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. .. ....�m�,... __—._—�- ' . . "' �.j. <br /> 1"i .. <br /> T�.�IV+:_nq►�ItYfiM .- � � . <br /> � -.� �r�.L�:� .a:' <br /> .. ' �� �V� . • e _x. . . <br /> ...�i r! _ _ . <br /> ., ....... .-_._��-- - —----_. <br /> � . - - _=� 93-�.0�!�.:t. --- <br /> 7'O(fETHHR WITH�Il lho improvcatetus nnw cK F►eroailu etonod�Mt Ihc pnpt+ty.�nd all ea�ta.+yg�unet�n�xs.atd — <br /> � Q�tures e�aw c� bere�Qer w (wul nf Ihe prope�ly. All npl�oetnenlr �nJ iwiditi�mr ,�lull dx� ho c.�vcrod My thi* Sacuriry <br /> ------- 1�.All of�he fi�te�ain�iw rci'cmai�u in�hir Socud�y Inw�ument��hc'Pay�eMy.' �_ <br /> BORROWER C�OVBNANT9�iut Qam�we�i�I�wiblly rei�od nf�he cst�le he�c!►y am��c��ed�uxi hw►�Iha daM tu p�and <br /> - mnvry t!� Pmpetly and Ih�t IMe Pn�y i�unaneumNemd.��� r�►���w�►t►r„n��r�►ro. tl�rnnwc�wattawc anJ will � <br /> '�� defead�e�arally the Utlu�o�ho Pn+pehy ag�ina�dl cldms and�iwi�,subja:t�o Aoy et�un�Mr�nrc�uf�+e�tixd. -�' <br /> .,e <br /> THIS SECURITY INS7RUM6NT eamfiit�s uniFixm a�ven�nt�fn�nntiunrl u�e nnd nan•uMf�xm wwemua�wi�h Umited �� <br /> -� vwriui�►ni by ju�i�dictian�o c�onstitute a uniform socu�i�y instrumem a�vetii�g rc,�l pmperty. <br /> �.. <br /> . • �es:. <br /> --------- - _ _ _ UNIi�ORM�OV�NANTS.BarmNe��nJ I.rnJrr awerwni�1++groe�u fi�lluwr: " <br /> � 1. 1'�yma�t af Peincip�l uid IMerecti P�'�I�ymea� u�d I.wle (:lu�ry�eo. �mrn►�er �11 pry�mM�Y PAY when due Ihe l <br />:_ ,'. principal at�nd imote�on the debt evide�tcad by thc Ndc and any prc�uymcm piwl lwic cluirgc�due under 11►e N�we. � <br /> -° 2. I��ul�for T�es snd In�uranoe. Subjc+ct �o applicatde Ipw or�o a wrilten waiver hy Ixnder. Fk�rmwe�nhull pwy lo �"�. <br /> ���`� � l�ender on the doy monthly paymcnts am due unde�Ihe Nate.unlil�he Nwe is paid in ti�ll,u�um t'Fu�wh.")�Of:(AI yCiUly(�RCS <br /> y�c�•�°.".t'�_,� ' <br /> - =-_---- and assasmenis which m�y atwin priarNy over�his Socurity Insttument ac u lian an the Pre►peny:IM1 Yearly IeaeeFMld poyments �'_� <br /> --_�.a,ti-:�� u� giw���w�ia w ii���a�ir,i6 w��,�.ici yrw��y�ww�s vi p�a��iy loama�i��pia.iiiliiiil.:i.l3 yariy tta�.i tswraac:.���iiidBtris, — <br /> .�'.ry:y�"��`��: if any:lel ysarl�r rr�r�qge e�uraure premiva�s.if any:and (Q any wm+p�yable by &►rn.w•er to l.ender. in aornrdwxr With '�: <br /> �,� � �Ae piurisiooc of'par�grap6 S, in lieu of'the payme�M af moA�ge insurmr preauu�.Thex i�ecns arc rdlod'Escn.�r Itc�nr.+." , <br /> ,,,�;. lander may,at a�r time.rnlGoct and IaW �wnds in aa amiwnt ra�to exceod the m;uimucn uu�x�um a IenJer fi►r r federally <br /> `� `:�.:'. ne�ated mort�c loan may require far&xma�er's exrorv a��ouw ua��r ttie federrl Real Estate 5eqleme�w Pnw�e+lures A�y of �f • <br />�;.