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_� . �a i �si,. � ' C- —+".d� <br /> , ` � •�. � ' _ _ _ � - - <br /> , . ' __ _ <br /> � —__ —_ __ ___- <br /> �.. � �3-��.0�� <br /> � <br /> -- 17.Tnndlar ot Ibe Propp�y or�Benelid�l lat�t In 8ama�►ar.IP�11 or Bormwer i���urd�inte�in it <br /> is cold ar�rnn�femed(or if a Inneflciwl interat in Bot+rowcr i��ald ar Imnsferrod and pe►wnl wWiout <br /> L�ender's p�ior wrinen a►zccnt. Leoder may. +�t ia optian, uiro immedi�te p�ymau in PoII af all wms sa�urod by thi� <br /> Secu�iry l�uume�t.Howcver.thi�aplion�lull not be e�cercice��y I.endcr if axerci�o Is prahibitai by fedet�J I�w�af the d�te <br /> ot�hts Securiry insin�mau. <br /> If I.s�dM oxercica�hi�oplian.l.�er�11 Qive Borrowcr ndice�f aooeleraNan.T1�e natioo cirallpr�nvido a pe�iod of aot <br /> . (ess tiwn 30 daya Nom the d�te�he nwioe i�delivtrod or m�iled within wMch Barn►wei mu�t p�y all run�iecured by 1hh <br /> Secu�iry In�trumau.ii eormwer fwila ta pay�hese sums prior to the expin�llan ot�hi�period.Londer miy iavoke any nxnodks <br /> permitted by thi�Socu�ity Inst�umem wittiout fuMher nolioo or deanand an Bamawer. <br /> = — 18. R�mowcr•r Rigbt to Reiadate. If Bortower meas oc�in wnditicMS. Banowcr ctwll iurva tho �i�ht lo iuve <br /> =- ----------- cnfarcement of this Secu�ity Insuurt�ent dismntimkd at �ny time p�ior lo tlw earlier af: IA)3 dwy,�(or wch ather period ac _ <br /> •' ppplicAbk law may cpecify for rcinuatement) beFaro salo of �ho PmpertY purcuant ta any power of cwlo oonWnod ln lhi� <br />- 3:'� Socu�ity Inu�ument;or(b)entry oP a judgment enforcing this Savdty Inctniment.7'tinse oonditioro ue thM Barrower.(r) s . <br /> 'T i� <br />-�� Lender all sums w6ich thm would be due upde�this Secu�ity Inun�ment and the Nde as if no aaoeleratlon h�d occumed; <br /> ) <br /> - cu�s any default of eny wher wvenants or agroements: (c)p�yn�11 expences incumod in rnfarcing this Socuriiy Inrtrument. <br /> - __ — including,but not limitad to,Rnson+�bk attomeyc'fees:and(d)takes such uction as Lende�rtwy Ka�onably roquiro to� <br /> - that the lien of this Socu�iry Ins�rument. Lender's�iqhts in Ihe Propeny and Banawe�'s abligAtion ta p�y Ihe wms�ea�rod b�r <br /> --__: _---��� �}. c«,��{ty �R�tnimrnt aM�ll rnn�inoe unchanaed. Upon roins�ateme�w by Borrower. lhis SxuritY InitnqndN and Ibe <br /> obligations savrod he�sby eln�ll�ln fully ef fertive uw if nu aooeleratian had wcuned. Nowever,lhis d�iit W�cir�tate�11 ` <br /> - not�pply in the case of acceleration wder p�uagraph I T. <br />=���_` 19. 5tle u�Note;C�e of l.o� Scrvicdr. The Note or a prutial in�e�est in tiie Note tw8ether with tdis Socurity <br />- --- lnstnimenil may be sold one or more umes wi�hout prior ndice to Borra+wer.A sale may nsult i��chwnBO in the erMity tknoM►n . <br />- y as Ihe"Lou�Set�i��.s")that collens montblY P�Y�ats due under the Nwte and this Secunty lostrumrnt.�'hen Wso rosy 6e oao <br /> �_:�`"� or more chu�ges�6 zhe Lo�n Smioer unrelaud to a sale of�be Nde.If thet+c Is u cha�e of the Laui Serviaer.Bamwc�wUl bc <br /> -° given wriuen nolice of the change in sccordance with p�zragr�ph 14 A6ove and applicabis law.'1'he riotiee will state dt�mnoe�od ' <br />_ ° � n :. a�Wress oi the aew 1.oan�enric�er an3 the addross to which paymrms�inwi�i La uwJr.TiK �xi.:a wiil aisc�:,.-�z�ta;:� aRy ai�s' . <br /> - ;'';;�C'a.`• inforn�ation requdna+9 by applicable low. :.. <br />-- ' t 20. 11�n�Subet�aces. Bornower sball not cause or pernut Ihe presence, uae.disposal. :�xage.or tNe�sa of pts3 ��•, • <br /> .. a-�� . ,,';,�; ' '•�� Hau►rdous Substancts an or in the Prop+�r,;;. Barrowcr shall not da, nor allow anyone else to�lu. anylhing affaeting tht '!',°� <br />-. Property that is in vfoldion aE Aay ErnironmNnu►1 la�w. