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_ ..�.� .� .s„• <br /> �. . . +�'•���4`•'�'QSl�°� " � ``.� <br /> _' ` . � ',� -. �, �..:T-.:.. ; _�._. .. <br /> � <br /> •�.. s• — . _ . _ ._. ... <br /> -••-.. � .r. .,:i,11d1tlL'�lul�ul���� . _ ... .�� <br /> - 93• 10�.9�9 <br /> .� _ ---- P��Iw L.endrr nquhe�. Thc inwrsncc caRk�povidin�the insuran�Y slull bz cOwsen by Baro�rer�ubjea ta I.eed�� <br /> y�av�l w6ich�hall no1 be unrcuoMAly wlihheld. It Rnrtnw�er Wli�o m�itwie cove�qe dacribod above,l.a�Aer m�y,u <br /> � - l.�nderti oplian,obai�,oove�e a�raaxt l.a�de��d�ht�ie ihe in acradanco whh pua�r�li 7. <br /> _ All incuran�Y policies md ra�ew�ls�II 6e�co�ble ta and shall incl�a uandaN mo�t�a�e cl�ufe. t.e�der <br /> ! � cfuill have Ihc rlght la M►kl lhc pdicies and ieoewal�. rf l.eode►toquf�a.Banower shall prwnptly givc to L.rnder all rooaipt� �- <br /> _ � of P�id p�miumr�nd n�tow�l oaices. in�he ovaw ot lass.Baaaw�a�sFMll�ive pwtipt naice ta the i�+c+uanoo cairier md � <br /> -°F;'. �„ L.aide�. l.encler m�y m�ka pm�►f af los�it nd m�de P��Y eY&xrower. _ <br /> � U�lu►l.wwier And&xrow..r whcrwiw�noc in wriUn��irtaurwxc �ehall tie Applied w restoration or rcpair of � <br /> �._. ie <br /> I �I �heproperty dsm��al. if Iho iestantioo or rcpair is o�nnomicalty fcu ble and I.cnderl� cacudty is na ks�ied. If the <br /> � ' res�ornion-ar rcpai�ia nw oc��omic�lly feacibk ar l.a�der�s�ecwity would be lessaned. tha iocuaa�co p�oceods shall be <br /> -- � appli�i la the wmn socurod by Ihia Socu�iry Insaumrnt. v►�hethor or na1 ti�due,wilh any esuess paid lo BaRawer. Ii <br /> - `` Bamwer abandon�the P�operty,or dnes nd answ�within 3(1 Mya�natica iMm I.ender th�t�he inwriu►ee canier hwa <br /> ��`�'```-�-�_-�----_�%:. ` otferod to settk a cl�im.�hen Lender may rnlkct Iho in�unu�ce pmcoedc. Lcnder m�y uce�he pr000eds ta�cp�i�or restoro -- <br /> = Ihe PmpeAy or 10 p�y rum�sxurod by lhia Security Incwman.whethcr ur nat tt�en due. Tho 34d�y period wjll hegin whea� <br /> --�— - ��� ii�c�wif�r fs girai. ---- <br /> _-_ . - -�;,�..g , U�less l.enAer�nd Bomowrc�dlkrwlce a�nee in wriling.�ny a lication of rroceed��o�xiocippl shNll not ex�end or <br /> -_,: °�`�'�.7•'''�•. . postponc y pa�ymem�rckrtrd ta in piva�ic 1 and 2 or chrngo the�wnt of Iho p�ymcnts�. If <br /> _ �er x <br /> _��cu�' the duo date of the moNhl m <br />��T�� �:��;���°�;:�...,�,-� uMler p�rag�aph 21 the Propeny!s a�qui�d by La�der.Bomower��ight to my incu�ance policies and procoeds rcwtdng �_ <br /> •'�^�`��-'��_ : from d�m�ge la the P�ope�y @rbr aa ilre�u�sadaa sb�!!paw to I.ender w�he cxtent of the sum�secu�rd by�his Securlty __ <br /> `-,;:;: ' Insln�mem immed'eaoely priar qo t6er�u�sition. —_ <br /> .�.i :�(�' , i. noc+�wc,� Pr�rvMi�■. Md�te�x atl PrMalioe of Ihe Propertyi Ibrrowe�•r I.wa Applkalla�: <br /> a:_ I.