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_--- r�7*'^�'..��'. f� 'Yr� �,' .:... . ..�. •-�y_��..'i=ti_.. <br /> :_ �� <br /> .._ . , i� 1 .o..i \ • ' i'� <br />, . . . . . , _ <br /> ,. '.. . -- <br /> -y . .., , ..r . �____"_ <br /> .. � , 4i' <br /> ., r <br /> - .,. . -. ��. , . -.__ - _ <br /> . . .' ..�.___ __ - . <br /> . . . •.-, <br /> 4 __ _ _ _' _'_" <br /> ..:� _ ...__r_�.��:�� ' <br /> . i0�l.!�15 <br /> 3 <br /> � mplk�ble t�w au�y rpeciry far rcin�uaema�tl bofaro ale af tho P�opertY punumt w�powe�'ot�ak mr�Lmd in�hi� <br /> ,,. . Sacwily In�rumeatt or[b1p�y af�Judgmem anfacina thi�Sacurtry In�truman. 1fro�e c+�onditlaw am th�t Banowar: (�l <br /> p►yi Lendo� �p wqu whkh that wauld bo duo under 1hi� Sorurity Inwument �nd �he Noto ai it no�coelendoe hwd <br /> aceurrod�lbl ruo�apy defwlt of�ny ahcr cc��vawn��or�reat�aas:lc)Wri dl expeniti incutrod in eN'a�cin�Wi�Socudry <br /> � Guhuman�includin�.sut nat Ilmited ta.rca�a�sble�namaya'fea;ar�(d)Wca such�clinn a L.ender rru�y �e�alt�bly <br /> rrqulro to aiwrc Ih�11ho Ibn ot lhia 3ocurity Inwumrnt�l.e�kr��i�lus ia�he Propeny w�d&xmwerk abli�+ulon w p�Y�hn <br /> ap�u :ecutedby this Security Inct�untau sb�ll coniinue �ed. Upon rcimt�tomcnl hy !{arowa. this Sacwity <br /> — (n:t�uma�t and ti�e�11ga�tion4 iocurod t�aeby rh�ll remain fully effative a it no aecclaaticpi h�d accunrd. However.thl� - <br /> --� _� ' d�lq lo oefn�to sh�ll na�q�ply in�he csco oi�ooekrndan under p�r�rapb 17. , -°' <br /> 19. Sde d Natei C'N�aRe of I.wa Sertkw. 71a Nae or a pMW intars�in the f�ido ll wi�h Ih1�Siecudly <br /> I�dumentl m�y be rold ane or moro timiw wl�hout prior naico to Btxrower. A nic may►asu11 n �clwi�e in 1he eotlly <br /> il�uwwn+u�be"I.own Servker")Uul wllocl�ma�tthlY p�ymeat�due under�he Nate�nd Ihi�Socurily Incuuipwtt. Thera�Ico <br /> �, m�y bo ono ar maro ch�nges at�ho I.o�n Scrvicer unrel�ud ta�u�lo of�he Nde. If�hene i�a ch�nge ai Iho I.own S�rvloer. <br /> Bormwer will be given written naice of the clunge in aocadsnco w1�F�pusgraph 14 abovo aid appliaible I�w. The naioo <br /> will u��e the name and�ddoess of the ncw L.o�o Sa+rkYr and�he�ddte��to which prymem�should be m�de. 71a notioo wlll <br /> ----- �ko 000Wn any aha infotmaiao roquired by appiicabte law. -- <br /> 2L Il�a�rdau SuWh�e�es. BaROwnr tMll nw caus�c a'peadt�hc p�esonce.uso.dieposal.sNx�ge,or mlease af�ny <br /> H�z�nbus Subwnees m a�in 1he Piropnty. Bonowee sMll eol do.nor dbw�nyone else to do. anything al�ecting drc _ <br /> .... PropeRy thu is in vioWan of any�vda�nenal law. Tl�e pn000din�two sentenc�slw�ll cot apply to the pnesence.use.or <br />,, Wnn,ge on�De Propdiy oi'small quw�ilies of H�atdou9 SWwances Wit�ne�eraliy�eeoQnixed to bo�ppro�te to narmd <br /> - residrntial uces�nd ro mxintenam.�c ai'the Pnupe�ty. <br /> B�xrower�ull PrompUY gire I.enckr wrinrn nolice of�ny imrestiga��im,demwid.lawsuit ar dkr action by any <br /> govemmeM�l a agulaMry�gency or privAte prny invnlving th Pmperty ud any tlata�do�us Substance a Envira�une�tal <br /> h - I.�w oi which Boaower h�s actual knowlcdge. It tlorrower leams. or �s na�hed by Any govam�enui or �eguia�ary � - <br /> anthority.