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to Ihe presenoe,use�or <br />" , �•. .,�.,• storage an Ihe Pmpeny o!'s�a�a c�uuntities of Har�rdous S�ubstan�s that are genera(ly r�cogniud to be appropri�te to nornwl.� <br /> .`.�+ '� .. ��,' residential u�und to mnintenance of the Pioperty. <br /> `"' Borrower shAll promptly give l.ender written notice of rmy investigwion.claim,demand.lawsuft or other action by�y'' , <br /> .,. �,'; govemmentul or regulnlary agtncy or pdvale purly invoivfng the Property ond any Ha�ardous SubsWnce or Envlronn�etuai Lxw • <br />��..-i.r�+, . • , . <br /> _ - ��.•+ •� � "• of which Bortnwcr hus actual knowledgc. If Barmwer leams, ar is notified by any overnmcmal or mgulatory authori . th!•art <br /> g rt <br />-_v a�y remaval a�other r+emediulion of any Ha�ardous Substance off'ectin�the Pn►perty is nece�ry. Banawer slwll P��Y M��. <br /> �•� . oll necessary remediul•ictioa�in accordonce with Envirunmental <br /> ,_4�.. As ur,ed in this pnr.�grupfi 20, "Hazardous Sul►slnnces" are lhose substances defined�taxic or hsizurdous�st►bstan�es by <br /> �8=.- Euvfw�►��k��iai urtd iiiz faflaw3ng substancr�: S�soliae, kerossnt, nther llammable or toxic petrele�sm��cts. se�' <br /> • �»��, .,:;... pexticidex anJ P+ect�icide�,volatile solven�s, muterinls containing asbestos or famiuldehyde.and radiaactive mate �Is.As usal iQ� <br /> j ..�.'� �''^;f , this pur�grnph 2�i. "�nvirrmmenlal Law' m�ns federal lawc und Inws of the jurisdiction where tl�e Property is locatad t6aa , <br /> ,�,�` !� , '1�'� re1We to heaUh�safct� nr envird�,nmental pmte�:tion. <br />. /�S�i� ,� NON-UNQFORM C��'E:ti.�VTS.Borrower and Le.nder funher covenunt and agree as follows: � ': <br /> _ �,�,�'��;�;, •�^`n + , <br />_ ,. „..y��;�,. 1.Acce�e r a 0 i o n;1 3 N a i e d i�5. L e n d e r R l u�l l g i v e n a A t e t o B o r r o w e r p r i o r t o a e c e l e m H o n t d l o w i n g B o r ro w•e r s b re n c h <br /> c�'�•• ii at ut,v rnvennat or pgoeemen� in this Security Instr�ment (but not prior ta accelerallon under pot�grnph ly � � - <br /> �%�Y°• • ireble la��� so��Ides athen��ise).T he nM ice s hp l l ypec i fy: (a)I h e de f AUl h. (b)the a c tion r e quired to c u r c t h e d d'a u c,; <br /> ._�r1.'r; "' ts�a�r�ti• ' API� 1� <br />_;,��� (c)a date�not less thAn 30 days fmm thc ds�te the natice Is given to whkh lhe defouit muct be cured;nn� <br /> ,�� <br /> ';y� �'i;:,5i!"y a►}�. <br /> ���,,:'�s`� �.'��' (d1 Ihat failure to cure 1he detault on i�r Ix:fore thr date spectiied In the notice may result In acceleration ot tde swns <br /> , �, �: tt�.i,�,,s;.,�l�r <br />-�y;�° -,,,,,,,i,,,,,,,� �secured by this Secu�tty Inslrument and �suulc of the 1'�nperty. The notke Rhall further intorm Borrower at!!rc�IQht to <br /> ' ' ' �'� c ,�>; ., reinstate atter acceleruUan and the riqht to brlog u caurt action to�.csert the non�xtsteuce ot a defaWt ar any otber <br /> � .' "�`�'� �'�`' � defen�e oP BormK�cr lo acceleratian and r�le.If the detault ts not cured on or before the date specified in the notke, - <br /> -y=- ,� ---- [.endcr, at Its oplEoa.may rcyuErc imnsedi�te puy�esent En tell of a!! ssma secured bp thEs SecurEty Instnemeut wit�oes� <br /> ° �`! ;, � ,� ��'."'� furthcr dem�nd and may invoke the poa•cr of cale and Any other remedi�.s perm(tted by ap ica�le low, l.ender shWl be <br /> 't6.W.,i ° tY� C. p1 <br />�'u �N,�4�,s,��� entltled to rnllect all expenses incurred M pursuins Ihe rcmediex prnvided In this parpgraph�1,iacludin��but not limited - <br />