�aseA�oY� Barowcr shall acc�upy.est�Wish.auW use the P t o p e�r as Barowerk princiRal�esldcnce wllhin cixrv d.y�e�r — <br /> � _ - � ,� , , u�r rza.-wian ai tius Se�wny Insdwaan and shall cauinue to a�rupy�he ProP�Ky as Bonr�nWerh principnl rcRidenee for+M �`; <br /> �,:^ leau one yeu ai�er ihe due of oecupmcy. un{ess I.ender othtrwise in WLtich cunsea�t shall �ot be �. <br /> ,�' �.,i,r? Y 8 b�e yond�3 cancrol. Bonawrr shall not !":� <br /> � . ti urmeaconabl w-ilhheld,or unless eatenwujn circ���es exist which arc <br /> ' ' �`<'` � ' destro dama e or im r 1he allow the A to commit waue on the Barower slull �:�: <br /> •, . ':,.��s+.s,i.}' Y. g P� �nY. Pt� Y P�op�nY• - <br /> �� . be in defautt!f any forieiturc anjon�proceeding.whether civil or crim� begun U�at in I.ender�good faiih judgrnrnt - <br />�u�� ^G cou l d rcsu{t in f o r fe itu�e o f the or othrrwise materi�ll im ��he lien c�raued �hi� Securi lnstrurnent or � <br /> �s:,+' �rtY Y P� �Y �Y <br />'�`r' L.rnder's securi intercst. Borrower ma cure such�default and reinstate,us idod in 18.b causin !he action <br /> ;a:?i t�,.� �:;:j� �Y Y P�� P�Ph Y 8 - <br />-`�-� ' or procading to be dismissed wiUi a nding that,in Lender's gaod falth detetminatian.precludes forfeiturc of the Bamwer�s -- <br /> o -?��lt, � inte�rst in�he Propertg or other material impolrtnent of�he Ilen crcated by �his Security Insdument or Lender's security <br /> ' , ';��� ��,�^ ioterest. Bortnwer shatl also bc in default iP Borrower. du�ing the loan application pnoeess. gave materi�lly false or �� <br /> r. • , ' ..,� inaaurate infortnation or�.atements to L.ender(or falled to provlde L.ender with any materW iaformatbn)in co�urcctian wlth �;. ::: <br /> -'`'=��•: 1he ioan evideneed b the Note, iocladin . but tat limited W, sentatioas a►ncemin Barower�s occu of the '�'"' <br /> ..,. , :,.. Y � � B PancY �!.��'. <br /> '-. —_.�'�-�:-- Pms+�rty aa�rr�nc3�.+e!n�idetice. !!'t���ccusity Irtstn�mes�t Is e�!a lestls4ls�.��smwrr sFa!!rsznply uitls a!!ttu�srn:isioas --- <br />-�"d �� �:;,� of the le�se. If Bornuwer t�quircs fr�Iille to thc P�crty,the leasehold and the fce tille shall nd me�e unless i..cnder agrets `�'t'�"� <br /> - .. •�1,•;�. r l0(�IC tll�f�t��II W�lllls. ;��. <br /> '``,�";; .,.�} i'�;; �. 7. Protectlon of l.cvider's Rlg6ts In the Property. If Bomower fails to perform the covrnnn�,ar�d agreements <br />`"�•.� � ' •<�t{,t:�';"p�t comnined in thia Security Instrument,or there is n kgel proceeding that may significantly affect Lendrr: �ights in �he - <br /> ��';,.: <br /> - � .� ��,�;,�:��:t,� Property(such as u procading in banlwptcy,probate,for cademnation or forfeiture or to enforce luws or reRul�ions),then � <br />.::f�t;':'� � 'rt�•' .,,. <br /> �_:.,,� 3 l.ender muy do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect Ihe volue of the Rn�xrty and Lem�k right�in �he Propeity. <br />-- ,�'�;�fi'�.,,S::,�;. <br />-- �:. L.ender's actions muy include paying uny sums secured by a lien which has priority over lhia SE.