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— - � , • .�', :�� <br /> i � � . �.��,-... <br /> "'�.`��'� _ _ — <br /> � -- - — __-- <br /> � "' -,,r ' ��C � <br /> as <br /> 93- <br /> _ oondpwp�loe or atF�er tdcin�of my pa1 of tbo Propcny,a far oonvoy�noo ia Heu aP�aadaa�wla�.aro hereby wl�ned�ad <br /> �u be p�{e a I.cndcr. <br /> Ia d�e aYatt of�totd t�kin�of the Propaty.Ihep�d� �hdl be�ppped to tho cum� �eairod by lhit Securby <br /> Inan�area.who�hor or nut tha�duo.wUh�ay oxces�pd td o eomc►wer. in Iho evem ot+�pwAW ukin�of Iho Propaty M <br /> which 1be�iir muket v�luo of tha Prope�ty immedi�uly befaro Iho uking is eqwl io or�na�ter�h�ut Ihe un�wnl af Iha wm� <br /> �eeu�ed!ry thia Sacu�ity Incuument Immodiaely 6efaro�he��king.unl�cs Botrower�d I..ender ahe�wlie��oe in wridn�. <br /> 1he wms socwed by 1hi�Socuriry Uuuuman sl�ll be roduced by Iho unoutN of thepmcoe muqlplind by Iha followln� <br /> - -- - kaetio�: (�11ho tou�l�mouet of the sumt sauned immodi�tely befom�ha taking.divided by(b)ihe falr multd valua of tho <br /> '' -_-__ =L' ProportY immodiptely 6eioro qie rokin�. Any Wlratco chall be paid to Bomower. la�he event of r parliel taking of Ihc <br /> _... �_. <br /> P�opa'ty in whieh�he t�tir m�ticet v�lue of the Pmperty immedG�tely befor�e Iha Weing is kcs tiwn the amowtt of�he cuato <br /> cecurod immedivaly befae tho talcing.unlas Barnwer and I.ender otlterwice agrca io writing or u�lesa applicablo I�w <br /> athe�wlce provides.Uws proceods ch�U be applied w tho sYmc suwed by�hic Secu�ity Inctrument whetber or nat�he swaa�uie <br /> tlirn duo. <br /> tf iho Propeity lr a6�tdoned by if.�her ootico by I�ealer w Barower thot Iho cot�dem�wr ofkra to nu�a <br /> --� <br /> an aw�nd or seqk a cl�im far dam�es,Boa�ower faiAs a rrxpond w I.ender within 30 days�fler thc date�hr ndioo is given. <br /> l.ender u awhorizod to coiiloct and apply�i�e p�uooecir.rsc�ts opuon.eithcr a�a�ccun ur�µiu uf ICre�r�.�y ur tu � <br /> an+ns saurod by thk Socnrity locnuma�.wMher or m tM►due. <br /> Unks�L�aida at�d Bono�er att�enrise ag�ee ia writiog.�nY appGcatioa of Prucads t°Priocipal st�ll not extrnd ar <br /> po�tpooio die due d�te af t6e monthlY P�Y�refemod w in pc�u�raphs 1 and 2 ar ch�nge�he anwiwu of such WYa�en�s- <br /> 11. Itairrarar Not RRkared: �a�beara�a B'I.e�der Nal a� WafYer, Extension of thc limc far payment or <br /> �andification d amu�tizatia�of 1he s�ou►s sexwbd by Ws Seeuriry InstrrcmaU gnuped by l.ender to ur�y suicoessor in inte�est <br /> of Bamu�rer�11 nat uperate to�rleace the IiabiGty of clhe origiaad Bortawer ar Ba�rowerh sucoeswrs ia inte�est. Lcnder <br /> �Il oot be�oquLod w catunence prooeedinQs�u��Y���'in interest or rcfuse to extend time fur paymmt or <br /> o1l�erwise modify art�on�zattan of the wms secw+ed by�his Security lastnut�ent by reasan ot any drnw�A made by Ihe ongmal <br /> Barmwa a Barnv��auceccsor�in intenes�. My f�by L.ender in exercising any ri�ht or remedy slwll not be a <br /> - ---- waiver of ar proclude trie exrn:ise of any�iglN or rcmedy. <br /> It S�rooe�s�d Ad�ns Bound:Jdnt s�d Se�'aral UabiRty;Co-s�ner�. 77�e rnveoacca�,and ag�cements of thia <br /> Socurity l��t ihall bind and ba�etit the succecw�s and assigns of Lender and Bortower.subject tu Ihe proviaians of <br /> � pa�ph 17.Bonower�s rnvcn�nts and agroernent�:sG;;�lll be jui�t and scveral. Mp Borrower who casigns this 5ecu�ity <br /> ---- l�nanap 6ut does na execute!he Note: (al is cacigaimg this Securiry Inslroment u�aly to mongage.gnnt and convey that <br /> --' — Bartoweri inte�est in tho Property under the tern�s of Ihlc Sxurity Insuumeor, Ib)is nat personally obligated tu pay tho sum� <br /> ----__-- �ecwed by�tci�Socurity Inswment:and(c)agrees that l.ender nnd any athe�Bonewer may agrce to extend modify.faimAr <br /> or mdce aay uvcatunodations with reQani a Uie tem�s d'thi� Secuci�y lastrument or �he Note wiU�out tlwt Bamwer's <br /> coasen� <br /> 13. L�aao Chs�ez If the loan securcd by t1�is Security Insuumenl is subject �o a law which isets msucimum loan <br /> clsa�s,a�t!!!