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^,� , ���. ,�,: , ��.� - <br /> �.� , �r•:-r��.�e,P -�:Ya� :, �=�'. <br /> ,..,,�� ��. , _ - ,.,�..,� - <br /> �•, <br /> -.—-- - -- �I <br /> � �.0�,911�9 <br /> __ -- _ ooedana+�tiati or otber tdclnQ of�ny p�ut of�he Prope�y.or far oonveya�oe h lieu of condamnN�.am hercby�rd�od�nd <br /> � ahdl bo a Lender. <br /> ln Ihe eveM af a tdal twklnp of�he i'ro�Krty.tho p�oceedr rh�ll be �ppliod �o tbo sums secured by Ihie Secudty <br /> lnshumau.whdher ar na then due,wlth any exass paia to Borrower. In the event af��wAid takinQ of�ho Pncy�ty in <br /> which ihe fdr m�rket value af Iho P�upcny lmmediately befare�ho�aking le equ�l lo or�raler dw��ho am�wnt of Ihe�umn <br /> — saewod by�his Seeurity Incirumenl immediuely hefarc Iho tal�ing,unlosc Narrower w�d l.ende�ahenvise a�reo in wr1Nn�. <br /> �. tl�a wms iacwed by�hi�Seeuri�y Instrumait s1u116e roducod by�he mwunt of Ihe pmcads muNiplied by 1he folMwing <br /> m=: -�.�_-�--_---- _� fraction: ls)�he wul�mount oi Ihe�wns secwed Mmediately befarc the to{:ing,dividal by Ib)Ihe fair market valuo af�he <br /> plroperty tmmodl�tely befaro the t�king. Any b�l�nce chrll be pt�id Io Ei�rmwer. In tho evem of w pwtlal u�;ing of�he " <br /> �'� Propeny in v►fikh thc fatr marlcet value of�he Propeny imme�ip�ely bcfa�e�he ta{;iog ie Icss thu�the amount of the sams <br /> securod immeAiuely befurc the tdcing, unless 8arower w�d Lender cNherwi�e agrce in writing or unkss applicable I�w <br /> otiatwl�e provides.the pa�eedc sFwll be applied to the sum�ueurod by�hic Secudty Insuument whether or nd tl�e sumr ue <br /> -- Itrcn due. <br /> _,. — If the P�openy ia�handoned by Borrower,or ii+�fter notice by i..ender to Bamawer lhat Ihe ca�demncx oUen�to awke <br /> �n awnd o�aple�cWm for drmsgey.8orrower f�lls to Rspond�a l.ender wuhin 30 days aper�he d�te�he notice ie Rivrn. __ <br /> ,_�_,=- - � <br /> �.�.:_.�� Le�ler i��utharized ta colleet and opply the proceedc.a�its optioa ei�hrr oo rcstoration or repair of the P�qxrty or�o tb¢ <br /> wme sacu�ed by 1hi�Secudty Ins�rumen�wl�tier or aot then due. <br />:-- _��-���� Unkss I..cndc�and Barower rnix�nrise agree in wriling.any u�plkativn of procecdx to principal bhall na extend or �-- <br /> —_��� pa�wpone Iho due date of the monihlY p�yments referted w in paragrapl�s 1 a�d 2 or cl�ge the amaunt af such pr�ymentx <br /> --- 11. Ba�roWer Not Rekased= Forbeara�ee By I�der Nol s W�ire� Exknsioa of�hc time for paymrnt or <br /> --- �'�`'�`��°a modificatloo of Amonizadon of the sums sa�uned by tais Security Insawnent graMed by Lender a s�ny succasor in Inte►ew — <br /> -= of 8anower sludl not operale to mkace the lia6ility oi'�he origiml Barrower or Barower�succrswrs in intercst.l.rnder <br /> ; `— - -- slwll �wt be required to comrtience praccdiee�s ag�t any auccr'.•sor in interesl or�efuse�o oxtend time tor pnymmt or — <br />-��:ir�t�:;,` ; �`�' athenvise modify amoAizauian of the sums xrurcd by�his Securiry InsuumeM by reason of any demand made by Ihe origi�wl <br />=u��, ; ' , 8arower or 8arower'§successas in inte�s�. Any forbeann�e by l.ende�in exercixi�any right or remedy slwfl not be a � <br />�r�,�. i�.'