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- luttlrM�, •;:;�ii:4�. 'il�sieif_t ,:i'i:�-.-8it714 •,�'.•-••� .• . . . . _T <br /> - _+ _:;.,':,5.__ ,-.-T-.-T- .,.-x . <br /> -/o . .. aoc:. ' 4''�'7,<_ . . , 1 . <br /> � ,w� . .,u.4 .. <br /> . . _ --- 4""- <br /> -' _-__-__— .——_ _ <br /> '. , _� <br /> - -- -- . - -�--:�� 93� io�9ai �. <br /> S. ilw�d or P�npta'1y Iwa�rance. Boirower �Iwll koep !he impra�vemeotf m►w cRiclinQ or I�rsRer e�actod an 1he <br /> Pirc►peny insurod�ai�lass by flro,har.anis i�xluJal wi�hin�he tcrnn 'rx�c►Klw1 aa•ern�e' and any nther hwud�. includinQ — <br /> - -- floodr ar floocfin�. f�which I.ender neyuim imunuKC.Tid+In.uruix��hull hc rtwintnined in�he umouatti umi fur the periodg �- <br /> that I.cnder roquircs.7Ue inwran�e carricr pm�iding dic imurutkr.hall hr.ho�en by I��rn�wc� s,ubjuy i�� I.ende�'�u�mval _ <br /> -�,�,�, which�11 not he uorca�►nAbly wi�Uheld. If B��mw►•cr f:�il, a►mwimain cuvcragc dc�rihod ahc►vn. I.endcr �rwy.+�1 I.cnder'w �-.: <br /> � ,��^ option,abtwi�rnveage ta protect I.ender's�igbiF io du�Pn�+eny in urcuMunae wUh parsigmph 7. �"" <br /> �.� All inwrnnec pnlicies and rcncwals schall tsc:wceptahle to I.eoder and rhAll includc A �.tAndanl rn��ngugc cluutie. I.eixicr ��„ <br /> '.. �II Iwve the�fght lo hold the p►licies and rcnewalF. If I..ender rcquire�.Rarn�wcr�,hall pmmMly glvc�o I.erwler ull mxiptti of <br /> , . <br /> �,_ �j�„ <br /> ;._n _ -- -_ _ -- paid prcmiums wd rcr�cwal nwiues.In U�r evr���uf lus..A��RUwer alwll give prumM �wt+ur a��hn inwranw cuur�lcr uiwl la:nJ��. .�.::, <br /> ,�'� ==: <br /> l.ender may make proaf of IcKS if oot made promp�ly by Borrowe�. <br /> � ��' °�� Unless l.rnder atd Bornower dhenvisa agroe in pmceedF ahull he uppliod lo restoration or repair i�f�he `:'�. <br /> = Propehy danwgad,if�he n�storotion ar rcpair i�oconomically feusible and Lende�'�se�wity is not les+cw�i•If 1he res�or�lian or <br /> —°-��;'�� �a re�air i4 not ocono+r�icall�r fessibk ar l.e�wler's cecu�ity wauW be lessened.the j�arrrce proc�eds stwll be�ppliod u►Ihe sums <br /> --���'r:S.�i::'.. <br /> —.�,i�;� sow�nod by lhis Secwity Instn�men.w1�etBer or na1 tl�en due, wNh s�ny �xc�ess paiJ to Borrower. If&xmwe�r�bradons 1he �„- <br /> — __=_- _ - -° T'rn�ptny,w�iuca aufi ranwcr wiuu�iv w��+��wwi�Y i�w�i i.r�� ii�i iur i�wr��uwc�wiici �w v�ctic�i�r aciia a�:diiu. i.'i�3 <br />— ���'�"�'`��:�'.'� L�arkr ma�y cdfec� 1l�e insuranoe prooeaL+. Ix�der mag use the pncbods to repair or reslore tF�e Pa►p�eny or ta pa�• wau �:`= <br /> - ° sa�uad by this Sesurity I�tnument,whe�ther ar nd Ihen due.The 30-0ay period wiN begin when the notice is given. � <br />.,'�``.