�Nat my mnoval or alher remediuiaa oP any H�wdous Subsw�ce at�'ecting the P�operty i�neacc�y.Bamw�r <br /> - � �Iwll promptly alce aM necessary rcmedlal octioas in accordance with Envirotunental <br /> ';'��° ^ i. As used in this pauagmph 20."Hazardous Su6sunces"ue tiwse substwwes defined as touic ar liaz�niouc subslances by <br /> �5+, Environmaital l.�w and the falbwing aubswnees: gasdine.kerosene.od�er flwnmable or wxic pe�Meum products.toxic <br /> - pesUcides�nd herbicides.valatile solvents, materials caalaining Achestos or formaldehyde.and radaoa�etire muerids. As <br /> -- used in this pang�aph 2(1."6nvironmenwl l.�w"mean4 ieder�l luw`�nd lawe of tho jurisdictiuu whem�Prope�ty ia located <br /> liwt rell�tc to he�lth.safrry or environmental pwectian. <br /> - PiON-I1N�F042M C�VENANTS. Bomower und l.ender fuhher covenant and agree As fuilows: <br /> 2l. Accekratian; Remedks. Leader shnil gi�'e uatice ta Borrower prior to sicceld�doa ialbwing Borrower's <br /> - bn�cd w6 any coveaaat or�grcemeat ia ttils Security I�I�ameat lbul not prbr ta s�c�,eCeration rnder p�r�pb 17 <br />_�, uolesv appl1ca61e law provldes MUerwisel. T6e aotice shAll xpecifys (a)tde detaalt;(bl!he action reqatred to cure tbe <br /> - __ _ deis�nit;�c)a datc.aoi!�!!�n 3S�.s;�s lsam!!�r dale!�e no!!ct!s�lvtss to Borrssrer.4�wlikb!!:e dtt�e!!�s!�t <br /> � cural;er�d(d)tlwt li�ilure to cure lhe defAUlt ar��ur before tlee date specltled ia the noNce moy rcsNlt la acceleratlon oi <br />---- � Ihe eum4 secured by Ihis Security Instrument And sate of the Property. �rne�a��n�u mMne���r«m eo����r <br /> ' the rlght to reiastwte a11er acceleralbn aad the rlg6t fo bring a court actba to a�ert the non-existena oT a default or <br /> '` ��'�j'' opv other defease of Borrower ta acreleratfon and sale. If the default is aot cured on wr betore the d�te specEfied In - <br /> Sf�i J,�'',;�1�, the tati�e,l.ender at its aptbn mt�y�equire imraedtale paynient in flull ot all sum4 secu�ed by th(s Security Inslrument ° <br /> � "'}f� without iurther dertwnd And mgy 8nvoke Ihe power of sak And woy other remedles permltfed by�ppUcAble Yaw _ - <br /> '.i� <br /> ' � 3 `/ I.ende�slwll be enliUed to cdlect tQl ezpenses Incurred in pursuing Ihe remedies pravlded in thie pw�gr�ph 2t. =_�- <br /> Iacludiag.but aot limited to.reasonable attorneys'tees a�d costs of litle evWeoce. �-- <br /> ;; �`"�� � U Ihe power ai sale is invoked.'IYustee shall record a notice ot detaWt lo eacb cauaty in which uny p�rt of the � <br /> �'�'��a'�• P r o p e r t y i�l o c a t e d a n d s b all n w il c u ples ot s�ch not(ce in Ihe manner presc�fbed b y a p pUcnbte Ipw to 8orrower And to �.. <br />':�� �" � �' the Mder persons prescribed by applk�ble iAw Af�er tlie time required by ppplicyble luw�7lrustc�sdall Qive publk �.