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-�-�rr •-r � �a r.� <br /> , �,,.�; a . . . ,j�.iild� . _ <br /> 7"f. . � .. .. . . <br /> -... " 1 �� �R`�' ' , , • . ' <br /> y7��. , it, �: . . <br /> ��.. ___. .._ . . ... —_ <br /> '��::t' .]- _ _..� '—.__._.__— --_._... _ <br /> . . ����O�V V <br /> — TOOB7'H8R WITH dl 1he improvcmcnt�now ar ha�Qer crected an�he property.and dl eAremcntr.AppunonpnccA, <br /> - --- _ and Qxluta naw or I�ercafter a p�ut of�ho pmpertY. All teplaccnkms�nd additfons sh�ll alw be coverod by thip Secudry <br /> ' _ Inwumen� All oi�he far�aina i��Pened to in�his Secu�i�y Inatrnment iw�he"1'ropeny." <br /> =- BORROWER C�OVENAN7'3�h�t Hortower fs uwli�lly seiiod of Ihc esl�te hercby catveycd end has ihe�ight lo grant <br /> u�d caovay the Ptoperty and 6�at the Propaty ir w�arcumb�ned,exccpt for encumbrsnces of rerord. Banower wArt�nls md <br /> wlll defa�d gene�ally�he Iitk to the Propcny again:t dl cldm��nd dem�nd:.subject tp+my encumbnnc�es of rocad. <br /> � TNIS SECURf7Y INS7RUMRNT combines unifaTm covenwnt� fix n�tian+�l use wxl nen-unifam covetuutta wl�h __ <br /> ;;_ � IimNad variotians by Judsdiction to canatitute A unifomi securiiy inewment cove�ing property. <br /> : .- ----__._ .. ----�-•- r- . . <br /> UNIi�ORM CnVBNANT3. Bomnwer a�d Leader covenant and agree aa followe: <br />- ..,,i' 1. Paymeat ot IMncip�l�nd Int�esti Prepwymenl and L�te Ch�r�er. Bomnwe�ahall prnmptlY pAY whe�due�he <br />"';.''� princi of and intcresl an Ihe deM evideaced by the Note nnd any prcpaymcnt and Iatc ch�rqes due u�der 1he Naio. _ <br /> -_--- -- � F�nd�tor 7N�e�ad lawr�� Subject to applic�ble IAw ar lo a writtcn waiver by Lcndcr.Botrowcr shell pay to <br /> ..���� L.ender on thc d�y monthlY pwyments rue due wWer tAe Note.until thc Nae is paid i�full.a swn l"�s")for.(a)YearlY <br /> ---..�;,;�_:�„�;} taxea and assessmonte whicb may attain priaity orer lhis Secwity laspumtnt as a I�en an the P�+op�e�ty:lb)ye�riY kasehold - <br /> -- •�;,-ti�-�a-, paymenis or ground rcnts ao the Pro�eny. �P any: (c1 Y�Y �+'� �P�'oP��'�Y insur�nce premiwns: (d) Yeorlq tlood _ _ <br /> — _ ' i�ara�ooe piemiums. ii'any:le)Y�?�Y �� �� P�'e�ums.�f any: and l�any sums paiyabfe by Borrower w <br /> =_��r I.eider.In Acca�danee with tlie provisiais of�wragraph 8,in liea d'the payment of mo�tgage insurance prcmiums. These <br /> •° � s�,:.,.-`° items m cailed"Esr.�row Items." l.e�Mer any dme.collect su�d hoW Flmds in an Amount not to exceed Nie maximum <br /> 'T� aroount a lender for a federally rclated martgage loan may rcqui�for Borrower�escrow accouat�uider�he fedchal Real <br /> . �y� .�.,•: Est�te SeqMnrn!Pnocedwnes Act of 1974 as amended fmm wme to Gme.12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("R�SPA").ualess anoUmr <br /> � "�''.�• law lhat applies to 1he Fu�ds sets a lesser amoun� If so.l.eader any time.collect and hold Funds in an wnount not to <br /> : ' .: �,, <br /> .�_ , -;;'�,` exoecd the lesser anwunt. Lender may estimate the atnouNt of Ru�ds due on Uie basis of cunteua data and neasonable <br /> '�''' .�et(mai�:s of ex ��iitur.s of iuttu:,Cr•erasc itcros ar att�rwise in acear��c4+ris!