�_� - .Y-:�=--- 197a as ame�ded from time a time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 rt srq.f'RESPA'1,unle�+wrxl�law that a�pplies w Ihe Fwds ;'.- <br /> '��V� s�et��lesser Amomr. li so. Lender m�y, at any time. rnllcrt anJ hold Fu�i��n�wn�na w ez�red�he less�e���u�N. ''�� <br />�:�i_ll::fl_ . ±.♦ <br />:::'�;�• <br /> :'':.� ...� i.r��ie� uwy iaiiurYe ii�r+uwuui uf:��ri+.1u:. .}r� ili:bas1�aF:utr�ttii data atid ia�uii+bfe csiiiii�ila�uf r�►µtiMiiiw�s uf fuiuia. �� <br />_�-,t�� ; ,:+�?,,�, �scmw ltems ar o�herwise i�Acrnrdance wlth appliG�ble law. 1'.? <br />",, � The Funds shall be held in an institution whose depusits are iasumi by a federal agency, in�trumrntali�y, or enti�y ,�� <br /> �"�+ lincluding I.ealer.if Lender is such�n lnstitutionl ar in any Federsil Hume Loan B:�ak. I.ender shall apply Ihe Funcls lo pay the <br /> �.; �....,::t.,, '�` <br /> ���;; �� '`�''°�k� Eserow itemc.L.ender may not eharge Bornower fa�holdipg an�1 applying tl�e Fund.,a+nnually�an�lyzing the escmw��eount.or �� <br /> . �•; .`��,•: <br />_ �' ��''�� verifying the Escrow Items, unless I.ende�pays 8orrow•er interes�un itu�Fund�aad applicable law•permits l.ender to make such �• <br /> S�� <br /> . .;?f4P�, a charge.However. L.emier may requirc Barruwer to pay�one-tinx rharge f�r:a�independrnt mul es�ate t:�c repotting scrvice �� '�'�- <br /> • • i;�?: +��}� •'' u�;ed by I.ender in conne.tic�n with this luan, unle�s applir�ble Inw pmvide� ��tEoetwlse. Unlcys Ao u�mrre�nt is maJe or <br /> , � yr�v . "��''�•.,. . <br /> r..•�.r;�;;y rap�licable law requires inten��st to be paid.l.ender shalO m.v ik�equired ta pay&+rrower any intercct ar eurnin�,on Ihe Fund�. <br /> ..M'�• �;�i. ,��i1 Borrower sud Lender aw a ree in writireF, however.t0�at intere�t Jrall be d on the Funds. l.ensErr.hatl we�o Borrower, � <br /> _'.:;,t ;!;,r; '� .;�:.. Y 8 a a P� � . <br />-:�=:ti;;;.1 '°�' r' wfthout char�e. an annual acrnunting��0'ch: �unds, showing cr��Dits a�nd debi�s to the Funds u�l Ihe pu�se for which each ..E� <br /> :. ,���,�r'�+� :3 ,?°-� dc�bil to ti�Fute�la wus made.The Fundx a�e pledged as addi�ional.�oueiry far ull sums secur+ed by th�s secu�ry Insuument. _ � <br /> �i '' �'t�tl� If the 1Fain�d.g held b�; l.en�ler exceed the sunc�unts miitted to M held b a licable law,l.ender sh�ll acoounl to Bormwer � `' <br /> �. � �r: .. i . Pe Y Pp� . ,. <br /> '�� <�j for the excess Fa�nds in u�a�n*.ance wflh the reyuirements of Appli�►bk Iaw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender a�uny 4.�; <br /> ;i'��n"•'?";�.•F time is nd�wfF�.:�ent ta pny�he Escrow Ot�when due.l.ender ma� w rtatify&►rrciwer in writing, such case Bornower ' � <br /> �.;.. r•c. . . • ;k3 :;• ''i . <br /> ; :; �� . :. ,�.,�.