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�' __ . ._. :� ° .. <br /> � - . - <br /> ,1 , ' ,Y��M� ,a. `�'._�, • . <br /> . . '[., - -- - <br /> � � _ _ - <br /> �_�_�_ - <br /> — �_.c;;.�,�,� - -- <br /> _._�_ , applicabW law a�y�peclfy tar rcinsl�ianenl)bcfono nk of'the PramtY Pursu�nt Ia an�{�wer oT�����in this <br /> --- � Secutity ln�nnnap:ar(b)�wy M a jud�t�ent enfa�ci�thlo Socurlry ln:u�anenl. '11ace condl�ia�s ue that Bormwer. (a) <br /> pys l.eeder all wnu which tba� wuuW be due w�da thi� Socurity Inurumeot and the IVute as i/ no accelera�on had <br /> - --- uocurred:lb)cutea my defaull oi aey alher wven�nte ar�gr�eements:(c)prYn all eapenses incutred in rnforcing Ihis Secudty <br /> Uut�uman,includln�. bw not Nmiwd ta.reawnabb�itomeys'faes:and(dl ukes wch sction ss lxnder m�y reaw��bly <br /> • � roquiro w s�wr�ttW tho Ikn of'this Secuti�y Instrument.I.a�derY�ights in the Pn�pe�ty and Bonowerg obligadan to pay�he <br /> � tum� returod by this Socurity Instnuna�l ah�ll canlinue wrchan�ed. Upan rcins�otemem by Harmwer. �his Security <br /> ., �:_ __--__,_—� Inurumca�t�nd tha obligations iocurod hereby slWl rem�in fully efioctive a if no acceleratiai h�d accunrd. Howe�er.thiu <br /> _ �r: ti�ht 1a reincuue�lall na�ply in tlw c�se of acceleratlan under pusgrsph 17. _ <br /> 19. 3ale af NWet CM�u�e at I.o�n Sen'ke' 71K lVote or ap�t i�l inteoesl in ibe Nate l�ogeiher with Ihis Sacud�y <br /> -� Incuument!m�y bo sald ono or noom times withaut prior notia ta Bormwe�. A sale m�y rcwU in a change in Ua entily <br /> ����'�. lknown+�c Ihe"Lom Savicer")Ih�t collats monthlY p�Ymrnta due w�der Ihe Nata and thi�5ecurity Instrumen�. 71iero also <br /> �" _ — —__ m�y be oao or mooe changes af ihe I..o�n Scrvlcer u�rcl�tod to A sAk af the Natc. !f�here ic a clwnge oi�he Loan 3crvicer. <br /> �-°—°�' -- Bomower w{II be�iven wriuen na�lce oi�he ch�nge in�eca�dan��e whh puagrnph 14 above and applicabk Ipw. Ttia natice <br />__ --_ _-- wfU SIMe Ihe n�mr end addrcsa�+f'1he new Lo�n Strviccr�atl the MldrcxR lo which peymenls+�Mwld lu mMM. Tltr ntNiae will <br /> also oant�in ae�y other iofamutiop requircd by appNcable law. <br /> - -- 20. H�wtrdaa Subsl�ees. Bomower�dall not cause or permil lhe p�sence,use,disporal,s�orage,or releasc ot any <br /> __ - -- — flarardous Subslancrx on or in 1he 1'roperty. Ba.-cawer st�l1 not do.nor albw anyane else lo do,anyihiog ai'f'vcWtg the <br /> _�,.�.' — Prope�ty tlw is in vlol�tian of any�►viro�ut�enml L�w. Thr preceding�wo sencences shall not apply to the prcx•r�ce.�cse.o+r <br /> _ —_--.___�_� ��ge on 1he P�opetty of smal0 qwrWities of Navandous Su6swrces u�t arr Qen�n�ll�r�ecoge�ed to be appmpr�e a c�o�asal <br /> �� raidenlial uses aod b�+-+�.='r'°'o�i�he Propeny. <br /> :��� 8arnwer s�4s11 P�P�F B�Ye Irender wriuen naice of any imes�igaiion,claim,drn�and.lawsuit or olher xtion by any <br /> ___ - <br /> _- , ,� -r:4w,. 8�•cmmcmai or rrgua�cury�y ur Qnv�pany ia�voivu�,Uw i'�:�.rt�u.3.��y Girr,u�►ua 5u -c or vi�vnmcn , <br /> law oi' which Barower has actual lroowkdge. If Barower leams. or is nai6ed by ony govemmenal a �egul�uory <br />`'�%� aulNoriry.thsu any remo�al ar otl�er temediatian ai i►ny Naxa�d�ws Substw�ce afiecting�I�e pMoperty is�ecessary.Borrower <br />-�� t'r ".�� slnN p�omptly�ake all necessary remadial articros io accad�u�rc with EnvironmeMal Law. <br />-ra , ^ `'�.�:�;':li�,� As used in Ihia p�ragmpfi 20."�il;;wardaus Su6�ctances"ure 1lase substarkes defined�,cv��.ic or hatArdous subsianoes by <br /> r ' �:�;; <br /> :,,, , � Envimnmental Law�td Ihe follo�vine c���es: gasoline.keroseoe.other flammable w•t�anic petroleum products.toxic <br /> _ � pesticides ard herbicides.valatile solventc,mat���ials containing asbestos or farmaldehyde,and rndioaclive mate�als. As <br />--: ��� '< <F.:;:;.• used in this paragraph 2Q."Environmental Lnn•'-n�ns federul laws and laws of�he juricdicU�n wfiere�lir Plnpeny is loqued <br />-',.., .�..