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--�'�• r' (�� tkl n. 1 --tr. `Jr__ .. <br /> !l� ... .. .. _ . '_.. <br /> �. �: , �;.� -93 � <br /> .�o��s .. � <br /> p�ymdqs m�y no lanaer be�he ap�ion af moAg�e inw�anoe onver�o lin the�mouiq and tor Ihe perGxl <br /> �Irit I.arder �quircs)providad by m inwrcr appmved by Letder e�ain bornmw Avail�ble and i4 d►Wood. BomnN*et sh�ll pwy <br /> the pnxniunn nequired to mai�fn mon�a inwranoo in elYea,or to pmvWe�laa racrve,until�ho�oqul�ema�t for mait�e <br /> iawraace a�d�in pa�ordanoe wilh my wriva��roemeM betwaen Bormwe��nd Laidcr or appfleablo I�w. . <br /> 9.Grpectiaa. Lerder or iw�aM rn�y m�o rc.�comblo audat upan�nd fn�pectiau of the PropoAy. l�onder dull SiMe <br /> Etnnower�Kice at 1hc time of or p�ior to an f�upa�tion cpecifyin�t�can�ble cause for the i�upeqion. <br /> - 10. Condea�n�tbn.The prooeeds of any awud ar claim for danugea. dira�t or amxequentiW, io aonaocllon wilh any <br /> -., condertu�alian ot olher WdnR of any put of Ihe Pnopariy,or for canvay�noe in lieu of amdenuwbn.uio henby�IWied�I <br /> _-�--�--.�._-_-_-=� tl�all be p�id to l�ender. <br /> In thc evcnt af A lat�l laklag af 1ha P�aperty.the pn�oeeds�twll bo�pplled ta Iho cum�cecurod by thi:Socurily Incuument. <br /> -- whnf�er or not thcn due.with any excesx p�id to Hor�awer. In tho event of a q�wtia!Iwking of the Ptoperty in which Ua fdr <br />`�•�` ' m�uka value of�he Pmpeny immedi�tcly befom the laking ia eqwl ta or gn�icr than tbe an►ount ai Q�e sums eocurod by thi� <br /> Secu�ity Inun�ment imm�diptcly heforie the laking.unlexs Barmwer And I.eeder dhenviso agroe in wrNlna.�ha wms securod by <br /> thic Socud►y Instmment atwll be roducod by tho �unaunt of tbe prooeeds multipliod by tbe follawing fiacUan:��) the tot�1 <br /> -- amoum o!1tr sums securod immodiately beforo 1he tpkin�.dividod by(b)tho fai�murlccK vxlue of Ihe PropeRy immediwWy <br />-�-- - -- - --- bcfara Ide�akiqg. Aary balancc ahall bo pRid ta Borrower. In 1he event af a partial u+king ot tha t'ropaty ia which tho fair <br /> market v�lue ofr 1he Pro�perty immedialely before thc t�icing is kss�Aan the amount of the sums�acurod iannodistely before the <br />— taking,nnless Bonower au�d Lender atlrcerwise agroe in wriung or u�lesa applicab�law dhe�wice p�uvides. 14e pvcaod��I! <br />-"-�p be�ppliod to Ihe wn�cecurod by this Security lnst�ment whdl�er or nd the sumv w�o tlkn due. <br />:-�: li the Propnty is abantkmed by Ibrrower.or ii',afler notice by Lcnder 10 Bomawer tlwt a(ta oondrnioor oil'as W nodco ao <br /> .': award or set�k a claim Wr damuges. Borrower Pails w rea�ond w Lemler within 30 d�ys aftet�the date the padco js jivm. <br />_� Leoder�s autnorizeA a o�ikn a�xi�ppir ii�e jri��,:i 1i��rtba.ciittx ia r..ctantiao ar�of 2!�Pro�tyr as M t�eAw . ..: <br /> - - - <br /> Tsxurod by tlrs Secuai(,� `Ir�strument.w4elher o�nat then dae. � " • �.