� � � U�less I.eaier aad Bornower abervirise agree in writing, anX applic�ion of pnoeead� to principal shall not eatend or <br /> . ' • �.:�. postponc�hc due da�e of lM:mn�ruhlY paXments refemod tc� in para,gr.iphs 1 ard?or change the�maunt af the paymenlF. If :�.;., <br /> ,.,,�;, + •r;. . <br /> .. `;:,,,;, under p�rqgnph 21 the P�upetiy i�auqui�ed by Lender.&►rruw•er's riqht to any insur��e palicies ard prckeeds msulting f'rom t?u`, <br /> =- ._ ��'��rE'`�' d�nu�e to the Pwpehy prior to the acquisilion chall�mss to l�der to 1M;extent oi�he sums s�wr+al ay�his Svcurity Instnimeat <br /> �m <br /> s�-"`,�l'r iwtaediatelp pri��ta ihe arquisilion. -�;�_ <br /> �/.y��!�,�r:�n � �,��'. <br /> �,� i.Oo�vpa�ncy,Preser�atinn.l�WMenance pnd Hntection of the Pr+nP�Yi Borrower s l�!A}�p4r�atiai;l.�oWs. , �:, <br /> '' `" y:�.,.e. Borroa�er sF�all occupy.estaMi.h.and use�he Rmperty a�6u�rnwer's principal r+esidence withio sixty tt�}�adt�r dr.�c.ecution oi' :: <br /> . -,,��. M1 ,. �;..; <br /> r..�•,.,�:.. r. . ; �h�s Security I�st�ument atd sFwll rnntinue to axupy the}'raperty as Barrower's principal residcnsQ rt�,r at lea.v����:c year after . „ <br /> � �;?:;`:' , Y�'�: <br /> ,�.+ :._�.,„� :�.�:; the date of ac+:��cy, unless Letde�atherwire agr�ets in writing. which rnnsent shall nat be unmera:��nably withheld. or unless �,nu <br /> �;��:., exunuatin ci��er.uutanas exisl which are be ond Borrower's oontrol. Bormwer shall noR d��ciny. dama e or im r rhe �'��� <br /> B Y 8 P� :?%=-. <br /> ' '�= }'niPerty. allow•�he Propeny ta detericKatr. or commit wasle on the Property. Bormw•er shnOP k�e in defuult iF any forfeiwre }�,;� <br /> � � "':':"`' ac�ion or pmceoding, whetl��civil�x criminal, is begun that in Lender's good fuith jucigment cou9d resul�in forfeiwre of the �l��t;;;. <br /> ���� � a:vz„ <br /> r P�npeAy or c�therwisc muleriallq im�uir thc lien crcated by tbis Security Insuument ar Lc+xler's secu�ity interesl.Borrower may <br /> ;�' ��' curc wch a default and oeinsttue,as pmvided in parngraph rswsing the ac[ion or proccecling w be dismissed with a ruling ��;; <br /> Uwt. in l.ender's determinalion, prccludcs forf'citurc of thc Borrower's inttrest in Ihe Prapetty ar other mute�lul a�= <br /> Y��� - . impaitment of the lien crrated hv this Security Instrumeat or Lender's security interest. &�rrower shall alsa be in delault if <br /> . � �"�` ; ' ,; Bomnwer,during the laui��fica'tion process,gave materially false or inaccurate infoTmation or swtements to Lender(or failed � <br /> .w' •, w,.._. <br /> . �,,. to provide L.ender wi�h any material infornuuion>in c�m��eclion wi�h�he luan eviden.:ed by the Nnte,including,but�ot limited , ;� <br /> ' . •`"�� -r� " �'� to,rcpr�sentations concerniog Borrower's occupancy of the Propcny tu A priacipal residence. 