�a.7y;�: Uw�late to heaNh.swfety ar envi�anrmeatal protection. <br /> ���Ll`:` NON-UNIFORM COVE(YAIVi'S. Barower and Lender iunMr covenont und ag�ee a�14�91ows: <br /> _ °B 21. Atrekr�rdoni Remedir,+, I.ender sbsll give qotkY to BarroWer pr(or to acceleralba fdluwing Ibna�er's <br /> �-s <' brencb of Aay oo�eaaat or agrcement In this Secu�ity lastrumeat Ibut aot prior to aecekratbn uader paragraph 17 <br />�-;?;_. oale�s Applkabk Vw!provldes aherwkel. The notloe s6u�11 specify: /sl tbe defaull:lbl�he actbn required to cure Ihe <br />=:.r.,,;,._ _ -�r,-,�w ., . - dci��iti Icl A d�te,aot kss ti�wa 3�days irow�tik d�te the�otice is gi��to whic6 tiu dei�wit mast be • <br /> • �1 � � = '��• curca7;aed Id)Ilwt f�ilure to cwre tb�e default on or befa+e tMe dote specitkd la 1he notice may resuU in ac�eler�ruiaw�of <br /> ,. s �; - • the swms s�eecured by tMls Secu��t;�1�.�Irumeat And sale oP itlW�e Property. The notice slw0 fuNher ipform Bot�rcn�,rer ot <br /> , �.r� CU <br />::.';,... <br /> Ihe right to rci�state aRer acoelerA�iou and t0ee�righl to br]�u�a courl acNon to�ert the aou-rxWence of a deBwanWt or <br />= i.'�,., �; any W6er defense ot Borrower to accekratioa a�nd s�le. If Ihe default is not cured on or before!4e date specltied in <br /> � :•,;, <br /> _ '"�r„ ��4�:,.' tbe nolice�Lender at iW option may require i�n�edi�te pyyment in full oi�11 sumg secund by this Secnrity Inslrument <br /> � wlthoul furtber dertwad and may invoke Ihe power of s�k and any dher�Ymedies permilted by applia�able law. <br /> --,.�� � " Lender s6a11 be enliHed to collect All expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provWed in this parag�ph 21. <br /> �'; .. ,�.��; • iacludtng.but aot limited to.reasonnble attorneys•fees and casts of litk evldence. _ <br /> _�- " • If the power of sale is invoked.7Fustee shall record a notice of defaull in eacd counly in whkh any part oi Ihe - <br /> '�_�. •,�`;r.���-.. PropeMy Lc bcated and shall mall coples of such aotice in Ihe mnnner prescrlbed by Applicabk law to Borrower�nd to � <br /> - the Mher perxoas prexc�ibed by applirnble law Aller the time required by Applkable law.'I�uslee ehall give publk <br /> -�_ � nnfice af i¢nle fo Ilw�a�xn¢nns and in Ilu�mannv���rilwtif by a�liraMlP Iww. 'llruqrv,with�w�f Arm�d M R��nw�r, <br /> �;'�., ��;ol�i��'-A •-�� shaN seU fhe Praperty at public auction ta Ihe highest bidder al the time and place and under the terms designoted in _ <br /> �, ,,�':':T'.~,, the newii�e of ssde in one or u�ore parcels and in any orde�'I�ustee determines. 7lrustee may postpone sale of all or any <br /> � T;. u*�:.��-..d .. � , parce0 0�'�he Property by pubYk nnnouncement at Ihe time and pince of pnv previously schedukd�le. Lender or ifs <br /> '.`+. . �W��Y PurchASe the PropeMy at uny s�k. <br /> ='+�;tY£. ,. �'.�. . � Upon recetpt uf'puytr+e�!of Ihe price bid.7lrustee shall deliver to the purchaser'I�ustee's aJetd cunveying lhe <br /> - r�' ,.�y�,. "` � PropeMy. The reciYaOs!n Ihe'il�u�tee's deed shnl!be prim�facte erideece ot the truth of the stute�ncn4a made therein. <br /> ^-i,Y���. ���` �'�s j����'�'�� 71'uetee W�WI apply ihe praceeds of the xnle In the folbwin�order: lal lo AM cost�aad expepses of exercLgin�the�,nwer -- <br /> i5i'��4r � `���+ vf� <br /> J�� <br />�'�]�y� r i��4. _. <br /> :�o L•;7'{;, Y�$. t r - <br />.,�..`.��y »y �A r!`r —. <br />::F •�� C✓.? �:J ��7 — <br /> X. •�� � �' _ <br /> __�; � 'r^ ` � —. <br />�-J�; ''f� +�t '�r��;,;'!'',,'�11�'+J ^ � !sl `. <br /> �� }::, �.�;�i i�,rp�) twm l02i 9/9D �rwYi•S��/h�wg _ <br />.: �i': �}'� � •1'�l;�•j 41r' : . ° <br /> ,,,'.� 4rY;1�y'r.{ � - <br /> Y `���}'y��i)�,'li:m;1.'��� � � - <br />.�.� t�;,Y/�f ti�.�...�t� <br /> ��' �'�'., ��. •fs,`;��;�+�� !,` _ ` <br />.,,.)'1���4'�+, �' �1'ku_ .I.�.¢►r��� - "'`'.r�i,�Ti,�i�n-;�. .aT. •'+��.S�:1A!T!9tpm.r�ry�qy�jCn::nry .�,��(+ '«a�Cty,,. �qMpe�r;��,rh. <br /> t,l y ,ti� : , . 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