�'�'•" <br /> _ '�a;;;r; <br /> Unless Lender AaKi Horrower dUerwise agree in writing, xu!. applicatioo of proceecl.w n,n y�tineipW slwU aat��tit'�or� �.,�:'r�•�:;.: <br /> .,r�l�.I:.<� <br /> " pastpaie t4rc due d�►ta���'the monthlY paYments referred to in pxr..�:x{*ts I and 2 or chenge 11�e.►►n;ount of s�ch prymepts,. ;. •,�',a.,'�.. ° <br />.-. 11.Bomnwer tiat Nelea�ed:Forbw�aoe By l.rnder Not a{YAlver.Eactension of thc uame for papnrx�or rnodlt�Noa :'�'.;`:.;�;':� <br />,•_�� {��; of amoni�tion of the�u,rn�secured by this Secu�iqr io4ctrument gronted by Lendcr tv any succes�or in inte,�e�t of Bonuwv sh�ll ` ',j:,;:�:.; <br /> �,..,.,. <br /> '. �.• , , not operate to nlease 1hc tlability of the original&aROwer ur Burnnwer's aucce.csa��s in interi�t. LeMer sPiq��a�ot 6e requirod W ;,•}��:!_ <br />:j;."i`. , '',�"�'' rnmmence procoodinge aytai�st any succesxor in i�terest or refuse to extend time(or paymene ot atherwlse modify oowrthadoa ' .; <br />°� ` ' `� of the sums securod by this Security Inatrnment by r�n of eny demand nr+ade by the,aciginal Borrower a Borrower't <br /> ;'``� `' suCCCSSOra in interes�.Any farbwrance by I.etder in eaercisin� any �ight or'remedy W�all no't be a w�tivet at ot proclude t6e .:• ,'r=, <br /> : •'••%;�; exercise of any right or.nmody. ,,'''% <br />-,'yN?i __':�.r' ilry`: <br /> --= 12. Suoressors ai�d Asclgns Bound:Joiot aad &veral LlabfHty: Co-slRaa�. The rnvenwnts and agroema�ta of tbis <br />-���:• Security lnstiument slwll bind and benrfi�thc sucm.�csors and ussigns uf Lender ad Borrower. subject to the pt+oviaioqy of '. <br />=�• paragruph t7. Bomower's covenants und agreements shall he ,joint and severW. Any Horrower who co-signs t1�it S�writy . ` <br /> �"'� Inslrumem t+ut does nat execute the Note: la) is co�wi min this S�xurit Instrument onl w mort e raru atd eonvey.� <br />_ ,� � X'°• �-' B 4t Y Y 8� • � ., <br />_-="•' �, �:��t: �. Borrower's interest in the Property under the�emi.�c�ff thix Security Instrument; Ib>is not personally oblin�+e�;�l�tn pay the cum� ,��`�. <br /> $.�� _e �.-�"i:'.,{���.�, �secured by this Security lns�rument;nnd(cl ag�s thaz I.ender und uny other Born►wer may agree to catend, modify,forbpir or . . <br /> -- • � ti ,;��?i make any arrnmmodations with reFu�d ta the term�of this Security Instrument or thc Nate wlthout th�t Borrower's consent. �•�,• <br /> rr' 13. I.o�n Cha�es.If the loan�ecured by this Security Instn�ment is subject to a law which sets maximum loau chuges. <br /> ,,,.�...., _ <br /> _ ��•_+�„ : oncf that law is finnlly imery�reted u� that the interest ar other loan chArges collected nr to l�e collec�ed in cannectian wfth the <br />�`�`'• "''�"°� loan exceecl the permittod limits, then: (�1 uny such loan charge shull t�e reduced by�he am�wnt necessnry to roduve ihe charge � <br />_ .� '.