►a ie�airir ww. <br /> -- � -- PP'. <br /> p�"`f� 'llic t�nds�shrll be held in an institut�on whose deposits ane in�.cn:9 �} a federa0 A�easc;.. •ia�s�mientality. or entlty <br /> ,'�i�, -- <br />=:;.ti' ;. ��� <br /> �l��y"'�,�.;'�.� (including Lender.if L.ender is such an instimUon)or in any Federal H�wr�.aan��anYc. Le�d�r shaGG ap,p9y tCae Fiu�g to paY <br /> :� '.::�.v�'.'.;,a�':°. thc Escrow Items. Lender may not chuge Borrower for Malding and ap��vi�t0ar IFun�Js, nnnuu�l0} a�q}�z3aa:�thr escrow <br /> !'���� '' Accauol. or verifying the Escrow Items.unless Lender p;�yti Barrowe�i�ierest on uCa� FnTads a�l A�fi�.able la�� pem�ts -- <br /> _ ., l.ender to make such a charge. However,I..ender muy requi�BoROwer ta pay a one•�ime chaqae ims an independen�rcal -- <br /> �� '`���� estwe wx rcporting servlce used by Lender in connection wi�h this loan,uc�less applicable law provi�c�:s�a�herwlse. Unless an <br />- , �,: s. ag�eement i�made or ap{rficable lew roquines intercst to be paid.Lender chall�ot bc requi►ed to pay�racawer any inlerest or <br />�_ ° ' , a ,t eaminga on the P1u�ds. Bomower and Lender may agree in writing.however.lhat Interest shall be pnid on Ihe Funds. I.e�der - <br /> ' ;,�, ,: � �'�" shat!give to Bomnwer,without charge.yn annual accounting of the Funds,showing credils and debits to the FLnds and the <br /> . w s..�".,� ,�►cmp�e for which each debit to�he Funds was nwde. The Funds are pledged as additianal cecu�lly fot all wms setwted by <br /> ` "��x. ,tL�is Security Instrument. <br />_ �„ _ . <br /> i' lF the Fundc hetd by Lender exceed the amounls permitted lo be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to <br /> "� - ---- -•� isam�wer far ti�e excess Funds in aca►rdonce wi�h tiie�equirements of appiicabie iaw. ii Ux amuum vf ri�e Funcia�)rl by <br /> ` ° t � Lender at an time is not sufficient to a the Escrow Items when due.L.ender mu so notif Bomnwer in writin and,in <br />_ ' �° •:,%��f,;x ..• Y P 9 Y Y �• <br /> ' �;��;•.;�;� such case Borrower shall pay to Lender Ihe amount trec�ssary to make up�he deficiency. Borrower shall mak�e up the <br /> ���.� � �°�:• ' ���"•^��"? defici in no more�hnn IweLWe monthl a ments,at LenJ�r�s sole discretion. ° <br /> �•� �= �'�, �fl�" � Up�on paymenl in full oi u➢0 sums se uted by this Security Insaument.Lender ahull promptly refund to Fiorrower any <br />_.+ .�' �� FLnds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquirc or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or a�;� <br /> ,{_; r t�,�;,, �;n sak of Ihe H+ope�ty. slwll epply eny hLnds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sale a�a credit against the cums =--� <br /> • .�;,,_.. cecured by�his Securiry Inswment. �i.;'"'- <br /> � `: 3. Applkatbn ot Pnyroxnls. Unless applicnble luw provides othenvise,all payments received by I.ender under [�°:�.:� <br />_ � �;� <br /> °�' ��13}��" parographs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firsl,to any prepaymen�charges due un.1er the Note;second,�o arrwunts payable under •� <br /> 5�'` ,����`.'3'•.