��nrit�•In�t�n6 appeuring <br /> -3 W ;« Q'���'. in court,puying rrnsonabk anomeys'fees und ente�ing on the Property to make rep�irs.Althou�h Lender may tnke actlon .;,: <br /> 1 ' .J �'�.1�`:. <br /> i_` +��'l�w.'`.;,:! under�hig p�rograph 7,d.ender dces not have to do v� <br /> �_ ''^' ` l�'- � ;��' Y Any umaunls disbursed by Lender under e�s:+raregraph 7 shall hecome udditional deM of Borrower secured b this � <br /> � •�r'':' "`"}'� � Security Inctn�ment. L►nlex�Bormw rr•r�mdl Ler�cfe7 ugree to othe�tertnx of puyment,these umouatc J�all bear interest fro��he <- <br /> h <br /> �`�" � •"`��`f�°s'{S�!�4 date of disbursement at the Nute catr and�07 be puyablc.wilh intcrest,upon notice from Le►�r to Borrowcr requcatia��: <br />;,1+ .�. �5�� ps}��stent. °-= <br />��" 'f.�•,�,,}�, ip,x . 8. MortgAge 4s�rance. If I.ender reqmarca mortgage insutpnce as a condi�ion of making the lo:tai��cured by this �<<';•`� <br /> t�k �..e ..• "� 5ecurily Instrument.D�.�mr�ower shall pay the pr�n.�a�orats reyuired to maintoin the mortgoge lnsurnnce in e6Eecw. IE, for any j�t;?�r; <br /> �✓!L' -"` a . .,.� f.- <br />.{.;,;�P � � ; reason. �he martguge i�n.r•urnnce cover�ge requirPCl by l.ender Inpses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower sfi�11 pay tt►e ��._- <br /> •���'�.��:�•�•..��t',;7�">>. premiuroac renuimd �o ubwin coverage substantial0y equivolent t��ahe mongnge insurunce prcviously in effec�, at a cast �°` <br />?`��'� �:•:��,� . �3�", � sub�mntialty equlvukai to the cost to Borrower of ihe mortgage incucance pre�iausly in effice.6�om an altemate mortgage �"�`- <br /> �'�`� '-Y-'��`'�'S" ��p; Intiurer upprovcd by i.eixier. (f�ubstuntiully eyuivulenl mortguge insu�arse carrruge is not avnilable,Borrower shAll pay lo <br /> - '- „l�.. <br />'�p"�,�� •�'�:�t,�'�'��:,�;'" � Lender ench month a sum equnl to one-twelBh�f the yearly mortgoge ie�sur�irace premium being paid by s��rower when the ;+,:'�: <br /> {(� ` ��."� inxurance covernge la��� ceased to be in effecu. Lender will accept,uxe un<�reanin�hese pavmen4e as a lass re�erve in lieu t�.,�1 <br /> `S. 4'j_^ -�.' !�.,�t• <br />��-� � ��,�„�. I of mongoge insurnnce. Loss reserve payment�a r�nay no longer be required,o� the option c�f Lender,if mongage insurance � �;!��� <br />�f : ' �s "'' . :`;;� �r,s'�: <br />; ..S , :�y� � covemge(in the nmount and for the pedod that�,ender requires)provlded by un insurer upp�.�a ecJ by Lender ugafn becomes <br /> �. .;'� i'.