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_��� , �iWM.-,-w� . 3 - : <br /> �� ..� . __ _ <br /> �r��;.� . . � 93=9.0��,�x <br /> �..-_. .-.a„-___..`_:1mY1FrAi�� '- . . .. . . <br /> �ymaNs m�y oo lon�e�bo roquirod.a��ho��Inn of I.ende�.ii manga�e incurnt�so rnvemac lin the wixwM And f�r the period <br /> lhiu I.oaler ►equlroM►pruvWal by rn inwrcr�Smvad hy l�cnda��ain baromc�Avail�blo�nd ix c�bwinod. &�rn►wer�II pay <br /> -- tho prcmiums naquitod tA maint�in mcatQaQc incutatroa In ctY'oct.oe to provido o losr rescrvc,until the rcqui►enxnt fw nw�tQ�o <br /> l�noo endr in�ooalmoo with my writts���betwe�n Bartawa and l.end�or qiplicable low. <br /> 9.IaspaAbp. I.ender or i�r�ent rtuy mdta�a�mblo aqrier upon�nd itupoctians af thc Property. I.endar rlwll�ivo - <br /> - 6ormwer nwloe�u tho tlma of or prlor to�n in�poc�lnn spa:ifyin�rxa�ans�le cauFO Por Ux inspayion. <br /> - - ----- 10.Conde�paallou. The pn�raodr af any awaN nr cl�im for danu�cs, direct or rnnseyuemiul, i�cnnne�.hiun with any �"- <br /> -- - condrnuutlon ar dher takin�of any�wt ai the Pr.�ehy.or fw c�onveyarcr in licu of awrkmnation,Aro hei+cMy��nal and m.:._ <br /> -- -- Rl�all l+c paicl to t.eMkr. _ - <br /> - In�he event uf A tat�l nking of thc Praperty.thc procood�stwll be appliod to Ihe sums secund by Ihis Socu�lly Instturne�u. -- <br /> . whethet a nat U�en dua, wlth any ezccss pnid In Barmwcr. In the event of a pAniul�ukin�aP�he Pn�peny in which Ihe f�ir -- <br />- mad�d vdua M the Propcny inunodiataly befixe the laking is oquwl lo or grcater thon�hc amnum of 1he su�ns serurod by thia �;;�. <br /> --- 3ccurity Inst�umenl irn�nodiately befon the aking,unlesn Barmwcr and l.endc�othcrwlec agrcc in wriiir�,�he sums securod by ��__ <br /> �his Sxurity los�nimem sh�ll be rodua�d hy �he am�wnt of�he pnawods mul�iplied by the foltowiag inctoao: (al the taol = <br />--- �_.�-._._ . _. .. ..... atmlun!of the �snR+�ssu►Sd imtt:sdfatelp hefnre t!!s telcletg,dlv�!hy (h)tM f�it mR►kc1 velu���f�Ir Q.�rr1v immwli�l�ly ,-- <br /> - --- mutet valuc of the Pmpehy inunediatcly befae�Idting is less lhan 1he amaum uf�he sums securod immedialely befarc the ��- <br />--- --�x°-•"� wkiog.unless Borrow,er and Leade�dlxnvise qgroe io Mrritin,g or udess applicable law otF�crwise provides.t6e prooeodc slwQ �;. <br />.-. be appliod to�he sums serurcd by�hi�Security IastrumeM whether or not�he sumw are thea duc. �� <br /> .W T-. <br /> !i'the Prupetty is aba�doned by Bomawcr.or if;r,�no�ioe by l.endcr�o Borrower tlwt the condrmuor otfers to make an �=� <br />.