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`_�f:/ . ..�`�� . ` '. _ , _' <br /> 1 '—_��_ � r 1 " —__ _-. <br /> � ____ ,. - =-.:� 93=a�o��� � : <br /> .. <br /> ��. — <br /> a. Hnosrd ar�r�opaty I�.araaoe. eormw�er �4�1� �oeep u�e Imqovemaw now exla�n� on c��a.tta a�ec+«t m tl,e <br /> Pn�ertY inwrod+�inu loas by flro. IwYa� inctudai wUhin tla term"exw�ded ooverqQe'�nd�ny wber h��. iacludiq� <br /> ilaodi or Auodit�. for whkh Laider roqulres incurance.Thi�inwra�rca ct�ll bo m�it►pinod lo Iho unaums and tar tl�e perlod� <br /> �!w l.andor requina.7i�e inw�noo arrier provWin�die irourmoe ciWl be chocen by Bnrmwor wbJati w l.arier'�approvd <br /> whkh sl�ll na be unrwcanably withheld. It Bonower tdis ta m�intain wver�e dacrlbod above. t.a�der m� I.e+�der'� <br /> - oplian.abt�in cove�e w Nrolect I.ender's dQtw in 1hc Pmperty in amMd�u�oe with para�raph 7• • <br /> All iiuut�nce policia►�nd anewsls slWll be aoceptable lo I.eader ard clwll include a��d monaaye clwce. l.emkr <br /> ah�ll lu�ve the d�ht to hold Ihe p+ikies and rc�ewal�.lf l.ender ta�uin�s,Borrower�b�ll pranptlY Bive w I.ceder all�eoeipuCot <br /> !'g-�-�-----��„-� p�id premiums and rcnewal notic�s.ln the evrnt M locs.Born►wor�II give proa�M natloe W the inturaooe carriar�nd I.onder. <br /> l.a�de�au�y m�ko proaf af locx if not m�de promply by Banawev. <br /> ;-r: Unkss I�endcr md Barmwer otherwlco�g�ee in wrlting.inwranoe pn�eoodo siuill be pppliad a nato�tbn ar repair oi tho <br />""'" Pmperty d�mwQed. if the�aration or rep�i�is ea►nomially Peasible and l.ender's security ia not lessened.If tha rostoratioo ar <br /> r�i�io not aconomicslly feasiblc or Lender's savrity would be les�ned.thc incurnnoo prn�ad�sh�ll ba appliod w tl�e s�ais <br /> ,� savrod by thia Saviity I�saueneot, whdlKr ar na then due. wllh any eicrras ppid 1a Borcawer. lf Norrowee�6wndoos 1ha <br /> _�� Pn► dnes m�an�wer withio 30 davc� mtioe fmm[.ender that 1he inwrnnoe carries hac ai�ed b cdlb a elaim.Ihm <br /> - Lendcr may cdkct�he iaswmoe pro�coods. t�s�dcr may use the proexds to n�ai�or nestora 1he Propuny ar w qy n�ms <br /> — securod by tWs Secudty last�ument.Ml�elher or nollhen due.The 311�dny puiod will begin wAen IAe notioo is givee. <br /> - = Ud�,ss I.erder�nd Bwrower a�wise r�n�e in�qnritinB. anY ApPliauion of pucoods to pinicipail sA�ll not exkrd or <br /> ..", postpone�hc due d�te of tl�c nw�MNY WY�s�efemod to in p�uag�aphe 1 and 2 or ch�u�ge ihe w�ouM of the payusd�ts. li <br />�- �' •'�t}� under p�r�qgr�h 21 IM Property is aoquirod bX l.endcr.Borrower's�ight to sny iasuranoo policies and pra000da naulUeg fiom <br />_ <br />