3ecurlty Instrument Aad sale ot tbe PropeMy. The notice shpll tuNher inform Borrower o� <br />_ �;�• � '� the rtght to�einstute aller acceleralton aatl the right to bring a court actbn to asgert the non•exlstence of a default or 4'_ <br />. �"' aay Mher detense ot Borrower to accekrs�tion And sale. I�the defa�lt is not cured on or befnre the date epecided in <br /> - ��< � _.. <br /> ^�''-'�' '�, 4-i} lde notice�Lender At its tton ma r uire im�nediple yment in full of aM sums secured b this Securif Inst�ument �; <br /> ':� '.� �, ,.�-r,y oP y e9 Pp Y Y <br />-`•�' � ,; ��,!�.�� �� without fbrther demand and mAy invoke tl�e power of swle And aey other ren�cdies permitted by appltcAble law �" <br /> ...,� t rx •; —_ <br /> -,a�' �,,�����;,a �; Lender shall be entitled to collect sdl expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in Ihie parnQraph 21, �_ <br />`'-`'`tr""' '���;�'�f: . � including,but not IlmUed to.reosonoble aitorneys•fees and cosls of tltle evidence. � <br />_.ri�. 'i�f��. .?>e <br />. _,`�.... .�-:��I}�'�;,.F,.*?�` <br /> ��„ IJ � j,. ,�;;��;�; , It the power of sale is Invoked.71�ustee sholl record A notice of default in eacb county la which any part of Ihe � <br /> Property Is located and siwll moil copies of such noNce in the manner prescribed by applicAble Iww to Borrower Aad to <br /> ., �. .. r <br /> `��' ,'•,�j���,,, the Mher pensons prescri6ed by applicable law ARer the iime requlred by appllcable law,7Fuatee shall give pubNc ��_ <br />_�` u.•� �,;;�v. ,f natia otsale b the persons pnd in the manner rescribed by Applicable law 71�ustee,wtthout demnnd on Borrower. _. <br /> _ <br />