� <br />�* � � ,•• to the permitted limit:and Ib1 uny sumti ul►e:idy callected from Bormwer which ex�roeded permitted limits will be rcfundad lo <br /> .d�.. �` � Bom�wer. l.ender may chcx�se to make this refund by reducing the principul owed unelcr the Nwe ar by making a direct <br />_:;. � ..3 paYmen� to Borcowcr. If a refund rcduccs principal. the redu�tiion will he treateJ ac a partiul pre�wyuw�i wNfKwt n;.y <br /> -"� � .,-. prepaymen�churge u�der�he Nnte. <br />;J'kl. 6 14.NaUces.Any notice to Borrower provWed ior in this S..�curiry Instrumem.Iwll be given by delivedng it or by mailing <br />•-�• ���'�` � it by ti�clags mall unless applicable luw requi�es+a�of another melhcxl. The�notice sfiall be directed to tht'd'ropeny Addrcss <br /> �'.;�. �;j�' ,, or any �nther addrecs Barmwer dcsignetes by n��ei.e to L.cnder. Any notice t� �.ender �finll be given hy �int class mail to <br /> r�'.'-'��',•�:, Lender's acldress stAted herein or anv dher nddres.r Lender designates by nntice tn&�no��cr. Any� nutice providod(or m this <br /> J' � _ +� �i'l.�y. <br /> � "� ���:`%•+� . Security Instrument shul I be deem��l t�,�have been given to&irmwer or Lender a�ticn given u+pr�rvided in this paragraph. <br /> _ IS.Governin� I,aw= SeverablOity. This Sc�u�ity Instrumcnt �hull hr gnv�rn��cl by fedcrul law und the luw of the • <br />_= jur{sdiction in which the Pro�erty is IixuteJ. In the event thut any proviai�m �r cluuse ot'ihis 5ecurity Insln�mem or the Note <br /> � '"��� ^ conQicts wUh upplir�hlc law,wch a►nflict shull�x�t offixt nther provisionti ul'this Sc�urity� Inst�rument or the Note wMch can be <br />�� �`' given et6ect witluwt �he contlicting provision. To thi�.em1 Ihe pr•��•isiom o(thit S��urity IaKtrument und the Note are riuciared <br />'j`' :� ' :��•�,�3�: lo be�:verdble. <br /> , :,`c. '' ' .b� l6.Borr+ower's Copy.Bormwer shall be given one amti�mxd rnpy uf ahe Nme and uf this Sccurit}•lnsarunxnt. <br />-- _ .� - �^. <br /> ,� '�w ;���.;,.� , Fomt 302Y �fYO <br /> . . � t�t�i` �:.r.�:j!!}�{7. Pp��010 <br /> �..:•,.. i, <br />" ,�y•��''� r� (.tId���:K�r�. <br /> _ +i.'•�y'.• ',•a,'��S'•k�rr:1'•�:�� <br /> .r,4' -rP., <br /> - �:i�;�q., � '���f <br /> 'r - - }�,. iY�%.t( � �1y��(` � 3`t '�, `-� <br />{ � �y Y ,°ai±��� ' •{I j}r,1 7 ��`�. �',� � . . . .� � . .. ��,1'Y�•i,'�.1� �� '� � 1 n-�ft�`�3:�i�i'(� '° °° `__ <br /> � , � ',4 . �+s�►; � ��:;� , . ...•�a:�{:;• . •�•, r; :t�,� � ,tt,.,.tt`F�IL`ia{�Itur - <br /> 1 ,Y% .h�L'�., i V�+ _�r�����a • � . . . •�.i�, �,���� S h �il, .C�� !�;,,�'��t � - <br /> ��� r e���s`���t��:.•-(���'��r ' ) � �y. 1- - . ;.'�er,�••':t;•.�G'3� : . ,t n1�,�,eut, "r <br /> �--•�iim�a.�11���l7�lQti!� �L.�(i��,11 ..a•_. . . ��4�. �� . :!t a 7��•�,•'� <br /> . . � <br /> . •_ ... <br /> '�t .. _ __- ' :. _....__- "...�_.,. -"_--...:�_. '"". ..:._��_..:..a::w�Slt� �) - <br /> - — . _- -- ::. —; .—�_, �.. , --�--_ .—...__._ .. __ . . , .."'._... 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