�:�;: �waM or settle a claim for dam�ges, Borruwer irils w respond�o l.ender wl�hin 30 days after the date �Ae ridice ia given. �`y' <br /> -_ — Ix�wirr 1s aulh�mzod to culte�K�nu apply!he pr+uro�a,w�b ap�an.eNhe�to realurw�on or�epair af 1he Propeny or to tt�wa� '�_= <br /> socurod by tnis Sav�ity Instrument.whe�her or nd lbeodue. C�4,� <br /> Unks� l,ender and Borrawer otlKrwise a�e in wri�iag, any application of pnx�eods to p�incipal ►hall nut exteml or "'- <br /> � .,- Y postpooe d�e due date oP Uie monthly payments t+eferred to in pwragraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amoum of such paymens. �='� <br /> � I1.Bonoaw 1Vat ltdeased;Farbeuance B�I.eadcr lltot A Wrlver.Eatension of the lime far paymem or moditi�tion ��� <br /> �t: of am�hizwtan ot'�he sun�.a r�ecured by this Securi�y InstmmeM Rranted by Lender ta any w�cessc�r in interest of Borrowe�slwll s:�: <br /> `b I , not operate to release�he linbility of the original&��n�u�er or Rnmower's sut�cessora in intcres�. l.ender shall nm be�equirecl to � <br />- '� .gi;� �,�t?;���,� conunenoe n s a�nst an sucoessor in intere�l or�efuse to exlend time for ment or ahenvise modif amonir�tion � <br /> 4� ,�::,•�:.. {�`� � a8 Y e PoY Y <br />- ��f; '�'�'': of thc surn�.socured by this Socurity Instrumed by mucon of any demand made by �he original Bornaw•cr or Bom�u•�r's �`- <br /> �;�. • successo� ia inte�es�. Any fo�fiearar�ce by Lende� Rn eaercisin�any righ�or remedy clwll not be o waive�oi or preclude the �-= <br /> `�nci2,, exercisc of aey right ar remedy. <br /> _.%�i_;��' � a <br /> '"` � i�. �asrr�asc asid �St�su &snasl; !alnt aad .�t�ra! W!s!!lt;;Ca-sl�ss¢:s. Thc caccnants an3 agrz�r.esis of ihis <br /> - � L,�� � Security ia�:;tn�ment slwll bind and benefit the successars ard assigos of l.ender and Borrower, subject to�he provi�iom of --- <br />�;:�'�: h�s �+.��� pazagraph 17. Bormwer's rnvenants and agrcements shall 6e joint and several. Any BoROwer who co-sigos this Srcurit}• ��� <br />�;,;-� .� , p'�u t, �<. :• <br /> -.. ,.��§ Insuument but daes nnt execute the Nae: IA) is co-�igning�his Security Ins�rument only to mortgAge, gra�N and convey thn� �:°= <br /> �,_,. <br /> '�� '";�;�,• .S�u.R t;,� Bormwer's interest in the Propeny under the term��f�his Securf�y(nstrumenl;Ib)is not personally obli�;x2d la ps�y the sumx _--, <br /> ',,t,� tiI� :y,,;;:'•."�::���� sticurod by this Securiry Instn�ment;und(c)agree.��I�a¢lxnder und any other B.�rrc�wer may agree to ex�end.�r�dif}•.forbrar or �-� <br /> e �•�r.�;�, �a_- <br /> . � �, . r malre any ncrnmmodatiuns with regurd to�he�e�ms of thlx Securlty Inslrumem or thc Note wilhoul lhat Rorrower's�. <br /> ' •.,. ,�,;,,.�f;�,`,;, 'a 13.Loan Cha�gc4. If the loan secured by thin Secudty Inso�ment is subJeet to a Inw which sets m��ximum loan cha�ges, - <br /> � '`���`1'`� ��' '{���r ond Ihat Inw is finnlly fnterprcted w Ihat the in�erest or other laun charge�c�illected ar to be collected in connection wlth the �,;,�� <br /> �"' '�"� • loan ez��eed the permiut�l liniits.�hen: la)uny zuch I��an charge shull be r��tuced by the umounl nr,cessary to reduce the churge '° <br /> �M.A,� _'vi <br /> ".�� T. �� �% �,.:�j;� � ��b. <br /> '•.