- <br /> '' , notkr oi iwle to the pet'sons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law 7lrustee,wllhout demaad on Borrower� <br /> - sfwtl sell tht!'ropRrty ai pubiic Auction to ii�e i�i�ipesl bidder ai iire limr uo�i pi�a�r+u�J uaJrr ii�e irrnp d��u�tevf in �. <br />- �'tf'a t�e noiice oP ewie in uae or more parcels and In Area-ordeP'llrustee determines. Trustee may postpone s�le ot all or Any �er." <br /> ' ��t parcel ot tbe Properly by public pnnouncement ai the tlme and ploce of any previously scheduled sale� l.ender or its �. <br /> �-:. desi�nee may purcUwse the Properly At Any sale. �,�' <br /> Upon receipt of paymeM af ihe prlce bid,7lrustee shaN dellver lo Ihe purchpser 7Yustee's deed canveying the <br /> '��� Propertv. The recUnls in the 7Fa�stee's deed shall be primo Pmcie evldence of Ihe trulh M f6e stAtemenls made Iherein. �'' <br />:_'� 71�u�atee ahall ppply t�e proaeeds oi the s�le b the totlowln�order: la1 to WI cos�and expenses ot exendsia�Ihe power �: <br /> ,,. . - <br /> �_.". <br /> uz=� �,��--- �.l-. <br /> •� z.; � <br /> �.:_ <br /> , . _ - <br /> ,. . .,.: ---_ <br />",:,i;: ; .ii'•�' -'r�` <br /> t�� :�.;.k' c.1�' �; <br /> .�.,�.� <br /> ._ <br /> , �,. �• Fam J�2N 9f9Y i/w�e s��/n�XC�� �.._ <br /> �,•:�.:.:- - <br /> ; ,.� . . ��x_ <br /> '_,i; � ��+�A`�,,,yA�' . <br /> J �� �?.y,i� - <br /> - �� f�')1�q' � ..�.. .. � . , ; n <br /> . u �i��``r,���l�� (. .r ,o.' �, .. �1�. � � �. � . .�(,fi 1'+tr G ��,'' °I�J�I <br /> ��c , � .. •r.. t' '1 '�1::yi�ii�1 :V. � � . ��:, r� . . � .�• 'li' :'V��.l� �.-.:1�:�1 �Ii)l'�1 � '{��'� l�t!t.. �1 '���i <br /> t C' <br /> . . <br /> ,� .. , � <br /> . . ., . <br /> ���'f',i ...k •�. �2.v�i 1 1.� r t��'1� .f� �,t � _ � af <br /> �-` l�:)�rt ,�: , ... � ' ' , 5rt�•�•.....�s• <br /> •Ln,Li � 4��ili��.4�ttt'� lrfi.:�.i �»»al Z ��l :s►�,Ct'r"i' °-.,� — ti - �,.w�',t. i:�"`irL.SiS.�:.:�°---- <br /> �- - ..--: - 1 ' �'1 -- =- _ <br /> - - -- <br /> , °� +, r�4�. � - , . -- r 3•� :� .,o.,..-..."'; ' .,,..,�.�..,`�.;'���w�r�rA,.�. � � ':. • <br /> }�Zi ..} ' �}�{ ,q it�` .`1��ti�f� , �- -�tt�����'^'. ���h � �' '� �+}'�r^7.i}�t..��t�� �� '��d� ����r,��!Y"iL..`__. <br /> tf _r I � �ll�kin .�� 2 � 1•.� j y. r- � � . a • ` �k �� .=�, +� -,.��..�.r`i.�.Ji2�T� <br /> ������ Y�.,4 1 - ff ' y r �1a��dli , . . . i •:�� - ' •�'h �p .. :, �� - wh,.�.��iSti�.�;•� p•:"... �.t . �,�� * ^-•llF,� <br /> ���i, ,�' ;,, i}��'., �'i;•. _ , 4• 'f t'•t.\,. `�' 'q.• 13�}"'.•,""+�` �'',,'�� - <br /> r ;v ��y �. r,: `�a il�•f7 ^�' r s, +r.s, �d 1 4a.,adj.•��{'''�>�'Y � <br /> ��i . •_�b�n.t�i�lf:.l'ar� t t, � �•' . .i+ ���':!�. - �.,,� � s . !f.a . ,�v.�'7' �.�i•hr� � '�' i• ��" _ <br /> �•°��., <br /> 1P7. i4 C: k',� 'tt�j��v y.. •'�'}'�'`.Y�,�����' t' ,• ���! f.1.' ' !t�, �.i, .. . . .. . �, .. , l�;i� � t <br /> �{ ^�:`.�.>�. .,r :L 'fd" . u � �. �„ ,.Ip�l �r - �•l� • ��4ira��n <br />.1 � : �'�'1�''�I�1j!f( jF � � .. . � '1 _ ,�j. '•I, y", ,..�'•i }1. <br /> ��}r� �y � .'��T'I•��� ..y i.� .. � � .� ,s r�',�3� 1� �+ . 1� °Alva . '_ . . . . .. ., • . . <br /> .( i�yf,t�'�!` . ' � �rfi� �(- <br /> � +- � i 1�f i is�)4�att• . . � .�1�['�. . , '��� , , Sl1 i, , " �. � . <br /> �t� ..��7n .,y .:x . '` • ' ;� . . . - . .� . .r-. . .. <br /> ���� i�� n . . ' .� ,`S� -y 'y; .. �� .. u ... ' � • ' • • <br /> ��'� .. . a.._ 'f• .u$t` � i 1' ., �� I.ti ���yyy.�1��:. • . <br /> ,t . . i . . ., S .. .. . � , . •��af„' '�f'' � ..w�+. <br />. �,� 1i, �� ; :! • � �J , . �. . - • . • .. �. . ..-........ <br /> .. . .. a. .. � . , <br /> `�� _ .�. ` � � • ' . �; . .. � .� <br /> . �. <br /> . � <br /> .. .� <br />