�. t t;� shall pay to d,r;r�.ler the amount necex,vw�:�. �;,�make up the deficie�X. B_wmwer shall make up the cleficiency in no nwre itw� , , <br /> •., :�; �-: ' ',.�". F twelve monthly I.ender's�cc�'k:di:�crc�ion. ' • <br /> _•�t , � :,;.t;�;..;�: �^.':r�;; <br /> :,�; . ,,,,,•.,,,f, ;.,� Upon payment in full of all tiumc secured by this Security Instrument. L.ender shull pramptly refund t�� Bo�wer uny <<ti <br /> '"'' ' . '� '�y'.��� F u n d s h e l d b y L e n d e r. I f,u n d e r p a r a g r u p h 2 1, l.e n d e r s h u l l u c q u i r e o r ti e l l t h e P m p e n y,l.e n d e r,p e i o r t o t h e a c y u+c i t i o n o r s a l e <br /> .. ,,...�c.,.., .. <br /> ,�M�}*�>,,�:,;;:;�z� uf the Praperty. t�hall upply any Fundti heW by Letxler at tF�lime of�quixitioii or wle su�a crodit ageinst the sutns secu�ut b� <br /> `� 'd�.t��;"::,':��;�,,�� lhis Securiry Ices¢RUment. ... <br />-P� ' '�� 3.Applkae�of Ps►yments.Unles.opplicnble luw pmvideti rni�erwis�:,ull pnymeots received by l.ender urtder p;uagrAphs <br /> ,.. - : • .' •.,. <br />�;v`, �. ,;�", ,� '.,,;*_,•,,,..�.' i anyi 2 shu3i oe appiied: iir.�, io uny prepuymem ch:u���due unJer�hc�iulr: �r�y��xl. lo wiwun�aµ�yrbie w�� pau,�i+q►i►2, ;,�"?,5�,, <br />- " '��ey'�� a� t'hird,t�a intemst due:f��ar�h. to principal due:and lasa,aa an} late churges due uoc�?er thc Notc. '�""'' <br /> ��., i,, �, . _ � = iE•;•;. <br /> . , if�;,'s,' ;", , A.CMa�i Llern. Hnrmwer sha11 p�ay vll tuxes. as.��,snxniti,chargcs, finca and impositions attributublc to the Propeny f��; <br />:;.,��' �r a��ft� ;�;. r;l.?,r , w•hirh ma} a��:in prioriq�over this Srcuri�y Insuument, und Ir.��chc�!d paymcntx or gmund ren�s, if uny. eormwer shall pay •' <br />,.;,,,n� i'�r, �kj!�;�:�, •�r���... . ' � ,�:� <br /> -��:i:+� `,il i� • `e,.�,,;, these obliguoions in!he mnnner provided in purugroph 2,or if not pni;. in that munner,Horrnaer shall pay �hem on time directly <br /> `�'� a�'``, . � ��,tti�r rum uweJ a nxnt. &►rruwer.liull rooi il furni.h�u Lendcr all ihni.c�a�f urmwo�t.tu b�: afJ urwier thf� ar ra h. �ti <br /> ; +:'_;;,�1�` Fx P Y P P Y P P' +►i� P <br /> �� �S ` �• �� �t$orrower makes thetie ati mems direc�l &irr�►wer shall rum tly turnish tn 0_.ernNer recei ts evidencin tht iovments. ����'� <br />:: �: :�. I��. Y• P P P 8 P . .r- � <br /> ''-4-'���I��� M� '°•°. Bonawer shull prompNy dischargc any lien whirh hu�priori�y {•�cr thiti Sccurity Imtrununt unlesx Borro�r•cr:(ul ugrees in <br /> ''� ` � writing to the payment af the obliga�i�m x�ureJ by U�e lien in a msmn,r ucceptuble ai Lender;�hl rnnic�ts in goad failh thc hen � <br /> � •.�..j� ,.