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"' "r'•�'•��►n <br /> -- .1� .,� . It ;f'� , � �. :L^'. , <br /> . . .. • �,� . _. . � - - �..�.--��. - <br /> � +..• <br /> . � � <br /> ..-� .,� "_- --_.._.-- . .. . _-�--------- .. . . . _ .. . <br /> �i_�_'aa..�.:,'.,L�'r,'�ii� <br /> 93- ioa�s <br /> ' perlodo Ow L.onae��qui�a. nq inwanoe pnier po�►idi�q�ao inwano�e�hsl�ee chas�on ny somnwer wbjec��o t.a,ae�r <br /> yTMavd wlikh t1wU no1 be wao�ian�l►ly withheW. If Bo�rewa fdlt to maba�in cove�yto de:edbat abme.l.ender nuiy.q <br /> Irenda�t opUon,oMain oaren�e to pno�a.y l.a�krk tl�bt the��a ty in�oaMdNnoe wilh p*n�ay�b 7. <br /> All inwnu�.a polkim�nd ia�ewai�slWl be�ooept�ble 10 and�hdl iaclude a�W�diu�d nw�t�npo cl�u�c. I.awbt <br /> shall lwv�e tbe ti�Dt ta UoW tbe policies and rt�ewal�. )r�.a�aer roquiro�,Barowcr�n�w panp�iy��e�o�.n�cc�p. <br /> af'p�id p�m4ums�nd rcoowd no�ioes. In ttie evaat of loss.Bonow�shdl Qlve pnany�t aoN�o w the inw�anoe caRkr and <br /> I.e�Wer. Lenda m�y mdce pnaof of It�ss if eat nwb pnmpUy bY&xrower. <br /> -- Unlear L.e�fer and Bonower dheN►►ica�oe ia wrilin�.incurmoo Fh�ll ho applied�o re�lomtian ur�ep�i�of <br /> _��--='TT�"'-=� ihe Pn�peny If d�e �atonuion or rep+d�ir�oo+xm�icAlly(e�cbk wxl I.e�kiar�+ �a:uri�y I� nw lesw�ed. If tho -..° <br /> rcstaaUan ar ir�wt oca�omicaily fe�ulbb or lretiderS�secwily would be IesReaed.tha inwr�nce p�noeods�il be <br /> _v::,, appNod to�he wmQ securod by thi�5ecudry I�ctrumw��whether ot no1 tl�ea due.with any eKass p�id to Bartowe' If <br />_� Baaowa abando�w�he Propaty.or does oot amwa wi�hin 3U d�ys a natice from I.e�ler thiu�Uo incuauioe ainier iuu� <br /> ofl'ened to settk a cl��en l.ade�m�y oolioct tUo inwtanoe proeeed�. la:nder m�y uce�he p�o�oed�to�epai�or mstae <br /> __ — the nake�a��y wm�socwed by this Secudty lawuineat�wf�ntKr ar not tlirn due. The 3lt�y period will he�in whut <br /> Bi <br /> - iimksa il.eo�ier aau iBarower aher�►u�e�ee ia wnp�.�e�r won of proceeds w pdnci�wi studl oot e�tund or `- <br /> ___ poatpaoe th�due dax af t4e mo�vldY WY��ten�ad to io par�s 1 a�d 2 or clunge�ho amount of the payments. Ii <br />- d�w t2L�e Nope�t�pr�or w��aoq�i��hall p��lxnde�a���te�sav�od�i1�� — <br />- t Oo� P��vstia�.��N� <br />' F I.neebold�. Baro+Ma sfaq nnypy.csta6lish.and uia ihe Prope�ty�s Ba�mwer��: Barw+o�rer'� 1� Ap�YcMio*: <br /> Pnn�ipl�aidencc within sixty daya afldr <br />- - �Y rac«uaan ct��ty�-�t�s3 sls�!! cass�su�ta�upy�sc�..-:ty�ea��rc��:rsEd...-x:.scT at - <br />'"';:� ka�st me ear af�er the d�tr o�' -_ <br /> Y �P�Y. uniess l.ender olt�wise agrees in wniting. which ca�a.�eM slall not be <br /> wmr�.waably witMeld,ar ualass eatrnwting ci�umstances eaist which�ne beyaxl Banowa�s canorol. Barower slwN not �r <br /> destray,dAmage ar Impair�he P1rop►�ty.dlow UieP��pc�ty to deteriaate.or commit waste on the P�operty. Bonowe�alall �.., <br /> be in default if�ny fafeidue actio�or proceoding.wl�ethe�civfl or crimi� Fiegun Ihat�a Lerder�good foith judgme�it =-- <br /> . _� cauW msult in forf.eitcr�e of the Pt�ope�ty or odxrvvlse m�teri�lly Impsir the Ikn crcatal by tbis Sa.wiry InsaumeM ar <br /> -. '3.