�:, • paragraph 2;third,W interest due; principal Jue;ond any late charges due under the Note. �=�? <br /> �s � ` ''� :. ';,., • 4. Char�c s; Liens. Borrowcr shall pey all texes,assessmenls,charges. fines and impositions anribufable ro the <br /> �� P r n p e K y w h l c h r r::;�a t l s f n p d o r i t y o�e r t h i s S e c u r�t y l n s t t u m e n t.s s t d!:�>'a!��l d p s y m e n t s o r g e o n n d t r n t s,i f s n y. H o m o w e r ---_ <br /> _,;�� i•�{r�� � sh�ll p�y UKSe obligations in tix manncr provided in paragtaph 2,or i6 not paid in that munner,Borrower shull pay Ihem on �:, ' <br /> + ' 1.�•:r f��:�`;=r time direcU to�he rson ou�r6 m. Borrower sh�C a re+ 1 iumish tm Lender all nwices oi amounts to be au]under <br /> •'� �;;;..,,,,,.��+{;i PsuaBraPh• Pe Pjy� Pr P�Y P ;;i_.,: <br /> r;.,.� ";�y�l����t_ i this If Botmwer make�these payments dire.�c8w.#3om�wer gt+dll prom�tly fumish to l.ender re¢eipu e�iciencing ...r <br /> - {��l:.'��'},y'' • , � . �Bo�rro er shnll mm I dischar e uny�lien which hsiss nori over tP:is Securi Instrument unlesY B�rrower.(a)o rees '•�� <br /> P P�Y B P � �Y �Y B ,.�.• <br /> '- - - in writing W tt�pay��ent ot the ubligalioro so;e�red by lbe lien in�munuer rccrpiuble to Lender,�b)contes�s in good fai�ihe <br />--�n.; ' ....�'_�;"��,�.",� lien by.or defends against enforcement of thc lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> �`"-`��+�!� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ogreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien �� • <br /> ;:'.�,�` .•L9<�.4'14 . <br />�`:s,..,., ,;�,i ti��:1a�::?�, to this Security Insdument. If L.ender determines that any prn of the Pmperty is subject to u lien which may ntlain priority '�� <br /> �' �',••. '�t�.. <br /> �!� over this Security Inswment,Lender mny give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or wke <br />•�,��.�� ��'.;• r one or more of the actions set fonh above wi�hin 10 days of�he giving of notice. �.?:rl <br />:_.;,�,���� y; � S. Husrd or Piroperty Insurana. Borrower shull keep the improvements now ezisting or hereafter erected on the <br />�_.i��;��• i.? Prope�ty insurcd against lost b�, tire.hazards included within the term"extended ca�rtae�"and nny other hazards,ic�cluding +���� <br />- � .,�. . z�;�.'{..'•,�?, <br />,'. }. ��:.��s'.:',n. '��' floodt w flooding.for whish dxmler requires insurancr. 'I'his insurnm.�e shall be maintained in the amcwnts ans't for 1he �. <br /> �x � � {��.:,;"� <br /> _ta � ,r':�J?� } +'� �'. <br /> � ' ���,,,.._+��t._�,�y- . <br /> �' �5�� ��,, � FOIq�3�R� 9� fDo,L'�:ojbyuAHl •i. <br />—. ',h."j., s"�: � . . <br /> � '�t'� } �I� . .'����.. i� <br /> . ' r'•. <br /> - `� - �,ri:J£.;:•:�. <br /> �;'` ± '�Li�!':f�� .. . :��. <br /> �' �� - �. .. � - -' ' v"ialt'°:'-, ..... . .. - .. . '. • , . ' . .. . :i:["ti��i�k"rF�7�i�i•..- ' .,,. .i�-�r�,.. ,,, ..;C�... ��rm.'n.�•.� <br /> . � <br /> ,. _ <br /> .., . . . <br /> ��'IS � . .��':. .. _ . ' - , , T . � . <br /> '.\� i ., . � . . <br />�' `i � . . � . . , - . �. . ' <br /> . . .�� � . . . _ _ . --.=.r-. ._ , _ . . '.1.; , <br /> � � , � .�� I''�. .� 1� ' . ,1 , <br /> �Y, ,• .. . ,1� .. � . ' � .. ' , � . . . . <br /> � W .l . . , ' . � ,�. ' <br />. ,;:�, �', �� ,�.. . . <br />'�� ;�.. ,�� .:�; � , , , <br /> . , �--+. <br /> . I♦ - . _�,�. ' � <br /> � ' ' . � t <br /> ,� , . <br /> , ��� <br />