%�����,, waiver of or pRClude the eRe�a:;e af ony right or remedy. �;=:• <br />'°,;;,�, ; lt SMa�ws wd As�as�uuad;�t and Seveml LiAWlity:Casitaers. 7ie�:covenants ond agreements of this =- <br /> ,����' Secudty Instnunent shsll bi�+�t nn5:'benc(�ir+fr:•:,uccessors and ussigns ai l.ende�and&�a�aa�er.subject to the provisions uf <br /> "'�" ' � � ps�grapb 17.Bv�rauw•erS+cu�•an,i.nas a�n�1 n�gne:menls ahull be joln�ar�d vavetnl. Any 6lorrower who co-signs�his Se:.urity — <br />:���,::f�;:.• �. -- <br />�,F'�c•�.t� lnsaument but daes nut cxa uae o{K�ca�e: �..� e�co-signing this Secu�cc��L�n.c;oument oal��la morigage,grant ortd convey tha� <br /> �`-`�`"'` Bortower�intetest in the Piro ra under�„e trrms of lhis Secud� InstrumenC (b)is nE�t rsonall obli atod lo a the sums <br /> ,!" F. . pe y Y F`e Y 6 P Y <br /> :.�;.. � secw+ed by this Security Inst�umen�and 4e)agrees�hut Lender aad uny olher Bortowcr may agree io extend.modiiy,fur6ear — <br />_ or make any accommodatfons wi�h rcpav�! to�he terms oi this Secudty Instrument or the Nde wlQ�out that Bomaw•er'� _- <br />:.Vih J3•.�.31:: COIIiC111. � <br /> ::�t�;�:�+�;; 13. l.o�aa Char�ea If the loan+�.�s��+e�1 T�y this Securi�y Ins�n�mem is subject �o a bw which sets mazimum Mwm <br /> -:i���: 1�• , elwrges.wtd�hat law is tinally interpretam�r��na�6e i�et�rrst or aher io;m charges coiiected or[o be coliec�ed in cntu�ec:4xim �; <br />''=..�,. °' ��+�.:<rt <<'�=�`' with the loon exceed�he pena�eerted��ma�s,a�hcm: (A?any su��,loan cbarge shall be reducecE by Ihe amount neceswuy tu��41�r:• P��.. <br /> : ,�J. !�eh'��t,����'.'� _'.-. <br /> � 7 � � 1he charge to the permitted 16end�;ant�{hD umy sums alres�dy colkcted from Borrower wV�ich eaceeded permitted limi�s w�19 bc - <br /> :� ��.j�� 'i����i:. ��.- i j�J . <br /> �:''.•'•�: ''•`''F��" ��:{; �` �•. �Ponded to Borrower. L.endes�mny ch�+ase¢o�ake Ihis nefund by reducing the principal owed under the Nme or by mal:ing A °�: <br />�,' ,,'}.�f �►. ' R'°: diroct payment to Borrower. If a refund ratu;�s principul,the ieduction wd�l be�reAted ac a punial prepayment wiUiout any �__ <br /> s''';'.F:: •..:� � �'�•:,:. --- <br /> ,,� ;; p�epayment ch��Pge under the Nota f:- <br />-'�.�,�;�';',�•�. � • �,>�'•'.��_ •, rf'•'� . 14. Nod��. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thix Se�:u�:�;. Jn�trument 4hall be given by delivering i�or by =--. <br />_;-:::!:t1,� � .;;�}� ' {L,:` mailing it by fira�cluss muil unless applicable luw reyuirt:s ure of another me�had.The nWice shull be direcled�o the Property — <br />-�S?�i%; �.�, Addiess or any aher addrcsc Borrower designutes by notice tu Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fint closs �::� <br /> - `` �`' '� " mail to Lender�address statcd hemin or un ahcr Address Lende�desi OA1C3 t1 notice to Borrower. An notice rovided for E"`- <br />_=".'.'�ti ::L'��r°-K Y 8 Y Y P <br /> �'�'- :�� �v+ in this Security Ins�rument shull be dcetned to hvvc been given to Boirower or Lender when given a+ provided in this �• <br /> .,:r, �, <br />_""[�t��` c..,:,. <br /> ,.�i.if.