� L.ender's security inea;�:sG Borrowa may c�e sueh a default und rcinstate,as provided in p�r�g�pl� causiag the actia� � <br /> or praceoding to be dianissed with a rulin� l.enderk good faith determin�ticm.precludes forf'eitu�of�he 8��� <br /> ������ intereu in�he Propexty or ather watertd impaimxnt of ihe Ice� crcated by this Sawiry Iasd�umrnt a l.endert arcc.wity =�;: <br />-- inteoev. �OW� SFIiJI AISO 6C !tA dlfAllll If BOftowtl; duciog �he losu� application qr�oess, Bave matedally fals� or ,.:;:;: <br /> _1,_ r:,f inaocu�ate infom�ation or swtemen�,to Lendu(a failed to provide Lender with any mateflaC iafarmation)io rnnnection v►�th �'_,,. <br /> -' �' .Is' . ��.�> <br /> `='�-" 1yr �he Iwn evldenced by the Note, including. but na limitod to, aprcsentations conoa�ting Bor�owc�k uccupancy of�he =-- <br />_.:.;,:. - <br /> _ .'�:. r,,,;,;l;' '• , PinpeKy as a princip:d.asidence. If this Security Irnsdumart is on a kasehola.Bomower shall canply witln all Ute provislons --- <br /> ___-�--��•�,�'r LL�..,._ , uf s!x kase. I!'9�rr�:�r scquis��sisk so tke Psc�esty.!he leastliold sstd t!u fa title st�!!t�ai ma�xzEcss l.s�dtr s�sus <br /> __ . -- <br /> .; i �_;v`;�,��,�-;y�v <br /> - � ;,,,� to the merger io writing. <br /> -'`t ' "•�:� ' , T. Protectiou of l.ender•s YFigrifs In the PruperAg.. �i �Barower fnils to pcdortn ihe covenants and agroements <br />'.:�"1'' '� � aK�r,�dr+ed in thls Secaunty Inswmen4 or the�e is a le�a! �rc��ePding thait mAy signifiaanUy afl'ect l.eaderh righu� in the = <br />���;�f�� �a; Pmperry(such as a�aeecling in bunkruptcy,pra�bate,!or condemnatfon ar fio��eitur�e or to enforee Inws a e�¢tWadons),�hen <br /> _.,.r,_ °,7 . �� I,endcr mny do wK5 pA} Por whatever ls necesssuu;� s�o protxt�he value of aQ�e�Property and Lender?s tights 4T ahe Propeny. ,c <br /> . �. �,:.,� I.endcr's uctions may include payjng any sums secured by a lien which has priorily over this Security Instrumen�appearing �' <br /> _ •�`'>: in couh,pAying r+eusonable ottomeys'fees and entering an the Pmperty w m�lce repairs. AlUiough L.ender may mlce action � - <br /> ���•'� •• under this 7 Lender does not have to do iso. <br /> <:,�, ... p��� • �__ <br />_�'�� • �:,.r •�� t Any umounts disbursed by l.ender under this puragmph 7 shall become additiaul debt of Borrower:eacurnl by thfs �; <br /> ,� Securily Inswment. Unless Borrower nnd Lender agrce to other term�of pnym@nt,these amounts shall beac iatere�st from the <br /> ��:• `"`� dute of disbursement at the Nota rate and shall 6f.� payable, with intcrest,upon notice from Lender to Bornower n �'� <br /> -:,i �f� puyment. �� 8 E:� <br /> -- -� �T.-• & iVfurig�gr in�urance. i6 i.ender requirta mortgage�rsurance as a condihan ot ma�cu�g the lowt securcd bv tlois -- <br />����;�;.�=� - Secwrit�• 9nttrument, Borrower shall pay tNe premivms reqt��re 7 to maintain the morigegt insn�rance in eftec�. It,,tcar any �=' <br />;.�<„;'r neusara,trx matgage insurunce ernerage requ6retl by I.ender It+pses or ceases �o be in effect. Borrower shsill �ny �he �'�' <br /> -�•� � prfineums'requhed ta ablain coverage substaraROa90y equivalent to �he mongage insurance previously i�e effect. AQ A COSI "-"'' <br />='`�"`� ' su'�turitially equiv;►Cene r,o�he cos�to Borrower nf the matgage insurance previously in effect.from un altemate m�tgs�ge <br /> �. �-=: <br /> .1.+ � lnsutrr approved by Lca�3er. if eubstantiully equlvnknt mongage inwrance coverage is not availnble,Borrower 9ha➢o pay to <br />_.,�c '?i�..3S',l�ji��;�� Lenc�e;r�eh month a sum equal t�one•twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bomower wf�u:ro t�he �:;:_: <br /> ' �. �, �,!tC^. insurance cover�ge lupsed or censeA to be in effect. Lender will nccept,use und retain these puyments a4 a loss reserve in lieu �+,�": <br /> -�� ��� '�!