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' .. ..w� _.. <br /> r. �, .:;r__ <br /> -_ . n��, ,s�� �i . ' . : .. �.. . <br /> .. l� .� _�;. <br /> . y �.' .i. ._ ��rr�h. <br /> •- ._.�.,:.:.:L.�:� 98r�.o���7 <br /> 'Ii0(]RTHHR WITN dl�he impro�emeet�t�w w ha�esfler etectod an the pmperty.and�11 eatemeet��N�Wne�nas,and <br /> _—_— A�tures now cx heraRe� � p�rt ui' �he ptnQe�ty. All �epl�oementp Arid �Wili� rh�ll alcn bo coverod by 1hi� Security <br /> - -- - �W lu�trumeat.All at Iho fcHegain�is nefertad ta in Ws Sacurity Imiruman av ihe'Prnpc�tY.• <br /> BORROWRR COV6NAN7'S tlut Bonowe�Is I�wiblly sei�ed of Ihe epate hercby canvryod wd hAs tho�i�ht to�nnt�nd <br /> caonvey the Prr�petry�nd tlut�he P�oparty is unencumberod.excepl for encumbranxs af renxd. 8amnwer w�rnua4 and will <br /> = ddead�pteratly the tille to the PropettY�fmt dl claims�nd damrnd�,aubje�ti�o any encumbrAnce.c�f ra^o�d. <br /> TN1S SF.CURITY INS7RUMEM'mmbinac uniform cavenant►for nwtional use and nan•unifomi wvenwns with lin�itod <br /> varia�ia►s by judcdictian ta caistitute o unif�rm sav�lty instrumrnt oave�in�rca�l pmpeMy. <br /> "" UNII'URM C�OVENANTS. &►mnwe�And l.ender rnvenr�u and agree a►foUowa: <br /> �: _� - ------� <br /> : 4- 1.Ryswf af Itii�clpsl a�d Iata�aAt �9� aed We CM�gaA. Bormwe� shull pmmW�Y PDY whrn due the ., ,. <br />:=�., p�incip�l af and intercst an�he de6t evideaood by tho Nae and any prep�yment and Iwta chwrges due under�he Nde. <br /> 2.F�wb for Tiuca a�d Iniurance. Subje�ct to applicable law o�ta a wrltlen waiver by Lcndcr, Bamawer shul)pay to <br />-,,� I�ender ao the d�y monthly paymeats am due under the Nate.uolil thr Nate ie paid in full,a sum("Funda')for:ls)yearly t+uca <br /> �.�.r, <br /> atd Acstssmenis which mwy uuain pdodly over�his Secu�ily loslniment us a lien an Ihe Ptopetty:(b)yea�ly Ieasehold paymenta <br /> ..__,., <br />------- --� csrgsesirtd rertta an thc Prc�gerty. if r.ny:tc)3'esrly hnutd or progerly incuten�r�mmiomc�(dl yrarly IUxwl in�wunnne pneo�iums. <br /> . ....� .:.�: ....�.�---� <br /> �'°'��� if�ny;(e)yearly mortga�o insuranoa prcmiums. if Any:ond(fl any sums payAble by Barnnwcr to I.ender,io aa.�axdau�re witA � <br /> --- ti�c provi�sio�vf pwag�ph Neu af�hc payment of'mortgagc insurar�co premiums.These items are calted'Escrow Items.' <br /> — I,ender mqy, at�r time. rnlloct ad hold Fundc in an au�aunl tK►t ta exceed tM urucimum amount a lender Por� feder.dly <br />-�µ — - relatad m�oitgage laan maX requim for Bar�wei s escro�r accounl under �M fodera�Real Estwe Seaktinent P��edures An of' �'`: <br /> � � �;�.: <br /> 1•x�~ 19T4 as�umdod from time w 1imr. 12 U.S.C.Sectian 2601 er sry. ('RESPA'1.,ar,� w�a6er law Ihat upplies to the Funds �;,::: <br />-- sets a lesser amou�N. If w. l�ender may.rut amr time.vollac� and MW Funds ia ah a�o�ux noc rA exceed the lesser amount. __ <br /> _ --- Ixnder a��r estia�ate the amounc of Funds due an the b�sis of rurmnt dzta and aea�onablc cnc6,r,�;��f eapenditura of fum�e �_' <br /> ' Esavw•Itemx or at�erwise in xcoManc�c with applir�ble law. �_- <br /> The Furxis shall be held in an inslitution wha� depasits ure insured by a foderal agency, instarum�rr.n�a6ory, or entily �� <br />_Ar;;; �•" lirk9uz9ing l.cader.if Le�xicr is snch an institution)or iu:cr.,:Federal Home Loan B;ink. Lender shall apply t�s Funds to pay�he �:': <br />�v�w lee�.l.ender may not ct�rge Borrower for hot�ina�and applying the Fu�ds.annually a�wlyzing tt�e escn�w acrnunt,or -`' <br />:o�'� '°�_ �` veriiyin�tUe�scrow Items,unless Lender pnys Bormwr�interes�oo�he Funds ami applicable law permils Lender to make v��.h �._ <br /> -�, �cFwrge. Haw�ever,L.ender may requir+e Borrawer to pay�une-time charge Por an independent real eswte tux reporting se►�n,�Y <br /> .� ,',� usal by Lender in rnnrKCtion with this loan, unle�y :upplicabla Inw provides wt�:nvisc. Unless an agreement is made or �"'' <br /> _,; ��•i. � ��a��.� ' ctyp l i c a b l e l a w re q u i r e s i n t e re s t t o b e p u i d,L.e m f e r s h n l l n o t b e r e q u i re d t o p r y&*r c m�w c r a n y i o t e r e s t o r e a m i n g s o n I h e F u n d s. <br /> • r�:,5�,' �''- <br /> :;.� •r,�f �,,� : .. Bon+nwer wd Lender:nay s�ree in writing. however.that interest slwll be puid an thc Funds. l,ender shall give to Borrower, ��: <br />__, '�=^Y� wNhout chu�ge, an annual acecwmiog af the Funda, s�howing credits end debits to the Fundq� �he purpose for which each � <br /> 5n;= � �- ��� s�eb:t i�ilsc Fusxls was r:�sde.T!�F�;:x..h are pledged s5 scklttias►s!�resdt�,�f�r a!!sums secursd t��- 1�4s Secutlt;!In�tn�men�. � <br /> j�� '�' � ' " If the Funds held by I..ender exceed�he amounts permitted to be held by appllecablr luw,Lender shull�.tix�unt to Burrower ='°• <br /> tu si°�'i�' • � ' <br /> `'�` �� � o''��•� ffor t0ie eaces,s Fu�d,in uc��m�ndanc�e with 1he requircments of applicuble luw. If the um+nunt of the Funds helc� R�•,l.ender at any �''"' <br />.,,,�„ <br />- •t;,�.•.. . - 'tr r i•� <br />°.�;:� :+..; , � time ic mx suETiicienl to pny the Escraw Items when due.Lender muy ca notify&�rr,ti+ner in writing.and,in�ueh csise Borcower � <br /> .,,s!•+: <br />'="�:�a �*��i����� shall pay tu i.ender the airKwnt ne��sary to mnke up the deficiencp. Bnrrower alwll make up the deficiency in no mare than ...,. <br />':` <br />