� <br />;;,:;�; '''� �''����' by. or defends against enforccmem �►f�he lien in, IeRol pr�xeeding+ which in the l.enJe�'. U�IT11h0 I��CT81C 10 piCVQR! �i-c� � <br />� �' . �.p�"i�1 'ie. <br /> -_; . - �„.,�,•,t enfcxcement of Uie licn;�ir(cl�ecurc+1'ram thc hulder af Ihc lien un ugreenunt wqitifucto�7• to I.cnder suh�+rdin:4ting�he lien tn =— <br />- ,`' 's�" " .,,p�y �3�i�S�tiurity Inrtrument If�,enJcr dc�enninrti thu� any pun uf the Pru�xny i,ruhj:�t �n u lien w•hich m.n at¢,+nm priuriry over ��:�+= <br />��',�•�,�+ ',:lj.y�^ ' ,�,�i..z7, . '"'-F:. <br /> "?. �� .. �,;,.;_,.�,•,.;��� this Securiry Inmtrumcn7. l.endcr muy �ivr&►rruarr a n�nice idrntil'yin�thc licn. 8„rrnacr ,h�ll�ti�ty the liea�nr�ake une ur ;:i:r•: <br /> ' ''+'.,:.. }'� , more of the:u�6r,n...rct ionh olwvr wi�hin IU Joy.u g g , �� . <br /> •1"�j:�,' f th� ivin iif m�irc. � <br /> �. ' � � f'Y�x�i'�T�`�:;`,.�'d� fam 3028 9190 ;;•L�- <br />. .J'•,TS;.�6 Y y�Yy� Vp��01 B •j f�r:��. <br /> �tti;.:t r r '.. � .r :.�. <br /> .`+yi?��t>;'s, :;,j j; <br /> F,��i ; -',��,, ��, <br /> 4, ,�'�t � � . <br /> :h�,. ,�„ .. �r�l <br />°:a �" . ' ` i?= I ' . <br />-�.4' " '� ,�� �. ' „f�i�: i , i t�t r.. i�,-• 7 tt• - tr,;.. t��'i <br /> '�" r,y,�ti?t T�;�.*'°...,'�S�i�1� t-� �4�1�'.��( ��(.�j��`tie�9bi1':'1{ii�'a�b..}7'. . .;2�;.'d .-bii�51`�.,y;i,ilJlR'�+'„�gr,l�t� • ,-'t;di:'"a�tiR:li�M�FJ'4�i,��`��i�V_ +' '.ti l, <br /> ?; <br /> TC]Lj: l���Fiv,�`��j.�� _<�4�'.�r � 15'�.`�}�Y!Y'.0 , - . . 1 ;�i ����� . , � <br /> �,r.C� � `f.� • <br /> :Itbl�: }ti.� ��.'�,ia9 �t '1i��' 1� � �`..,� . . 1 .�1%{�t. ,�I�, ' . '�i.r,. � <br /> n 'lii .s-r' , .._...i'=—_. . . ... . ,� _,�. "s.�..l�t.1,._.. . ' r�" , . 1�77(C �. r('' <br /> ,�•j ,�4' S�'1'i V��h ��" -;!,. � i'.�i �.,.�i� �t �x�` i -� !.% . <br /> �'' �''Y4'�� �' , ?��S' ., �ti. , . r!t •� s i y . <br /> ' :����Ck ;; � ,�ti�� . , ,`. �' �';'7 r�., • ��„ � <br /> :t ` ����..• :ti, <br /> � ; ,�1. �;�,'�-.�,�r,,n.,. ,,��;:.� . � .,:.}:;�. , . �'� � .� � � . <br /> . • •t :'d1 'l�.nrih.�. � �y;��:�}, . {) ....') � � - �,'• �' . <br />- ` ,.j��� ., , r��_��'`{.�l�. ,''^_ �'tl\5��� . � 1 / �,. � 1��51) -��,' . � ''I''„ . '1�,.5 1 <br />. '.. r, ..� . �jit�l �1�1i ��1 �i . � i�� <br /> i' � 5 ��`4, � r` ; ' � .'.° . . . <br /> r• � ' , ' -�V- •.' � - �• � ,.�. � • <br /> ' �1- ,:. � � , . ��;�11t. � +`.: �,.�?•• '.. .. � .. ��i�.,� . i � ; , <br />:i' Rr•�b � .�('�,' ,', ` ;;,� <br /> iZ, :j�`t�� t ����'�.�1 I � 1' ti. <br /> � ',' � ` �4� ' ;�fy,�t, i� . ,' \� � ��, . . �\ • ' <br /> 1`f�Y�1�� �'. � + ,- 'r f� ���"'<, ` �t ` 1 . .�', .1 <br /> �� p�51. �� If f' ���'• �.!(i,P�':t ��r:'li . ' <br /> _ ;+ .lr ,�I41 • . - ,�....r .. ' .. . l� <br /> 1.�. - . � . ��:y . -- ' . _ .. � <br /> � + <br /> � � � � <br /> . <br /> . <br />