�}w'= � available and is obtnined.Bomower�'ha19 pny�!x p�emlums reyuired ro maintnin mortgn�e Insurance in effect,or�o provide si ;;�,;•'�• <br /> `"`' '•' loss rescrve,until Ihe re wrcment for mor� n �inswrance ends in accordcmce with an wriucn a reement hetween Borrower <br /> � � .x:r�:: I q � R R y g ,�: . <br /> 4_lu.,. <br /> . ;''.,, � *+•;W� Y- and Lender or applicable luw. <br /> ., . ``�. �'' 9. lacpecNon. Lender or its agent may ma,l�rensonuble en�rics upon unJ in,pections of the Propert�. Lender shull "`a�.: <br /> ' < l ioe Borrnwer notice ot the time of or rior to on ins �tion x �if m nosonablc r�usc for the ins �� <br /> �:" .'��=, g 1 0 C v n d emnw t i o n. The pn►ce e P ds o f uny uwu�n l,or r laro,t�r dumuges,dircct or rome uent ul�tin connection with an�: - <br />,� , � y �,: <br /> . .� . • ..., . , r <br />':1�Y . ' `".•,'- . ' , Sfugle Farnfly..FontNe MadFYeddk Mac UNIFARM INSTRCNE�IT••UnfNmn Cu��enunl+ 9N0 Ipugrd r�JA�w,tr.�, <br /> �{`^. � 1 <br /> . . ��i,�`•�Vt., . frrat I.o1e�BwY�B�t�r.loc.� �.�-_ <br /> ;� �:::.,r. � ��. - <br /> To Ord�Pilk Ii0Da1Pp3b0 C YA�i <br /> - ' `4�s� ':Y- i.7••�� 1419b1131 ei���.�i.. <br /> .,;, :.:+ ���4-.,i`. �4 `��.�i�+ `t���i;'':. <br /> '���(.;1. t, fiY� ;'�:f��;�;.: , , , ,,�., <br /> , �,s;} :I., �; �'� <br /> -f:�n�f � .t, •>. �� :� ;i;.r.i� d�r. F'`: �;`�`�"yw!"q!�i'w�rw++tiL,we,Y�+t e�N•�r, a�:�'�2%,,. ,��,. .i�.._ . . '�, <br /> -".i.:�/ k � � t.. i��,. , sj i 1 f ��`'':'� . !. r '1'"f��,;., . " ' • �, <br /> �: �'��A� . . ' • :r . r .I �.. �•. •fi�.�1;�.i�' �'j; , :c �r ,.�,. :tj) ,� }En?..•1 Y� .� Mfr`.�:,1;+�,' ��)�rr <br /> ('i��i 4�• ' ,� �rv' � i { �+ �t�a� ;��l� . ' `. .. .. '�, �S�,��,d r�•�i�,1){�4��� , ,�,�; �,. "4��,�•��. <br /> t r� � 11 t�• � I, /�iw•� 1_ ` � �{.�'1 ���-�I �- . , � . , � �� :�)� ��i.!� �l�;''�y�}�� �� � ��.�1{ i �j.��. �/�f! l��� � ,1f..:�. <br /> t'.�;.� f r a4 <br /> . <br />,i�Fj '"' ' <br /> — t�„ �u�.:.n, .,.?��..;.t•:� :.•• . ,.�_.!r�i4.�,.�'lt.i,_. ..,1�e.e•:;', .. .,�i�-„', �„�- �i. .,1��.1„'���Jf4�4.-_ i�:i....r ,�IF.{•..(�:`11•�.'..f.S.ljlri�.1 f• <br /> �,�'u�� �-_ -- _-- -- '}i ;I;<nt�.. , r�• . - ;4�; • ,��r.;i.� ' • '�'",�:i1�;;,,��r�;'%:,• �,'Tr: • �� . . •��.,, ���':1'f.� r.',lR- - <br /> �t r '��r:• �`� ,:', l `� ti ! �' � ,�t c <br /> ��irr �i , • , � ("'.'_,'lj - `1:r�.'`, ' 1 I , � ��yl�i,i_�, )��,'� 4. �' �:{1 '�:.(� �I�'f. � <br /> � ' ti �'�Z . ' � �t��Y�4i��, . , -�.`' �r� \ �,.�n � �.1��1�1�� , ,i �'��� f(. � f �1,�� <br /> � .� ��:� �'� <br /> < < �'.,i .. . �'�i '' ,t �l . . ,�,, ,. <br /> ;��; ,r,; . <br /> � • ' ,;��'j''i�; . • . �i�, .. � r ' ��('��;: ',1 <br />:;L' ;I �. . -' 'i��it' , .. . ..'., ,1��`�,, r1��`' . } <br /> ,'� °'J�� . , ,. ' '� r.'f <br />.-� ,�, . ��� . ; �1: ,�i <br /> ��� � .�: „�.�,• � � , , �•� , ; � . <br /> �f � ° ��`�'�• _ , �� „ • <br /> _.� ' ' - �lY. `Y , .. ' .. . � . . '��. � ` �.YYw'� .. . ��, -��r��• � e, <br /> �7� � � . � ' , , � � ' - �,,' .'� n,.. <br /> .�� .�,j��� <br /> i . . �.�: <br /> . <br /> . . � , <br /> � . , ._���._�.�1_� _. ---- -- _ _ -- -- -- - --�-�--_ <br /> �, . . ,_ <br />