� �"�x �-,��J;�'�f;1% • to the perntittod limit:and(h)�tny sums ulrcacly rollected from Bortower which exceeded permittod limits wi01 be refunded to <br /> a' ' BoROwer. i.ender muy ch�wne to m:ike Ihir; rel'u�xl hy rodurin�+ the princip:d nwMl ancler Ihc� Note �r I�y mnking n rlirrct --"' <br /> tn �.....�. �_ , r <br /> �_-}:' ",3'ID s�•�;�i,'r;,,� . puyment to BoROwer. If u refund reduces principul, the reductian will be Ireateti os a panial prepayment withaut any <br /> ::'',a: '�,. � ''� 't'�+ prepayment charge under the Note. •�:` <br />�c.,r, ;a.4`�'X�',• ,�.. <br /> : }• ,;�;4, �t� :, • 14.Notkes.Any notice to Borrower providcd for in this Security Inswment shull bc given by delivering it ar by mailing .tr;; <br />_ ;A V„ � . <br />- ' ;;±;t;��, ,+;., • it by first class mail unle+s appliwblc luw require:,use of anolher me�had.The notice shall be dirocted to Ihe Property Addr�s r r <br />` ',=,'.a '�s, :• or nny rnher adclresc fi�rr�wer decignnte� hy �tirP a� 1�rnder Any n�tic�• 1� 1 emler �hell he given hy finl clucv mail to �" <br />°`+='�Y. r�k�t': l.ender's address stnte� herein or any other addre,s LenJer de+igaa�eti by notice to Borruwer. Any notice provided for in this �T.� <br />-.+,. f .i. ��i. . <br /> ,;� •Y,.� Security InstNment shall be dcemeci to have bcen given�n&►rcowcr nr L.cendcr when given ux pnwided in this parograph. .. <br />;;`�,� �,�, � . � 15.Governing Law; SeverabUity. 7'hix Security Instrument +hull t+e govcrneJ by I'edcrul Inw nnd the luw oF the •:,;� <br /> � ;�c i? .,�: _ � jurisdiction in which the Property is li►cuted. In�he event tha� uny pravisi�m or cluur�e ul'Ihis Security In�trument or Ihe Nnte . <br /> ;���,; '" ��i'+ � con0ic�s with upplirable I�nv,such rnntlic�shall not afi'iti�uther pmvi�i�im af thi�Serurity lastrumen���r thc Note whinc�an be <br />_,'��• <br /> �•'������,f given effect withoul the canilicting prmision. To this end�he provisinn.r• of thi�5ecurity In�tn�nknt uiul the Nutc arc decla��vl <br /> .`y'.. �.. �.� r.:Fr:r :, I- <br /> ;..; ;,,�';.�,• t,. to be severablc. <br /> 51 ,y�T:`�_.`f���' .N 16.Borrower's�Ca�y.Borrower shnll be given onc r�ml'onmJ copy of thc Wotc ami of this 5ecurity lastrumcnt. . <br /> b.«^ .;+. .,.i��;' Fpm 3028 8180 <br /> i• ';f `, v,y,au,� <br /> ' ' '.,.�}�,tih '�f�� <br /> , .'�• . ���1.'����� <br /> .:il'�'l .� �i� .� ' ' :,�.: <br /> /i �; 31 '� ti � ���1 ti���.." _' ' ' •��n� •- �I�:��CS�� . . . . • � , rA'' �S�'�?� .����� •-\� M -'. <br /> .�. -�� �,�/ � ' /..:iJ'I-,_,:.. •�.. �, .„ . . . " S _ ' f; r:�:...1• ��t �,}-. },.ti 4��� ,, ��.j 7�-`.• ���� � ��t� <br /> 'i; � ��� �y�r�•. � . � ',�. . . " '�„',' . ...'�y � - . 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' . . .. <br /> . •.t� `�.xy�+brq .. , ' �.ur- . ^7�--. <br /> k:...' ,�`', �. ' , . , <br /> +. o, . . • , ., � <br /> , . <br /> . t, � <br /> ' ' ' - — .. , _ <br />