<iS: ,.J- � �..; . pYfA�l'0�1. �. <br /> ._��� 1S. GoverninR Lawi SeverabiNfv 'Phia Sccuritv Inslrumenl xhull be govemed by federol law and �he law of�he -- <br /> =•_ • ��••• jurisdiction in which�he Properly i�lacated. lo�he event Ihat any pravision ar cluuse oP thi�;Secudty In�In�me�t or the Note '" <br /> ���<^' �±�e conflicts with applicAble law,s�ECh canflict�+hall no1 uffeca n:�hrr piovisiuns of�hiti Serurx�, On+wment or the Note which cen <br /> ;.�+;� -" � be given effect without the rnnflicting provixion. To ihi��naJ the provi�ions of this S�curily lnxtrument and the Nwe ore ��-�' <br /> '�:��:�i ` .`� �;::; declorcd to be ssevcrable. � <br /> :; : , , a; :� '., �`:- <br /> ; ��„ ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower�hull br givrn one contormec"�opy of the Nae nnd of this S�ecuriry Instrument. -- <br /> _ '� ;i�i:'►�'.1'`��+C� 17. 7lranafer of the Pn�perty or a Reneftrlal lnterecf in Horrr+wrr. lf:�II nr ony pan of�he Prnperly or uny interewt in L_- <br /> ���`� -��-;y;`•�• e'��:�=, it ia sald or tranaPemed(or if a heneficial intcrext in Borrower ia xold or tranxfcmed and Borrowcr is nat a n:��ura�Qerson) �-•_ <br /> �';' � r' � wiUwut l.endert nor wrinen cansent,Lender ma u� it�.o tion,re uirc immediute u mem in full nf nll sum.��e�ured b <br />'�'.'��,.'• ., i p � Y� P 4 P Y Y "; <br /> ,,-�; .�— �- •.., _ this Security Inswment. However,this option shull not b�exercised by Lender if exercire is prohibl¢ed by federuJ)uw as of ��-- <br /> �.: <br /> �"•�• " the date of this Security Instrumen�. �`�- <br /> .,.p t. , !�;?: <br /> '�" ''" ''`- If Lender exe►cises this o uon,Lender shall rvc BottuN�cr notics of uccelrrrtion. The nntice.d�ail vide u riod uf <br /> �.,fr�;:.;;, . �,:� P' s' r� � � <br />:;�}i�k�,� ;�.. ,i . not less lhun 30 days from the date the natic.i,d�:livered or muiled�vi�hin which Bormwer mus�puy.�91 sums securccl by this <br />";c�',',;:i� ��,;,: .s�-°•.:' Securi�y Instrument. If Borir,wer failx tn pay thexe surn.� prior ro ihe cxpirntion of this perioJ, Lender muy invoke uny <br />�p�•,,.:�� : , • �emedies permined by this Sect��riiv In,�rument wi�haut!'urthc�noticc or�m�u�d on&�rrnwer. ��.�. <br /> j� �; ,�;�.,,�;�„ ••:• 18. Borrower's Right tv� �Ye�t+atuQe. lf Hom►wer mects cenain condi�iun�, Borrowcr ,h:d! have the right to have ;,!� <br /> — •��� . ^���. enfor¢ement ot this Security Inwtrumrnt cli�continued a� uny�im�prf+�r�n the rurlirr ot': (u15 da}s (nr such other prrl�xi as J�,; <br /> �;;> �r .. yA�iysi •''_ <br /> ,�,4�:'. , :');:.'•S:?:�' SingleTtmily•-I+�nk�lsdl�lreddlQlNYrI'VIFINi�11��TRUMEtiT••UnifurmCoverwr�n 9F9P 1/wReOofnruR�ai "' <br /> ,.;7 3;;� .;-4.� ,;..:.,:.; `; <br /> ,;�< <}� ,�,��y�'�; �..:. . <br /> ;�`�r,Ay�lr '.ij}�, 1�li; , �"- <br />_.�trly.�,��. �'�fF�1V1�� ` •j{ . <br /> . .�.•. <br />��'!�,r�tiF;`•�. � �. 1(-r;r . <br /> n��x1}•;:,-:. . ./.` <br /> �lj'��k r�:y� , . -i ���'��,•����f, �.)�4� . . . . �+�'�l�+dl:{'�,il?�1��T),}�iSF?Y� cv - : .. ,..'`j5� <br /> V ,��. �j � ��. � i. ,1•�P•.,1i }f ' �,. � � � r <br /> �` �j � � .`.� -i,l��ii. � y".� C� !' . �,y, ����.r, .�' �.� � .i+. -r•,r.... '1 '�;t.., t �L�+�i1;"r Y , ., <br />��, , ;j�,t� �, ;S� . . 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