1(this Security Instrument is on u ''�' <br /> . - ° '�'.,�,..:, leasehold. Borrow�er sh�ll camply with aU the pmvisians of �he lease. If Bormwer acqui�es fee �i�ie to the Property, U�e ;',��� <br />:` , �o� � ;;i�. leasehold and the dee tide shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. �� <br /> M , '� '.�,s,,,,,:;,:.` � 7.P�oteMion of I.ender's RiRhts In the 1'roperty.lf Bormwer fails to perform Ihe covennnts nnd agreementti cantained in `'''r` <br /> � - � � '�� lhis Securily Instrumenl, or there is a legal prc�ceeding thot muy significantly affect l.ender'� rights in the Propeny (such as u ��•,::� <br /> � � „.�+►;: racc�adin m banL:ru c r�te, fi�r cuixlemna�ion or forfeiwre or�o enfonc laws or re ulution+), Ihen I.ender ma do und ����� <br /> -�� �'��=.; P B� P� Y•P B Y '� <br /> „''• f-''`"�=`-�'� '� pay for whatever i,neccssary to pr�wctt Ihc valuc of thc Propeny anJ Lendcr's rights in Ihe f'�operty. I.endcr's uctions muy '.v.,��;` <br /> .�.� '��� �`"'� inelude p�ying any sum.� cecvn�d by a lien which hati priority ove� thi� Se�:urit}• Instrument, uppearing in court, payinF ��•:'•, <br /> - rcasonablc attarncy�'fccs and catcring on thc!'raperty an mwl:c rcpsin. Although Lc,;;.r may takc action onderthi:patagraph ����'` <br />-!N� - - — -z_.�.,.��z,.,� ;c�:, <br /> :r-, .`�_ .. 7.Lender dc�es nc►t huvc to do so. �:t_• <br /> •:. � ror,:�.,, Any em�wnts disbur,ed by Lendcr unJer this paragraph 7 ,hull t+a�nne addi�ionul Jebt of Bormwer secured by this ��—m' <br />;.�;m ' �,� . <br />` -),���;, � '����. , Securily Instrument. Unless Bomnwer and I.ender ugrcc to uther�erm�of payment, these am��unt� shall lxar imercst frum the ��:� <br /> 1+.�?'°;::� ..��'� � . . '' date of disbu�sement a� �he Nae rrte mxi s�all 6e payable, with inlcrest, u�x�n notice from I.ender to Borrower reques�ing � <br />_:.�.,�,,,� �• <br /> .� ' �r)uk:ut. r-'_ <br /> _ � � ' + •-�, A, 3`:+>:, <br />`� ,,; .; �•,��_: �+ S.Mort�e Iasu�nce. If l.endrr required m�►ngvge imurrnce a.r r�►nJiti�in al'muking the loan secured by this Securiry <br /> � � �i:i �f�'} <br /> �.'f '. r:� .� ��-.• ' Instrument. &xmwer xhull p:iy the premiums required to muinluin thc monguge inwranrc in eifect. If, for any rcuu►n, the �•.; <br /> ���• •.. 