►et laYt is t"snn!!y' g so tha!!he intrresl�r dher k�an charges collocted or w be rnlkcled in connecdm <br /> -_�� wlth d�e la►n oxaeed Ihe permittod�limi�i�dxn: lal uny such loun cha�a,haN be reduced by Ihe amaunt necesxary to rcdum <br />_`6m"��� tbe charge to�he permiped limit:wid(b)uny sums already collec�ed f�i�eu Borrower which excoedc�!permitWd limits wlll be <br />- �efunded w Borrower. l.ender may choose to make tiiis�fund by reducing the princip�l owed under the Note or by making a <br /> ---- - ditect paymrnl to Borrower. If a r�efund red�ce��inci�►1.�he reduction will be t�rated as a p�rtir�l prepaYment wilhout any �' <br /> -''�-`"'—� p�epayment charge under the Nae. <br />:��;��'�� U. Notices. My notice to Bortower provided lor in this Security Ins�n�ment shall be given by deUvering it or by <br /> ��-,��,-„a■ mailing it by tirst class mail unless applicublc law teyuire�use of anwher method.71ie nwice sh�ll 6e directed to the Propeny <br /> __v.z�� ,,,��a�y�r addrcss Bortower designates by notice to Lende�. Any notice to Lender shall be given by firs�class <br />__—�`.��� mail w Lenderl�address stuted herein or any dher nddrexs Lander dezignates by�atice to Borrower. Any ndice provided fot <br />:.;:;;� in thjs Security Ins��ument shall be deemed to Iwvr 6��n given to Bonower or Lender when given a.c provided in this . <br /> -;�=� P�YraPh. <br /> __. 15. Governiu�Law; Severability. 'll►is SecurNy Instrument tihull be governed by feder�l law and the luw of the <br /> -:�;•,rt�J jurisdietion io which�ix Ptopeny ix iacote�. in ti�e rvc�i thw any pruvision ur ciuuae ui�i�i�,�:wily lual�uwcul w tfic i:.,ic <br />-��:���� canflicts with applicnble law,such conflic�xhull nd•rffect dher pm�•itiion�of�his Securi�y Insuument or the Note which can <br />- �.��JS ii,�,�� be given eFfect without the con0ic�ing provision. To d�is end the provision�of this Security Intitrument and the Nae are <br /> :�a�isr"""°"'— dCClared to be severable. <br />�`�;�XU.� ;, L6. Borrower's Copy. Bomnwer!ihull be given une confotmed copy of�he Not:and of this Security Ins�rument. <br /> �z,,,,,,, m. l7. 7lransfer of t6e PropeMy or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. !f aQ or an��pWt of�he Property w any interest in <br /> —a.;�,_?�u' it is sold a transfcrred(or if a be�rcticial intereu in Borrowe�i��old or tr,�n+tened And Bumowcr is not a natural person) <br /> �� {f. <br /> rc <br /> _. ....,,m»�?,: <br /> _ ___.,,,�,1, without O..emclrr�prior wrinen canaent,Lender may, u�its aption,rryiun immedia�e puyment in fuil of ull sums secured by <br /> -`�"y��r, thls Security�Instrument. However,this option shall twl be exercise�by Lendet W erercise is prahibi�ed by federal luw as of <br /> -•���,,� the dAte olthis Security Insmument. <br /> �?n±��?c�z�si� If l.,ender exercises this option.l.ender ahnll give(krrrowcr naaace of acceleru�ion. 't'he notice xholl provide a periad of <br /> -'.a�a�o��: <br />-'=- -_�•- - na Iess tt�a»?4 day4 fmm�hr dniP�he notice i�delivercd or mail�d within which Borrower must puy all sums secured by this <br /> -��� 1�t Security In:�arument. If Bamower fails lo pay lhese sums prior t�ihe cxpirution of Ihis periad. l.ender may invoke any <br /> -'°�C•.:�'."';`�� � remedies rmitted by�hi�Securiry Insirument withou�further nwire or dcmcuiJ on Borro�ver. <br /> 'crr�cy'R;{`'.',._'' ).. : • <br />;;�_�_�.,,;� ,,,;.,,� . 18. rrower s Rfght to ReinstAte. II' Borruwer mects cenuin cnnditians. Bum�wer �hu ll hove t he rig ht to have <br /> �=1-:. _ _7�_ � enforcement of lhis Security Inxaument dixc�x►�inued at uny titm prior to the curlicr of: lu1 S duyx lor,uch other periai as <br />�.,:.-.r-:---�.-�., � <br />.t�'�� � ••��i! SM�k Fmnfly••Ihnak M�dFt+eddk Mu CNIFURM INSTRUMENT••Unlform Corenapu 919Y f/wgr0��jA�gti► - <br /> . �� . <br />'',��'t�,•'{,.,;>>�+4�t��t <br /> -���%,l�f�y.l�; <br /> •`,�i�7`������{����,�� frr:�SK' - � y��t� i�r'�!�� ,m:;•i'• -- <br /> +,.f� � �.����ari � ��1.',�in;� r. �� �Iri ,� i. �' I I�.�SlA:��C ' .�•` ',�.4i ! f:' � � �l: }g/�'�I :'+"'t,."' -- <br /> � ,14-tir'' fi,y�� I ���•-1,' �'. 1,. .'.:,�i� . f . �' n-.. .�'.. � ,FV��,..:��. \ -� ,ti:f.� � J <br /> �� !�f,�� � /f�1;- i '1j► �j�� tai") '��- �o� . f •t -- -�1. . . fi��•�.; . . . -r.� i��)���� �(L l` ��1.._I. �"` _. <br /> s111��/JYidF�4.t�'�t11�•J� �.a]�'1����'4����`f��e� �� �)• .� J., . ; ' ' ',1 1� •, j'W ,. . , � �� �l'C��'?'=1��J�?,.f� �� +� •� �1�ji � �.�1. �^t����rnvw�-- <br /> i j f! ..4 �( 1. n, t ' , �:��� _.� . 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