��•�: of mongage insurance. Loss rese�.�pnymenls may no longer be the option of Lender,if�orlgage insurunce t�?'� <br /> o �� covernge(in the amaunt and for 1he period that Lender requires)provided by un insurer upproved by Lend�r again becomes ��t,;; <br /> - � nvailnble nnd is obwined.Borrower siwil pay the premiums required to maintuin mortgage insurnnce in effect,or to provide a •. <br /> �•�: � f loss reserve,until the requirement Por mortgoge insurance ends in accordonce with uny wriuen ugreement belween Bonrower ���� <br /> � ' and l.ender or a IICAbI@ IQW. �.• <br /> - • •-' ���•��'f�'L��' ` 9. Inspec�ion. L.ender or ia�agent mn y make reascx�;ible entries u p on und im p ectionx of the Pro p en y. Lende�sQca�1 �.�� <br /> ��a.�"` 1" � � give Borrower nnt{ce nt Ihe lime of or prior to un inspec�ian qpecifying reu�on�ble cuutie for the inspection. �� <br /> . ' ',4;:. <br />.__ S � t_�__ <br /> - 19. COAdHA1nAlIaA. 1'he proeeeds of any a:ti ard or cl,�iu�for dmnagcs,dircct or�onxyue�� wfih m�y ,,-_ <br />'* ,` ?�t'":'�'•>t'►�� Sin41e Family••Fimnk ModFYeddb Mar l"dllORM IN5'1'RUMENT••Unif�xm Co�cnant. 9/90 rpuxe d n/t�Re.�J 4� <br /> . •. ,...�A�Si <br /> ..:i•. <br />- s:� ' '{'�!�'�1 r't T�,r,vr►cw���e�ooaao��o vNie���i•�aa� <br /> . '��",�!. �,:J���t : <br /> ,f�s`�,.,�t <br /> � . � 'liv���y� g� r:isr!.{� :!'� • •i, <br /> . f;��,, ,.,� . �� � ,t�.�.��• , _ . _ __� _. <br /> .. �i,t�},�. ] /� .�{�,��:� . r ik'{!`�1}A �� - , �l�� .f.. . . .,i.•- n��':= <br /> . .l.i..,�;,. '�l� K�� ���'.i �((.�;,•t;ll �.~e f�� (�1t�1�1ii�1./ > �' .`�.1') ';!;-:.�F' - � '�. Mn� �y7C „y.—zas�v_..��•'z. <br /> .,a �j�,I)r nl��� ,]�`;Y•�}/ �f-�r� y�. .,� ,�lr.i...��� ��t��" ��Ip I" �,��r�ti. ,�• .�.> . ._. ,{.: ' e' 1: j'��y,:�'��J.''Y.a?'Y��-.�d]�'�'��.� i__. <br /> ';��' •ri[. i1.�r �Q��i�� 't ��r -�-i 7+� •1��C�i�+� �l�� •5�flf�(�'t 1�4+yr{' 'G�l ''� 't_ '4♦ •'N..� .�'►'' U��`� :' '�S ��1..4i�±, - �:ri � <br /> Y_� �l��r..��'��9�,11%{� ..:i�Wll�i:�.��`��a._ t. �.i�i;+ "�!`� .4�_.., _ •.:t ;'`�;�„'S- 1a�..r..,. ���lS��� ��'�1�.'�:1�{Vlku.�� �����.' <br /> , �r-^�--*-';z"�+�yj.i,r, t !.•rF� i�,.R-----�` --- ' .-i+•S•;`,,;.• _.• -.- ---•r --. . -'-' -- -------' �(-•r,�J�,...�..r�y r��S <br /> . ..i1i. •., �.l�� �t4� SI '�, ��1�} `=� �l , , . . � '�,��:,,�,� � �.�'' <br /> •� ��.' � . �i �ua...�•�'''�:'!��'I <br /> � •l;j� � �.,71. Y t�jJ� � . . � �� , � .�a . r�� �fil�di�'�,�����•�.��f..c i ti�`���,j{��� <br /> '• , 11 1• S•- 1 t� '. • 1 �dl� - � 7 1''����.1 ti.,l"',I "f1� �tt,u�4 C•- <br /> 1�� ��++�+l�' � { j� .. .���ti � .. y��. . . . +�!) 1;fl:1��{ � ���:rY't"a;4Y,..T-,.[��_ <br /> �i,�o- !4 �'f . , u i �', �Y . _1 t 1'4'�:' ! . <br /> � 1 `h�''�,;' ; � h <br /> � � :t �l;i ''�-a•.E ,�fl;:'�.-�- �'�.� Z .,_ ,F� . . ���;�.�,. . � , ,1� r:,�Y„'R� ,�!,,�„ 5;,�,.Y�.� . <br /> ,;,i ,j �t jr , ., .,' ; , ' 1'�,�, � ' . , .. . • , ; r�r!. ....'jy 1t;� 4�t� y, <br /> � f •�' 7. rf � �; �Y�S�� �s� . . . . , . . <br /> � .. � _ � � � . . .. � . '�... , �,. � � <br /> , ,�f�•�� ,.�, ''rt� i1i� � ''1,• ;r'r'`�f�!"��� , <br /> _ , ;�'a;A .. �^—" , . . ��"�...�,� .�F� �i .. . . `� .� �'1�.:��4;.';��'14��r} i� . . .- { -_.-. <br />��.� S.. ,� ,.,• � ; ., ' ��,_ . 1.. .. . - ;,���.��1(}�2(�1�_� � � „ : <br /> �. . • <.=11 • tr� <br /> � y. - ... . • �7;�. . 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