'i+. " mortgage insurunce coverage required bv Leuder lapties i►r�ru+es�o k+e in effert,&�rn�wer,hull puy tbe premiums required to ,�: <br /> ��..,n <br /> � a • ' <br /> �;':c:'•�� � �� ' ot►tain rnverage subslamially equivalent to the mortgnge insuronce prrviou.rly in effert, ut u cus�suh��anti�lly equivalent to the ��� <br />-�rr ,r, <br />:����f��{, �ti.,� � rnst ta Borrower of the mort�age insurance prcviausly in el'fert, from an ulteriwte nxingage in.urcr appro�eil by Lender. If <br /> !�;' � �' +•����f� ,�t� subswntiull wvulent mon a e in,urarkc covcru �i�m�t uvailuble, &�rruwcr �hull u �a Lender wch mornQ�a .um ual 10 - <br /> . ,�j��t��. ,. � Y�9 � F B R' P Y �I <br /> :�,.;'. ?p�� , � one•twelflh of�he ywrly mnngugc in,uronre prcmium Iking p•riJ by &irrou•er when thr intiuranre cn�rruge lup.ic!ar re;�u.�l�o <br /> �� , �� ,�t,...., <br />,,.}?���+t; '.,�.,,�;�%W�':: : be in effect. l.ender will accept,uac anJ retain�he�r puynkn��ux u la�ti R,crvr in licu ��I' mnn��pe in�urwrcti. 1.��.s Rsen•e . <br /> ,:,.:'.� � �-, M1 .�.. 4 <br />-'�»�k.+ ...��: . Fam 3026 a190 L°--- <br />-- �,�;,: <br /> n. <br /> �ay�3 0l 8 ... <br /> f•'`9f,` {f <br /> '' I�'����'I�;:�f 1i.f• ..r 1 <br /> ,;; ��:��K„�,�r:��==:�i�`��:. <br /> .� �,,,:; ,`����, ��.:��.' r <br /> }'tA ' i / >' �� �},� 'R. <br /> _��� ��)lff�;, t �����ii�'V�`<�o�}:�!i�0�1�kA�fj4\:'4Y4it1�+��}/�}S�k.��'J.3.1�. ��� 1`,t���f�l•ovr��SSi•'�'���i�uNriilM4Y���MAMM�A'{N`N'"'1�'M%�I���NiAi*�!P�ii.`'�:..?'�'MAhM�!`<'�� . <br /> t �/��'yS�ti. �� ��'tir;l�` , 4-','P t� i .�G_ f)Sk�.,1���'�i7' i - f t . .��.,', ' . . ,�,: ..r � . � ..�i��i'' , � � . . .,. � <br /> ( 1 ir , s:. .,f.!,. 4 �i"�y> ;i1 i . ' ,��„t� <br /> rY�Ttr` �y��,� 5- Ei '.. - .�; - !�, - til� . f 1 �� � � i i . . . . :� . '� . <br /> ��[,�SvC'��_t:r'S�.AY. .i 2�fi• 5�. 1� � � '' <br /> . . . <br /> .. <br /> ..r . •i��t'tT�� 1��!�� . <br /> � -- -- . _ ,t. •., _ <br /> _'�f 7 si . � • . " • " _ , -.� . , . .l•1. . - . ... , . .. . . ,��,i, , , ... :, -- . . <br /> r`��1� �R., . .� `-15 r�� - . �I-- � , . ' - . . / • • . <br /> _ G �r� Y. . . �� . - i� . , . � ���� , , � .. <br /> - ir���' f�e .' , ' �5����� . � �l�r � �- r�.�� i'� S,. I �t'� . • ' <br />' � ` .��,'.c'�' „ ; �� ���' ,+', � ,� ���r:. <br /> ..�� ;,, � � , ,' � <br />. �. " �jti�lps(� i . � - - � ��ll i�' .�� , i.i' . � ;�;� . <br /> y < t - . ,f 5l t ,����;�i� ����� '�� j•jj' . ' _ �t. 1, - j,. , <br /> �� ; '�,��.. . � ���::I:�t:��V urir,� �t�''�1����1�' .. ' � •�!�" ' <br /> �.�. • � �. .. . � :,:�'' ,�1-� � •.1,� �� � Y .,� ':', : <br /> � 1. (��� � .. '�/ ti� -������- .�� � . .;'; ` r; � .. � . <br /> ' f- . � 11 '�h',.• '- i ti . <br /> .. � .11c1 �f" • ' , �,l " •, ` f�`; •.{,��,ti,��S <br /> � %r� A�t� , i�� ,��, •.l�t`•.�,��: . <br />. . + .�Y, . _ ,'i1i� ,e . � . i1,:�.i.4• . <br /> • ' 4 �- =�:: . • .... . <br /> �� ` ' , � <br /> � � ' <br /> , . , <br />